Getting On : Party On
THE GATHERING 2004 SUMMER MUSIC FESTIVAL! | from dude - Friday, July 09, 2004 accessed 3242 times HELLO PEOPLE, IF ANYONE IS IN JAPAN OR PLANING ON VISITING, YOU GOTTA COME TO THIS TRANCE RAVE. ITS THE BIGGEST IN JAPAN. check it out at: http://www.visionquest-tokyo.com FEATURES LIVE SET ASTRIX (Hommega Productions, Israel) DINO PSARAS ( Atomic Records, U.K.) DILARIOUS (Hommega Productions, Israel) DYNAMO (Vision Quest, Israel) EXAILE (Vision Quest, Israel) FOUR CARRY NUTS (Aurinko Records, Germany) HILIGHT TRIBE (Kosmik Hoboes Productions, Israel) INFECTED MUSHROOM (BNE Records, Israel) PSYCRAFT (Hommega Productions, Israel, Israel) SHANTI (Vision Quest, Ibiza) SKAZI (Chemical Crew, Israel) SPACE CAT (Vision Quest, Israel) STAR-X (Vision Quest, Israel) SUB 6 (Hommega productions, Israel) VOID (Chemical Crew, Israel) DJ SET AMI (Vision quest, Japan) ASHER SWISSA (SKAZI, Israel) AVI ALGRANATI (SPACE CAT, Israel) AVI SHMILOV (ASTRIX, Israel) DINO PSARAS (Atomic Records, U.K.) ERAN (Vision Quest, Israel) FEIO (Chemical Crew, Israel) GABI (Vision Quest, Israel) MITSUMOTO (Joujouka, Vision Quest, Japan) MACK (Etnika Net, Brazil) SANCAR (Off the ground, Japan) SHANTI (Vision Quest, Ibiza) TSUYOSHI (Joujouka, Japan) SOUND: : FADE IN If any ex-family wanna go, call me: 090-3419-7090 the name is David KK |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from thepersoniamnow Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 22:24 (Agree/Disagree?) I live in Osaka and almost went to the gathering but the transport didnt work out. But about 10 of my friends went. Sounded cool (reply to this comment)
| | | from boom shanka Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 19:31 (Agree/Disagree?) Vision Quest rules ! burning a fat one for all the trippers back in japan and the ones that make it possible (reply to this comment)
| from Phoenixkidd Friday, July 16, 2004 - 15:58 (Agree/Disagree?) Wish I could go, I wonder how easy it is to score E in Japan? being that I was never out there (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from tdemp Friday, July 16, 2004 - 02:52 (Agree/Disagree?) Hey is any one hitting up fuji rock?? (reply to this comment)
| from dude Friday, July 16, 2004 - 02:19 (Agree/Disagree?) Hey Dr, If you pull the stick out of your ass you might enjoy life a little more... (reply to this comment)
| | | from Dr.4_Shure Thursday, July 15, 2004 - 20:55
(Agree/Disagree?) you're stating the obvious aren't you? How dumb can you get? Back to basics now....isn't a 'rave' a gathering(invariably 'illegal') where all kinds of trance is played esp. psychadelic trance? Then, what the hell is a 'trance rave'? Word of advice...Try saying that to a tranceaddict and he/she might slap you across your face. Some people take their music very seriously and they might consider this as a serious insult. Do you even know half the artists listed there? (reply to this comment)
| | | From Tranceaddict Sunday, July 18, 2004, 21:39
(Agree/Disagree?) Joe...it seems you are living in a time warp. Where do you come from man? You also like asking stupid questions don't you? People refer to a rave as just a 'rave' because it is self-explantory and a well-known fact that a rave's music policy is trance/hard trance/psy and also rave in itself which is an offshoot of trance. Therefore, a tranceaddict will not be offended in anyway.In conclusion, get a life,get some common sense and go get your facts right before you come talk to me boy.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Joe H Monday, July 19, 2004, 17:39 (Agree/Disagree?) "People refer to a rave as just a 'rave' because it is self-explantory and a well-known fact that a rave's music policy is trance/hard trance/psy " That's exactly the point I was trying to make. "Therefore, a tranceaddict will not be offended in anyway" You sound offended. About what, I'm not sure. If it makes you feel better, I will promise not to use redundant phrases like "trance rave" and "e-tarded trancehead" if you promise not to say "ATM machine" and put a space or a dash in your name (because tranceaddict is not word). Cheers.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From pharmaboy Monday, July 19, 2004, 00:26
(Agree/Disagree?) Tell your co-worker he is a dumb fuck and knows fuckall about electronic music. The term rave referres to illegal dance parties of the late 80s-early 90s, and the genre of choice at these parties was acid house and techno. When that sick, soppy commercial trance a la ATB, Paul Oakenfold & heatseeker got big around the mid/late 90s, the term rave was confused with 'clubbing'(meaning way overpriced entry fee and nasty bouncers and a 4/6 hour opening, an ultra-light version of a rave). Always kak hard house and cliche trance was the music of choice for 16year-old lollipop-sucking, newbie e-tards. Goa trance, and it's current acid oriented version, psy trance has nothing to do with commercial trance. It started in goa, india with help of freaks and music geniuses around the late 80s. Although there are legal goa festivals and parties, there are twice as many illegal parties every week around the globe. The music wasn't all there was to goa trance, finding a spot to enjoy nature in it's wildest state WITH the music was what made the true goa experience. Since these parties we're mainly illegal, the term trance rave came back into the scene, but it wasn't an acid house party/rave, it was a TRANCE rave. Mommy, but what happened to techno parties? Those always have stuck around, and are even more common than trance raves, some techno tribes have been around for over 15 years now, and techno tribes network with others through an uncanny sistems of websites and hearsay. while goa trance boasts a 21st century new age and hippie nature love ideals and philosophy, techno is the ultimate artistic expression of nihilism, it has no reason of excuse for existing, no ideals, cheesy PLUR-bunnys, it just is, period. A snobbish 3/4 beat at 160-175bpm a repetitive, hypnotic sound with a dirty bassline. A serious techno rave must have at least a 20Kw soundsytem. Techno is the destructive force of music, it hates stereotypes, heros and stars,that's why you'll usually never see the DJ at such parties. Shit, I must be really bored.... (reply to this comment) |
| | From Tranceaddict Monday, July 19, 2004, 14:34
(Agree/Disagree?) Pharmaboy, you needn't refer to my co-worker. You can talk directly refer to me if you have a spine. Quote:Goa trance, and it's current acid oriented version, psy trance has nothing to do with commercial trance. What does that have to with the topic? By the way, if you ever make enough money, go down to Anjuna/Baga Beach and take a look around. Yes, goa/psy/israeli trance does have acid influences but that does not rule out the fact that you can't call it not 'trance' . It is still essentially an offshoot of trance.Some psy trance releases of late dwindle on the thin line between psy trance/'commerical' trance and they are often intermingled. To say that goa trance has nothing to do with commercial trance is absurd. John '00' Fleming's sets are mostly psy trance but his latest releases are 'trance'/'commerical trance'. By 'commercial trance' I mean trance played on ASOT,GDJB,BBC and other radio shows and that appearing on the various dance charts across the globe NOT 'cheese'(read below). NOTE: By 'commerical trance' if you mean Lasgo/Milk Inc./ATB and the like that is 'cheese'/dance. Quote:Since these parties we're mainly illegal, the term trance rave came back into the scene, but it wasn't an acid house party/rave, it was a TRANCE rave. It was a trance rave? You like living in the past too? It IS a rave not a trance rave/acid rave or a techno rave. Over the years as israeli/psy/goa trance/HHC(happy hardcore)() has invariably become the music policy at raves, you don't need to call it a trance rave anymore.It is a rave..period. Quote:Those always have stuck around, and are even more common than trance raves, some techno tribes have been around for over 15 years now, and techno tribes network with others through an uncanny sistems of websites and hearsay. Impressive.Though no big deal. www.tranceaddict.com www.trance.nu to name a couple. You want more? Before you rush to search google for good techno websites in retaliation let me warn you beforehand.. Don't go there ;). As for techno raves being more common than 'trance raves', it is a geographical issue. Quote:A serious techno rave must have at least a 20Kw soundsytem. Ohhh really? And a 'trance rave' uses cheap-ass satellite speakers dosen't it? How pathetic can you get? A large soundsystem is not commonplace just in techno parties it's used everywhere.Raves,concerts,public conventions,dj shows etc.That does not make techno any special. As before, in conclusion: The course this argument has taken: This idiot probably walks around his block in his underwear toting a banner that says 'Technohead' although I think fuckhead would be a better choice. He has gone completely off topic. It is obvious that he is a techno addict and is miserably attempting at proving a point that cannot be proven which is: Techno far surpasses other electronic genres(trance in this context). I am VERY appreciative of techno and tribal/progressive/deep house as well. Each has it's unique style and characteristics that differentiates it from the other BUT there is no single,supreme style. It is just a matter of opinion and each person is entitled to his/her own say. My point : The term 'trance rave' is now obsolete/stale/old/gone and forgotten. In reference to this post, I am not here to argue that trance is the best EDM genre as is Pharmaboy because it isn't. It is certainly no less though. Pharmaboy : Yeah you're bored. I'm bored too.Quit thinking about how things WERE and concentrate more on things ARE.Get some educational qualifications such as a high-school diploma and a bachelors degree. Thats what i did when i was bored. But I suggest do it because you need it...badly.Alternatively, as you claim you are a sex-worker you can come to Thailand. I'm sure i can get you a after-hours job in Patpong or Nana Plaza cleaning the toilets and giving the fat, 60+ year old horny farangs handjobs.I'm not assuming you're gay but that's the only job you'll possibly get :). Now I'm bored again. (reply to this comment) |
| | From pharmaboy Tuesday, July 20, 2004, 06:22
    (Agree/Disagree?) First of all I responded to your co-worker because that's the nick you posted under, making claims on my courage in posting on a bulletin board makes think one thing of you: NERD! Second, I didn't have time to finish writing(and had many interruptions while writing) and I wonder how you thought I hate trance, from a previous comment I made it clear that I love trance. All I stated was that techno raves have been around longer, but who gives a shit really, I'm no nostalgic, I can't stand old school acid house, I go for the new. I'm actually more of a trancehead than a technohead, but currently the techno (lack of) philosophy has gotten me curious, so I wrote a bit of what I had going through my head at the moment. If anything goa trance assimilated some trance textures when it got big in Europe and the US, I really don't notice anything vaguely similar to trance in older goa(man with no name, john sidhu, etc). ..But I don't really care to discuss music with you since you attack me personally over such a ridiculous discussion as the philological study of the word "rave", and go so far as to suggest I get a higher education degree. You know nothing of my personal history or level of education, and such insolence was not called for other than as an excuse to brag of your own achievements. I don't care to list my academic achievements here, as doing such would lower me to your same level of petty self-aggrandizement. Even insults would me wasted on you. You are officially on my ignore list. (reply to this comment) |
| | From neez Monday, July 19, 2004, 16:52 (Agree/Disagree?) Wow such deep meaningfullness.. Basically you don't say "coming to the techno rave?" or "going to the trance rave?" ..that'd sound well.. stupid. You'd just say "rave" or I'd just say "you goin?" & the person you would be talking to would hopefully not assume I was going to the latest ATB cd launch.. & is it just me or is tranceaddict.com starting to lose the plot.(reply to this comment) |
| | From night_raver Monday, July 19, 2004, 09:44 (Agree/Disagree?) thanks dude, U certainly know more about these than I do, I just follow the line of cars and take whats playing. I was pretty kinda pissed off about 4sure saying raves by definition play trance (as in only trance). I really just didn't get into the goa trance thing, but thanks for the explanation. Hard trance is good, hard house even better, hard house tag teams = the best -- and if you don't want your JBLs trashed by me, dont even think of putting techno-grabage on (one of the reasons I couldn't ever live in parts of europe, I'd be wanting to smash all their techno-playing noise-polluting cheap-ass boomboxes, all techno seems to be is someone bought a crap Casiotone and punched in a random selection of cheesy MIDI beats). Since you seem to know the history here, can you tell us where Deep House and Hard House fit in? I hope Ur not saying all house is "the music of choice for 16year-old lollipop-sucking, newbie e-tards", but if so, oh well. I still like it and play it in the office. Vocal Trance is okay, Absolom, Sylver and a couple others do some okay stuff. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from Worker Wednesday, July 14, 2004 - 20:20 (Agree/Disagree?) How I wish I could go! Nothing beats German Trance. (reply to this comment)
| from pharmaboy Monday, July 12, 2004 - 02:22 (Agree/Disagree?) hehe, another trancehead!! God, that's an awsome lineup, too bad I live so far away... (reply to this comment)
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