Getting On : Lovers
what does love mean to you? | from venusbutterfly - Tuesday, March 11, 2003 accessed 4130 times Hey all, I'd be most interested in knowing what your description of "love" is and whether or not you believe in it... I couldn't turn this question into a poll as the answers I'm looking for are very personal and since everyone is different I think it would be too complicated trying to categorize the various replies. looking forward to your opinions!! |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Van Halen Thursday, June 08, 2006 - 09:29 (Agree/Disagree?) Select excerpts from"When it's love" Nothing's missing How do I know when it's love I can't tell you but it lasts forever How does it feel when it's love It's just something you feel together How do I know when it's love I can't tell you but it lasts forever When it's love When it's love It'll last forever When it's love You and I We're gonna feel this thing together When it's love When it's love You can feel it We'll make it last forever When it's love (reply to this comment)
| from leticia25 Tuesday, February 28, 2006 - 13:08 (Agree/Disagree?) Love is loving someone and being loved in return. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Meathead Monday, July 12, 2004 - 01:52 (Agree/Disagree?) Love+Sex=True Love! (reply to this comment)
| | | from I.AM Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 23:41 (Agree/Disagree?) The Formula of Tetragrammaton is the complete mathematical expression of Love . Its essence is this: any two things unite, with a double effect; firstly, the destruction of both, accompanied by the ecstasy due to the relief of the strain of separateness; secondly, the creation of a third thing, accompanied by the ecstasy of the realisation of existence, which is Joy until with development it becomes aware of its imperfection, and loves. This formula of Love is universal; all the laws of Nature are its servitors. Thus, gravitation, chemical affinity, electrical potential, and the rest -- and these are alike mere aspects of the general law -- are so many differently-observed statements of the unique tendency. The Universe is conserved by the duplex action involved in the formula. The disappearance of Father and Mother is precisely compensated by the emergence of Son and Daughter. It may therefore be considered as a perpetual-motion-engine which continually develops rapture in each of its phases. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from Baxter Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 05:01
    (Agree/Disagree?) Love is a combination of misunderstood emotional states entirely misconstrued by circumstance; regardless of whether or not there is in fact an emotional state of mind that can be defined distinctively as love, the notion of pure love is absurd. The closest possible example is maternal love, and that is merely the product of instinct. Humans are by their very nature predefine against true altruism; every bond we make in life is forged in our own best interest, and these interests are not necessarily material. Thus the status of our relationships is always provisional, and subject to circumstancial change. If you have the potential to lose your love for someone, then you cannot love them entirely; love is never unconditional. Love may exist as a state of mind or body but the gravity placed upon it's importance is far in excess to it's actual value. Furthermore, the notion that love is the most powerful force in the world is true only if we consider that true love exists between oneself for one's own being; self-centred love is the basis of pride, dignity, and ambition. I would argue that such aspects of human character have provide much greater argument as to their importance as motivating powers in the human sphere of influence. The most powerful force in the world, I would argue, would be fear, of which the correlation to self-love is easily apparent. (reply to this comment)
| from Shaka Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 10:38
    (Agree/Disagree?) Loving someone and being in love are two completely different things. If, when the fire and passion of being in love have passed, you can still see yourself growing old with someone, that's love. But that's just me. What do I know? (reply to this comment)
| | | From sarafina Thursday, May 06, 2004, 10:36 (Agree/Disagree?) Maybe you could explain the relevance of your reply to that of the original comment I don't get the connection.(Was that worded nicely enough?) I think what shaka was saying was that your reply in it's self should have been a separate comment on your personal thoughts of love cause your post alone makes sense but as a reply to his its confusing cause it has nothing to do with what he was saying.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from Nina Simone Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 09:41 (Agree/Disagree?) If you go away on this sunny day you might as well take the sun away. all the birds are blue in the summer skies when days were new and hearts where high, and the day was young, the nights were long the bluebird stood for the night birds song. If you go away.if you go away. If you go away! But if you stay I'll make you a day like no day has been or will be again I'll sail on your smile I'll ride on your touch I'll talk to your eyes that I love so much, But if you go I won't cry cause all good in the world has gone from the words goodbye! If you go away as i know you will you can tell the world to stop turning, turning untill you return again if you ever do for what good is love without loving you can I tell you now as you turn to go that I'll be dying slowly till our next hello If you go away, if you go away, if you go away. But if you stay i'll make you a night, like no night has been or will be again i'll sail on your smile I'll ride on your touch ill talk to your eyes that i love so much but if you go i'll understand just leave me enough love to fill up my hands If you go away, if you go away, if you go away! If you go away as I know you must they'd be nothing left in the world to trust just an empty room full of empty space like that empty look i see on your face. Well I could have been the shadow of your shadow if you might of kept me by your side If you go away. if you go away. if you go away (reply to this comment)
| | | from Haddaway Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 09:04 (Agree/Disagree?) "What is love? Baby don't hurt me. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | From Vicky Thursday, May 06, 2004, 10:27 (Agree/Disagree?) Actually, both methods of punctuation are correct, at least in British grammar. According to my grammar guide, commas, full stops and so on can be put after a speech mark and still be considered correct, but usually they are put before the speech marks because it looks better. This rule also applies to question marks, if I remember correctly. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Vicky Thursday, May 06, 2004, 11:05 (Agree/Disagree?) Well, I am tired, and I realise that the positioning of a question mark is a different issue to commas. There are, to my knowledge, three ways in which one would position the question mark, according to the meaning one is trying to convey: "Are you happy?" "Did you see 'The Maid of Orleans'?" "Did she say 'Do you love me?'?" (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from exister Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 07:06 (Agree/Disagree?) Love is a complex set of chemical reactions in my brain. It is unfortunate that the primary reagent in these reactions is testosterone. Maybe only eunuchs and lesbians know how to feel true love for a woman. Bummer. (reply to this comment)
| from Eaglebleeds Monday, June 23, 2003 - 05:32
    (Agree/Disagree?) Everyone has their own definition of love. I think for everyone it'll change until they find the one they're meant to be with. I dont believe in that only one soul mate thing. Cause I know if I married mine when I was 16 or 20 I wouldnt be with her now. What I wanted and who I was changed drastically. I believe once someone knows what they want in life and go for it they'll meet the ONE for them. Since I've decided what I want to do and be the rest of my life I havent been in-love. But I believe love is what keeps 2 people together through the bad and the good. Willing to work for it no matter what. I'll see the positive and negative about her and want them both. When it's real love, the right love I'll know and I wont let it go. (reply to this comment)
| From Bootylicious Sunday, June 29, 2003, 06:40 (Agree/Disagree?) No matter what our upbringing is, we are all raised in the belief that we could get to the point in life where one lives “happily ever after”. We believe we could get to a point in life where everything is just smooth sailing without worries or hassles. Finally, looking around, we realize that never happens. Friends who have good jobs are struggling anyhow, people we know that have married get divorced. There is no “happily ever after”. Ok, so we are smart! …and now? Where do we go from there? If life is just a bitch and there is no perfect tomorrow, why not just indulge in the “goodies” of now? After all, things will always be tough, and we might always be struggling. If we believe it can’t ever get to that point where we just sit back and enjoy, why not just live for the now? Have parties and enjoy party life! Have sex with everyone you bump into and don’t think about tomorrow. Spend your money on whatever you like, it doesn’t matter. If it isn’t spent on fun, it will be spent on something not worth it. Why can that still make you feel something is missing? See, that is the crunch which drives people to settle down: Love! We all want to be loved, usually unconditionally. We all want someone who is waiting for us when we get home; someone who hugs when we cry and cares when we’re down. Thus, the journey for love begins again, and without knowing it, we are once again searching for a “happily ever after”. See, true love is what we think “happily ever after” is! We think love is never-ending, undying and unconditional. Until one day we wake up and see what it really is: Love is fickle! Our love for someone will ALWAYS depend on how they treat us, on how much they love us. Love can fade, quite easily actually, but we fall for it anyhow. We fall again and again because somewhere in the back of our minds, we believe hopefully that there really IS a never-ending love. We lie to ourselves that there could be a true love, a “happily ever after”. Why? Why swear to love someone eternally if you know it could fade? If you face the fact that love is fickle, you cannot commit yourself to it, or you would prove yourself a liar. And so, we continue in the vicious cycle, sometimes believeing, sometimes loathing that four-letter word love. There is no way out, discuss it all you like! Everyone will and has fallen for it, and everyone gets hurt by it. Without fail. The moral of this story? Life’s a bitch(reply to this comment) |
| | From Vicky Monday, June 23, 2003, 06:15 (Agree/Disagree?) Very wise words! I agree with you that the soppy, unrealistic notion of a One and Only is untrue. However I do believe it's entirely possible to find a soul-mate, irrespective of whether that person becomes a lover or not. I am a believer in reincarnation (Well, at least one part of me sometimes toys with the plausibility of the theory) and I think that in cases where a couple feel that instant undeniable empathy and closeness it may be due to having been together in a former life. It does seem like rather a beautiful idea, that one might have spent years and perhaps centuries peeling off the layers of a soul until that unbreakable bond has been forged. As far as the more down to earth subject of relationships in the "real world", while I do accept that in rare cases it is possible to marry young and go on to live happily together for a lifetime - so far, touch wood, my husband and I are still lucky in love after eight years - it does seem that many of those relationships unfortunately don't last through the self-discovery and growing up that happens in the 20's/30's. It is far more likely that you will stay in a marriage if you have given yourself time to know who you really are first, not to mention getting all that sowing of the infamous Wild Oats out of your system). (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from Vicky Friday, June 20, 2003 - 10:57 (Agree/Disagree?) Love is the Best and Worst Thing about Life - Best because if you're lucky enough to find it you won't need anything else; Worst because once you've tasted it the pain of living without it will always be there -Best because its magic reaches the depest recesses of your heart; Worst because it can rip your heart to shreds from one day to the next -Best because life with love is better every day; Worst because when it's gone you can't bear to have to see another day -Best because it makes you the very best you can be; Worst because the loss of it will break your spirit -Best because you'll be grateful for every minute you're together; Worst because sooner or later everybody ends up alone -Best because love is the greatest happiness in the world; Worst because once you've got it you only end up taking it for granted Best because for a time there's only the two of you, and the world smiles on you; Worst because someone always manages to screw it up Best because together you can take on the world; Worst because without it life doesn't seem worth the effort Best because there's nothing better than being with the one you love; Worst because once you've had to give it up you could search forever and never find it again Best because the memory of True Love will stay with you forever; Worst because every time you remember it'll tear you up all over again (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from madmaxx Sunday, May 18, 2003 - 21:12 (Agree/Disagree?) true love is.....death to self! (reply to this comment)
| from cyborcosmic Monday, March 24, 2003 - 15:45
love is.. affinity! (reply to this comment)
| from Dani Saturday, March 15, 2003 - 17:40
One thing that I have found hard with leaving is letting people get to know me. One benefit of this is that I a good listener. There are parts of our upbringing that I will never talk about. Not due to anything other than I don't think people would understand and I do not see the need to have to explain things to them. Due to most peoples love of talking about themselves it kind of leaves you knowing so much about them and them knowing nothing about you. &; (reply to this comment)
| from sarafina Friday, March 14, 2003 - 01:39
    (Agree/Disagree?) I once wrote to someone.. There are many things I want to discuss like the word Love it is far over rated and often miss interrupted. A good example of this is the dictionary describes Love as only a intense affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties; a strong feeling of attraction resulting from a sexual desire; or merely enthusiasm or extreme fondness of someone. Which in reality it should be a compliment for me to say I love you right? Knowing what it is meant to mean today makes it hard for anyone to say to each other because it comes with a lot more then I'm sexually attracted. Which I find pretty funny actually. However it does. If you base everything on that definition it all make sense. All the different kinds of love you are talking about. They starts with "intense affection" or kinship or personal ties or may even start with "sexual desire" but it all lead to the same thing ."a strong feeling of attraction resulting from a sexual desire or all of the above "intense affection" or kinship or personal ties "That is not the confusing part. It is the emotions involved that we get confused about. First Jealousy..(my personal favorite) Which has nothing to do with "love" it's self. This usually comes from the type of love that starts with "a strong feeling of attraction resulting from a sexual desire "and isn't equally felt, because you may feel the other person has the same type of love for others then you alone or because we add other issues like "morality and trust" which aren't BTW part of "love" we just think they should follow. Based on our upbringing or religious back ground or the culture we've been brought up in but the most common is based on passed experiences. Second is "Cultural differences" which usually covers "personal ties "and this covers a lot. Children and family and siblings. I can relate to this a lot as I find that I would give up all kinds of other love for this, but it comes out of a feelings of obligation or again is based on upbringing and culture or feelings of morality, as some would not feel the same in the same situation or in a different environment it's all based on how you view it. The third is "kindship"..where you have so much in common and understand eachother so well that you can finnish each others sentences and know what each other is thinking even without saying a word. Where you find yourself so much alike that you eventually feel "a strong feeling of attraction" My point is. Love is not something that you can "define" or "explain" because we all see it differently. It runs in a circle and loops it is in it's self around based on situations, belief's, experiences and emotions. So in a fact you are all right in your definitions and have ALL felt "LOVE" in different ways and on different levels. "love" is not a topic to debate about cause there is no one "true" answer. It's all based on Perspective and "feelings." (reply to this comment)
| from PompousJohn Wednesday, March 12, 2003 - 12:33
I think the only real love is self-love, people go on about parental love, but generally they consider their children to be part of them, so it’s the same thing. I think loving yourself is the most important love there is, if you don’t love yourself it’s insulting to love anyone else. It’s like saying: “I’m not good enough for myself, and fall considerably short of my own standards, but I still think I might be good enough for you, and will now proceed to pretend I respect and admire you” But the love most people talk about is more like an accident victim learning to walk again and as the physical therapy begins to take effect he chooses whether to walk (painfully at first) or pretend he can’t so his nurse has to keep pushing him around in the wheelchair. He will make one of two choices, if he chooses to walk it will hurt a lot at first and he will be slow and clumsy but eventually free, and if he chooses the wheelchair his muscles will continue to atrophy and eventually he will have no choice at all. (reply to this comment)
| From pharmaboy.. Thursday, March 13, 2003, 08:36 (Agree/Disagree?)
I would also add that self-love is the purest form of love. Jealousy, possessiveness and obssession are almost non-exsistant in self-love. Romantic love on the other hand... Only perverted christian thought leads us to think that "laying down your life" for someone out of love is beautiful,the loving sheperd leaving the 99 in danger to go search for the 1 is completely irrational! We love our children so much out of instinct, also biologically our offspring are a continuation of ourselves, so loving your offspring is really loving yourself. Parents love to hear "he's got your eyes" or "he looks so much like his father his father", the more beautiful/smart/athletic your kids are is a reflection or your sucess as a parents(good genes, etc).. Yes, I agree with you PJ, humans are egocentric and selfish. (reply to this comment) |
| | From venusbutterfly Thursday, March 13, 2003, 09:28 (Agree/Disagree?)
as i said, we'll talk again once you all have kids - unless you already do and still feel this way, in this case there's nothing i can say to you.... i just want to say that someone telling us our kids look like us IS NOT the reason we parents love our kids the way we do - here again, either you don't have kids yourself so you can't understand, or either you do have kids and still feel the way you do.....in this case i'm the one that doesn't understand............ i for one would more than willingly die for either one of my children any day and under any circumstances if it was to save them or even just make their lives better - parents please correct me if i'm wrong here! i appreciate your opinions however when it comes to parent/child love i think you must be a parent tu fully and truly understand the power of that kind of love (reply to this comment) |
| | From PompousJohn Thursday, March 13, 2003, 09:57
Let's see, the kids are part of your body for nearly a year, come out of your body, are literally your flesh and blood and when you die and your own body is cold and mushy they will be the only part of you that goes on. They are you. They are your victory over death, they are your immortality, they are your present and future. You love them more than you love "yourself" and will do anything to see them safe and happy because they are the only proof that your life wasn't a complete waste of time. Also people tend to assimilate their surroundings into their own identities and your children are definitely part of your surroundings. It's a bit deeper than them looking like you. And being willing to die for someone is not really that special or extreme, it is a parental instinct not uncommon in the animal world. Also most humans would be overjoyed to find a cause worth dying for and then die for it, quite a bit easier and quicker than living, and you get to skip all the boring parts, it also signifiantly reduces the temptation to wind up an old scumbag. (reply to this comment) |
| | From venusbutterfly Thursday, March 13, 2003, 11:04 (Agree/Disagree?)
i don't know PJ, personally i've never thought of it that way....my children are individuals and will live their own lives, i am not living mine through them and i do not see in them any sort "victory over death"....actually, if i'd do anything for them to outlive me is because it'd hurt way too deeply if i lost either of them........... it's quite difficult to expand on everything that being a parent is.........and i agree that being willing to die for your children is quite a basic animal instinct however i would not go to the extreme of saying parents would be overjoyed to do so, just willing - after all, you do want to live long enough to see your children grow up and enjoy your own life as well once they're grown up (reply to this comment) |
| | From PompousJohn Thursday, March 13, 2003, 11:12
"i'd do anything for them to outlive me is because it'd hurt way too deeply if i lost either of them..........." See? it's partly self-interest, you want to avoid being hurt. You're right though, since I'm not a parent I'm not as qualified to make a judgement, but maybe not being one gives me some objectivity that those with kids don't have? I don't have much money either, but I have some opinions on why people love that, too. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Hanna_Black Wednesday, March 12, 2003, 17:22 (Agree/Disagree?)
umm, why is parental love equal to self love? If I have the choice between getting something for ME or something for my KIDS, I will always get it for the kids. What is so self-loving about that? Other mothers I know are different. ON christmas they leave the kids with the grandparents so that the can celebrate decently. THAT is self-love: not spending c-mas with your kids cuz U wanna get stoned and drunk. Getting up after 5 hours of sleep to make your kids pancakes is not self-love! I guess someone who is not a parent wouldn't know that. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from Mir Wednesday, March 12, 2003 - 06:50 (Agree/Disagree?)
The purest, strongest, most indescribable love I have ever felt is the love of my Father God. When I left the group I didn’t believe in Him, I hated Him. And then one day, (to cut a very long story short) about 7 years after leaving, I said to Him: "I don’t believe in you, but I want to believe in you. If it’s true, Your book says that you came to earth to save me… I want my life to be different. Better. If after speaking to you, nothing happens then I’m going straight back to the way I am now and I will be sure that you don’t exist, or if you do exist, that you don’t want to know me. I’ll say to you now, if you are there: "you are welcome in my life and my soul". The next morning, I knew that I knew that something was different… One day I went to this church (I had an eye problem and my eye was hurting like crazy so I wasn’t really concentrating). After the sermon, this guy got up on the platform with a violin. He said that God uses his music to heal people in body & soul and he said that there was someone in the audience with a very bad pain in their eye, and that that person should come forward because God wanted to do something for them. I panicked wondering if it was really me he could be talking about. I was scared, but I went up to the front anyway. No sooner had the man picked up his stick to start playing when all of a sudden I felt this incredibly powerful, warm power (words cannot describe it) come over me so strong that it nearly knocked me off my feet… I was staggering around weeping like never before. And God was saying to me: "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you so much, I love you unconditionally, I adore you, I love you so much" All along I felt like there were these powerful arms around me, hugging me, holding me, it was so strong that I had to sit on the floor because if not I would’ve fallen down. This is just one of many times that my God demonstrated His love to me in a tangible way. That love has never left me, it’s mine, it’s personal, it belongs to me, and it lives in my body, my mind and my soul. It respects me and never forces its will on me. It allows me to be me and to make up my own mind. It’s deep, it’s pure, it’s perfect, It’s unconditional, and it doesn’t care whether I’m good or bad and no one can take it away from me. Ever. It freaks me out when I think how long I survived without it and how loveless my life was before it. That is my love. This love gives meaning to my life. It’s the one thing I know I can always rely on and the one thing I know is not fickle or changeable. There are two other incredibly important loves in my life, my husband and my son. These loves are very strong and powerful and bring immense joy to my life, especially my baby boy! I love them so much sometimes I feel like my heart could burst. These loves cannot accompany me in death though, whereas my God will be with me there too. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from Jovi Wednesday, March 12, 2003 - 00:27
    (Agree/Disagree?) It's that feeling, magic, energy or how ever you 'd like to call it which makes me wanna get up every day to do my very best in life just to see the sweet faces of my little ones smiling at me or hear their little voices telling me: ''thank you daddy, I love you'' (reply to this comment)
| from placebo Tuesday, March 11, 2003 - 23:11 (Agree/Disagree?) "Oh Rubber Ducky I love u!!" (reply to this comment)
| from dazed and confused from being abused Tuesday, March 11, 2003 - 22:47
    (Agree/Disagree?) I'll tell you when I find out. (reply to this comment)
| from thoughtful words from CyberSlut Tuesday, March 11, 2003 - 16:55 (Agree/Disagree?)
What is love? What is love? Oh the confusion, oh the agony. Love is a strappy, pink stilletto and the thrill of adoration. Cyber Slut CEO of CSC at CCC (reply to this comment)
| From cyberslut Saturday, March 15, 2003, 00:21 (Agree/Disagree?)
I've thought long and very hard about the shallowness of my previous comment. After praying to myself about how to be more sincere about these deep subjects like love, a song began running through my head:....."I love the way you brush your hair. And I love them stylish clothes you wear. I love the way the light hit the ice and glare..." CEO of CSC at CCC (reply to this comment) |
| | from Hanna_Black Tuesday, March 11, 2003 - 14:36
The only love i know will never fade is the love for my kids. I know deep inside that nothing and no one will ever spoil that. Otherwise, i believe love to be fickle, as it is just an emotion and we are all dumb little humans. Sometimes I think we take "love" for someone and basically convince ourselves of it by talking about it to everyone. Sometimes love can be ruined by reality. Like you love someone but because they are lazy or have some other fault, you beging to question your love for them. Initially when we think we have found our one true love, we want them to be perfect. Slowly but surely, reality creeps in and destroys that picture. At the end we think, "do I really love this person? He/she used to be so ...!" Love does blind, and once the blindness wears off, and the practical love and life set it, we see it all different. That is when we wonder what love is all about! If only we had seen from the start that loving someone doesn't make them perfect. Love is the blanket that warms your heart and dulls your mind. Love makes you not care if things could go wrong, cuz you think you can work it all out. Love could take your life, throw it in the garbage and you would still think you live in wonderland. I am sure that some love could last forever, maybe we just get used to the feeling and go looking for something more exciting. Love is too exhausting to think and write about, as far as I am concerned. (That is why this comment is so long, lol!) (reply to this comment)
| from venusbutterfly Tuesday, March 11, 2003 - 10:38 (Agree/Disagree?)
the reason i originally didn't insert this article in the lovers section is because when i say love i am not only referring to love between a man and a woman for example (or any two consenting people), the goal is to get everyone's own definition of love and i believe there is a very wide range, so please keep this in mind when posting your reply. (reply to this comment)
| From Nicolas Wednesday, March 12, 2003, 02:37
    (Agree/Disagree?) Oh my god ! Good try everybody but why u all trying to complicate a soo simple thing ? LOVE is a feeling, an emotion, a joy, a gift when you found it ! The best thing in LOVE is that you know that it can stop the day after. The fact that this deep feeling could quit gives it much bigger. LOVE is giving to the other, it's sharing, it's being simply and almost stupidly happy when you se her/him smiling. LOVE is the reason of this life, it's the ultimate treasure still on this planet ! I LOVE YOU Venus, why don't you just live this love without try to complicating or trying to find bad and sad signification to that simple and beautiful word that is "love". But i also understand that love is TRUST and that is an important and a big word -- not easy to give to somebody. Your trust in your partner is the key of a good relationship... LOVE is the thing that makes me go one in this life ! (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Hanna_Black Wednesday, March 12, 2003, 11:05 (Agree/Disagree?)
Ummm, I think love is anything BUT simple, since there are so many forms. Love can hurt, you know. In fact, love can be one of the main reasons for pain and heartache. I agree with you that love is giving, like that song, "You can ask for space for yourself and only yourself and I'll grant it. You can ask for freedom as well or time to travel and you'll have it.
You can ask to live by yourself or love someone else and I'll support it. You can ask for anything you want, anything at all and I'll understand it.
And there are no strings attached to it.
You owe me nothing for giving the love that I give. You owe me nothing for caring the way that I have. I give you thanks for receiving, it's my privilege, and you owe me nothing in return. You can express your deepest of thruths even if it means I'll lose you and I'll hear it. You can fall into the abyss on your way to your bliss, I'll empathize with. You can say that you'll have to skip town to chase your passion and I'll hear it.
You can leave and hit rock bottom have a mid-life chrisis and I'll hold it."
That is real love to me. Seldom, but real. Fine, Nicolas, love may be a gift if you find it, but usually it's a gift for the other person: your love for them. If they don't appreciate, or realize it, that gift becomes a pain. Some people can handle the fact that their love is never returned, some can't. To those people, love ain't no gift! (reply to this comment) |
| | From Hobbit Thursday, August 21, 2003, 13:30 (Agree/Disagree?) I agree with you that sometimes love is not a gift. Specially when you love someone very much and the person doesn't love you back. Love can be a bitch most of the time because you can feel high for a moment but when you hit reality it bites and it hurts like hell. I believe that everyone has a soul mate (note having a soul mate doesn't equal LOVE),but this doesn't mean that you will be with them, or that you will ever even find them. I think many people spend their life trying to find a true everlasting love (which i believe nothing last forever, no not even been inlove) instead of enjoying what they have now. Love is undefined, it is seen diferently by everyone and everyone has their own way to deal with it. But no matter what no one will scape the fact the someday the same person we say we are inlove with will hurt us, and will leave our heart broken and wishing we had never loved.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Nicolas Thursday, March 13, 2003, 04:02
    (Agree/Disagree?) I understand what you're telling me: if love is only going in oneway, it can hurt ! Of course HB ! This is so logical and so evident ! Almost all kind of pleasure on this earth has to do with "somebody else". Hard to explain myself but what I wanna say is that there is no "pleasure", no "joy", no "love" if we're alone. We always have to deal with somebody else than our little person. Not only for love but for all the other pleasures. Examples: Travelling alone is fun but travelling with somebody is a lot more fun ! Dancing alone is fun but dancing with somebody is a lot more fun ! Eating a great a big ice cream is fun but if you can share it, it's a lot more fun ! What I wanna say is that everything is more fun if you can share it ! Share your joy, your pleasure ! OF course, if you're alone it's a lot harder to be happy. This gives the importance of humain relationship and contacts. But what you're telling me is that LOVE is not "simple" because some people don't see thier love in returned ... It's not true, it's still simple but it hearts.... I never said love is only hapinness without pain ... love can hurt, of course but it's still a very "basic" feeling that is quite "simple". (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Nick Wednesday, March 12, 2003, 10:59 (Agree/Disagree?)
You know, this may be one of the smartest posts I have seen on here. I think that there are a lot of people that come here that have never really been in love of felt love and they try to analyze and dissect it. Why are people complicating it? Either you are in love or you are not. Either you feel it or you don't and when you do feel it you will know. I have loved someone. I know what it feels like and that it does exist. Granted there are different types of love. Love for your child. Love for a family member like a brother or sister. Then there is love for a BF/GF or spouse. But in the end they are all a form of love and who is to say that one is more important than the other. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | From Vic Friday, March 21, 2003, 17:29
You know what guys? it's all good when you're in love, you are able to believe in it, but when you are crushed it's the last thing on your mind! the best thing to do is accept the fluctuating feeling and emotion like almost every other thing in life, sometimes you feel it, sometimes you don't it doesn't mean it's not there! A bit like God I guess, just cause we can't see him or feel him, it doesn't mean he is not there, and in closing I just want to say, the less you try to analyse things the happier you will be! Peace and love to you all! (reply to this comment) |
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