Getting On : All My Politics
"Teen Boot Camps Again in Spotlight" | from elisha717 - Monday, May 05, 2008 accessed 751 times I had to write an article on a news story, so this one kinda got my blood boiling, as I still get upset about the treatment some of the kids in the Family got (public spankings, etc). Anyway you could post your own comments on ABC news, so I kinda threw this one on there, as I had to turn it in to my psych professor anyway. Teen Boot Camps / Tough Love This is an article on a new investigation that is taking place after hundreds of allegations have been brought to Congresses attention on what “really” goes on in these unregulated boot camps. ABC news reported last October on allegations of reports of deaths and physical, sexual and emotional abuse. Investigators found abuse such as children being forced to eat their own vomit, or dirt, and not being allowed to go to the bathroom in an attempt to build character. Investigators were surprised to find out that there were a lot of untrained staff working with these teenagers, and that they were using reckless or negligent operating practices. I was very shocked when I read how these boot camps that are designed to help “problem teens” are being run so unprofessionally. I cannot imagine that these camps would actually permit untrained staff to interact with these teens, and then reading about the uncouth methods that were being used on these teens makes my blood boil with rage at the fact that this type of treatment is still going on in our modern day society. Today, more than ever, we have such an abundance of material and information about how to interact with children who are disturb; and these methods that they are actually practicing in these camps, are the type of methods that will actually create even worse monsters. The last things these teens need is more abuse and barbaric treatment, this is where these teens need very well trained counselors and psychologist who have a lot of experience in dealing with teenagers and different types of behavioral problems. If these teens are being sent there as a “last resort”, they need to have people around them who actually care, and can try to understand where these teens are coming from, and find a method to actually get through to them; if these teens are being treated like animals, any walls that these counselors are trying to pull down are futile. These teens will walk away with even more walls built up, and are probably destined to lead a life of crime or continue the cycle of abuse. Works Cited Rood, Justin. (2008). Teen “Boot Camps” Again in Spotlight. Investigators To Reveal Results of an Undercover Investigation Into Teen Camps at House Hearing. In Brian Ross (Ed.), ABCNEWS: The Investigative Team. Retrieved April 23, 2008, from http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=4701959&page=1 |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from SeanSwede Tuesday, May 20, 2008 - 00:27
    (Agree/Disagree?) I am truely damaged for life from those Victor Programmes and Attack Teams. Now a days it seems like giving up is the only way out. I will never fit in this world. I am an alien born on the wrong planet. Simple as that. (reply to this comment)
| From elisha717 Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 06:49
    (Agree/Disagree?) What Victor Programmes were you at? Don't worry a lot of us feel that way! I am a Specie in danger, I have been hunted for so long. I have built up too much anger, as I try to be strong. But I am a specie in danger, I cannot find my kind. I need you to protect me, I am on the weaker side. My name is trouble, keep me on a short leash, don't let me wonder too far, don't let me out of reach. As I am a specie in danger, I cannot find my kind, I need you to protect me, I am on the weaker side. I wrote that after I did something so embarrassing, that even Texas, in my book, wasn't big enough for me to find a spot to hide in. (Please don't ask me what I did, I still cringe)! The only reason I am kind of on this site with a bit of an ego, is because where I have been and what I have come out of is a miracle in itself! And I have had to go through a lot of negativity from even some of my own peers, so in a way I am saying, "In your face!" Lol! (Have you ever heard the comment "You are too broken!")? Take care!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From elisha717 Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 09:51
    (Agree/Disagree?) Thank you, I appreciate that compliment (especially when it's referring to my being a chatter box)!Lol! Well, believe me, my ego has had two years of being stocked, (though it was probably almost non-existent before), so you might not say that in a year from now! But just normal life is a "high" for me, as even in childhood, before all the damage started building up and being stored, I never felt this happy before! You must have a good ego to be able to give out compliments like that! Lol!(reply to this comment) |
| | from rainy Tuesday, May 06, 2008 - 13:57 (Agree/Disagree?) Just my thoughts (If you haven't submitted it yet) I would remove all mention of yourself (I was shocked) and replace it with something non-personal (the shocking treatment). In my opinion it would make your article come across as more objective and take personal feelings out of it. The facts are horrific enough to stand on their own. They don't need to be supported by an observer's personal feelings. (Just this observer's personal feelings, feel free to discard!) (reply to this comment)
| From elisha717 Tuesday, May 06, 2008, 20:24 (Agree/Disagree?) Well, this particular essay was supposed to be a personal reaction to what I read. (psych class). I had to answer a few questions and implement them into my opinion (especially on how psychology is needed in the world today). But I know what you mean about writing articles in third person, that is how most of my papers are written, not the easiest paper to write (as I always forget and mix second person in sometimes). (reply to this comment) |
| | from Phoenixkidd Tuesday, May 06, 2008 - 08:20 (Agree/Disagree?) It's sick the way these "drill seargents" can exact this type of behavior on weaker children. I remember awhile back here in AZ a 12 year old died from Heat stroke after he was forced to be tied to a stake in the Arizona Sun. (reply to this comment)
| | | From afflick Tuesday, May 06, 2008, 19:31 (Agree/Disagree?) I used to frequent a blog "63days.com" about a group of rebellous teens sent to a "boot camp" where they were raped and starved and abused. I think the author is waiting for a book deal, so she didn't get to the whole 63 days, but it's a worthwhile read. I was a newly eleven year old child when I was sent to TTC at eleven, when I was told the world would end within five years and it was normal for a 12 year old old to perform oral sex acts on adult men. I left at 11 years old plus two months, distinctly older.(reply to this comment) |
| | From elisha717 Tuesday, May 06, 2008, 20:12 (Agree/Disagree?) Interesting! What is the authors name? Did this happen here in the states? I know what you mean about the BS us kids believed, the only thing that is starting to console me now is seeing my own son 11yr fall for the most silly pranks. He is an A student (most x), but he fell for believing a ninja was after him. It was the funniest thing in the world watching them (this joke lasted 3wks). We finally told them it was a joke and to this day they are embarrassed to even admit that they were so guilable. So, after this I started being a little easier on myself with things that I fell for as a child. I lived in Spain when when I was 12 and 13, and saw about 3 boys get spanked in front of all of us, I was horrified at what I saw (but also was petrified at what I saw). Just recently I haven't felt this anxiety attack when I see managers (Professors, any kind of person that would remind me of shepherds) walk out of a closed meeting; because so many times the shepherds would walk out of these meetings and implement these types of chaos. But ya my heart really goes out to everyone that has these types of abuse happen to them. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From elisha717 Friday, May 16, 2008, 06:16 (Agree/Disagree?) Every parent has a different way of parenting! My fiance and I are very interactive with our kidz, he restlefights and boxes with them, and this whole family is a prank "interactive" (Lol) family! We go camping and hiking, etc. Actually, personally, I am very thankful for giving my son these different experiances, as it is "supposed" to teach him how not to be so gullible, and how to always use logic. It is not like this joke continues on throughout his lifetime, my son is being raised to be a boy. I don't see how I fail to protect my son? And yes, it is our job to teach them how to distinguish fantassy from reality, and believe me, my method has been working for me! (Maybe later it won't work, but for now, it does)! Now, if you are saying that as a counselor I would recommend people play pranks on their kidz, the answer would be I really don't know! Every child is very different and depends on the relationship the parents have with their kidz.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From elisha717 Friday, May 16, 2008, 06:24 (Agree/Disagree?) I lived in Madrid, Spain. It happend at the big house, when Martin and Mercy were shepherds, the person who delivered the beating was named Paul (don't know his last name). Later they created a home called "The Victor Home" and it was all boyz. It happend around 1986, 1987, 1988, a couple years (or one year) before the persecution. Which boy were you? You were a silent hero to the rest of us teens! (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Moonsetter Monday, May 19, 2008, 19:52
    (Agree/Disagree?) It was a very small village basically in the middle of nowhere about 80km from Mostoles, near Madrid. I really don't care about what happened, but I would lash out a strike or two at the individual who perpetrated the completely irrational act. His name was Gabe and his wife was a Columbian called Luna or Lucia. They may have both been Columbian. Fuck the past...(reply to this comment) |
| | From elisha717 Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 06:33 (Agree/Disagree?) That name sounds so familiar! Did they have any kids? The sad part was that all these "shepherds" came into Europe, and started all these "victor homes" that left those of us kids who were already living in questionable situations, (with no life), and they came in and put us into this type of "military school. " I was in the Rome Combo, the BTC, the Madrid Combo, I am just amazed at what these "mother homes" came up with! My parents were very blind sheep who always gave me up for their "sacrificial" sacrifice! (Probably because I am such a loud mouth who can't hide quietly in my corner and mind my own business). (Not good for me, because I am a reader, so I probably read more mo-letters than the shepherds did, as I would always question what was being done with the Bible or past written letters, [never in a malicious way] I was honestly just trying to help. I never got any answers [how are they going to respond to contridictions in their own letters], but I was always kept sort of isolated from my peers, [being a good fundraiser, they couldn't really punish me] stupid me kept asking for answers, always met with silence, and I kept asking, never wanting to really open my eyes to the manipulation and greed, and the need for power, that consumed this group. If I wasn't so indoctrinated, I would have left at an earlier age than 20yrs old). How old were you when you left? (reply to this comment) |
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