Getting On : All My Politics
A Response to James D. Chancellor’s Life in The Family: An Oral History of the Children of God | from Perry - Wednesday, October 17, 2007 accessed 682 times An article I've written, A Response to James D. Chancellor’s Life in The Family:An Oral History of the Children of God, has just been published in Cultic Studies Review at http://www.culticstudiesreview.com/csr_issues/csr_toc2007.2.htm The editor has offered a free trial subscription to ex-members so they can access my article and accompanying correspondence with James Chancellor. I think that will also give access to all back issues. Contact the editor at mail@icsamail.com and request a complimentary ex-member Web subscription. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from steam Thursday, October 18, 2007 - 14:15 (Agree/Disagree?) Anyone know who this Matheson guy who was talked about in these articles as having been excomed in 2006 is. It sounded like a bigshot. just wondering. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Great Article Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - 22:16 (Agree/Disagree?) Thank you for taking the trouble to write this, as well as the response to the JC Chancellor response, which kind of read as shaking with self-defensiveness. Interestingly, he was provoked to describe The Family and certain Family actions in frank terms he never, ever used in his book. (reply to this comment)
| From Perry Thursday, October 25, 2007, 11:42 (Agree/Disagree?) Thanks. You might also be interested in my blog which you can access through the RISE site at http://www.riseinternationalcic.org/ or directly at http://religiouschildabuse.blogspot.com/ I've just added a link to an interesting website called Children Are Unbeatable http://www.childrenareunbeatable.org.uk/ On that site there is this news item: UN says "No more excuses": equal protection by 2009 News posted 2006 The report of the United Nations Secretary-General's Study on Violence against Children has called on all countries to prohibit all corporal punishment in the family, at school and everywhere else by 2009. Submitted to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday 11 October 2006, the report prepared by Professor Paulo Pinheiro who headed up the four-year study notes: "In every region, in contradiction to human rights obligations and children's developmental needs, violence against children is socially approved, and is frequently legal and State-authorized." The report continues: "The Study should mark a turning point - an end to adult justification of violence against children, whether accepted as 'tradition' or disguised as 'discipline'. There can be no compromise in challenging violence against children. Children's uniqueness - their potential and vulnerability, their dependence on adults - makes it imperative that they have more, not less, protection from violence... "...The core message of the Study is that no violence against children is justifiable; all violence against children is preventable. There should be no more excuses. Member States must act now with urgency to fulfil their human rights obligations and other commitments to ensure protection from all forms of violence." (reply to this comment) |
| | from MegaGroan Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - 17:34 (Agree/Disagree?) Is there any way the text could be posted here or on Xfamily? I don't have the time to try to get a password, but I am interested in this issue, and would like to read your article. (reply to this comment)
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