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Getting On : All My Politics


from benji - Tuesday, November 08, 2005
accessed 1360 times

CAMILO MEJIA was the first U.S. soldier who served in Iraq and went public with his refusal to re-deploy. He spent nine months in military confinement for deciding to follow his conscience.

Since his release, he has been a tireless antiwar campaigner--at the side of Cindy Sheehan when she began her antiwar vigil outside George Bush’s ranch in Crawford, Texas, and traveling to New York to support the St. Patrick’s Four, activists on trial for opposing the war. His book, Road from ar Ramadi, is forthcoming from New Press.

Camilo spoke to Socialist Workers ERIC RUDER as organizing intensified for the national antiwar mobilization on September 24:

Q: HOW DID you come to be against the war?

A: I WAS against the war from the very beginning--from before there even was a war.

Politically, it seemed that the U.S. government was forcing this war on everybody. There was no approval from the United Nations Security Council. There was no approval from the people here at home. And there was no approval from historical allies like Germany and France and the other big powers.

9-11 just seemed too fake as a justification--a lot of the actual hijackers came from Saudi Arabia and yet we were invading Iraq. And as far as weapons of mass destruction, North Korea was flaunting its weapons, and yet we were invading a country that we don’t even know for sure has such weapons. The United Nations inspectors are saying that we don’t know if they have weapons. So politically, it just didn’t make a lot of sense.

A lot of people think I came to be against war during my stay in Iraq. I had been against war before that, just as many people in the military are against war, or at least against this war.

But many people don’t have an understanding that signing a contract and wearing a uniform doesn’t mean that we cant make our own decisions or that we cant, based on our political and moral beliefs, make the decision to refuse a particular war, or to refuse war, period.

If you truly disagree with something, there’s no uniform, and there’s no Uniform Code of Military Justice, and there’s no order that can force you to do it. In the end, you always make your own decision.

I failed to understand that at the time, and even though I disagreed with the war from the beginning, I deployed. And then there’s a transition. You go from being politically and impersonally and distantly against the war to being more morally and more personally against it, because this isn’t just something that you’re reading about.

You’re not just reading about prisoner abuse, but conducting prisoner abuse. You’re not reading about killing civilians, but you’re killing civilians. You’re not reading about occupation but you’re occupying, you’re raiding homes, and you’re enforcing a curfew.

All these things are abstract when you’re reading them, and then they become more than real, because they become a part of your conscience and a part of your memory and a part of who you are--every decision that you make and you fail to make becomes you.

So it can no longer stay simply political opposition to war. You become the opposition. I can’t say that this was the case for everybody, but it was the case for me.

The first mission we had was to deprive prisoners of sleep for periods of up to 48 hours--creating a lot of noise, treating them worse than animals and breaking them up morally, psychologically, spiritually. We performed mock executions to keep them awake. This is the beginning of the occupation--April 2003.

And then we move on to other missions. We end up in Ramadi, which is in the Sunni Triangle. At first, it’s no big deal. There’s very little opposition--not so much because there isn’t real opposition, but because the opposition isn’t very organized, and in part because people were still trying to figure out if the U.S. is staying or just came to kick out Saddam.

But weeks go by, we stay, and the insurgency gets more organized, and attacks get more frequent, more intense, more sophisticated. We respond in turn, and we start messing things up in Iraq.

In Ramadi, nothing ever gets fixed. The deadlines we had for training the cops and letting them take control of the city--nothing happens. Power isn’t restored, water isn’t restored, and the sewage system isn’t fixed. Trash thrown all over the place--I’m telling you the stench and the fumes were horrible. Schools were not operating.

An occupation is such a horrible thing. And in the midst of it, there’s no sense that you're helping anyone. None. We were just there watching our own backs, and making sure we don't get killed.

Q: DO YOU think a lot of soldiers who start out in favor of the war are being transformed by deploying to Iraq?

A: EVEN THOUGH I had my eyes somewhat open, I can say from personal experience that this happens. Sometimes, I ask myself how the hell I believed some of the things I used to believe.

There’s a huge dam at al Haditah, and this was one of the biggest assets that the U.S. was going for and that the Republican Guard was defending, because this dam at some point powered 75 percent of Baghdad. They had all these engineers who worked there, who were very smart and experienced, and they spoke fluent English. They were showing up even though they weren’t getting paid, and they couldn’t do much because they didn’t have the parts they needed.

So they’re sitting around, and were sitting around guarding the dam, and we had a lot of free time to talk with them. I remember telling one guy that a lot of money was going to start coming in, and I’m pretty sure that they would be making a lot of money, because an engineer like them in the U.S. working at a facility like this makes a ton--maybe even $100,000. I told them, you guys are going to be set, you’ll have jobs and power.

I really thought that. I really thought that some aspects of this occupation were going to help the people of Iraq--that the U.S. was going to give money to Iraqi contractors so they could develop their own country. And then you start finding out the hard truth about imperial occupation.

It was a shock when we started seeing the mistreatment of the people--even for hardcore, gung-ho, pro-war people. After a while, you realize you’re only there to get out of there alive. It’s a big shock.

The indoctrination in the military is so strong, however, that people can see this, and say that it sucks, but I signed a contract.

People are able to see through the hypocrisy and the lies that we’re there fighting for freedom and democracy and justice. They realize that this war is just for oil or money and geopolitical position for the empire. And they’ll tell you that they’ll never reenlist, but they’re still performing their jobs, because they have a sense of duty to the military, to the country and to one another, and its hard to break.

Q: GEORGE BUSH would say that the U.S. will only stay until Iraq is in a better condition, and the troops will come home as soon as possible. What do you think about that?

A: YOU CAN’T force democracy with the muzzle of an M-16 or a tank or bombs or Apache helicopters. There cant be democracy when there’s occupation, because when there’s occupation, there’s fear, and when there’s fear, there’s no freedom. And people are very afraid in Iraq. They’re afraid of the insurgents and the occupation. They’re afraid of speaking out or leaving their homes.

The biggest part of the problem is us. For the war hawks and the corporations, a little insurgency is healthy. They know that they’re creating the problem, and it’s in their best interest to continue it, because as long as there’s violence, they can continue to justify the presence of a foreign military.

When you look at Latin America in the 1970s and 1980s, all these countries were being ruled by military dictatorships that were placed there and financed and trained by the U.S. They need repression, violence and fear in order to ransack countries and exploit them and take the benefits and the profits.

Q: DO YOU think the U.S. has a responsibility to stay or should troops be withdrawn immediately?

A: THERE SHOULD be immediate withdrawal. To say that the Iraqis need 160,000 people armed to the teeth in order to succeed is straight-out racist.

That’s like saying that you have a family, and that somebody with a stick needs to be in your house in order for you to be able to run your house. And then every mistake you make, you get smacked upside the head because somebody else knows what’s good for you better than you do.

It would be like 1 million foreign invaders coming to the U.S. and saying that were going to stay because you have problems. You have a president who steals elections, and you have racial minorities left behind to fend for themselves in hurricanes.

People say were there because they mistreat women, but every eight seconds, a woman gets beat up in the U.S. Women don’t get the same salaries as men, don’t get the same job opportunities, get degraded on television. Every five minutes there’s a detergent commercial where you have a beautiful, young, sophisticated woman on her knees cleaning a toilet or making food for a bunch of guys watching a football game.

The hypocrisy is incredible. We demand that the Iraqis have 25 percent female representation in Congress. And what is it here? Its 14 percent! And yet we use all these arguments as reasons to stay--I don’t really mean we, I mean the government.

How can we even speak about freeing anybody when were not free ourselves? We have one of the worst, if not the worst, education system of any industrialized nation. We have more than 40 million people without health insurance. We have an education system that charges people to go to college.

We have this beautiful Bill of Rights and this beautiful Constitution that unfortunately have never applied to everyone, just very select groups. We need freedom here before we can even think about helping anybody with their own freedom.

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from Wolf
Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 23:10

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If Mejia was halfway intelligent he would have realized that war isn’t about some kind of lofty ideals before he signed up.

That said, to me it seems like the US military and government are partially to blame for wrongly advertising their role in world politics. Basically, Mejia just made the mistake of believing them. I could compare it to signing up with a college that promises a bachelor of science in chemistry but ends up teaching nothing but scientology. That would be considered fraud and I could probably win a law suit against them in court. But the US government engages in fraud on a massive scale and gets away with it.

Allow me to make a different comparison: if a soldier signs up for the Russian military, he doesn’t have any bullshit ideas about what he’s going to be doing. He knows he’s going to be a bitch for his government and do their dirty work for them, and knows he’ll probably be sent to Chechnya to kill and rape Chechen civilians and steal their possessions, just because his government doesn’t like them.

In contrast, if a soldier who signs up for the US military believes his government, he thinks he’s going to defend democracy, be an example of righteousness, and all the rest of the bullshit the US government tells their citizens. So in a sense, people like Mejia who become disillusioned when they learn the truth are only guilty of believing their government’s lies.
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from U.S. Army Infantry
Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 20:07


Does this guy think that the chain of command in the military is optional? How does he think companies, businesses, and other government agencies run? There is structure for a reason. One reason is to prevent people from conducting peacekeeping missions in the Bahamas, or Cancun (which is where I would be if I had the option).

He may not have known where he would end up in his military career but he did take a vow to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States...and to obey the orders of those appointed over him. He made that choice. And what did he think the Army was? Burger King? where you can walk in and place an order, and if you're not satisfied you get your money back? Any ten-year-old knows better than that. I think he was too much of a coward to go back.

I know fear. When you're overwhelmed by it you will do and try anything to make it go away. During my first 9 months in Iraq I was blown up, shot at, and mortared almost daily. I was deep in the fight in Najaf in the spring of '04. I went home for a mid-tour furlough, knowing that as soon as I returned my unit would be spearheading the invasion of Fallujah. When I was home I wanted to get hit by a car and break a leg so I wouldn't have to go back. I wanted to find out I had cancer. Anything so I wouldn't have to go back to that hell hole. Fear sucks, but I willingly signed that contract. I agreed I would serve my country no matter what the cause. And at the end of the day, for the guys on the ground like me, it is about your buddies. We're all afraid, we all want to go home, but we have a job to do which we volunteered for so we're going to keep each other alive and finish the job so we can all go home. I went back, and it sucked ass. But I honored my commitment. Now I can prance around all day talking about how bad the war is (which I don't do, by the way).

And yes, I'm sure we're in it for economic and political gains, but who isn't? That's the way things are, and if you don't like then go build a colony on Mars.

I don't post here but I had to put my two cents in on this topic.

Carry on.
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from moon beam
Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 10:44


The cost of war

What the money could be spent on

As part of the War on Terror, the US/UK have been involved in 2 main areas: Iraq and Afghanistan.

Afghanistan was targeted in order to avenge the 9/11 deaths by killing Osama Bin Laden, and to free the beleaguered Afghan population from the Taliban (trained and financed by the USA, and previously in their good books for fighting the nasty Communist Russians). In the process, between 3,000 - 3,400 Afghan civilians were killed in the bombings. Osama Bin Laden is still around, and Afghanistan is still as war torn, is exporting heroin again (previously banned by the Taliban), and is now divided up between various war lords, as of pre-Taliban days. Life for the ordinary Afghan is just as hard and dangerous as before George and Tony famously told the people of Afghanistan that their country would never again be forgotten...

Iraq was initially targeted because Saddam Hussein was making, or owned, or wanted to own, weapons on mass destruction. Weapons Inspectors were sent in to find them, they didn't find any, but George and Tony got impatient, they ignored the UN, and illegally invaded Iraq instead. Iraq, After all, following 13 years of barbaric sanctions, and a previous round of the most intensive weapons inspections ever carried out, was a threat to world peace, and had to be overthrown.

Then it turned into an opportunity for we, the gallant west, to free the Iraqi population from this evil man. This evil man who we installed, who we sold millions of dollars worth of weapons to, who Donald Rumsfeld visited after Saddam Hussein gassed thousands of Kurds in Halabja in 1988, and told Saddam he was a 'moderating force in the region', this man who could do no wrong, as long as it wasn't a wrong that we didn't approve of. So now it was a Human Rights crusade. Now it's the new front line on the War on Terror.

Between 15654 and 17884 Iraqi civilians have been killed by in the second Gulf War latest trip abroad (Iraqbodycount). That's not including military deaths either. However, research carried out by The Lancet has estimated that the invasion has killed 100,000 more Iraqis than would have been killed without an invasion.

There is also the other issue of how Afghanistan and Iraq (not to mention Bosnia as well) have been littered with the fallout from cluster bombs.

A soilder's perspective changed

The war in Iraq is wrong

Justice not vengence

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From oh my god
Saturday, November 12, 2005, 13:18

oh my god, imagine that, it turns out that every country including the US acts in their own best interest. (reply to this comment
From um
Saturday, November 12, 2005, 14:00

Average visitor agreement is 1 out of 5(
I think the point is that it is not in th average americans interest at all, just big bussiness and oil barons. (reply to this comment
From Ne Oublie
Sunday, November 13, 2005, 08:52

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... which then also benefits the broader American population... your point is?(reply to this comment
From ErikMagnusLehnsher
Sunday, November 13, 2005, 16:42

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Trickle-down Warganomics?(reply to this comment
from sailor
Friday, November 11, 2005 - 10:43

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This guy is the opposite of a hero, he is a coward and he was an idiot to join the military and think that he wouldn't be in a war. Regarding Cindy Sheehan, I think that she is not quite what she seems. Judging by her actions previous to her son's death it seems that she never really cared for him that much. Once he died she used his death for her own purposes. Google Cindy Sheehan and you will find out that she divorced her husband and "she chose not to help raise her son or to take part in his growing up, but to let her ex-husband and Casey's step mother raise him." It's kind of hard to associate this person with what she says on TV, but it is true.
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From 2 cents
Friday, November 11, 2005, 11:06

I think the politicians are to blame. The guy probably thought he could expect to serve in legal wars and peace keeping roles.

And it doesnt seem like a free ride to have to pay with your conscience and maybe your life in a war that was not supported by half the world and where the certain outcome was to anger the world and create more 'terrorists'.

No one blamed the nazis for defecting. (reply to this comment
From Fish
Saturday, November 12, 2005, 07:50


I doubt men who voluntarily enlisted in the Whermarch defected. (For reasons of conscience)

If you are drafted, I think its an entirely different thing. And in my opinion, any nazi who defected when Berlin was under siege by the red army was a traitor. I dont think too many did.(reply to this comment

From Baxter
Thursday, November 17, 2005, 05:48

Funnily enough, an enormous number did just that. Most of the German amry wanted to get as far away from the Russians as possible. The Battle for Berlin probably saw more desertions than at any other point in the German war effort. ANd what is even wierder is that a greater portion of the elite units that defended Berlin weren't even German, but French Flemish and Scandinavian (SS Charlemagne, Wiking, and Langemarke divs. ). Arguably they were already traitors. (reply to this comment
From Baxter
Friday, November 11, 2005, 14:14

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I think there is a world of difference between being called on to engage in genocide, and fulfilling your consensual duty. This is not a conscript we are talking about here.

And as far as Nazis are concerned, millions of young Germans served in the Wehrmacht who weren't nazis, and who didn't desert, but who didn't engage in mass murder either. (reply to this comment

From Vaterlandliebhaber
Friday, November 11, 2005, 12:37

Well depends what you mean by nazi.I think for a common German soldier who defected the same rules should apply.(reply to this comment
From 2cents
Friday, November 11, 2005, 11:27

I'm not saying the Republicans want to exterminate the Arabs as a race just the analogy of going with your conscience rather than following what you feel to be against your morals.(reply to this comment
from Nick
Friday, November 11, 2005 - 09:27

Average visitor agreement is 1.5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 1.5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 1.5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 1.5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 1.5 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)
This man is not a hero, he is nothing but a coward that went AWOL. I don't care if he agrees or disagrees with the war, he joined the army and it is his duty to serve weather he likes it or not.

For some people the army is a better way of life. Some get huge sign on bonuses, they get all food, board and medical paid for. They get all sorts of benefits. I am sure he didn't complain when he got those perks but as soon as he is asked to return the favor and do his duty he bails??? "Oh, I was against the war from the beginning". Well why did you join the army you prick? "For the gourmet MRE’s and itchy green army blankets sir" Or maybe ho joind because he has a really small penis and the uniform was the only way to pull chicks.

He is nothing but a deserter and should be shot along with Akbar or Achmed or what ever that idiot was called that tossed that grenade into his Sgt’s tent back when the war began.

He gets 9 months in jail yet others get 10 years for playing some fraternity prank on a few combatants that were trying to kill them just a few weeks before.

Then we have that attention whore Cindy Sheehan. Man, I bet her son is turning in his grave watching how his mother turns him into a villain. Did you see that little cunt come back to Crawford after visiting her sick mom? She comes walking up like jezuz fucking christ with some bare foot hippy following her around playing what sounded like “Aaron songs” on his little guitar, followed by her motley crew of unemployed losers all waiting in line to suck her cock like dumb little sheep. All this while the parents of other fallen heroes remove the symbolic crosses from her little gypsy camp and put them in their own camp that’s protesting her. I mean what does she expect to happen? Does she know what will happen if all the troops are immediately brought home today? The same thing that happened back in 91 when Bush senior brought them all back. The country went to chaos and over 100,000 people were ethnically cleansed.
OK, I am done now…….
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from Baxter
Friday, November 11, 2005 - 05:22

Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)

I undertstand that this man actually went AWOL. If this is the case, I take issue with his conduct. This man would have taken an oath to the organisation which he served, and in any case he would have had a contractual agreement to the same effect. There is, in my opinion, no justification for reneging on such a contract, excepting in extreme circumstances of moral obligation. He had a duty and a responsibility to the men and women with whom he served. He may have had serious disagreement with the policies which placed him in Iraq, but there does not appear to be any demonstrable example in which he would have been asked to do anything seriously immoral. By this I mean that it is unlikely that he was ever asked to executed unarmed people or the like. He obviouly took exception to the cause for invasion and occupation, but he was a soldier and he must have understood that the possibility of this type of deployment was a relative issue. If such immoral action as described had been imposed on him, there is very little reason to believe that with determination he would not have been able to resist such instructions. The US, whatever else can be said about it, is not a fascist state.

I'm sorry but I will inevitably take issue with any man who willfully leaves his comrades without fullfilling what are at least his contractual agreements. In effect, he gave his word and went back on it. I imagine there are a lot of soldiers out there who agree with his position but stay at their posts.
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From Ageing Hippy Douche
Friday, November 11, 2005, 08:43

Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5(

"In effect, he gave his word and went back on it."

And now hes a hero.... Youve gotta love america. (reply to this comment

From Baxter
Friday, November 11, 2005, 14:08


It's fucking wack, innit?(reply to this comment

from lisa
Friday, November 11, 2005 - 03:53

Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)

‘If you truly disagree with something, there’s no uniform, and there’s no Uniform Code of Military Justice, and there’s no order that can force you to do it. In the end, you always make your own decision’

I found this quote very intresting, I think it applys to all the FGAS who have now left and say, 'oh they made me do it'. I don't think you can abdicate responsibility, like he said : 'In the end, you always make your own decision’
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From Nick
Friday, November 11, 2005, 09:40

Average visitor agreement is 2 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 2 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 2 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 2 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 2 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)
Ummmmm yeahhhh..... Thanks army for the free ride and all the yummy MRE's, but I don't like the little bullets flying at me right now so I think I am gonna desert my fellow troops and go home to mummy now because that’s the "decision" that I am making...

What a coward!

I bet he would make a great addition to any corporation! I mean he is just a real trooper, totally reliable and dedicated to the team!

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from Yaaay
Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 09:13

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Victory! Blair was beaten in the house of commons yesterday on his 90 day anti-terror bill. (which would reduce civil liberties-Gantanamo bay arena-moving to a police state. It goes against the long held magna carter and the right to trial and representation.)

The incitment to religious hatred bill has also been defeated.

Can you imagine not being able to take the piss out of TF, JW's, moonies, Bush etc..?

Freedom of speach and expression, don't let us loose it.
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From Baxter
Friday, November 11, 2005, 05:10

Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 5 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)

I'm torn on this issue. Literally, there are people in this country who should technically and morally be in Jail. We imprisoned Oswald Mosley and other British Fascist leaders during the war, on account of the fact that to leave them free was asking for trouble. We are, whether we like it or not, now at war. These men that I refer to are more guilty than any of the young men who carried the bombs onto the public transports. It would not raise a single second glance from me if these men were imprisoned for the duration of their natural lives.

On the other hand, I don't really trust the police or the government to use the proposed powers without the exploiting the potential for abuse. If we allow this legislation through, mistakes will almost inevitably be made -I'm not even thinking of the instances in which the police or MI5 might abuse this power to further their own ends. I mean, SO19 not only shot a man who did not pose a visible threat in front of a trainload of commutors (on an impulsive order), they also tried to cover it up by eliminating the CCTV footage and fabricating their stories. It's a sad fact, but we as the general public cannot fully trust the people who we look to to defend us in this very dirty war.

The incitement to religious hatred bill was (subjectively) a good idea, but was ambiguous and full of holes. In practice, it wouldn't have worked anyway. I cite the instance of the poor kid banned from wearing the 'Cradle of Filth: Jesus was a cunt' t-shirt as an example. (reply to this comment

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