Getting On : All My Politics
Media and the Royals | from Baxter - Monday, April 26, 2004 accessed 1130 times Why is the public so obsessed with the Royal Family? I don't get what the fuss was all about regarding those photographs depicting the demise of Diana. She's only been dead for nearly seven years! Why on earth would showing a couple of image of her fucked up Mercedes with the bodies of her and her boyfriend stir the slightest interest? Here's what I don't understand about the Royals! The Yanks think it's odd and queer that we still have a royal family, as if it's obsolescent (I'm not saying it isn't) and yet their media follows every stupid word that drops from their lips as if their demigods! Why? I remember exactly where I was the day that Diana popped it; I can't remember the date but I remember exactly what I did that day. And the only reason I can do that is because everyone else seemed to act as if they would as well- the weight in the air was almost tangible, it was the way people described the day JFK died. And therein lies the most insulting implication- how dubious is a comparison between the two? One was a pivotal world figure and other was a media icon. English people were crying in the streets! Let me repeat that- ENGLISH PEOPLE WERE CRYING IN THE STREETS!! OBJECTIVE WORD: ENGLISH. This might not have borne any gravity anywhere else, but the English don't cry in public! At least they didn't! Let me defend my assertion with two examples. When Arthur Wellesley died the nation witnessed one of the most elaborate funeral processions in British History. Again, When Churchill died, Thousands turned out to watch the procession- millions more watched it on their television. In both cases the crowds were silent, respectful, reverent. Princess Diana dies: The most kitsch popstar on the planet writes a dirge based on another crap dirge he wrote for another media icon, people are crying in the streets, and the procession is swamped with flowers that onlookers throw at the hearse! The Duke of Wellington saved Britain - and Europe from Napoleonic Expansion; Churchill kept us out of the Fascist Fold. Diana was 'the Queen of Hearts'! (What the fuck does that mean?) |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Joe H Tuesday, April 27, 2004 - 12:23
    (Agree/Disagree?) Couldn't agree more, Baxter! I nearly jumped for joy when I received the news of her death, foolishly thinking that it meant we would stop having to hear about her in the news. Boy, was I wrong! Of course, most people will tell you that she was nearly saint-like, giving money to charities and so on. Well, I say bollocks! What credit does some pampered brat who gave other people's money deserve? Diana was a useless trollop who never did an honest day's work in her life, and whose only claim to fame was her arranged marriage to an ugly Brit who has also never done a damn bit of good for society. But, you're right that the most mind-numbing thing is that Americans even give a damn! Maybe they secretly wish they had a king and queen! God save us! (reply to this comment)
| From Jerseygirl Wednesday, April 28, 2004, 04:01
    (Agree/Disagree?) But rich people with hearts are only trying to give back!! They really DO deserve fancy awards and bullshit TV shows years after their deaths for all the good deeds they've done. Honest day's work?? Hello, it takes a lot of time to shop and go to the spa and gym. Not to mention trying to pick what to wear at all the big events. My god Joe! "So young! So angry! Damn that rap music!"(reply to this comment) |
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