Getting On : Literature Reviews
the secret | from estee - Monday, September 15, 2008 accessed 657 times do we have any rational takers or believers in the theory of the book "the secret"? how about any takers at all? I know some of us have read the book "the secret" or seen the documentary by the same name. I watched it recently and thought while the 'testimonies' were compelling and there must be some truth to the 'law of attraction' backbone of the theory, I just don't see how it can add up. Especially in conjunction with experiences of us who've been in the family. I've tried focusing only on what you want to receive just for one day, and I've got to say: it is tiring. Who can actually do that? It seems to me that it would take a hell of a lot more than visualization and postive vibes to get the big things you want in life. I feel that when stuff happens, just to segregate it to one place and try to focus on what makes you feel good is really not going to cut it. Also, some of the best art and ideas come from those crap times, as we say in literature "happiness writes white." It's especially harsh to say that the way life is now is the product of our past thought, really? how about for ex-family? you can tell that i've given up with the whole capitalization thing, sorry, it's late here. any thoughts on "the secret"? It's bothering me. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from moon beam Tuesday, September 30, 2008 - 17:28 (Agree/Disagree?)
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| | | | | | | from the deeper secret Tuesday, September 30, 2008 - 14:20
    (Agree/Disagree?) http://www.loveforlife.com.au/node/5581 The substance of the living God of creation is free without a fee and offers the only remedy to Caesar's world. The substance of creation is the natural world; the trees, rivers, flowers, fruits, air, etc, that give of themselves freely without contracts, fees or demands, that the rest of creation may benefit and prosper. This is the love of creation that is the world of creation that is vital to our existence. We could easily exist without TVs, cars, roads and Maccas, but could we exist without air, water and real, living food here and now? The world of creation (substance) is about selflessly creating acts of love (substance) for those around you here and now, taking care of those around you as they take care of those around them so everyone is taken care of here and now. Take care of love (create substance) and love (the substance) takes care of everything else. With creation every life-form of creation, inanimate or not, bears the substance of conscious-living creation and that substance bears the information (consciousness) of creation, created by each life-form of creation. The substance engages and activates with MANS senses of creation that are sight, sound, touch, taste, feel, smell/scent, testifying/confirming that it is real, true, conscious, part of reality and does not require 3rd parties to exist. The evidence that they aid conscious-living creation in rolling along here and now is incontrovertible. The only remedy to the chaos of Caesar's world (a dead world of things) is out of Caesar's world in the world of creation, creating with the living substance of the living God. While we remain in Caesar's world, playing with Caesar's dead toys, speaking with Caesar's dead languages, living in Caesar's dead houses, driving Caesar's dead cars, sending our children to Caesar's dead schools, attending Caesar's dead universities and joining Caesar's dead workforce, we are creating, supporting and maintaining Caesar's dead world (of things) which means we are creating, supporting and maintaining brainwashing, hunger, disease, poverty, pollution, greed, selfishness, lies, secrets, chaos and destruction to creation here and now. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | from Weeder Friday, September 19, 2008 - 04:44 (Agree/Disagree?) Another documentary that touches on the same subjects ( quantom physics, positive thinking, etc) that I found more entertaining was called "What the Bleep Do We Know." (reply to this comment)
| from Weeder Friday, September 19, 2008 - 04:44 (Agree/Disagree?) Another documentary that touches on the same subjects ( quantom physics, positive thinking, etc) that I found more entertaining was called "What the Bleep Do We Know." (reply to this comment)
| From nicole Sunday, October 05, 2008, 23:17 (Agree/Disagree?) I wouldn't take too seriously anyone who goes by the name J.Z Knight and gets her info from some 'spirit-thingy' named Ramtha...which is where most of what WTBDWK came from (to the best of my knowledge). If you want to go New-Age I guess that's a personal choice. It feels too much like (someone?) listening to a weird gypsy king if you ask me. (reply to this comment) |
| | From exfamily Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 02:13
    (Agree/Disagree?) That was a load of shite as well, and please don't try to tie "quantum physics" with "positive thinking". The New Age cunts have made such a mockery of it, trying to legitimize their bullshit by presenting it under the "scientific" guise of quantum physics, though an extremely perverted version of it. Of course those who know no better think that it's for real, like one of my colleagues who's all into martial arts and eastern philosophies, trying to tell me about how he uses "quantum physics" in his martial art - what a load of bullshit!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From exfamily Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 14:00
    (Agree/Disagree?) Evidence for what? Sources for what? That it's bullshit? My sources and evidence then are a decent knowledge of quantum physics; a decent knowledge of many New Age philosophies; my own copy of What the Bleep Do We Know? and The Secret, plus many audio/video lectures by the authors of The Secret and by the makers of WTBDWK?. Of course, I don't need to prove that they are bullshit. They need to prove that their claims are not bullshit, as they're the ones making claims that certain things exist and that things operate in a certain way. Ok, you say that things work like so, prove it! Otherwise I call bullshit on it.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From humhum Wednesday, October 01, 2008, 14:31
(Agree/Disagree?) ..uu. ?$""`?i z' `M .@" x" 'Z :#" . . f 8M '&H?` :$f U8 @ 'f`$L:M R.@!` +` > R X "NXF R"*L k 'f M "$$ :E 5. % `~ " ` 'K 'M .uH 'E `h .x*` X ` .uf` * .@8 . 'E9F uf" , , 9h+" $M eH. 8b. .8 ..... .8` $' M 'E `R;' d?"""`"# ` E @ b d 9R ?* @ > K.zM `%M' 9' Xf .f ; R' 9 M .=` t M Mx~ @ lR z" @ ` ;" ` .u!"` .x*"` ..+"NP .z"" ? M#` 9 , , 9 M d! ,8P' R X.:x' R' , F F' M R.d' d P @ E` , P ' P N.d' '' ' ss X x . 9 .f ! . $b 4; $k / dH $f 'X ;$$ z . MR :$ R M$$, : d9b M' tM M: #'$L ;' M `8 X MR `$;t' $F # X ,oR t Q; $$@ R$ H :RP' $b X @' 9$E @Bd' $' ?X ; W `M' `$M d$ `E ;.o* :R .. ` ' "' ' @' '$o*"' (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from murasaki Thursday, September 18, 2008 - 01:14 (Agree/Disagree?) I also had mixed feelings on reading "the secret" a while back. First was the let down that the whole great secret was really just recycled power of positive thinking and standard motivational stuff, cleverly repackaged and commercialized. I think there are some underlying principles that are pretty right on, no matter how they happen to work. Like for instance, if you have a positive outlook and are open to new experiences, good things tend to happen, more often than not. And the converse is true as well, if you expect the worst, you won't be disappointed. Some of it I found pretty laughable, like expecting a check in your mailbox instead of bills. WTF!! And some was just infuriating, like insinuating that the tsunami victims deserved to die because they were attracting negative energy. Again, WTF!! I think as with all things, you just have to take what works for you and not worry about what doesn't. There is no formula of universal truth, because truth is a subjective construct, we each make our own different truth. There's no point in swallowing all of what someone else says is true, just because some of it happens to work. After all, that's standard cult formula. (reply to this comment)
| from Randi Wednesday, September 17, 2008 - 11:05 (Agree/Disagree?) I think the idea is to be grateful...try to be happy about what you have and who you are... where you are in your life...right now. With this kind of attitude in place... you start creating a positive cycle in your life which will resound to the world (or universe as they say) around you... which will attract better or the right people... at least more positive people, better connections, etc etc which should lead to better and bigger opportunities etc...a brighter future. Don't focus on wanting... focus on being... and I think that the money thing they talk about (fancy cars, houses etc) is to get the simple viewers attention (call that aspect a scam if you will), but I don't think that materializm as such is the end goal. It shouldn't be about having more... it should be about generating more...creating wealth and prosperity not just for yourself but for those around you. And of course one should ask, what does prosperity and wealth really mean to me.... what do I really want? Is it really the big house you want or is it stability and a warm and loving family etc... If you focus on something even just for one day... it affects your mood, which affects your social interactions, which affects your success rate, which might affect your thoughts and inner focus again, which will affect your life, health and general outlook. Perhaps you already have a great life... but youre missing it because of a lousy perspective.. If you want to get anywhere, you have to have a goal, and you have to visualize it in your head...which in turn makes you start walking in that direction, making the right decisions etc...and more importantly keeps you on the track toward the goal of choice. If you want to have a more prosperous life... stop acting and behaving poor and pathetic... poverty has a lot to do with attitude as well...Behaving rich for example has nothing to do with spending what you dont have, that is stupid and is lost energy that will not generate more of anything for anyone... working hard... getting educated and having future goals, investing etc.. and giving, that is behaving rich. Most of us are rich if we compare ourselves with most of the worlds population... most of us have plenty to share... Most of us forget how lucky we are, some of the pleasures and luxarys we enjoy or perhaps take for granted is astounding... The Family... well, as kids we were rather ignorant, we didnt know of our possible options so how could we have other goals or dreams.... but as soon as anyone one of us understood what life could be like...and visualized a future project... look what most of us managed to accomplish... we got out... with little or no help... got educated, got jobs etc etc... some of us have done amazingly well in many aspects... that to me proves The Secret works (sorry for blabbing... Yous are meant to be one or people not you as in YOU) (reply to this comment)
| From scarface Wednesday, September 17, 2008, 17:58 (Agree/Disagree?) Of course we are all lucky. I feel immensely lucky. In fact, I feel so lucky I was just about to go and change my middle name to lucky. NOT. I would trade places with anyone in the world, anywhere in the world. Except maybe a tv producer in Mecca. You know if you are not already hooked up with someone, Lance would find you attractive. A depraved self confessed perv, buffoon and moron. Sure, but who cares? The only problem is although you are naive and he likes that, you are over 16 so he might not be all head-over-heels for you. Fuck it, it might be worth a try. Bliss for the two of you could be just a phone call away. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From scarface Thursday, September 18, 2008, 21:33 (Agree/Disagree?) Bearing in mind that you consider me the initiator of this futile name calling (I’m trying to be reasonable here so don’t push your luck), I’ll be the superior person here, take a step back, analyze your spastic rants and try to defuse your temper. Please appreciate that while you most probably will be offended by what I say, I’m not trying to provoke you, this time:.) Of course you can say what ever you want, and I never said you couldn’t. “You may not have asked for my wimpy, anonymous opinion, but for the record, no one asked for yours either.” The entire “disagreement” on this point is a misunderstanding. That is more or less what I was implying. “The language is also totally uncalled for given the circumstances and neither is presenting any recognizable logic - just emotionally injured slurs and jabs. Or is this all some twisted kind of foreplay? If so, get a room.” Telling somebody to get a room is a not so subtle way of saying shut up. I don’t own anybody; issuing authoritarian commands is not my style. I simply state my opinion. If you consider that immature and offensive, I’m sorry I apologize. “I find the fact that you think anyone would entertain the idea of going over there and "making" you do anything even more presumptuous and petty. We all have minor or major disagreements at some point or another but it's rarely personal and rarely taken seriously enough to warrant such drastic action” Again this is a stupid misunderstanding on YOUR part. I wasn’t suggesting we solve this with violence. How did you get that impression? What the hell are you on? I prefer to reserve the use of force for those who attack me my family and those I care for. Violence doesn’t solve anything and should only be used as a last resort, a deterrent so to speak. The only exception would be someone who is dumb enough to threaten me instead of just getting up and doing it. “make me” is an expression not a threat. The above paragraph is one of the dumbest most confused pieces literary of bullshit I have ever heard. Fuck me! is also an expression. You have a hard time with reading comprehension don’t you? Are you doing this on purpose? I can’t tell, you are so full of shit I really just can’t tell. You can blame me for that too if you want. My last point: If sarcasm isn’t my strong point, neither is whining yours. Allow me to elaborate. #1. Your first question: “why do I have to see” . To use Randis’ dumb-ass phrase “um ok”. Is that a scientific question? Theological? Hypothetical? For simplicities sake let’s agree that you are whining. #2. Another stupid ( implied) question: “Why do I have to write”. Again I ask scientific, theological, hypothetical? No way in hell you are that stupid. More wretched whining. #3.I post anonymously because I actually liked you scarface. You're young, obviously inexperienced and I feel younger ex-members often deserve a friendlier face and disposition than those I grew up with. You experienced a different side of the cult and are still in the earlier stages of discovering your truer self on the outside. “ You liked me and now you don’t? Cry me the Nile River. Yet more unnecessary whining. “You are young” And you are old. You will shrivel up like a prune and die before me. As if I care. Are you trying to make me feel bad for you. It’s not working. You are a bad whiner. Who cares that you are old. Get over it! #4. “Apparently I also underestimated your level of immaturity. When hurt and out of your depth you respond by insulting someone else? I'm the one who insulted you, so keep it to our thread and insult me back instead of being so lame as to take it out on innocent bystanders. Such immaturity.” This is my favorite one. Randi is a strong woman, with lots of opinions she is not afraid to express. I admire her for that and I was mocking her cause I knew she could handle it. Her two sentence response contained more wit and stinging criticism then all four of your whining, ranting paragraphs put together. If she needed a knight in shining armor to defend her “innocence” she would have asked for it. I bet she could choose a far better champion then you. Shame on you! Pour ashes on your head and weep. I am finished (finally) and if you want to take this to my article why don’t you try and point out the fallacies in my argument instead of bitching like a cheap escort service about what you don’t like and how much you don’t like it. I hope you understand what I am trying to say and don’t start another stupid, redundant, retarded rant about everything you don’t like. Peace out nigga! Lance I apologize for bringing you into this.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from exfamily Wednesday, September 17, 2008 - 06:57 (Agree/Disagree?) I tried it when I was in New Age phase. I think it generally made me happier throughout the day, or in a better mood at least. That's just because I was thinking happy thoughts. But the basic idea is total bullshit. If it helps you psychologically, that's great for you, but you'll not become rich or anything by believing you're rich. If anything you'll become poor by overspending. (reply to this comment)
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