Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from consciousmedia Thursday, October 11, 2007 - 12:58 (Agree/Disagree?) http://www.consciousmedianetwork.com/movie/aids.htm http://www.beyondhealth.com/ (reply to this comment)
| from PopNFresh Tuesday, September 25, 2007 - 20:45 (Agree/Disagree?) I couldn't finish watching this documentary, it's completely idiotic. It's aimed at people with little to no understanding of basic biology. What's most frustrating about it is that for every 2 or 3 people they bring on who give their amature point of view (basically people living with HIV are automatically experts), one person comes on and says something correct, but in context to the amature's views it "proves" the point that HIV does not cause AIDS. AIDS (Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is the name for the cumulative effects of many types of diseases in a patient with HIV. AIDS is not an illness, virus, or infection, it's a syndrome. It is only related to HIV because it was named to describe the detectable effects of someone suffering from other illnesses when their immune system is compromised by HIV. You don't drop HIV when you are diagnosed with AIDS, you are still HIV positive and displaying characteristics of AIDS. It pretty much defines the late stages of HIV. Other than the HIV causing AIDS arguement there were people claiming that HIV and AIDS is a ploy to get people to buy the expensive medicines. Most drug companies are for-proffit, and yes they do make money off insurance companies and individuals who need their medicine. There is no law forcing you take the medicines for HIV, so if they are just trying to raise awareness for that, they could have done it without all the other crap. My uncle lived med free with HIV for 17 years, and developed AIDS. He died 3 years after being diagnosed with AIDS. He kept a very healthy diet, consistently used marijuana to increase his appetite, and supress pain. He also tried an experimental treatment using a highly toxic and halucenogenic tree bark from the Amazon. It worked for him. I personally don't think going med free would work for everyone else because it took a lot of effort from him to stay healthy. But hey, whatever works for you. The next claim was that HIV tests are wrong because they don't actually look for the virus, but rather the antibody that fights the virus. The amatures talked on and on about this as if a virus is the same thing as bacteria. A virus is not a living thing, and requires a host cell to replicate. So to determine if the active virus is in your system, the lab needs to force it to replicate. Explaining this concept was another moron claiming that the virus is being cultivated in the dish without the human having it. Everything he said up until that point was correct about them forcing it to replicate so that they could detect it, but without it being in the person's blood in first place it would not have been able to replicate itself. Then they flashed warning on home testing kits and rapid testing kits where it says the results of the tests are not meant to provide an AIDS diagnosis. This is true! Check the CDC's website. These are indicator tests. The CDC says that in order to make an accurate diagnosis further testing is needed. Anywho to make a long story short, you can go get an RNA test if you doubt the results. I really tried to watch this video with an open mind, but I could only take half of it. It's all harmless anyway until they get that fucking retarded Doctor up there saying he doesn't recommend people test for HIV. People should test, and should be aware of what's going on with them. For many people who can't live a regimented healthy lifestyle, meds could be a lifesaver. It's ultimately up to the patient, but to recommend someone not take the test is harmful to the patient and society as a whole. I'm done. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | From PopNFresh Wednesday, September 26, 2007, 16:00 (Agree/Disagree?) I didn't really find it party affiliated. It seemed to me like their strongest speaker had the only somewhat reasonable point; you don't HAVE to medicate to survive with AIDS. However, much of the documentary goes off track from whatever their main point is to show a lot of bragging about the "thrilling" combination of homosexuality, massive orgies, drugs and STDs in the 80s. I found it pretty disgusting to hear a guy bragging about being treated for 5 different STDs over 5 times each, and giggled when he talked about anal warts and crabs out the ass. But hey if that's your kind of party, go for it.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | from rainy Tuesday, September 25, 2007 - 18:48
    (Agree/Disagree?) an hour & a half? Could you give a brief summary? (reply to this comment)
| From Samuel Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 19:29 (Agree/Disagree?) Brief summary... Federal researcher Dr. Robert Gallo discovered the probable cause of AIDS in 1984. According to the auhtor of this video, no evidence or published data was brought forward to support his claim. The following day, news organizations around the world began reporting the "AIDS virus" as a matter of fact. The author of this video does not believe that AIDS is caused by HIV. The film introduces doctors that question the accuracy of HIV tests, and do not believe that AIDS is caused by HIV.(reply to this comment) |
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