Getting On : Health
lets chat about...... | from Teji - Saturday, March 31, 2007 accessed 1087 times I should preface this by saying that the reason I wrote this article was not to mock, or belittle neither therapy/doctors etc, nor the use of medication. I happen to be a big fan of therapy (though I’ll admit finding the right therapist/doctor is hard) I think anyone who has left a cult would benefit from therapy....as far as medication is concerned....ADD meds are the only ones that really seemed to work for me but, I am still undecided....obviously, meds don’t solve everything. So..ok i'll get to it STAT: --ASIDE from all the hype these day’s on.... ADD and ADHD......(ready? all in one breath: ....and how everyone now has it …how doctors are giving away these diagnoses' for-- god knows what?-- “fun?”, "money?" or how people who claim to have this sort of illness are really just speed junkies or want to be junkies with tirades of emotional ups downs --problems or just plain…lazy, unmotivated..or people looking for a good excuse...or how the diagnosis is just a name for a bunch of problems doc's can't accurately define...etc....and how even if you do have this undefinable problem, the chances of you say...being ...Misdiagnosed (ya...like that ever happens?) with some other problem ..and subsequenly being sent by your doctor down a long ride of shitty/fucked up medications --that really fucked with your head and body-- slide? .....( ok, i had to get it out of my system..Me? Bitter? ...breath..) ...ALL THAT ASIDE..... _________________________________________________________ I am interested in hearing some positive aspects of it….as well as problems…and solutions…In short, I am looking to talk with ex-sga’s or anyone who has been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder. I am wondering…. How did you come to come to the “realization”—that you have ADD? How did your doctor/doctors come to his diagnosis—more specifically how long did it take them to “figure it out?” What methods of organization —if any—seem to work best for you in regards to everyday/sometimes mundane life? How do you manage to do the things you need to do ...and how did you figure out how to do them? If a method/methods seems work for you, how did you come about this method? How are relationships with others? Do people find you annoying…or spontaneous? Do you care? How do you best communicate with others? Has dating been considerably hard for you because of your attraction to distractibility?…Do you feel generally misunderstood by those who you would want to understand you the most? Have people categorized you as aloof, neurotic, childish, negative or.. just.. Pleasantly neurotic… playful, fun, good natured and spontaneously intelligent? How’s college life being an ex-cult—ADDer.? Do you find you seem to have to work much harder than the average person (Of course, disregarding the fact that most of us had little or no "formal" education)? Are you only good at what you’re interested in? Do you take medication for your ADD? If so, deos it seem to work, how so?...like you expected or differently? How do you feel..compared to before? How’s making $ worked out? Do you have a hard time finding, keeping, and work? How is accomplishing your lifes dreams comming along? Is that all you seem to really do?...is it something you think about but never do?....Do you have way too many dreams/goals/interests and can't seem to decide on one..so you just do alittle of alot and never really get one thing done? Just….Hoping to find helpful suggestions, comments, input, stories, insight etc… I just read an article in the paper this morning how new research has indicated that the tendency to distraction and the ability to concentrate come from completely different sides of the brain...so I guess what the ___do we know? ..Or what will we know later?. Or, Who knows what we know or what we will know later...ever? or what we don't know now or in the future?... ok .....i'm off to bedzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Seriously though, I would love to hear what people have to say on the subject...helpful info would help... ...For anyone who cares: One book I found very insightful was called "Driven to Distraction" by E.M Hallowell...Actually, I think I may have read his latest updated version "Driven from Distraction"...one of the two (the one with bigger print is the better of the two) is was very insightful and… an easy read.. |