Getting On : Health
count your blessings | from Haunted - Friday, May 26, 2006 accessed 1488 times I was really "counting my blessings" last week.... I woke up one morning with pink eye. After a slight moment of panic wondering where I was going to to find a nursing mother to squirt breast milk into my eye & wondering if I had any cooking oil to rub into my head..... I was greatly relieved to remember that I had healthcare insurance and could simply resolve this problem by going to the nearest pharmacy and purchasing antibiotic eye drops. I'm so "thankful" for healthcare, please join me in counting our many "blessings"..... |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Dissonant Wednesday, May 31, 2006 - 11:06
    (Agree/Disagree?) Here is my story: I stood before of the door of my local Walgreen’s peering nervously through the glass. I knew this would not be easy, but something had to be done. I must have turned to walk away at least seven times, but was compelled by the most intense sensation I had ever felt to turn around and try again to enter the store. I paced back and forth trying to work up the courage to just walk through the door. How fucking hard could it be, one foot in front of the other until I reached the pharmacy. But pride, yes pride, had a grip on me that I could not seem to break free from. This all started about four days ago; (Ascending harp music) It was a Friday and I had left work early stating that I had developed the early stages of epilepsy. My boss didn’t seem too understanding, but after a few well timed falls he reluctantly sent me on my way. So now what? I sat there in my apartment slouched on a recliner trying to hang a spoon from my nose. This was bullshit; I should have stayed at work. I picked up the remote and began flipping through the channels, nothing on. Damnit! I decided to toss one off. I combed through my filthy apartment in search of a copy of Maxim magazine and was astonished by the disheveled condition of my dwelling. But now was not the time for cleaning, I needed something productive to keep me occupied. After searching for the better part of three minutes I was only able to turn up a copy of Better Living, it would have to do. I found an advertisement for a herpes medication. The girl in the picture was kinda hot. She was skipping down the beach in a sun hat and a swimsuit that didn’t show much, but it would have to do. I was struck by how fun herpes looked. We have all seen the commercials; fun-loving people swimming, riding bikes, doing yoga at the beach, snuggling in front of a fire with some hot chick in a cabin. Hell, herpes aint half bad. I got to the bathroom with my mag and looked around for some lotion, or conditioner, or something. No luck. So I grabbed the tube of toothpaste from the sink and applied a generous amount to my right hand and began to unbutton my pants with my left. “Riiiiiiing”! Damnit, the phone was all the way in the living room. I turned on the sink and quickly washed my hand before sprinting for the phone. “Hello?” I said in my best epileptic voice, it might have been my boss checking up on me and I was keen to his game. “Hey fucker!” came the voice from the other end of the line. It was my buddy Dave. We met right after I left, so we had known each other for about eight years. He was a cool guy, but not very smart. He once tried to toss one off using BenGay as a lubricant. He said it didn’t go well. Yeah, pretty stupid. But anyway, Ill get back to my story. Dave told me about this party going on this evening, just a cozy little get together, BYOB you know. It was kinda in the hood but those chicks were easy so I was cool with it. I threw the magazine over my shoulder, who needs Better Living when you’ve potentially got some ass in the bag? I skipped down the hall to my room to ready myself for tonight’s festivities. 8:00 p.m. Dave and I stepped out of his car across the street from a filthy little house in a filthy little neighborhood. I mean this place was bad. Bars on the windows, of which 90 percent were made of plywood. There was a pitbull chained to the porch, and I was sure if he made a running start he could have pulled what was left of the porch off the house. He didn’t seem too impressed with the activity around the place, but still I stepped around him giving him plenty of space. We stepped into the house and I was greatly disappointed. My excitement turned to utter despair. I had never seen so many chicks with so few teeth. I mean these were true skanks man, I even suspected a few of being on drugs. I stood in the doorway about to throw a fit when I felt someone grab onto my arm. “Hey baby”, a slightly raspy woman’s voice came from beside me. I winced slightly as I looked over to see a girl with her hand on my arm. The living room was not well lit but I was pretty sure she was not an attractive woman. She seemed to have a little acne problem but she looked about 40 so I thought it must be some sort of condition. To her benefit she had most of her teeth, and she was pretty thin so she must have taken care of herself. She asked me if I wanted some company, and I thought if she had to approach me she was probably pretty desperate for some company. I decided to sit and talk with her until something better came along. I sat down and cracked open the bottle of SoCo I had brought along with me. I sat and talked with the girl, whose name was Desiree though I didn’t think it fit her, for quite awhile. She was so hot for me but I didn’t know if I wanted to go there with her. The more time passed, the more she was all over me. Perhaps the lighting had changed, but I looked at her while she was sucking my finger, she was a fidgety girl, and she didn’t look as bad as I previously thought. I asked her if she wanted to go outside with me, and she agreed too with no hesitation. When I stood up I realized I was a bit drunk. But that was why I drank right? We went around to the side of the house and began to make out when she asked me for $40.00. I didn’t want to break the mood so I gave it to her. I figured if she didn’t really need it she wouldn’t have asked for it, besides after that kind of generosity I was sure to get some. The sex was uneventful, she seemed almost bored. As is customary, I asked for her number after we were done, but she said she didn’t have a phone. At the time I could have sworn she faked the ‘O’. But in retrospect I think it was real. I’m a pretty sharp guy, not much gets past me. She went back in the house first, and when I got there she was hanging on another guy. I was not mad; it was just as well I guess. Poor thing must have had low self-esteem. Well it all wound down from there. I got home later that evening took some aspirin and went to bed. I never gave the girl much thought until about four days later when I came down with a mean itch in my pubes. It steadily worsened. Dave said he would check it for me, and imagine my shock when he backed away from my crotch and said “Dude, you have crabs!” So here I am, trying to muster the strength to walk up to the pharmacist and ask for crab medicine. So while I haven’t yet built the courage to go in and get it, I count it as a blessing that it is there. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from Andyroo Tuesday, May 30, 2006 - 17:13 (Agree/Disagree?) Freedom of speech Freedom of religion Freedom of thought Human rights Pretty fucking simple isn't it? You bastards. (reply to this comment)
| from Jedran Tuesday, May 30, 2006 - 00:57 (Agree/Disagree?) haha. On a slightly more serious note. I was wondering how many ex-second generation family members have serious health problems now that could have easily been dealt with when they were young but weren't because of the Family's "trusting God" health policy. I myself have a slightly annoying health problem that should have been fixed by an operation when I was a kid but wasn't because a. no money and b. god would do it for free anyway but I am sure that there are others who have it a lot more worse off than me. (reply to this comment)
| From krystine Tuesday, May 30, 2006, 17:34 (Agree/Disagree?) Five years ago I went to visit my family who is still in TF in the PI. I brought my five month old daughter w/ me. While over there, my 5 month old neice died because of blood poisoning. The cause of death? She was very healthy baby, never had any vaccinations, never been sick, so when her body was exposed to bacteria she could not fight it. The Family's reaction? It was God's will. God must have used it to teach her parents a lesson. A BABY DIED!!! Isn't God trying to show them that children need good medical and health care? I got into a big thing w/ "Family" members about them. I was told that I needed to have faith and trust if God's thinking. All I could think about is if what if that was my daughter. Thank God for Medical Insurance. I have genetic disease bone disease which causes hip problems. I had to have major surgery in TF after 6 months of walking on a dislocated hip (due to the disease) because my remedy was a lot of prayer. When I went I finally went to doctor they told me I would not have had this problem if I went for the perodic baby check-up where they examine the baby's joints etc... The problem could have been taken care of then and there. Now I have permenant and recurring problem. Many thanks to TF. (reply to this comment) |
| | From cheeks Monday, June 12, 2006, 11:56 (Agree/Disagree?) Honey that does not make any sense. If she had blood poisoning it would be from an open wound, or an infection she got from a surgury be it minor or major. No innoculation would have kept her from getting blood poisoning. Did she have chicken pox or something and scratch it? You simply do not get blood poisoning, there must be more to that story.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | From Rain Child Tuesday, May 30, 2006, 02:33 (Agree/Disagree?) I had a situation with my teeth; the adult ones were stuck and couldn't come down, I still had my babies at age 17. The dentist said, either a lengthy course of braces after an operation, or we just wait till I'm thirty, and then my teeth will fall out and I'll have to get false ones. My stepdad said, "Jesus will be back long before the time she's thirty anyway, so it's a waste of money to get the operation and braces." But my Mum and I convinced him otherwise, and I had the operation and braces, for which I'm eternally grateful as I'm now 27. (I paid the money back to him when I could.)(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From AMC28 Monday, June 05, 2006, 14:32 (Agree/Disagree?) Thank god for orthodontists and dentists as well as Medical & Dental insurance. When I left at 18 I had so much work done to my teeth that my dentist told me he wished I had been around when he was taking his final exams because the problems were so extreme and uncommon. I make sure that my son has regular checkups and he now has braces so that he wont have to deal with gross embarassing teeth when he's grown up. I have actually wondered for a long time if there were any long term problems caused from all the preventable illnesses that we had. I know I had Measles, Mumps, Rubella and Pertussis, all of which can be avoided by childhood vaccinations. Since I had no prior medical history, it's hard to tell if the problems I have now are related.(reply to this comment) |
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