Getting On : Health
Drug abuse | from nobody - Sunday, February 29, 2004 accessed 6761 times I thought I would post this anonymously due to the content. Information of the effects of drug abuse from friends whom take whom them or a dealer sealing them are so to speak the other side of this coin. I'm not saying that everyone who takes drugs is crazy. God, glass, LSD After dropping six hits of acid, my brother had his first psychotic episode. By Greg Bottoms - - - - - - - - - - December 13, 1999 My brother saw the face of God. You never recover from a trauma like that. He was 14, on LSD, shouting for help in the darkness of his room in our new suburban home. I was 10. I stood watching from his doorway, still, eyes cinched up tight as seams, trying to make out his writhing shape. I saw for myself. I didn't see God, of course, but I saw my brother seeing God; I saw how petrified he was, how convinced. I knew, still know, that he saw, in some form, His or Her or Its face. It was in the window, a part of the night, shimmering over our neighborhood of new construction sites -- clear plastic stapled to boards and waving in the night breeze, tire-tracked mud, portable toilets. God in the lives of men is nothing new. It's a story that unfurls backward through the history of thought, meaning, reason. I've spent a lot of time tracing it, reading it over and over, in a hundred different ways. Characters change. There's a new setting, a twist in this plot that wasn't in that one. But it is an old, old story, as old as Story itself. I compare my brother with other narratives involving God. He, She, It is the common language between us. That's how I place Michael, make sense of him, re-imagine him -- alongside saints and martyrs, lunatics and heretics, those who have fallen, shaken and supplicant, pleading, palms aimed heavenward, at the thought of God, His voice, the sweet, terrible whisper in their ear. Jesus. Abraham, Jacob, Paul. St. Mark, Matthew, John. Joan of Arc, Hildegaard, John Brown. Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh. Blake saw angels in trees. Thoreau imagined the possibility of divinity, the sublime, in a knothole. Whitman saw God in the salivating mouth of a soldier's bullet hole. Mother Teresa knew the force of God lived even in the fecal rivers of Asian cities, the venereal fever of a beaten whore. I used to watch a man who lived on the streets of Richmond, Va., who spent hours shouting "Jesus" while in paroxysms, drooling, his fly open. But they didn't see Him. None of them. Not like my brother. So I dwell; I obsess; I remember in unmoored chunks, half-scenes, things that have to be pieced together, arranged. That night, when I was 10, I couldn't move. The feeling of immobility, of being trapped, sticks in my mind. I stood in his doorway, a night-light golden behind me, wearing pajamas, fat-faced and freckled, looking at my brother while he screamed, all open mouth and high-pitched wail. His face was contorted like a snake handler's, like a strychnine drinkers in the documentaries I would watch years later, late at night, with a VCR remote in my hand. I stood, squinting into darkness. The memory is a series of fragments. Maybe, at 10, with my eyes barely open, I saw the future. Maybe I saw in the dark of the room, heard in the screams, that one day soon he would be living on the streets, hungry; that he would be diagnosed as an acute paranoid schizophrenic; that he would leap from a van going 45 miles per hour to avoid institutionalization; that he would frighten women, children, neighbors, us; that he would be raped; that he would admit to a murder he didn't commit; that his face would be on the front page of local newspapers, the killer, the rapist; that he would attempt suicide for the first time by drinking Drano, the second time by hanging himself; that he would dismantle the fire alarms in my parents' home and light it on fire, ultimately ending up in a Virginia maximum-security prison, praying and crying, by then all but dead to me, locked away in a place I would never visit, a brother -- same curve of flesh, angle of jaw, color of eyes -- who had become a few cryptic letters full of biblical quotes, who I don't think would recognize me. http://dir.salon.com/health/books/1999/12/13/psychosis/index.html?sid=502001 Marijuana Linked to Schizophrenia, Depression Study finds young users especially vulnerable By Adam Marcus HealthScoutNews Reporter THURSDAY, Nov. 21 (HealthScoutNews) -- As many as one in seven cases of schizophrenia could be prevented by eradicating marijuana. That's the contention of a new study of Swedish soldiers that found smoking pot increases the risk of the psychiatric disorder by about 30 percent. The Swedish study is one of three reports in this week's British Medical Journal linking marijuana to emotional problems, including depression and anxiety, as well as schizophrenia. Some scientists believe marijuana doesn't cause psychiatric illness. Rather, they argue, people smoke it as a way to self-medicate. However, the authors of the Swedish study say their evidence suggests that now seems unlikely. "It's not as good an explanation than the possibility that cannabis itself causes schizophrenia," says Dr. Stanley Zammit, a psychiatrist at the University of Wales College of Medicine in Cardiff and lead author of the new paper. Zammit and his colleagues compared schizophrenia rates and marijuana use among more than 50,000 Swedish conscripts who participated in a 1969-1970 survey. Of those, 362, or about 0.7 percent, had been hospitalized with the disorder by 1996. Of the 11 percent of the entire group that admitted ever trying marijuana, 73, or 1.4 percent, went on to be hospitalized for schizophrenia. The odds of having the disease grew as pot use climbed, reaching nearly a sevenfold increase in the men who used it 50 times or more but tried no other illegal drugs, the study says. The effect was strongest among soldiers who developed schizophrenia within five years of entering the military. It held after the researchers accounted for use of alcohol and other drugs. "You would expect that if there was a common reason for using substances, that would have eliminated" the influence of marijuana, Zammit says. The second study in the British Medical Journal , of 759 New Zealanders, found that those who started smoking pot by the time they were 15 years old had quadruple the risk of non-users of being diagnosed by age 26 with schizophrenia and related disorders. That risk didn't hold for people who began taking the drug at age 18 or later. The study also found that 10 percent of the young smokers went on to develop psychosis, compared with 3 percent of the rest of the study group. Louise Arseneault, a psychiatrist at King's College, London, and a co-author of the study , says marijuana use "predisposes" children to schizophrenia later in life. "It's part of a complex group of causes. You don't need to smoke cannabis to have schizophrenia," Arseneault says. "A lot of people have it who didn't smoke, and a lot smoke but don't get it." In the third study, scientists in Australia found that teens who smoked marijuana at least once a week were twice as likely as less frequent users to suffer depression or anxiety over the next seven years. Girls who used the drug every day had between five and six times the rate of these conditions as non-users. The study also found that teens with emotional problems at the beginning of the study weren't more likely to take up marijuana in the future -- suggesting that self-medication wasn't a factor. Michael Lynskey, a psychiatrist at Washington University in St. Louis and a co-author of the Australian study, says he "wouldn't want to make a definitive statement either way" about whether marijuana causes psychosis or depression. Even a doubling of the risk of depression is considered a relatively small increase, he says. So the effect of marijuana is probably modest. However, research shows that people who take THC, the active ingredient in pot, to control nausea are more prone to depression, Lynskey says. He considers that "strong evidence" that marijuana can play a role in depression. http://www.hon.ch/News/HSN/510418.html |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from karen29 Monday, May 19, 2008 - 09:54
    (Agree/Disagree?) We shouldn't deny the power of drugs over our bodies and minds... we are actually very fragile in front of drugs. I know that marijuana is linked to schizophrenia, the problem is that marijuana users prefer not to know or to ignore that. Some drugs are also hallucinogens so I think we should also consider this before considering any kind of illusions. http://www.drugtreatmentcenternewyork.com/category/drug-treatment-center/ (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | from scorpion Saturday, June 23, 2007 - 20:03
(Agree/Disagree?) Hey I love drugs!! but only retards fuk with the wrong ones, theres nothing wrong with poping a couple caps when ur trying to fuk every gurl in the club, snorting a couple lines when ur to wasted to walk, snorting a little K if ur not hammered enough, blazing if u wanna reminise. But like i said only the retards fuk with the ones meant for falldowns. such as Crack, Heroin. Whoever does it is a fukin FALLDOWN!!!! haha well because of those retards its more $$ for some ppl. Keep it up crackheads (reply to this comment)
| | | | | From figaro Sunday, June 24, 2007, 14:04 (Agree/Disagree?) no, they are about the same to heroin as Adderall is to Meth. however, heroin is just morphine that passes your blood brain barrier fast giving you more of a rush. as for a line of coke being fine, but smoking a rock of crack isnt, thats ridicules. crack is just coke that has been melted and mixed with baking soda so that it makes a hard rock and doesn't burn 80% of it when smoked. so you cant say one is fine and the other isnt because they are the same thing. smoking it hits you faster, harder, and makes you a bit more geeked out, but snorting it lasts longer and you stay a bit calmer. other then that they are the same thing. (just in case your wondering, NO I don't do crack. I just happen to know a lot about drugs and the drugs scene, so I like to debate people who have different opinions from me)(reply to this comment) |
| | | | from donnyej Tuesday, March 14, 2006 - 15:28 (Agree/Disagree?) Hey looking for some advice...? I am just now going cold turkey from Percocet and Fentanyl after abiout 2 years of continuous use. Any suggestions on how to best go about this, except going to a treatment facility. I am more looking for any home remedies you all may know of to help fight off withdrawal. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Redrose84 Monday, February 13, 2006 - 16:39
    (Agree/Disagree?) After 6 years of relatively heavy drug use, I had my first psychotic episode. I have now been diagnosed as having Schizophreniform disorder, which is in short, an offshoot of Schizophrenia. People refuse to listen when others who have been there try to tell them of the pitfalls of taking too many drugs. Be in on your own heads guys, listen to the people around you, or wind up where I did. A mental institution. (reply to this comment)
| from neez Wednesday, April 21, 2004 - 17:30
    (Agree/Disagree?) Well, it's good to see Joe can defend himself.. :P (reply to this comment)
| from live_fast-die_young Thursday, April 01, 2004 - 05:05 (Agree/Disagree?) I have a question for anyone who knows their shit on drug and alcohol consumption. I have been drinking and taking subs (coke and E being the hardest) for just over 5yrs. Never too much and never for too many days at a time...I think. I can handle a whole lot but I don't think i've ever pushed it too far. However, the last 3-4 times I smoked (weed & pollen) I passed out within 5 minutes after smoking. The first time I thought it was bad stuff so stopped using it but it's happened with stuff from many sources. No one else who was with me had the same reaction and I'm just a tad worried. Could I have somehow damaged my bodies' ability to process drugs? I've developed tolerances before but never intolerances!!! Another thing is my memory: completely fucked. Anything past tipsy and 3 spliffs and the next day I can't remember a bloody thing! Last weekend I woke up 3pm in my own bed with what smelled like white-out all over my hands and clothes and no memory of the last 15hrs. Worst of all this is becoming a ritual. It's been this way for about 6 weeks now: wake up in some random bathroom, bedroom, anyroom and start calling friends to find out what happened. I've been lucky so far. So, question is: seems crazy but can I have possibly killed enough of my liver that my body now reacts to 3 drinks how it used to with 7 drinks? Same for subs. (reply to this comment)
| From overdosedwhenIwasyoung Wednesday, March 08, 2006, 19:48 (Agree/Disagree?) Milkthisle....this is what I was given when I overdosed a couple of years ago (not on recreational drugs...on sleeping tablets as I was depressed and young) after they had pumped my tummy first... this is what I used to recover the following days... also seeing a chinese doctor... they have ways of cleaning out your gallbadder, and liver of toxins that have become stored there... it'll take a few sessions... but it's sooo worth it. now if I drink and do an E or two...on those very rare special occasions, my doctor told me "if I'm going to do... I might as well do this to control some of the damage" give your body vit B shots the week before, VIT C, Saint Johns wort.(everyday until the day) build up on your vit B (as it's one that'll prevent you from getting drug related mouth sores) and milkthisle as it flushes your liver out, take it in tabs the week before and then in powder form mixed with milk and honey after a big night out... it'll make you spew... but keep drinking it...as it helps to flush all those toxic wastes out of your system I Only have wild nights out now three times a year... and have never had a problem since or a "come down" since following these steps...(reply to this comment) |
| | From hope Thursday, July 14, 2005, 21:06 (Agree/Disagree?) Your body is sending a very clear message - it would be wise to listen. You are pouring toxins (abnormal molecules) into your body, which causes an immediate rush of adreneline, because your body suddenly goes into damage control mode. When your cells are too poluted with these foreign molecules, it affects they way your body functions as a whole. After all, every tissue in your body is made up of cells (which are tiny beings themselves - struggling to survive) If you like marijuana, try vaporizing it. You will still get the full effect of the THC without burning anything. Thus, you will reduce the toxins entering your body by 80%. Good luck (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Baxter Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 05:14 (Agree/Disagree?) As far as Cannabis is concerned, there are aproximately 124 different toxins, all more potent than nicotine. Memory loss is pretty commonplace, although occurrance to such an extent as you describe may be more serous indication. For Cannabis to become lethal would require a spliff somewhere in the range of twice your own body weight, so I wouldn't worry too much about that. It may be that your bodily response is due to combination of substances; for example, taking large ammounts of Cannabis in conjunction with heavy alcahol consumption can produce serious response from the body ( I know by experience). Also, Cannabis comes in different grades of potency- there is no maintained standard of quality, and different strains of the plant have their own levels of potent results- and if perhaps you have changed your dealer recently, you may be simply responding to a change in product quality. I've seen the same thing happen to people who visit Amsterdam for the first time having always smoked the lower grades of 'skunk' or weed available elsewhere. It's not that Dutch weed is that awesome, it's just that the weed elsewhere is often crap.(reply to this comment) |
| | From cheeks Thursday, April 01, 2004, 15:29 (Agree/Disagree?) Sometimes when you drink it causes your body to lower your blood pressure. Urinating also causes this so if you urinate while having alochol in your system in may lower your blood pressure enough to cause you to pass out. Do you have any nausea or other conditions ie. a pain in your upper right side. Seeing you are so young even heavy alcohol consumption should not have caused severe injury, it usually takes years and years of abuse. I would defianatly get it checked out right away.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From .. Monday, June 25, 2007, 01:11 (Agree/Disagree?) I know figuring out your medical history for some of us can be tough ( i only ever found out my mums side, as i havn't met my dad) but it might give an indication. I had Hepatitis when i was less than 2 yrs old and that has affected my liver somewhat. I physically cant drink more than 2 drinks or very greasy food without getting horribly sick, and i believe that has something to do with it. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From exister Thursday, April 01, 2004, 13:22
    (Agree/Disagree?) When your blood chemistry starts to get whacky your sweat can start to smell weird. For example, diabetics often smell fruity when their blood glucose is way high. That may explain the whiteout smell. I would be seriously concerned that you are either sniffing solvents or your blood and sweat have started to smell like solvents. A plausible reason for weird blood chemistry is liver malfunction. Your liver's health can be evaluted with blood tests called Liver Function Test or LFTs. These basically measure certain chemical indicators in your blood that become elevated when your liver starts shutting down. Have you been jaundiced? Prolonged use of E has also been suspected of screwing up your brain chemistry for the long term, particularly with regard to Serotonin. Are you depressed? Go to a doctor or at least a public health nurse and tell them your story. (reply to this comment) |
| | From live_fast-die_young Saturday, April 17, 2004, 03:05 (Agree/Disagree?) Hahaha...erm...yes indeed, I too would be worried if I were sniffing shit. No, the white-out smelling substance was indeed white-out, only I had no recollection of how it had got there. (Later discovered to my embarrassment that I'd been vandalizing the walls of a local bathroom...with Allen Ginsberg's poetry.) I discovered that I was severely dehydrated, which explains the headaches and dizziness. However that still leaves me wondering what happened to my memory. Even after not touching alcohol for a week I can't remember what happened 2 days ago. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Sippy Thursday, April 01, 2004, 12:07 (Agree/Disagree?) I don't know what the addition of other things does, but I suspect it doesn't make things easier on the body. I do know that what alcohol does is after a period of increasing tolerance, a point comes where it is standard to lose the predictability. So the body can get overwhelmed by what seems like a small amount compared to what you had been drinking. On the other hand, don't be surpised if there are times when you drink like a fish but can't even get tipsy. It doesn't seem to make sense but that's what alcohol eventually does. The memory loss is called a blackout. Blackouts are not a good sign about the body's relationship with alcohol. Unfortunately, once the relationship goes south, it's hard to steer it north again. Please don't take it as preaching if I tell you that I am scared for your safety when it's like you say, please try to find other things that make you feel better. There are people that can help if you want it. Your profile says you're 19. You could still have a lot of life ahead of you! (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From live_fast-die_young Saturday, April 17, 2004, 03:18 (Agree/Disagree?) Ah now...the point I was trying to make was that I'd obviously gone overboard THAT TIME but I'd previously been able to handle a whole lot more than that. I'm a regular jogger, run the local HASH (the end result of which is the epitome of insane drinking) so not only am I happy and healthy, I am quite sure I know my own limitations. That said, lately I seem to be having difficulties with MEMORY, hence the post. I'm gonna go with Nick and say it's probably just my liver...but since when did your liver affect your memory???? (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | from nobody Friday, March 05, 2004 - 17:52
    (Agree/Disagree?) I posted this article not to just refer to us, but to people we meet. Sometimes it breaks your heart when people become addicted to a substance. And no matter how much your always love they’re not that person anymore. I know that everyone has their poison and who’s to judge which is worse. Maybe in a naïve way it’s trying to understand certain things. (reply to this comment)
| from neez Friday, March 05, 2004 - 17:32 (Agree/Disagree?) mmmkay.. (reply to this comment)
| from Mydestinyismine Friday, March 05, 2004 - 01:50 (Agree/Disagree?) I remember thinkin I was ET and I could see the stars through the roof and was tryin to grab them. Only tried it once and didn't like it and haven't tried anything since. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Jerseygirl Thursday, March 04, 2004 - 12:19 (Agree/Disagree?) So in a nutshell if we're already fucked up, drugs can make it worse? Interesting concept. "I said no to drugs but they didn't listen." (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Joe's REAL Ex Monday, April 19, 2004, 18:33 (Agree/Disagree?) Do I have to register this name? Oh the shame. I was young(er) and stupid(er). Joe darling, that was not me and I so do not want you back. Run, run free. Run with pride as fast as your little legs can take you straight up to Tom McCall Park, and then walk however you want to back. June 19th, I will be watching for you. When you break through the trees in the park and come out, please know you will always be my friend. Shopping with you is fabulous. No one mixes a martini or disses a girlfriend quite like Joe. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Joe H Tuesday, April 20, 2004, 10:16
    (Agree/Disagree?) Wait a minute, now I know what's going on here - you're one of the fat chicks I fucked when I was really drunk! Well, listen, dear, the reason I barely got it up for you was because you're fat and ugly, but if telling yourself that I'm gay improves your self-esteem, then by all means go right ahead, cause with an ass that big, your ego needs all the help it can get.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From sarafina Tuesday, April 20, 2004, 16:12
(Agree/Disagree?) OK , now you are starting to get annoying. We all know you aren't one of Joe's ex's and are just someone who got offended by something Joe said at some point. However the things you say are neither funny or witty and just make you look like some stupid lonely skank. But if you find it so amusing maybe you can just continue this little fantasy thred you have to an email form so the rest of us don't have hear it. It really is getting old. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | From sarafina Tuesday, April 20, 2004, 20:41
    (Agree/Disagree?) Well sorry about the spelling mistakes. At least my comments make sense in compare to your meaningless babble of nonsense. I hope this isn't an attempt to get sassy with me? As I was nicely asking you to please post your personal issues w/ Joe in and email as it doesn't concern everyone on the site and it was Joe also who was sick of your stupid post. I just thought it would be said nicer if I asked you to stop instead of him. I see though it was a waste of my time. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Sarafina's "real" Darling!! Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 11:27
    (Agree/Disagree?) OK, first off, she's my "darling" - so back off. ;-) (yes, I found by your posts that you communicate well in little faces - perhaps it helps you differentiate whether or not what you just finished writing was a joke) Secondly, while I'm surprised she even answered you as she has far to much class to stoop so low as you have, there is a concept called loyalty which I'm not sure if you're familiar with. It envolves, for one, backing up those who have done the same for you and yes, even being insulted when they have been. Many times, loyalty for a friend may even demand that you remonstrate to comments you feel are insulting to the individual you feel loyal towards. Just try and expand your mind and consider the possibilities of the concept. (reply to this comment) |
| | From sarafina Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 10:02 (Agree/Disagree?) Oh you are to sweet. How nice of you to explain all that for me (as if it wasn't obvious enough) I think I already mentioned that though in the second sentence of my first reply to you when I pinned you as "someone who got offended by something Joe said at some point." While we're in class again maybe you could go brush up on your reading skills as well. Read my original comment again. I never said that you "were" a stupid lonely skank I said "the things you are saying are making you look like one" I don't even know you or what your habits are to make that kind of judgment I was just advising you to give your self a little more respect as you were implicating your self by your own words. Although seeing you are clearly playing a fictional character it really doesn't matter I guess. Also to make it clear I was not defending Joe he's a big boy and can take care of himself. I was strictly remarking on the pointless content of the comments and their boring repetitiousness. Maybe if you had picked a more realistic role your point may have meant more. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | From sarafina Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 10:49 (Agree/Disagree?) I said you weren't REAL because I know who his ex girlfriends are. They are all actually very intelligent, beautiful and have way to much class to ever say anything like what you have nor would they even be on this site. Joe may sound like some chauvinistic prick to you on here but in person he is a great friend and women actually adore him and he shows great respect for both his women and his friends. Oh and one more thing, you will for sure never hear any of his ex g/fs ever complain about..umm what did you say "getting it up" issues? HA! That was the only funny thing you said . It just proved how little you know about him for claming to be an "Ex" (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 10:11
    (Agree/Disagree?) Thank you for taking your correction! You have been such a good example to all of us, and have helped us all learn what not to do on this site, and what the consequences of such flagrantly disobedient actions are! ;) I guess we all better start making lists of who we can diss and who we can’t. Obviously, for reasons completely lost to me, Exister and Joe H apparently top that list. I wish someone could give a good reason why we aren’t supposed to say anything derogatory or mocking to or about them, while they can run around this site throwing insults and sarcasm every which way. I mean, besides the lame ones already given. Cuteness and intelligence along with a fan club can’t be good enough reasons for them to have that type of license. Not that Exister and Joe H. don’t have the right to say what the hell they want to. Just if they can, we can too. I mean, c’mon, they’re basic sandbox rules.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From dazed and confused Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 11:17
    (Agree/Disagree?) Wow. You girls are quite something. I think when you go out of your way SO much to defend someone, it makes you look a little desperate, either for the attention or admiration of Joe or maybe of anyone. It's a bit corny how much you fly to his rescue every five seconds.--It's possible his "ex" is a guy (pretending to be a girl) but either way, you have to admit, it's a bit funny. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, like banal said, it is amusing. What's not amusing is you girls standing up for Joe like you feel sorry for him and then in the process needing to defend eachother. "Sara doesn't need anyone connecting the dots for her, let alone some bored loser with too much time on her hands." You must have too much time on your hands or else how would you know she/he does? (reply to this comment) |
| | From Joe H Thursday, April 22, 2004, 09:40 (Agree/Disagree?) The only person who is clearly desperate for my attention is the one posing as my ex. She's the one who's hijacked two threads to talk about me, and turned movingon.org into LetsDiscussJoe.org for an entire day. I think this is what has annoyed all the girls who are supposedly "standing up" for me - they don't think I deserve all the attention. Why don't we all move on with our lives?(reply to this comment) |
| | From frmrjoyish Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 15:53
    (Agree/Disagree?) You're turning out to be quite a little prick, whoever you are, you anonymous coward. First of all, I would never stick up for JoeH, but Sara happens to be one of my oldest friends. We were in nursury school together, got "stationed" everywhere together, and lived together after we left TF. I know Sara is fully capable of connecting her own dots because I talk to her, you dunce! If I happen to agree or disagree with something someone writes, then I sure as hell am gonna comment as I see fit. I like that there are a few contributers to this site who actually manage to occasionally spit out intelligent or witty commentary. It's a nice change from so much of the infantile garbage that seems to pervade this site, especially as of late. If some simple minded juvenile wants to view that as some sort of a "fan club" then they can go right ahead.(reply to this comment) |
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