Getting On : Catching up
Thai Training Centre - 10 years later | from electric - Wednesday, December 26, 2007 accessed 1163 times The Thai Training Centre 10 years later For all who may be interested in seeing the Thai Training Centre (TC) in it's current state, here are pictures taken in December 2007. Note the Family stuff still around, worms PJs, posters, "let others be Jesus to you" on whiteboard etc. Many thanks to the Cameraman (you know who you are). |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from room35 Saturday, December 29, 2007 - 09:12 (Agree/Disagree?) Anyone remember room 35? (reply to this comment)
| | | | | From Falcon Sunday, December 30, 2007, 09:35 (Agree/Disagree?) I believe he's referring to 'Uncle Jeremy', the school shepherd and husband to Indonesian 'Auntie Angel', with a bevy of around 11 children. However, if you are aware of the current whereabouts of Jeremy Spencer, or have any current information on him, it would be very much appreciated if you would contact: contact@riseinternationalcic.org or write me through my profile. Thanks.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from yes, i remember Saturday, December 29, 2007 - 03:42 (Agree/Disagree?) I was there when I was 15 I think. I remember there was never enough food. I requested to work in the kitchen just so that I could get enough to eat. My parents were both sent there earlier (separately) for over a year for “training”. At the time the rest of our family was living in another country. (reply to this comment)
| from Years of my life Saturday, December 29, 2007 - 03:29 (Agree/Disagree?) I just went back there on a trip. Talked with the property custodians, they all remembered us. Remember painting that place time and again, building the kitchen. The extended grounds were in better shape back in the days, it's quickly falling into a state of disrepair, but the main building is still there with lots of reminders that we were there. Incredible. The site of some incredible psychological torture, but we managed to squeeze in some good times. There were a LOT of us there between the JETTs, Teens, EA/YAs etc. .. I remember setting up those huge halls for dance nites/ bowling nites, plays etc. ... Bittersweet memories. (reply to this comment)
| from Genty Friday, December 28, 2007 - 18:09 (Agree/Disagree?) These pics show clearly that we were raised in institutions. That was creepy! (reply to this comment)
| from Genty Friday, December 28, 2007 - 18:07 (Agree/Disagree?) I (reply to this comment)
| from Weeder Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 23:07 (Agree/Disagree?) I thought from the title that the article was about a muaythai camp. Sorry! One track mind! (reply to this comment)
| from figaro Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 08:59 (Agree/Disagree?) Looks pretty abandoned, do they not use it any more? Man seeing those posters on the wall brought back memories, I haven't seen those in years. (reply to this comment)
| from Phoenixkidd Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 07:02 (Agree/Disagree?) Ha those were great! Everything's the same except the Kitchen building looks in bad shape. It always amazed me how someone could build all those big buildings and then just abandon them. It really was nice though to have all that space compared to the homes in Japan where it was always so crowded. (reply to this comment)
| from calmbomb Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 06:55 (Agree/Disagree?) That place is all kinds of creepy. Anyone remember it? (reply to this comment)
| | | | | From "Fellow Class of 92'er" Saturday, December 29, 2007, 03:43 (Agree/Disagree?) You can say that again. At some points we managed to have some fun, it kind of see-sawed between extreme control, and then at one point, it was pretty loose with a lot of space to get lost in and evade the shepherds etc. ... But yeah, it was an institution, run like a millitary camp for years. I remember waxing floors, cleaning screens, ferrying pots of hot food up and down the stairs, using the "dumb waiter" until some idiot broke it. Originally the grounds were part of a Red Cross convalescent center, but then it was rented out for seminars etc. ... When immigrations busted our happy school off of Soi Seree, close to Rahm Khampengh University we fled to the safety of said institution in Samut Prakan, a beautiful (joking) seaside industrial area. I remember stopping our morning bible studies the first week we were there to run around the building to look for, I kid you not, the dead carcas of a dog we thought must have died because of the stench. After an hour of searching and finding nothing, we realized the stench generated by a combination of the myriad of shrimp farms, fish sauce factories, and leather tanneries around the area. The building across the way "Happy Hall", as we used to call it, has really fallen apart, it's unsafe to even walk the halls for fear of falling/breaking the overly rusted support structures. All of the false walls, hiding places, stash spots etc., were still all there. Places where the lead gangsters, (shepherds), stored their getaway money, and kept the passports of all the minors (us) they were holding against their will, without parents etc. ... A strange place.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Class of 92 Alumnist Saturday, December 29, 2007, 23:17 (Agree/Disagree?) We took over the property in the very beginning of 1990 if I'm not mistaken. In 1987 it was the site of the ASCRO YES. Richard Schilander (uncle Barz), scouted the location the year before his children were rescued from the cult, one of whom has since committed suicide. Teens from most of ASCRO were there with the exception of some in Pakistan and India. But teens from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand etc., they were all there, we also absorbed overspill from Maccau, Japan, and the Jumbo when it closed down. The JETT camps in Thailand were held off the Southeast seaboard specifically a area on the outskirts of Pattaya. There were two teen meetings one in 1992 and another in 1993 where teens from the whole subcontinent came there and many stayed at the TC, others went back to their countries' camps. 82.7% of the young people 11 and up, some younger, were there without their parents or any siblings. There was a school in Chiang Mai, until the end of 1991/middle of 1992, when all the teens from that part of the country were incorporated in the blob. After getting pressure from Zerby and Sara D., that the programs there weren't stringent enough and we didn't have a "Victor" program, in 1993 I believe it was, the "New Models" and "Glider" programs were set up. "New Models" was a victor for teens, "Glider" for Jetts, that's when many JETTS from around the country and other countries were brought in for their private doses of hell. In Bangkok, ASCRO maintained two other "JETT" homes to keep children away from their parents and torture/indoctrinate them and help them develop psychological disorders/keep them in close contact with people having a reputation for abusing children. Around about 1994/5, then around the time of the British court case, "the lord showed" some shepherds that it might be a good idea for children to know who their parents and siblings were, and so a slow integration of children with their families was attempted after most of the damage had been done, then the "backsliding" started. The Samut Prakan location, photoed above, was used to house the singing team/provisioning team, but shortly after 1994/95, it became clear that the Lord justice ward would taken Johnny away from his cultist mother, and set a precedent, if massive camps like that kept running, plus Uncle Jeremy couldn't beat all the kids enough to keep them in line. As children slid forward (left the cult), they consolidated the team of young people they needed to exploit and groom as future mistresses for aging perverts, plus the charter gave people the right of mobility, and people got out of Uncle Jeremy's tyranny in droves. The place was abandoned in 1996/7 or so I believe. There's a lot of history to that place. It's where Celeste and Julianna were held under conditions of false imprisonment for some time etc. , until it became too public and they had to be held in some grotesque small office home, while Uncle Silas and his minions held their passports etc. .. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From history Sunday, December 30, 2007, 12:47 (Agree/Disagree?) "didn't have a "Victor" program, in 1993 I believe it was, the "New Models" and "Glider" programs were set up. "New Models" was a victor for teens, "Glider" for Jetts, that's when many JETTS from around the country and other countries were brought in for their private doses of hell." -- Actually, the Victor Programs - the Gliders and New Models were established in 1989-1990 and the New Models program continued until early 1992 when a huge combined JETT/Junior Teen group was formed, comprised of most of the Junior Teens in Thailand, as well as all former Victors (JETT and Teen). There were other intense victor programs than went on at this time such as the MAP (Military Academy Program). "In Bangkok, ASCRO maintained two other "JETT" homes" -- There were actually 3 JETT homes, Jett 1, 2 and 3, Jett 1 being the old Service Centre, Jett 2 being the old Junior Jett home that moved from Soi 14 (the one that used to be a supermarket) and Jett 3 being the old DF home. "Uncle Jeremy couldn't beat all the kids enough to keep them in line." -- Not to speak up for Jeremy, but if I remember correctly it was Dutch Aaron (of sparrow), Black John, as well as Tiago sometimes, as well as other Victor shepherds, that did most of the administering of the board at the TC (remember jokes about "Chairman of the Board"?)(reply to this comment) |
| | From Class of 92 Alumnist Sunday, December 30, 2007, 17:38 (Agree/Disagree?) We didn't have the Samut Prakan Location until 1990, I was one of the one who went out in January to clean the place and paint it. I'm pretty sure the New Models was set up in 1992, at the Samut Prakan location, some of my best friends were in it. in 1989 we were still in Soi Seree behind Ramkhampeng University. -- Jett homes, I was unaware there were 3, I helped clean the supermarket place. I was unaware the DF home was considered Jett3, but perhaps you're right. -- Chairmen of the board. You're right, Tigao was the original user of a areodynamic board with holes drilled in it. Yes, that kiss ass self righteous prick of a hypocrite Dutch Aaron, who "married" one of the Silas girls for position. Tiago basically backed off a lot of the heavy stuff at a certain point, but Jeremy wanted to continue being hard line especially after 1995, when the charter was still out. (reply to this comment) |
| | From camilla Sunday, December 30, 2007, 18:44 (Agree/Disagree?) I lived in thailand from like 85-89.Was never at that place,ut boy oh boy do I remember that aerodynamic board...They made it from that paddle Thais mostly used for cooking right?Besides getting spanked with it,the only other place I ever saw it was at the market place,minus the drilled holes.It took a sick and twisted mind to come up with that idea,huh?(reply to this comment) |
| | From Falcon Sunday, December 30, 2007, 18:05 (Agree/Disagree?) I arrived at the TC in Samut Prakan in 1989, so I know it existed then. It may have started in that year and only grown fully to what it became in 1990. I also lived in JETT2, but I did hear of JETT3, so I know there was one, though not sure which home was the actual location. Dutch Aaron was my Junior Teen "shepherd" and I hated the man's guts. A good example of the 'abused becoming the abuser'. He was something of a second generation tyrant. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Class of 89 Soi 14/1990 in Samut Prakan Tuesday, January 01, 2008, 17:29 (Agree/Disagree?) I'm surprised people mentioned John Ebed (Alfred Lindo), Jeremy and Tiago, but noone mentioned Steven Vessel or French Tommy (aka Jean Luc) as enjoying a visit to Room 35 where the limp dicks needed another grown man to ensure they could adequately beat up 10yr old boys with the board. Jade, I remember when you & Joan came, they put you with us (the Jett) group for a couple days till they figured out you were an OC (ahhh, the acronyms make me vommit) Most of the building was still in use by TF early 1997 (but largely closing down) because they had the post Summit 96 meetings there (the ones that first revealed Steve Kelly's ponytail). Do we know when TF fully moved out of there? I'm guessing we dont have pictures up there of Room 35 because TF or the Red Cross's still using it? (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From I remember too well Thursday, August 28, 2008, 00:26 (Agree/Disagree?) I was a victor for a year... in the singing team for 3, then got picked for the MAP program. Does anyone remember the MAPS? That was sick. The victor tables were always placed in the back of that huge dining room.. so everyone stared as we came walking through in a line with our heads bent in shame... that was the worst for me. Aaron was a special person... He never bothered me, but his wife. She was not ok. Always getting everyone in trouble and then she would flirt with all the under aged boys. Strange people. I pity them today. Falcon... yes, the TC is a prime example of how the abused become abusers. Its wierd seeing those pictures... its like going back to some concentration camp or something. So many lives were warped there, so many personalities distroyed at least temporarily. The singing team though... that was a life saver for me. I dont think I would have survived without it. I feel extremely lucky that I got picked for that. It was a chance to get out of there and be around some normal people. See the country and enjoy some of the culture and eat some food that resembled food. It was a taste of freedom and sanity.. I also enjoyed my encounters with the budist traditions, temples etc...peace and compassion was what I saw, something I longed for.. Perverts like Francis, were untouchable if they raised the money... we got in trouble instead, even though he was the one chasing us and making us. I remember Cephas yelling at me and telling me to "just leave poor Francis alone... stop acting like a whore!" Of course I nodded, but in my head I was like "HUH?" There was no escape and no one to turn to for help. It was so stressful... you could never relax. Usually afraid. I remember there was a point though that I became numb...Generally though, I worked very hard to keep my spirit up.. Tiago was another odd man. Major personal issues. He always made me feel stupid in class... I am a top student today!! HA! Just shows what a little normality can do. Most of those people were not well mentally...Total religious fanatics... Sadists plus religious... very scary! The place is haunted to be sure... They should take it down.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from Baxter Thursday, December 27, 2007 - 01:58 (Agree/Disagree?) The degree to which TF always chose the most eerie and wierd sort of builidings to use as establishments will never cease to amaze me. That place would not seem inappropriate for a mental institution or a Red Guards indoctrination facility. Incidentally, who is commemorated in the statues? And for how long was this place used? (reply to this comment)
| From Falcon Thursday, December 27, 2007, 10:36
    (Agree/Disagree?) This place brings back all kind of memories. I spent nearly 4 years of my life in that building and I can tell you living there had all the warmth of an institution or prison. Those two little buildings were the tombs of the man who built the grounds and his wife. Berg apparently went there in a "dream" in which the school was revealed to him. The letter was called "The Table Top Tomb', and when a family member went there and saw the two tombs and then the school, they wrote Berg who was all excited that his "revelation" had come to pass. That's how the school there began. Seeing those pictures was hugely disturbing. I always intended to go back and confront that house of horrors again, but now I've seen the pics, I no longer feel the urge. That stack of pillows with the matching flowered pillowcases belonged to our group. I swept, scrubbed, mopped and buffed the floors of that building from end to end and cleaned every window almost daily. It is as grotesque now as it was then. (reply to this comment) |
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