Getting On : Catching up
Old times | from Red Ribbon - Tuesday, August 03, 2004 accessed 1281 times Remember? Is it just me, or does anybody miss being young and dumb & running around a combo trying to dodge an extra JJT job? Don't get me wrong, I despise The Family just as much as the next web user, but as I get older, I can't help thinking of nice times too growing up; clothes I thought were cool, dance nights I thought were important, traveling somewhere new or being the scared child/teen in the home . Without waking up the grammar police, I was wondering if anybody else ever looks back fondly, or is it all hate? Thanks |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Christian Thursday, August 05, 2004 - 05:27 (Agree/Disagree?) hell yeah i remember some good times teen camps secretly buying beer singing Limp Bizkit songs when the sheperds werent listening. Sneaking out to internet cafes to email friends( i lived in china and wasnt allowed to email directly had to use the china desk) um... making mock versions of family songs sneaking in system music and reselling it at twice the price. sneaking out to internet cafes to play cs. sneaking out to discos late and night.. i think mainly the fun stuff was doing regulary inncocent things that in the family were considered evil.. of course i also had terrible memories which i wont go into here. (reply to this comment)
| from Shaka Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 09:32 (Agree/Disagree?) I remember being sent off canning when I was 12 with just a teenage overseer who would go see her "System" boyfriend. I'd usually have 5 or 6 hours before I had to be back so I'd spend the time at the movies or bumming smokes from strangers. I thought I was so badass, lol. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from tdemp Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 04:11 (Agree/Disagree?) The most fun that I can recall having is trying to run away from the HCS when I was 8 yrs old, It was great till I was caught and beat to within an inch of my life. But the actual running part was a blast. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Vicky Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 04:09 (Agree/Disagree?) I remember certain periods of my life with great fondness, particularly one huge home I lived in where I was always busy, busy, busy. I also liked the fact that that home was so big and 'blobby' that one could disappear for half an hour or so for some nookie without anyone suspecting a thing, as long as one's teen co-worker was willing to cover for it. I liked living with lots of people my own age, and having friends who I didn't have to pretend with because they knew me through and through, and I them. I remember the first time us teens were allowed to, gasp!, watch a video (Forbidden Planet) on our own with just one of the YAs to pow-wow it with us. I spent the whole time smooching with my boyfriend 'cause we'd all seen the movie so many freakin' times already. I remember when one of my friends got a big sum of money from her grandparents and she and I went out shopping one Sunday, on our own!!! I guess we must've told people we were going witnessing or something. No one knew about the money and it felt really good to go out and spend some of it on the sly. I remember how great it was when us teens won the right to have WNR days since we argued conclusively that since we did all the bloody work in that home we should have the right to some rest too. I remember we worked it out that there were 28 adults in that home and only four of them actually had anything to do with the overall running of the home. The rest were NASes, NAS Secretaries, Teamworkers, Teen Shepherds, Provisioners, PPC, Translators, etc. Ours was the first home in TF to implement an official teen/YA WNR rota. I remember how thrilled we were when we'd manage to smuggle some innocent system song into the stereo on dance nights, and how some 'auntie' or 'uncle' would invariably say "This is a really sweet song, who is it that's singing? Is it Windy???" I remember that we were a hundred times more thrilled when dance nights became teen/YA only, so that we could just dance with people our own age. (reply to this comment)
| | | From Wolf Wednesday, August 04, 2004, 09:33
    (Agree/Disagree?) Was that “big sum of money” like about $50? Just curious, ‘cause that was a lot for us in those days. I’m surprised they let you out on your own. Once my Mom sent $100 for the home to buy me a pair of shoes (I wasn’t living with her), and in the spirit of “fairness” they used it to buy both me and one of the shepherd’s kids a pair, even though he already had over a dozen and I had none. I was never allowed to buy anything without an adult until I was about 18.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Vicky Wednesday, August 04, 2004, 11:41 (Agree/Disagree?) It was about $3000! We were both 17 at the time, if I remember correctly, and as Scandinavia was always a rather progressive place compared to other areas we were by that time ('93-'94) already 'trusted' enough to go out witnessing on our own, etc. However I do recall that it took a great deal of persuasion to get us the permission to go out that day, as we originally made the mistake of saying that we wanted to go to the Library in a nearby town for a few hours! Boy, that was a mistake and we got a longwinded lecture from a certain YA bellwether about the myriad evils of system books and how hungering for worldly knowledge was a sign of spiritual pride, blah blah blah. I don't actually remember how we finally managed to convince him that we should be allowed to go!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | from Tim R Tuesday, August 03, 2004 - 23:28
    (Agree/Disagree?) I have lots of good memories of my childhood, most involve me and my friends getting away with breaking the rules. The vain babbling, making tepache, also the pantry robbing and the foolishness. Most of all though, I miss secretly reading system books. (reply to this comment)
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