Getting On : Pop Culture
Jesus and Film | from Anthony - Wednesday, July 10, 2002 accessed 1305 times Anyone who knows me well knows that I am an avid movie lover and film buff. So, to get the most out of my film watching, I went to the cult website to consult Jesus and the “spirit” of Berg on the latest blockbusters, and here is what they had to say: 06. Snow Dogs (OC) (Jesus:) This is a light movie. It doesn't have a whole lot of lessons, but doesn't have a lot of bad either. This isn't a movie I would recommend for children for repeat viewing. It's simply "watchable." It had its sweetness and its hidden lessons, but in general it was just purely entertainment, and a little silly in parts, though not harmful. Lots of nice nature scenes and plenty of dog footage. The whole issue of "who are my parents" could be touchy for some children, along with the whole emphasis on self-discovery when he finds out that he was adopted. It all turns out fine in the end, but it's something parents should be aware of when showing it to their children. 01. The Sum of all Fears (JR) (Dad:) "Sum of All Fears" is an interesting thriller. It's the kind of movie that a lot of Family members might enjoy, and there's very little in it that would be a negative influence. For the most part, the movie is well done, has some sweet romance, is pretty exciting, and the two main characters do a good job in their roles. It's good to see a little diversity from the typical "Arab is bad/America is good" propaganda that has been going around so much in the movies for the past few years. There was a lot to be said about rising to the occasion, or rather rising to fill the need, as the main character of this story did. At first he wasn't too certain about the orders he was given because he didn't feel that it was his type of work, but as the story went on it became apparent that if he didn't make the effort to do what was right, then no one would. There was something about this movie's plot that reminded me a lot about our fight as Christians. The Enemy is always looking for a way in which he can divert your attention on one problem; meanwhile, he's having a heyday elsewhere. He'll throw in his devious obstructions, getting you bogged down and fighting offshoot battles, instead of realizing where the real threat is. Thank the Lord though that you can call on Him and get your perspective sorted out, and prevent the Enemy from getting his way. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from neez Sunday, July 14, 2002 - 02:00 (Agree/Disagree?) So, Mo sitting in some room with jesus reviewing kids movies for all eternity. so whats changed..? (reply to this comment)
| from dave Friday, July 12, 2002 - 23:21 (Agree/Disagree?) Great writing. You can always become a film critic, you know, something to "fall back on". LOL. Remember to check out the horror thriller "the Others". I'd like to know what "jesus" has to say about this one. Later bro. (reply to this comment)
| from Anthony Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 21:52 (Agree/Disagree?) 09. Spider-Man (JR) (Jesus:) In many ways this is just an old-fashioned action movie with the hero fighting off the bad guys and protecting the world from evil. It's exciting and has captivating characters. It's clearly a good versus evil movie and has a lot of fun in there as well. The violence is overdone in parts, especially the hand-to-hand combat between the two "supermen." If it weren't for this and a few other scenes, the movie could probably be suitable for a younger audience. But sadly, the producers fell prey to the "violence marketing scheme" in trying to appeal to kids who are so used to the violence that it doesn't faze them anymore. Though the violence is done in a mock manner as the superheroes are supposed to be almost invincible, there is still the underlying message that violence is okay if done for the right reasons. The world never truly appreciates its heroes, and this is also true in this movie where the hero isn't truly appreciated, and when he does the right thing, it seems to only make matters worse. Yet in spite of it all he remains a hero and doesn't compromise with evil. This is a good message. Many times you, My children, have to make sacrifices to remain pure from the world's evil. It's not a must-see movie by any means. It will only appeal to certain viewers. But it's not harmful and won't have negative effects on your spirit, if the viewer is mature enough to see it for what it is. This movie is obviously a fantasy. It's easy to recognize that this is not true; it's someone's imagination. This type of movie, where it's so clearly not true, not even partly true, is less dangerous to My children than movies that are subtle and where the lines between fact and fiction are blurred. While this movie doesn't have much to offer as far as lessons or depth, it would be enjoyable to some people. This movie can be for JETTs, providing the parents or guardians preview it and ask Me about showing it to their children. It should only be shown to those JETTs whose parents have the faith for it and are willing to take the responsibility for it. They can't expect WS to make that decision; the parents have the ultimate responsibility. (reply to this comment)
| From C Saturday, July 13, 2002, 03:24 (Agree/Disagree?) I personally thought Spiderman was a silly 13 year old boy movie, in which I actually fell asleep in the theater! But, now that I know Jesus liked it, then that changes everything! I thought his tastes would be a bit more higher-brow, but who am I to speak for him. Did he like Stigmata? Did he think the actress did a good betrayal of him?(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from C Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 21:24 (Agree/Disagree?) Jesus watches movies? Does he watch TV, too? Does he write on walls? Can he give me a good tip on the market right now? Does he love Will and Grace as much as I do? Can he tell me why I have such a hard time understanding men? Can he tell me if the guy I love is cheating? Can he tell me what's wrong with my mother? Could we channel him somehow and host a talk show? We could call it "Jesus Speaks on love, life and the stock market!" (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | from dave Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 21:16 (Agree/Disagree?) Thank you, Jesus (reply to this comment)
| from Joe Thursday, July 11, 2002 - 14:18 (Agree/Disagree?) what a load of crap!! like Jesus has nothing better to do then recommend movies to his precious family! Can't they do anything for themselves? Pretty soon Jesus will be eating and crapping for them. It's ridiculous!! (reply to this comment)