Getting Out : Inside Out
Peter and Zerby went to..... | from MM - Sunday, January 30, 2005 accessed 2573 times The States for a funeral? Notice from Peter – January 27, 2005 (MO site announcement #7) Dear Family, Mama and I love you and are so proud of you! You are fighters! We’ve been reading more of the latest posts on myconclusion.com and have been thrilled at all you’ve written. You express your love for the Family, your convictions, and your faith in such an honest and heartfelt manner. It’s a wonderful way for you to tell the world the truth about the Family. Anyone who wants to know what the Family is all about just needs to read what you have written to get a clear picture that the Family is very different than what is portrayed in the press and through the mouths of our detractors. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to send you an update for a while, as Mama and I have been traveling. We’d like to start by thanking you for your prayers for us. We feel them, we need them--in fact, we count on them. Your prayers keep us going, and we are extremely grateful for them. Angela’s memorial was held Saturday, January 22. Her relatives, friends, and members of the Family attended. Here is a short report written by someone who was there: The funeral was a very inspiring time, although difficult for everyone involved. It was a small gathering, with Angela’s immediate family and some of our local Family members, as well as a close friend of hers that she was living with when she went to be with the Lord. The funeral was a wonderful testimony of people coming together to comfort and strengthen one another at a time when nothing could make much sense. Ricky's aunt and uncle attended, at the invitation of Angela's brother and his wife, and everyone was so very thankful that the Family members could come and share the time of memorial for Angela with them. Many of those attending got up and shared stories or memories of Angela, and it was very touching. I was able to read the beautiful eulogy from you, Mama and Peter, as well. A Family member who knew Angela well shared about how she actually saw Angela after her death, and she described her and what she did and how it brought such peace to her to see Angela so happy. Afterwards, Angela's sister-in-law went up to the girl and asked her more about her seeing Angela. It was very comforting for Angela’s relatives to hear from those of us in the Family about the years that she spent with us. It helped them a lot to fill in the gaps of the years they hadn't seen her, and to hear how happy she had been. It was key to helping them find closure and peace about Angela's passing. We spent many hours talking with all of them and reminiscing about the way Angela was—never anything but loving and giving. That is what everyone who knew her talked about. Her loving ways are what live on in everyone's hearts. A local Family member sang the song “White Sails” at the memorial, and it was just beautiful. We also did a slide show of pictures of Angela through the years, accompanied by some of her favorite songs and songs about Heaven. We shed many tears together, but through them all, we could see Angela's beaming smile in every single photo. The memorial was a testimony of the love she lived. The Catholic priest that gave the sermon spoke of that verse, "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends," and he expounded upon it, explaining how every minute, every hour, every day, every time we choose to spend it in giving to others, we are laying down our lives for our friends, especially at times when we just don't feel like it. It was a sweet sermon. Another wonderful miracle was that there was heavy snow that day that made it almost impossible to drive anywhere, so even though we were expecting some media to show up, thankfully they didn’t. Angela’s family and relatives were able to have a very sweet and peaceful memorial and time to say goodbye to dear Angela. It's sad that the media and others have tried to discredit Angela's reputation, but all of those that knew her know what a wonderful, caring, loving person she was. God bless the local Home who helped get things together for the reception afterwards. They prepared some delicious platters of food that everyone was able to enjoy as they fellowshipped together. Angela's family was able to have time to talk to more Family members and to hear even more wonderful things about their loved one who has gone on. Please pray for Angela’s family as they have recently lost their father, and their mother is not well. Angela's sister-in-law is fighting cancer as well. Angela only has one brother, and he is the dearest man, and is probably the one bearing the most of these burdens. I'm sure they'd appreciate our prayers. Angela’s relatives expressed their thankfulness for the Family and the support and help we were to them during this time. (End of report.) There is a beautiful memorial web site for Angela, which you can find on line at Angela-Smith.org, which includes pictures, eulogies, and testimonies. There are also numerous testimonies, stories, and comments from the many who knew and loved her in the myconclusion.com postings. I can barely keep from crying when I read the beautiful things you have said about her. While we know she is enjoying her heavenly rewards, still she is missed by the many who knew and loved her. Throughout this past week there have been a number of newspaper articles around the world dealing mainly with the events of the tragedy. There have been a few TV shows, which have aired clips of Ricky’s video. Some shows have been balanced in that they give both sides to the story; others have only echoed the apostates’ spin on things. Over the next few days there will be further TV shows in the U.S. We anticipate that they will be negative. Once they air and we get a report from those who have seen the shows we will give you an update. We trust that you have received the two GNs on the Ricky/Angela topic—the first one being a compilation of MO site notices. Mama is busy working on two other ones, which we hope to get to you fairly soon—one on the topic of the media, and the other is a compilation of new encouragement promises for persecution. We’ll also write soon with a further update about the TV shows and about our apostates’ latest tack. In the meantime, please continue to fight with us through prayer. --Please pray especially for the media teams who are on the front lines of this battle, who stand up for all of us and for the truth. It’s a tough, exhausting job. So pray for their strength, wisdom, stamina, encouragement, and eloquence. --Please also pray for Mama and me, and all of those who are working to plan and fight this battle. --Pray that the authorities will see this for what it is: A concerted effort on the part of a handful of apostates to stir them to action against the Family. --Pray that the publicity will not affect your witnessing efforts and outreach, which is something the Devil would love to see happen, but that it will instead enable us to witness and spread the truth like never before. Please keep doing the job, dear Family. Don’t let these events distract you from doing that which is most important--reaching the world with the message of salvation. That’s what we’re all about, and the Enemy’s main goal in all of this is to stop us from doing the job. He knows we are reaching the lost, ripping many from his clutches, and he hates us for it. He knows we are getting stronger, we’re preparing to move forward like never before, and therefore he’s fighting us now to stop us, to try to defeat us. So fight back! Get out there and witness! Keep winning the lost! Keep preaching the message! Keep moving forward! If we witness, we win! Our Enemy’s defeat is sure. Love, Peter The keys create within your spirit a deep reservoir of willpower, determination, and strength that will empower you to forge ahead to victory no matter how tough the fight or how long the battle. Call upon the keys of revelation and foresight to reveal the devices and plans of those who seek your demise. The keys will lay a straight path before you that you may be preserved from every evil work. Call on the keys of truth that will reveal My mighty hand and expose the lies of the Enemy. The keys of truth can break through any barrier. It may take time, but they will not fail. Call on the keys of intervention, and I will hold back the powers of apostasy and confuse the plans of your enemies. The keys of the Kingdom will help you to see people and situations with My eyes, in a spirit of faith and trust. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Dr.4_Shure Wednesday, February 02, 2005 - 01:32 (Agree/Disagree?) "I’m sorry I haven’t been able to send you an update for a while, as Mama and I have been traveling." Is that another way of stating you're on the run and will always be? We'll catch up with you. (reply to this comment)
| from jez Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 20:34 (Agree/Disagree?) tf are liars, have been and will continue to be until the day they DIE (reply to this comment)
| from XR Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 20:17 (Agree/Disagree?) Like anything from the group it is always very late and always very misleading. Like when Berg died. They kept the news in and lied to everyone for a few weeks, so no one would be able to find him and dig him up (or chase them out) in Portugal or wherever it was. In Oct, not Nov '94 when the word came out. So now they've done it again with Sue. It was way back on Jan 18. I think they are unable to tell the truth. It is pathetic what propaganda the www.angela.smith.com site is, whereas remember her real name was Susan Kauten, not Smith! They couldn't even post any photos on the site, to hide from the law the others in her pictures, or give clues to where they were/are. It seems their only mode is deception. And only motive to protect their own asses. Will they ever stop? Unlikely! How would you like them to use you for propaganda, even in your death! Hey, as Christians aren't you supposed to lay down YOUR life to protect others? The leadership are such GD cowards, always asking everybody else to lay down their lives, their families, and their children, to protect them. It's supposed to be the other way around Maria & Peter! Did you never read about the REAL Jesus, the Good Shepherd? So Sue ran interference for you one last time, and paid the ultimate price for it. You are such cowards you couldn't even face your own son. Your quite some mama, Mama! What faith you have! So you sent poor Sue to catch the flack that you deserve. You judge yourself! Her blood is on YOUR hands. I can't do the subject justice, but some day soon, you WILL face the justice you deserve. You have sown the wind, and will reap the whirlwind. You f...ing cowards. And continuing to mess with the minds of thousands so you can continue your fantasy land and fantasy kingdom, and keep those dumb kids supporting you. So Palo Alto is were Sue's memorial service took place. All it took was a Google search on Susan Kauten Va (where she's from). Let's ferret out the rest their locations. All their new aliases and passport names are online now. The Google is mightier than the sword. http://www.paloaltodailynews.com/dailynews/LGDN/2005/01/LG_20050114_14.pdf SMITH, Angela (b. Susan Kauten), 51 passed away Jan. 8 while visiting in Tucson, Arizona. Born in Washington, D.C. and raised in Virginia, Angela graduated Edison H.S., Fairfax Co. She served as a nondenominational Christian missionary for more than 30 years on nearly every continent, most recently in Mexico. She left the missionary life to settle in Palo Alto last year. The Lord's spark lighted Angela's spirit which, in turn, illuminated the heart of everyone she met. No one who met her will forget her. Angela's humble eagerness to give an encouraging word to a stranger in any of the many languages she spoke, is just one way she reflected His love on earth in her every action. Angela is survived by her partner, David Carpenter, Palo Alto; mother Joey Kauten, brother John, Jr., sister-inlaw Tina, and nieces Hailey and Chrissey, of the Winchester and Arlington, VA area; and her aunt and cousins in the San Jose Area. Her father, John Sr., passed away last year. A brief memorial service will be held Tuesday 1/18, 6:30pm at Unity Church, 3391 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto. Ate logo, meu amor. (reply to this comment)
| from conan Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 15:09 (Agree/Disagree?) While trying not to laugh to hard I re-read the article (the part by Kelly and Zerby's correspondent that is) and must have missed this bit last time: "God bless the local Home who helped get things together for the reception afterwards. They prepared some delicious platters of food that everyone was able to enjoy as they fellowshipped together. Angela's family was able to have time to talk to more Family members and to hear even more wonderful things about their loved one who has gone on." You gotta love the demented viewpoint of this member. God should bless the local home becasue they were able to put food out???? What am I missing here? Why is that worthy of god's blessings (God to spiritual Warfare and other "spiritually influenced")?? Last I checked, food at a funeral gathering or memorial is kind of mandatory and isn't going above and beyond or anything like that. Oh well....let them be blessed I guess. (reply to this comment)
| | | from xhrisl Tuesday, February 01, 2005 - 08:58 (Agree/Disagree?) “Another wonderful miracle was that there was heavy snow that day that made it almost impossible to drive anywhere, so even though we were expecting some media to show up, thankfully they didn’t.” Just a point of interest, Unless the Zerby and Kelly were in the mountains, i.e. Mt. Lemmon being the closest in proximity to Tucson, Arizona, it is doubtful that they could have attended a funeral service with snow. The national weather service reports no snow for the Tucson metro area for the entire month of December. http://newweb.wrh.noaa.gov/twc/climate/monthly/Dec04-f6 (reply to this comment)
| | | | | From an fga Tuesday, February 01, 2005, 10:34 (Agree/Disagree?) I just looked at Angela's web site. I in no way wish to speak ill of her. But what screams at me is the shame and coverup, even in death, of the association with The Family. In my mind, that says it all. The lies are perpetuated in death. "An interdenominational missionary?" The Family is anything but interdenominational. It is highly exclusive, highly identifiable. Just about everyone who posted under the "memories" section is a Family member, yet those 30 years in the Family that Zerby speaks so glowingly about are deliberately obfuscated. She spends 30 years in The Family, much of it deeply involved in the inner circle, and it cannot even be openly acknowledged in death. Poor Angela. This is the horrible legacy that we FGAs have, the legacy that we created. We will go to our graves with shame, lies, and coverups for what we were part of. (It is one of the many paradoxes concerning The Family. Members say they are so proud of it, yet often refuse to publicly acknowledge their involvement. Jeremy Spence was recently inducted into the R&R Hall of Fame for his time in Fleetwood Mac. Yet no mention in his bio of the last 34 years or so spent in The Family.) It reminds me of "The Christmas Carol" by Dickens. One of the ghosts is rattling his chains and appealing to Scrooge to change. "These are my chains -- the chains that I forged with my own hands." How much this can be said of so many of us. We forged those chains by the choices we made, or allowed others to make for us. At least those of us who have left the group have an opportunity to acknowledge our wrongdoing, our grievous sins, our complicity in the harm you suffered. At least we have the opportunity to apologise to you and others we hurt. And at least we have the chance to try to make some meagre, insufficent, pitiful, attempts at restitution, at trying to make things right. It will never be enough. It will never begin to be enough. We can never set things right. But we can try. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from Spritual Warfare Monday, January 31, 2005 - 12:56 (Agree/Disagree?) Oh hogwash! your days are over! I am busy doing spiritual warfare and praying against all your lies and blasphemy - I am also praying, in particular that the vile curses you have put on all the poor second generation children on this website be completely void. I know what you're upto in the spiritual realm, you have cursed these kids and that's why they keep dying and commiting suicide. You have done enough destruction and the powerful almighty God and risen Messiah Christ Jesus know what you are upto, the curses you have put on us will come back on you and the people you have trapped and deceived will have their eyes opened, the day of redemption is coming soon. The Lord is going to take vengence on the destruction that you have inflicted on his little lambs. Maria and Peter you are emissaries of Satan and Christ Jesus our crucified Savior will not allow you to continue with your raping and pillaging of the ones that he has written on the palm of his hand. I claim the blood of the precious lamb of God and his protection over this website and all who come here to receive healing, I also pray by the authority given to me by the precious blood of Christ that all evil spirits be bound and that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. Malachi 4:2 "But unto you that hear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise, with healing in his wings" I pray precious lamb of God that you will bring an end to those who turn so many astray using Your name to destroy lives and abuse children and pretend to be your prophets, plunder them Lord and destroy all those who shed the innocent blood of your children. Come to our aid precious Father we have but you to defend us, justify and redeem us through the death of your son at Calvary in the name of Christ Jesus I pray. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | From conan Monday, January 31, 2005, 13:43 (Agree/Disagree?) Save your prayers Spiritual Warfare. You sound as beligerent and mindless as Kelly and Zerby. We don't want them praying for our souls and we don't need you praying against them and your paranoid delusions of voodoo like curses placed upon us. I mean do you seriously believe that becasue your god answers prayer there are suicides among ex-members and now murders?? Come on Spiritual! You have left the cult now leave the rest of your religious brainwashing behind as well.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Joe H Monday, January 31, 2005, 13:18 (Agree/Disagree?) Ok, come on, guys! The children of darkness are supposed to be wiser than the children of light! It's pretty obvious from Peter's letter that he and Zerby were not at the funeral. Do you think they would risk their security (read: lives) at a time like this, especially if they believed the media might be there? And what's this "spiritual warfare" nonsense? "Vile curses ... put on all the second-generation children on this website"? Could that be what was responsible for that awful hangover I had Saturday? The Bible says faith without works is dead. Thankfully, some people are doing a lot more than praying to see that justice is done.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Spritual Warfare Monday, January 31, 2005, 14:55 (Agree/Disagree?) I know that you feel "triggered" by what I prayed, and its not nonsense, spiritual warfare is a very real thing. For years I denied its existance and I felt so afflicted all the time and everything was such an impossible struggle. The Bible (if you believe it) talks all about evil spirits and how they afflict people Mary Magdalene and the man who couldn't be bound with chains because he would break them off to name but a few. Anyway, if you don't believe this, that's upto you but I happen to believe that the spiritual realm is very real and what is going on here is not just an "us and them" issue, there is a spiritual battle going on for hearts and minds right now - angels are as real as demons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are real (BTW The holy spirit is not some woman dressed in a bikini, in fact, blasphemy against the Holy spirit is a sin that will not be forgiven Matthew 12:31, making the holy spirit as a sexual object is an abomination as is masturbating during prayer). If I sound like a zealot, ok, I am zealous for the truth but I don't abuse children and my life reflects a person that has been healed and redeemed by Christ Jesus even though I didn't always walk in His path. Christ said it himself that many false prophets would arise and deceive many Matthew 24:5 and that's exactly what happened in TF. They are praying against us with their keys and their "Vandari" its real folks whether you choose to accept it or not and I make no apologies for having said the above prayer, the intention is not to offend but to expose and take an offensive stance spiritually against such evil.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Monday, January 31, 2005, 15:21 (Agree/Disagree?) "angels are as real as demons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are real" If that's the case, then Zeus is as real as Pan who is as real as Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy. Right now there is spiritual warfare going on between them as well because Santa claims the Tooth Fairy stole one of his molars and didn't leave a quarter under his pillow. Zeus, is accusing Pan of stealing his favorite thunderbolt, but Pan says he was only borrowing it so he could punish the Tooth Fairy for stealing. This is no figment of someone's imagination. It's all written black on white in the time-tested book of Aesop's fables. Besides, I know for a fact this warefare is going because I feel very afflicted right now.(reply to this comment) |
| | From conan Monday, January 31, 2005, 14:43 (Agree/Disagree?) Joe H, I hate to break it to you man but the children of darkness (clearly the smarter group of children) were once raised by the children of "light" and as such were given minimal education. You appear to be among the few with legitimate comprehension abilities and that is to be commended whether you were lucky and got that while in the cult or taught yourself since disentangling yourself from said religious movement. That being said....YOU MORONS!!! Well, moron anyway (whoever posted the original article). Reading Comprehension 101 would tell you that they were no where near the Angela memorial and Cult Comprehension: TF 101 would tell you that there is no chance of Kelly or Zerby being caught (dead or alive) out in a public event with the potential magnitude the Ricky memorial could end up being. I sympathize with you for your small brain capabilities but please try for all of our sakes. Satan's piece I leave with you (but I'll want it back eventually)(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | From Marc Monday, January 31, 2005, 17:34 (Agree/Disagree?) Wow! Dude (or dudess?), you sure came back with a good one: "...your argument is and intent to insult is severely flawed." or "Thanks anyway popping in and throwing in your penny's worth." Such excellent sentence structure reveals you as the wiser person and worthy of reciprocating the insult. At least Joe didn't hide behind a "Spiritual Warfare" facade. Since you are the scientist here, could you point me to your source where it has been "scientifically proven" that retarded people have larger and heavier brains (what about people with "cognitive disability"?)? I guess larger is better?(reply to this comment) |
| | From Spiritual Warfare Tuesday, February 01, 2005, 09:36 (Agree/Disagree?) Scientists are still divided on the subject, however, smaller brains are not indicative of stupidity. I am not a scientist and Spiritual warfare is not a facade. Having sex with demons (Remember the Godesses?) and having "Comeunion" TF would have comunion and then an orgy afterwords is something that is practiced in paganism and witches covens. The fact that I have learnt about spirituality does not mean I am blinkered, does not mean that I don't research, and certainly does not mean that I am out of touch with the real world and current affairs. Being a Christian seems to be stereotyped with naivete and narrow mindedness, but I believe in exploring all the options, listening to all sides of the arguments (if plausible and coherent free of insult and sarcasm, the lowest form of wit) and then reaching an informed decision. It is a mark of superior minds to disagree, and yet remain respectful of the others opinion though it may differ from our own. G'day mate! http://www.holysmoke.org/cos/mice-bigger-brains.htm http://www.davidduke.com/index.php?p=64(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From JohnnieWalker Tuesday, February 01, 2005, 09:56 (Agree/Disagree?) You said: "The fact that I have learnt about spirituality does not mean I am blinkered, does not mean that I don't research, and certainly does not mean that I am out of touch with the real world and current affairs." True, but it does mean that you accept as fact things that mankind is currently unable to prove. The fact that you and millions of others claim they know the spirit world exisits does not make it so. Until its existence can be proven in some tangible way, it will remain only a belief or superstition, and you would be truly open-minded if you are able to admit and accept that. Being open minded means that you can accept and live with the possibility that you might be wrong. It means asking questions without being afraid of the answer.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Webel Tuesday, February 01, 2005, 12:30 (Agree/Disagree?) Proof, proof, proof - faith IS the proof - what I believe, and my prayers are my faith and, as I believe in what I am praying then the evidence comes later on and I have seen it in many aspects of my life and the lives of the ones closest to me. I have seen how prayer has dramatically changed things for the better. I have many examples of these but I only see the point in sharing them if someone is genuinely interested. My life is deeper and more meaningful since I have started to walk this path and learnt that what happens to the physical world is only a determination of what has happened spiritually first, be it negative or positive. Are you interested in what I believe? shall I go on explaining? the bottom line here is...just because TF abused me, just because they damaged my belief in Christ, just because they beat me, it does NOT mean that the Bible isn't true that Christ isn't the son of God and the Messiah. I threw everything out for a while but I knew in my heart Christ is not as they portrayed him in the cult. Since then I have read many Christian books (CS Lewis included - the screwtape letters talks about the spirit realm as does Pigs in the Parlour by Frank and Ida Mae Hammond). Open mindedness also means you are able to read material without being scared of what it might contain I challenge you to a)purchase these books and b) read them before judging my beliefs. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Greensack Tuesday, February 01, 2005, 14:53 (Agree/Disagree?) And I challenge you to: a. Purchase Holy Blood Holy Grail, by Michael Baigent - Henry Lincoln - Richard Leigh, And read it. b. Compare the ideas with your versions of christanity. and c. Keep an open mind as you so well admonish. I also challenge you to take a close look at the circumstances surrounding the actions of the council of Nicea around 300AD. It might be relevant, as relevant as say, the person who hands you your beleif system. Surely one questions the source of information?(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From JohnnieWalker Tuesday, February 01, 2005, 14:51 (Agree/Disagree?) Firstly, you have my sincerest apologies if I said something that made you feel I was judging your beliefs. Those who know me can attest that I respect peoples right to believe as they wish provided they harm no none. Secondly, I agree with you. Faith is proof. But it is only proof for the person who has that faith. It is not universal proof. Anyone is free to claim the spirit world (or any object that requires one's faith) exists FOR THEMSELVES. A Hindu believes in a spirit world quite different than your own. According you your faith, the Hindu's version of the spirit world is false and vice versa. By what standard, then, can one determine whose world exits and whose doesn't? Perhaps you recall the quote, "Faith in sturdy plank will carry me over the stream, but faith in a rotten plank will land me in it?" That reflects my view on faith precisely. As far as the books are concerned: They sound interesting enough. I don't doubt I might someday find interest enough to buy and read them.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Webel Tuesday, February 01, 2005, 17:40 (Agree/Disagree?) If you want to know how right and wrong is determined it says in the Bible that a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. If you have ever lived in India, you would know that they have a complex caste system, there is extreme poverty and people never even try to get out of the terrible situation they are in. This is directly linked with Hinduism and belief in reincarnation that to be born poor they must have done something wrong in their past life and - yes, they have faith in what they believe and as a result there is poverty and destitution worse than in most countries (although some are fortunate enough to be born rich). People still walk around with leprosy and missing appendages, there are also bodies floating in the river where people wash themselves and their clothes that is Hinduism and that would never happen in the US or Europe. The foundations of Western societies are Christian and therefore there is more help for the poor, democracy, charitable organizations, giving people political asylum, welfare, laws against prejudice and racism, all this goes back to the principles in the Bible of loving your neighbour and the virtues that are in place for what we consider to be "civilized society". If such virtues are the basis of our civilization and they produce good results than this proves Christianity not only works, but it is right and the way forward. So, why don't you do a test - get the books, get in contact with a Christian who has an understanding of them (not all christians believe the things mentioned in those books exist) and see what results are produced in your life, then you will know for sure beyond a shadow of doubt if its right or not.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Silence_Restriction_Kid Tuesday, February 01, 2005, 21:48 (Agree/Disagree?) I don't know whether to laugh at your ignorance, or scream at your intolerance and bigotry. "People still walk around with leprosy and missing appendages, there are also bodies floating in the river where people wash themselves and their clothes that is Hinduism and that would never happen in the US or Europe. The foundations of Western societies are Christian and therefore there is more help for the poor, democracy, charitable organizations, giving people political asylum, welfare, laws against prejudice and racism, all this goes back to the principles in the Bible of loving your neighbour and the virtues that are in place for what we consider to be "civilized society". If such virtues are the basis of our civilization and they produce good results than this proves Christianity not only works, but it is right and the way forward. " Your logic is not just flawed, it is non-existent. You say that because western cultures are based on Judeo-Christian theology they are the only "civilized societies", and the only ones that offer, "political asylum, welfare, laws against prejudice and racism etc." Do you realize that by bashing an entire sub-continent, you smack of prejudice and racism yourself? Not to mention the rest of the nonsense you spout off all over this site. Were you ever in TF? If so for how long and when? (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | From MM Tuesday, February 01, 2005, 13:54 (Agree/Disagree?) hey, Spirtual Warfare: Let the blind lead the blind, and if you belive in the spirit world keep up the faith, just cuz Joe H or Mr beans for brains, or Madam whatever thinks you should go and keep you so called crap behind doors then let the asses think that way. You R U and thats it, you have your beliefs and let it be that way. By the Way keep your convictions, because if you feel comfortable with them thats your choice not theres. Ppl or might I say some Ex-members like to show OFF a little sometimes and they forget when they were small and inocent they would pray and seek the Lord in prayer, and I do as you, I belive in the spirit world. I belive you r a good person, maybe just a little confused. Keep it up Girl. MM(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From MM Tuesday, February 01, 2005, 17:23 (Agree/Disagree?) whoever u r that can not put your nick and talk, u must be a fam memmber, hey if a persson has faith (with prof or without prof) then thats there problem. And you others do not have to put ppl down just cUz they do have faith, if your jelouse thats your problem, so go and solve it. Whatever!!!! I just had a big Accedent with my car its ToTTALY TRASHED tried killing my self, guess did not work I did not even get a scratch, guess these cars are ment to be safe, better luck next time MM. (reply to this comment) |
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