Getting Out : Media Reports
A Current Affair Air Date 05/10/2005 : Produced by Kate Coe | from tuneman7 - Tuesday, May 10, 2005 accessed 1732 times This piece serves to raise awareness: http://www.stoplyingpeter.com/CurrentAffair_Show.html Some of the memorial clips were beautiful and I am glad that Richard was portrayed as the gentle loving friend he was. Rest in peace, my friend. You taught many of us about the depth of friendship. May we be the friends to you after your passing, that you were to us in life. Your hope was for the healing of your peers. Your hope was for justice, your hope was for dignitiy, your hope was for honesty. We, your friends, some in childhood, some in adulthood, but all in love, will keep this hope alive. Don Irwin |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from ameliaus Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - 10:51 (Agree/Disagree?) I imagine that if this site is monitored by {shadowy authority elements} that open statement of support of Ricky's move could be questioned...but you know, the U.S. is at war in Iraq, as well as other undisclosed points of military involvement towards support of the common good, as our government sees it. Yet some receiving death in these efforts and reaction to them, are in the wrong place (market, bus, job applicant, home) at the wrong time. Ricky's stated intent was to bring the guilty, actually guilty, to justice, and to kick start awareness and activism, actually not advocating violence though that was his personal choice. But you know, if it weren't for the daily facing of the fact of publicly supported physically violence towards problem resolution I probably wouldn't be calloused enough to believe this myself. But in that context, of today, I agree with him. (reply to this comment)
| from EyesWideShut Wednesday, May 11, 2005 - 08:00 (Agree/Disagree?) Don, wonderfully written--again. (reply to this comment)