Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from MeMe Wednesday, January 19, 2005 - 11:00 (Agree/Disagree?) Sorry ALL, I am confused, The Family seems to state that Angela Smith, Sue, was NOT in the Family when she went over to see Ricky, which seems to be confirmed by newspaper reports about Angela, who was apparrently working in a regular job in California. Is this so ? They also have stated that Sue was never a nanny of Ricky (Davidito) although from what I have read, she was a secretary of Bery and Kerby in Tennerfife. So surely she was invlolved in his upbringing and complicit in the sexual abuse Ricky sufferred. Was she a nanny of Ricky ? And if so, this would be a link to him for taking out revenge on her, although revenge never solves anything. So its perplexing, for from what I read, also, Angela didn't know her sin when dying, and yet if she was out of the Family, I would have thought she would have known how much of a pawn she had been and known some of her sins. Mind you apparrrently she had only been out for a couple of months. Strange, strange. The Family, Maria and Peter, of course blames Exers for Ricky's violence and see no sexual abuse in his Family past which is absolutely ludicrous, as they have always been in denial. So was Angela in the Family at the time of her murder ? And was she confirmed as a nany and sexual partner of Ricky in his youth ? Any comments (reply to this comment)
| | | From JohnnieWalker Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 11:54 (Agree/Disagree?) I don't think anyone was confusing her with Sara. The first few newspaper articles called her a "nanny" and the title seems to have stuck, unfortunately. Angela "Sue" Smith was a secretary, not a nanny, but she DID interact with Ricky frequently, as is evident in "The Story of Davidito". Besides, we all know what life in a Family Home was like. If the childcare worker had to take a turn going "witnessing" then someone else took the children for the day, be it the secretary, handyman, kitchen deacon, etc. So in the long run, Pretty much everyone in the Home was involved with taking care of children in one way or another. That Sue was not a member of the Family at the time she was murdered seems to have been pretty well established. The only thing that no one seems to be clear on is the length of time she had been "out" for. The first reports placed it at 1 month, later accounts said she had left 2 months prior to the incedent. Also unclear, is whether Sue was still affiliated with the Family during that time, i.e. was still Missionary Member, or a Fellow Member. Neither Claire Borowik nor Peter have ellaborated on this matter.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Vicky Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 11:17 (Agree/Disagree?) Actually very few of us have confused her with Sara D. Most of us are very informed when it comes to the history and background to this tragic event. But yes, there have been a few people who have been mixed up. When the news first came out about Ricky, there was some speculation regarding details, history, motive, etc, but all information that has been posted here as official information comes from people who heard from Ricky himself about his plans and the reasons for them.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | from KateCoe Wednesday, January 19, 2005 - 08:24 (Agree/Disagree?) I'mn a producer with A Current Affair and I'm looking for people to speak with me on and off camera about their experiences growing up in TF. We're in Southern California. I've spoken with Daniel a few times, if anyone needs to check me out. email me at kate.coe@gmail.com (reply to this comment)
| from exister Wednesday, January 19, 2005 - 08:08 (Agree/Disagree?) I learned of Ricky's death on Saturday. I know many of you think of me as a generally talkative person, but I chose to respect the dead with silence, or maybe I was just stumped for words. In any case I have remained silent out of regard for the finality of Ricky's act. He will unfortunately never have the chance to speak or act on behalf of his generation again. It appears, however, that now is the time to join the fray. If any of you know of journalists looking for people to talk to about The Family they can contact me at exister99@hotmail.com. I will gladly give my full name and location to any legitimate journalist that contacts me. Let us not let Ricky's self destruction be in vain. A large part of his pain must have been due to the fact that he was used as the blueprint for the abuse of thousands of us. Now, in death, his outrage at these abusers must be heard. (reply to this comment)
| From SitAndSpinZerby Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 08:45 (Agree/Disagree?) Careful there, I never considered Ricky to speak for me. Much less now! Whatever the generation we happen to share. I for one am a person fully capable of grasping free life in America, along with all the rights it brings, freedom of speach being one of the greatest! Let me be painfully redundant when I say I feel bad for the guy. RIP dude. It's clear this is a tragedy. But that's it. His mistakes are not mine, his abuse is not mine, his voice is not mine, and his death is not mine. TF must see their mistakes, and changes are obviously long overdue in the making. Their methods are archaic, and the voice of dissention is growing louder, no small thanks to Rick, but let's be careful with the generalizations. TF is notorious for making them, and we'd be fools to step in the same noose. Perhaps Rick represented a lot more to some than others, and far be it from me to minimize that. I can empathize with those who've been most hurt by Ricks actions, yes even his mother. I hold no love for that twisted woman, but no parent should outlive their child. However I just don't feel that Rick ever spoke for me. And to be honest, I believe his actions will have immediate negative consequences. I have been trying to convince my father to let my underage brother come live with me in the States, this situation is most likely to galivinize him to the contrary. Now one person will most likely have to stay longer in the group because of all of this, and I'm sure he's not the only one. We all know how the group works. But I'm sure Rick never thought of that particular. It was not his problem. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from Guccigirl Wednesday, January 19, 2005 - 05:41 (Agree/Disagree?) Albatross, I applaud you! You're an inspiration to all of us & you did an awesome job on CNN. I spoke to Carl B from the Insider last night & I'm willing to be interviewed. For all of us who are seeking justce we truly have an oppurtunity to finally be heard, there's strength in numbers. (reply to this comment)
| | | From someonewhocares Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 10:23
    (Agree/Disagree?) Yes, I spoke with Carl this AM and he said he had been able to speak with several of you last night, and even "chat" with some. He wants to do the interviews, but needs to have a copy of the video first that Ricky made; and for some reason, no one is giving it to him. I know there must be lots of copies out there somewhere. Did ABC and CNN have exclusive rights on it? Come on, you guys, now is the time to speak your peace if you ever are going to...people like Carl are giving you a chance to do it in public, not just on this site. He really wants to HELP you to have your voice, so, please, could someone get him a copy of the video tape? Remember, any news becomes OLD news real fast, so, you need to strike while the iron is hot...in a few days it could be too late. Speak now, or forever hold your peace.... (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Vicky Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 10:33 (Agree/Disagree?) I believe that the difficulty in locating a copy of the video is down to nothing more than the fact that the team that is working on all things pertaining to it is very busy indeed at the moment. I can't tell you anything since I don't know anything (Wow! I think I've learned life's biggest lesson!), but I know that the best person to get in touch with concerning the video is probably Sarafina. She can be reached through her profile. Just be aware that she is very busy. I'd suggest that if you do email her you put 'URGENT re: TV show' or some such tag on it so that she knows to open it asap.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | from xhrisl Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 21:57 (Agree/Disagree?) Well, I for one am willing to help in any way. (reply to this comment)
| from Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 19:08 (Agree/Disagree?) Hi! I just wanted to inform you all that Carl Bevelhymer of "Inside Edition" has been trying to reach one of you to interview you for his show. He called me today and left his #'s: 212-817-5438 and 917-826-0405. I think if you want to try and have a voice that this may be a good opportunity to do so. I am an FGA and so, would not have the weight that any of you do, but I do support you in your endeavors. He also called Miriam (author of "Heaven's Harlots"), but she, like I feel that any of you would be better to speak than us. Apparently, he tried to contact Daniel on this site and he said he was too swamped. This is your chance to speak out to a bigger audience...take it. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | From Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 19:35 (Agree/Disagree?) Nancy, or Jules, or Sarafina, to just name a few that I have read...any of you would be great...he is waiting for your call and getting a bit discouraged that he can find no one to be interviewed for his show, "Inside Edition"'. They will come to you, wherever you are...they are ready to do it as soon as tomorrow! (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 19:54 (Agree/Disagree?) Yes, I've seen Jules...but whoever is up to it should do it...you all know that there will only be a small window of time...use it before it is too late. This is a great place for you to speak to each other, but the media helps you to speak to the world...go for it...he would've wanted it, you know that. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | From Tuesday, January 18, 2005, 20:09 (Agree/Disagree?) Sure...that would be great...I just wanted to make sure I had done my part before having to turn in for the night...I am a FGA'er, you know...need my beauty sleep...seriously, I'm just trying to help out, but I do have a job that requires me to get up in a few hours, so, I will leave it to you all...Go for it!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | from Nancy Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 09:57
    (Agree/Disagree?) In order to refute what the cult is saying now and will be saying more of in the future, we need to remember and repeat over and over until we are heard, that WE are NOT disgruntled ex-members. We were never members. We never chose to be in the cult. We are their CHILD VICTIMS. They are attempting to blame their child victims for the acts of one of their other child victims. This time, their one trick pony, they used against Watchman and everyone else who spoke out against them will not work because we are not the "angry ex-members", postulates, etc. they always lump their detractors into. We are their CHILDREN! We are their VICTIMS! This is a case of Sleepers, except on an international scale. This is a case of a horribly abused child growing up and killing his abuser. We need to say that over and over and over until we are heard. The horrible abuse he suffered and witnessed drove him to this, nothing else, certainly not other child victims. Another issue we need to make clear is that this was not just a murder/suicide. This is much larger. This cult has operated an international, (they are in numerous countries), conspiracy, (because their abusive doctrines involving children were dictated by cult leadership and consented to by members), to exploit children, (exploit because we were systematically used for cult purposes, whether sexual, physical, mental or financial). This cult has operated an international conspiracy to exploit children on the largest scale. This cult may very well have been one of the largest cases of exploited and abused children not related by nationality or ethnicity in the modern world. Nothing has so far ever been done about it because unlike some other cases of child exploitation, we were their own children. When our very own parents conspired in the cult to exploit us, then who was there to protect and defend us or prosecute our abusers? No one. When such tremendous wrong goes unpunished and even unprosecuted for so long, then it is not so shocking that a case like Ricky's has occured. Further, unlike the movie Sleepers, we were not in a reformatory. We, and there are hundreds, if not thousands, of us, we were only in the cult and subjected to its doctrines and practices, as a result of having been born to our cult member parents. We did nothing wrong. We did nothing to deserve the horrific abuse inflicted upon us or the indoctrination and mental oppression which went along with it. We are not EX-MEMBERS! We are the child victims of a cult that operated on an international level. What happened to us was dictated from the very top of the cult. The way we were raised and exploited was dictated by cult doctrine espoused in mountainous cult literature and for which every member was made to read and live out. Ricky was the founders' own son upon whom they practiced all their most abusive doctrines. He was the test case upon which we were all modeled. Now we have the final result of their test case. Their own self-proclaimed "prince" is dead as a result of what they did to him. Yet, rather than issuing an apology to the hundreds, if not thousands, of parents and children for whom they dictated their twisted practices that they practied and modeled on Ricky, they seek to blame their other child victims. The cult leadership does not even take pause at Ricky's death. They go directly into victim attacking mode, their long time modis operandi. Ricky's very own mother remains silent, living in hiding and having her cult members issue statements placing blame onto her other victims. Is it shocking? Not really when you consider that very few pedophiles, child abusers, sweat shop owners or child exploitation ring leaders ever issue apologies or even admit their guilt. The most shocking aspect is the scale upon which this cult has operated and the inability of the authorities, in even industrialized countries, to put an end to it. Does it not strike anyone as suspicious that the leadership of this cult lives in hiding? Does it not give the authorities pause that everyone in the cult uses fake names? Is no one concerned that the highest leadership in the cult changed their names legally to very common ones which are difficult to track? Some have even changed their names more than once. Does no one have information on the passport buying scheme the cult leadership was busted for in Canada awhile back? If nothing is wrong and this cult never exploited or abused its children, then why do hundreds of their children now spend large amounts of their time speaking out and telling their stories? Why do they bother? And why are all of our stories the same regarding what kind of abuse was inflicted on us? Why do so many of us commit suicide? Why are so many of us in therapy? Where is the financial support Claire Borowik claims has been extended to us to help us heal from our injuries? I don't know one person among us who has ever received a red cent from the cult. I do know many, many horror stories, though, of how many of us ran away from the cult and had to struggle to make a life for ourselves with no money, no education and no support system. I know of many of us, including myself, who have supported a younger sibling to make his or her struggle a little easier. Have you no shame Claire Borowik? There are hundreds of us. The cult for which you speak has hundreds, if not thousands, of child victims. You can't call us all liars. We are all telling the same story. You may have gotten away with lying in Argentina about what the cult did to children there, but the United States of America is no Argentina. Here we have a justice system which is among the best in the world. Run and hide, Zerby, run and hide. The truth will find you. Your son is dead. You only son is dead. Your legacy is a dead son and the truth of what you did to him. You better find a very big rock to hide under because the truth is out, and its looking for you, you and Kelley and Lonnie Davis and your agent, Claire Borowik. Here in the United States we have justice, of the non-violent kind. If you don't come to it, we'll bring it to you. But most importantly, we have freedom of speech. We have freedom to speak without fear of retribution, unlike what we grew up with in the cult. And when so many of us are speaking and telling the truth of what the cult did to us as children, we will inevitably be heard. We will be heard, and not you, your agent Claire Borowik or the gods of abusive lying cults can stop that from happening. (reply to this comment)
| From thinker711 Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 08:06
    (Agree/Disagree?) Whoever interviews should cite some of the literature from Berg that explicitly promotes child sex. For example, Berg wrote, "I don't know what the hell age has got to do with it [sex] when God made'm [children] able to enjoy it practically from the time they are born...There's nothing in the world at all wrong with sex as long as it's practiced in love, whatever it is, or whoever it's with, no matter who, or at what age or what relative or in what manner...I'm talking about natural normal Godly love as manifested in sex, as far as I am concerned for whomever! There are no relationship restrictions or age limitations in his law of love." - Berg 1980 in "The Devil Hates Sex" Mo Letter No. 830 I'd like to see the Family respond to this and numerous other quotes and policies that came from the top leadership. (reply to this comment) |
| | From fauxality Wednesday, January 19, 2005, 00:43
    (Agree/Disagree?) I really hope you contact ABC and any other major media. Your story needs to be heard. I knew nothing about this cult until I read about Davidito's death in the SF Chronicle. I have spent literally hours pouring over web sites learning since then. I am shocked by the secretive behavior or the leadership. I am shocked by their use of common last names. I am shocked by their constant relocation. I am shocked at their deceptive Christian facade. But most of all I am shocked at their treatment of innocent children. Do not let Ricky die in vain. Expose them. Demand accountability, in finances and in leadership responsibility. Force them to come out of hiding to counter you. Bring them down. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from moon beam Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 09:09 (Agree/Disagree?) http://abcnews.go.com/Reference/story?id=54216 Here is the email link for ABC (reply to this comment)