Getting Out : Seeking Justice
Trading Your Children for Lost Souls | from Prisma - Thursday, November 21, 2002 accessed 8595 times To all of you who sincerely believe that you are serving God and are saving lost souls please consider the following: You, who call yourselves “the children of God” and “The Family of love”, have sacrificed, deprived and endangered your children all in the name of “saving lost souls”. Did you ever consider the safety, well being and happiness of your own children when you decided to live communally and knowingly allow your children to be in the same household as child molesters and rapists? Sure, the molesters and rapists can be forgiven and perhaps change their names several times to demonstrate that they have “changed” and “repented”. However, these molesters and rapists have never changed and are still the sick people they were 10 names ago. As much as you pray for them and have them “confess their sins,” they continue to roam your homes and prey on your children and your young teens. I would like to ask you, how are you able to place more value in the life of the “lost souls” then in the life of your own children? What gives you the right to place more value over one life than over another? I know you believe that you are the “chosen ones” or “the children of god” however, it is one thing to join a cult when you are an adult but it is quite another to force your children to conform to your life style and beliefs. We have observed, over the years, that when we didn’t conform to your standard of living you prayed against us and against our happiness. You have condemned the outsiders or “systemites” as you call them for trying to force you into their mold and their lifestyles (over 30 years ago) and yet you turn around and do the same thing to your own children except you have deprived your children of a descent education and you have allowed for their lives to be jeopardy and the worst part about this is that you justify your actions by professing that you are doing this all in “the name of God”. Many of your own children are now scared emotionally, psychologically and physically because of what you call “the family of love”, we cannot get back those years of innocence because of your decision to join “the family”. You have also tried to make your children so dependant on you by keeping them in seclusion from the outside world, it was your hope that we would never survive the “real world” if you kept us in seclusion for long enough and brainwashed us with your propaganda. But we survived and we have succeeded in living a positive and productive life in the “real world” or “the system” (as you call it) despite the disadvantages many of us were faced with when we first left. Some of us may not have made the best decisions but they are our own and we are proud to now have the freedom of expression without restraint or reproach. --Prisma |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Joey Friday, January 21, 2005 - 02:58 (Agree/Disagree?) There is no trade as in order to trade one needs to receive something. If your trading your kids for lost souls, you're not even saving lost souls. Save your kids and get the hell out. (reply to this comment)
| from plan b Tuesday, January 18, 2005 - 17:49 (Agree/Disagree?) You know what makes me depressed and wanna cry? When I see so many of my good friends die, most seem like suicide without an explanation or reason why, alot of their folks are in a group that makes them fried, to the point they believe its Gods will that their children died, but I believe the reason they died, is because in their subconcious minds, their not quite satistfied with the world outside, All our lives we believed a lie and were paying tithe to some perverted guy, who made us think that God will bless us and we`ll have an extra crown in Heaven when we die, and then they use that money selfishly to live better lives, making the rest of the groupe think its a big sacrifice, And our 10 percent is just barely helping them get by, "They have a big responsibility in taking care of 10,000 guys" When all they are doing is writing letters to make them even more fried, until they loose reality with the rest of the world outside. We all grew up believing that we are living in the end time, when we a teenagers we will be raptured and taken to the other side, so there is no need to worry about the rest of or lives. Now that time is long past and some of us have kids and wives, with no help from our parents and relitives who are being brainwashed by some selfish and perverted guys, who use religion as a cover then commit such terrible crimes, Proverbs 22:6 will explain a bit better why we have these thoughts in our subconcious minds, I don`t want any more of my friends to get depressed and die, because they feel so alone in the world outside, So whenever you have thoughts of commiting suicide, feeling depressed and alone, your mind is a landslide, Please think of all the friends and family you will leave behind, and how sad we will all be without You in their lives, so ending it all is not the cure anymore for you or I, We need to take the time to formulate a plot in our minds, and come up with a good solution for us and our families so there will be no need to cry!! Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it. (reply to this comment)
| from Christian Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 07:52
    (Agree/Disagree?) I agree totally the familys practice of putting 'lost souls above their own children has totally torn my whole family apart and destroyed it it really pisses me off that to my parents their own flesh and blood are less important than 'saving the souls" of some complete strangers and the family definetly doesnt follow the bible in a lot of cases but in this case they do with the whole 'the people who follow the "will of the lord the same are my brother my sister and my mother thing" and 'he who forsakes his mother or brother and so on is not worthy of me" its funny however how the family likes to pick and choose what part of the bible they want to follow and what they dont want to follow. The family should either declare themselves a cult and stop pretending to be a devout christian group or actually follow the bible complety but that would mean a loss of power for our "beloved" queen Zerby so its unlikey to happen well all to say all is well that ends well. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Mydestinyismine Thursday, March 18, 2004 - 02:50
    (Agree/Disagree?) Those "lost souls" aint lost. You have to be trying to get somewhere to be lost. TF uses that as a lame excuse for their reason to live. When one is ready for religion they'll look for it. Does shoving it down someone's throat ever work? I don't think Jesus intended for everyone on this planet to go save "the lost" and forsake those that should be important, who inturn get "lost". I don't know of any apostle, saint, prophet or missionary in the bible that grew a huge family and provided nothing for them, even worse forsaking them. And why does TF have "Last Temptation of Christ" on their x-rated list when that's pretty much how they live. (reply to this comment)
| from farmer Monday, November 03, 2003 - 04:10 (Agree/Disagree?) Good article...The line of defense of TF has been already oulined a bit here in the reactions, so I won`t repeat the verses we feel they`d use primarily. However, as it has been debated already in some articles at movingon elsewhere, it can be questioned, of how much christian faith is linked with TF..are they really that christian by biblical terms & standards?..I´d dare so: no... as it becomes more & more evident, as time goes by! Unfortunately, that was not recognised by us adults when we were part & thought ourselves to be the spearhead of Christianity today...I can only apologise for having been deluded & blind myself. If Jesus had come back 93, we wouldn`t debate it now either, TF would be proven right & having made "wonderful sacrifices". The trouble with TF is, they have prophecies, which aren`t any, but man`s bablings (or even worse than that),they made sacifices, like FFing, which weren`t asked of them, as they contradict Jesus & Paul`s words, so that should matter to them, but it doesn`t, they are selfrighteous know it alls. So since TF is so far away from the christian fundaments, you can hardly apply verses, which seem to fit to a "normal" missionary family, who wishes to live by christian standards & from the testimonies I read of various ages, some left their children in the care of good people in the homeland, when they went to the missionfield (heartbreaking enough) or they provided for education by sending them to school on the missionfield or whereever they were. When I read the testimonies of the the SGs who had to suffer under the V.-programs, I mean, you could think, they sacrificed their kids for some modern moloch, yet it`s more their selfrighteousness...they were upset, that their kids didn`t see how wonderful everything is supposed to be & added injury (heavy corporal punishment, abuse, incest etc.) to the spiritual insult, that has been there through the letters all the time. So to TF a verse can be quoted, they have in their own childcarematerial:"But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel." 1.Tim. 5: 8 If we combine that verse with Romans 13, to obey the powers put in charge, the laws etc., then we can easily see, that TF did not the right thing for the kids, childmolesting is aginst the law, keeping them away from school, having nothing better to offer.Their argument, it is more needful to obey God than man is vain, cause much of their message is not in line with the Bible & if they are not in line with that, how could they claim, they put HIM first? I still believe, looking for lost souls is a wonderful job, but if you have found one & turn that person into a disciple of hell rather than heaven, you really have no right to claim scripture, I wonder nowadays whether lots of verses about the pharisees apply also to TF...ridiculous tithing procedures, the donating to the temple instead of taking care of the parents (relatives), refusing to get baptised, making long prayers to be noted, washing hands before meals, cups etc...the outside!!! How about this verse (I know, that many readers take an agnostic stand nowadays, yet...) : Woe unto you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites!for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. Mt. 23:15 (OK that verse fits many other organisations as well, granted!!) They knew the OT very well themselves, so knowing some scripture, doing some tithing etc., making a big search in all the countries of the world, to get a proselyte...looking for lost souls, is not enough, if you err that much from the fundaments as they do more and more...You could also say, they traded truth with error...My question is: would it win your hearts, if they later are truly sorry???And when would that be? (reply to this comment)
| from Anonymous Family Member Thursday, February 20, 2003 - 15:38 (Agree/Disagree?) It sounds real nasty doesn’t it?? But a lot of the time "the parents" feel they are giving there kids the best shot at life ever!!They don’t have to go to system school and learn about ‘evolution’, instead they can memories verses and be better prepared for the ‘endtime’.
So really the more you get into it the more complicated it gets, and in a way that’s what sucks, everything has to be so complicated. And as time goes by and more GN’s come out things just get more intricate and complicated. Everyone has there own twist to what it means and there own personal doctrines and beliefs(not to mention personal arc angles/demons etc).
There is no reference point anymore, because there is the bible, the MO letters the GN’s, ‘Prophecy’, the ‘shepherds the parents etc. Everyone with there own twist and interpretations, and of course they are all more then happy to tell you how YOU should live YOUR life!!
This might sound like news to some people but some of us just want a Simple, Normal life without so many Doctrines, Demons, rules, interpretations, controversies, and loop holes.
And although its hard some of us actually manage to live a half decent and normal life, and couldn’t care any less about individual family members personal opinions, prophecies, beliefs, doctrines and demons!
(reply to this comment)
| From bintoro Thursday, February 20, 2003, 17:44
This might sound like news to some people but some of us just want a Simple, Normal life without so many Doctrines, Demons, rules, interpretations, controversies, and loop holesAnd although its hard some of us actually manage to live a half decent and normal life, and couldn’t care any less about individual family members personal opinions, prophecies, beliefs, doctrines and demons!
That's quite a statement and I know where you are coming from. You wished that everyone could just get on with their lives and loving and reaching out to people and letting people know about Jesus or whatever they do best to help people. Simplicity doesn't seem to be "revolutionary" anymore. I know a lot of people still in TF that are very sincere and really want to do something good, but they are having so many "problems" with their kids because of one simple thing I think-faith! Some of those old quotes are true-you either have it or you don't and it must be torture for those that don't to try and keep up the lifestyle without it. I was quite into how "weird" TF is until recently I read a book on the Amish and they don't believe in higher education (or public schools) because they believe that their kids are getting training for the next life-not this one. Why educate you child to become succesful in this life and to live a life of worldliness? And of course they try to shelter their kids from the world because once the kids taste it, the ones that don't have "faith" are going to find that it tastes a lot better than the life they are living out in the boonies of Wisconsin. It's all in what you believe in. If there is an eternity, in or out of TF, you would think that keeping a hold on eternity would be a good idea, and not to spend your whole life for material gain and living only for yourself. I don't want to throw everything out that the doctrine of TF holds. THe demons, spirit helpers, etc. is a lot to swallow, but the eternity thing and "faith" still has me baffled. Hell man, people finally decide to get their act together in this life and become successful, put aside all their money for their twilight years and all of a sudden boom they die. I think a lot of us go back and forth about some of the stuff that we learned in TF. Anyone who claims they dismiss it all together are only hurting themselves. I work with different people and clients that aren't near as successful or gifted as myself (and I do say this to make a point-not to enforce how cool I am-I don't need the patronage), but I'm amazed at how much I can learn from each one to embetter my life. Even people who I would almost consider total losers, there is always something there to admire, even if it's "how can someone so dumb be so happy". If your question is shall I stay in or shall I move out, it's a very difficult decision for a consciencious person to make. It's oh too easy to say TF is f....d and throw s...t at it, but building your own life is a bit harder. There is definitely a certain security in talking about how bad a childhood you had and blaming all your reasons for not being successful on the fact that you were brought up in TF. But the people who are the most interested are the ones who aren't doing that much with their lives. Most people want to know who you are now, and what you are doing with your life. I had a very f....d up childhood in some ways, but I find no pleasure in slinging it at my parents, and what does it make you sound like to achievers anyway. ( oh hi, I want to date your daughter-my dad is a serial killer but I'm normal. They are interested in what you are and what you can do for them and if you are a candidate for their friendship. We say we are all adults on this site but sometimes I question that point. Of course, there is definitely a certain comraderie in talking to others who were in TF because there are so many experiences we had in tandem that we can all relate to, and that's all fine and good. I love some of the clever things people have come up with.But blaming everything that goes wrong in our life on TF or our boss or our wife or anyone other than ourselves in just plain immature to me. I've had this problem with friends and lovers in the past. After a while I can't stand them anymore, but I find that similar problems show up in my relations with everyone I meet after awhile. I really thought I would be happy once I had my own successful business, car, house, vacations etc., and it does bring me a lot of satisfaction and I like to be able to give money to people and pick up the tab and throw parties, etc, but I still have problems just as I always had. I thought, hey, when I get my own place everything is going to be cool and no shepherds to come down on me and preach their trip, but even on my own I still have a conscience, and if I choose to believe in God, which at this point I still do, that factor always enters into the equation. No shepherds to tell me what to do, but I still have myself and my conscience. And believe me, unless someone enlightens me, and believe me I am open, I have not found a church or a group of people whose "main" doctrines I can relate to. I got some e-mails recently from some people to the effect that, "hey brother, so and so is a Christian too. Let's all join hands together for peace on March 3, 2003 "333" the sign of the trinity. Yuk!! The motive is nice but the way they talk and the self righteousness and conformist way of thinking is just too much for me. The weirdnesses of TF are definitely there-but though I know I will get nailed for this, as the song goes "there's a lot of bad everywhere." You just gotta live your life the way that you feel is best, and not be affected by everyone elses comments so much. (of course that's difficult if you are the new girl in the office and not 21). Once you are more sure of who you are and where you are going it just don't matta so much anymo'. There's a lot in here that I din't need to say bit whatthehell-I took the time to type it so I'll leave it. That's the beauty of sitting in a bar with a drink with friends-you don't have to weigh your words. Ok, fire away everyone-fresh meat!!!!!!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Aita. Thursday, February 20, 2003, 16:01 (Agree/Disagree?) Tell me something, why are you here? on this site? Not that I mind you here, or commenting. I think is fine, in fact, I think it's great. But, why are you reading all this "trash" (according to TF)? How can you read all of this & still be in TF? and support them? You even agree with a lot of the contents (or so it seems). So, why?
I'm just honestly curious, that's all.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Anonymous Family Member Friday, February 21, 2003, 02:55 (Agree/Disagree?) Was wondering when I’d be asked that, I just wanted to make up my own opinion about this web site. I’m not here to shoot down anyone’s opinion, like most people I just post mine. Of course there things that I don’t necessarily agree with, but then hey that’s someone else’s opinion not mine. (and if I were to disagree with you and defend TF point of view, its not like anything I said would be news to you, like most of us who have grown up in TF. You’ve heard it all before, am I right? ) And really the only opinion I would go out of my way to defend would be my own. I don’t think "The Family" has an opinion on anything as a whole, because every individual Family Member has there own opinion, doctrine or whatever you call it.
And the reason I can "read all of this & still be in TF" is because it doesn’t affect me or bother me all that much. Sure there are things about the family that I personally don’t like and would like to see changed. I want to serve the Lord to the best of my ability and right now I’m trying my best to do it in the family. Its not always easy there are things that get to me and make me feel like just forgetting about it, but in a way its the rough, tough times that make me want to keep going.
But for the most part I just stick to myself, and as much as possible live a simple, decent, normal life. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From tobi Monday, April 12, 2004, 21:02
(Agree/Disagree?) thank god and finally, So what did you think of the site. I am a former member but I personally have no hard feelings, I merely stumbled on to the site while I was trying to look for pictures of Mama Maria, I am dying to know what she looks like. so far no luck though. I had no idea poeple have such hatred for such a wonderful work. it's so sad(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From CJ Friday, February 28, 2003, 10:22
    (Agree/Disagree?) Anonymous Family Member: You seem like one of those Family members that are doing just the minimum to stay in TF, and because of that, you come across as a self-righteous hypocrite.
You say that you want a simple, normal life without so many doctrines, demons, rules, interpretations, controversies, and loop holes. Do you practice the Loving Jesus with your whole heart? Do you use the power of the keys? When GNs come out, challenging you to be here 110%, do you wholeheartedly apply it to yourself? Doesn't seem like it from what you wrote. But that's where the Family is going, and you're not on board with the new revelations. See, you're the kind of person that just turns a blind eye to the doctrines that you don't want to embrace, and just pretend that everything is going well. You even said yourself, as more GNs come out, things just get more intricate and complicated. But I don't think you make an effort to wholeheartedly embrace those doctrines as it comes out, you read the GNs for the heck of it, and you don't take it in. I bet you're the person that when the GN came out about re-committing yourself wholeheartedly to the Family, you signed it because everyone else in the Home signed it, not because you honestly felt that you were willing to follow everything 100%.
The Family very much has opinions, that's the reason I left, I felt guilty when I knew that I wasn't 100% TF. Now I feel so much better, as I was honest with myself, and knew that I was not 100% Family material.
Here you are, coasting along, and when persecution hits, are you willing to defend the Family? Are you going defend the Loving Jesus? The Family practices? Are you willing to go to jail or have your face broadcast all over the world for what the Family is doing?
I didn't leave the Family because bad things happened to me, in fact, I think I had it pretty good. I just knew that I wasn't following 110%, and instead of coasting along, I knew that changing status and leaving would be the honest thing to do. And I haven't regretted my decision one bit.
If I was a TWer of a Home, and I knew you were thinking the way you do, I would not want you in my Home. You aren't there 100%. So don't come here to this site on your high horse like you're the good guy, because you are just a hypocrite.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Anonymous Family Member Monday, March 03, 2003, 18:24 (Agree/Disagree?) Well CJ thank god you’re not my home TWer that’s going to decide if I’m 110%er or not. What I do is between me and the Lord it doesn’t make a difference what you personally think. You feel quite free to judge me, and you assume you know me and my life style. Well don’t jump to conclusions assumptions are one of the worst mistakes you can make. And by the way I didn’t sign the contract, everyone else in the home did(you are right about that part) but I didn’t I left The Family so don’t start talking like you know me. I’ve rejoined and I’m just trying to find my place, who knows how the story is going to end. You are quite harsh and you make assumptions I think you need to realize its not all black and white there is a gray area in-between. (reply to this comment) |
| | From has TF changed that much??? Tuesday, March 04, 2003, 03:13 (Agree/Disagree?) wasn't there a letter once about it's either black or white, hot or cold......as far as i remember - but i've been out a bit long so correct me if i'm wrong - TF doesn't like grey areas or lukewarm people......for them it's all or nothing at all - and again correct me if i'm wrong.......so....unless TF has drastically changed i think you should be making up your mind now, you're either Family member or Vandari and moving on.......(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From JoeH Monday, March 03, 2003, 21:48
    (Agree/Disagree?) Perhaps I can clarify this situation for you Anon: We were raised in a mind-controlling doomsday cult. Many of us were abused physically, sexually, and emotionally, and as a result, left as soon as we were of legal age (or sooner) and now want nothing to do with them. You come in here, having voluntarily rejoined this very same cult, and expect us to be respectful of your views and lifestyle choice? Sounds like you're the one making far-out, ridiculous assumptions. Get the hell out of the cult and make something of your life. No one in the real world will respect you until you do. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Always watching you Monday, March 03, 2003, 20:57 (Agree/Disagree?) I'm happy for you cause I believe we should do what we think it's the right thing, but what in the f.. world are you doing in this site if you 've just rejoined????????? having second thoughts????? don't feel like being in that bore home counsel meeting to talk about the toilet paper and stuff. everyone has an opinion, you're right about the little stupid rules but what about having a sistem job, not wanning to share your mate, sending your kids to a sistem school let see if you can have an opinion about that, I don't think so cause when you do all those elementary loosers, creeps look down upon you, how about going to college or go out dancing of course you can have your opinion but if it is not ''the family one'' you're out baby, you eather leave which was what i did or they make sure you leave, so let not fool our selves if you are gonna do something do it with your whole heart if you are gonna be in the fam do what they tell you and as far as I know you are not suppose to be in this site if not read vandary again.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Prisma Tuesday, February 25, 2003, 01:26 (Agree/Disagree?) Anonymous Family Member,
I think it is naïve of you to think that your actions and the actions of every member of the family are solely their own and have no influence on the belief system, lifestyle or standards of the family as a whole.
First, if you are a charter member of the family then you have to believe and accept almost everything that the family has published in their literature as part of your faith unless, of course, they burn it or recalled it or somehow manage to destroy the publication.
Second, I think that most functioning members of society (cult or otherwise) would agree that no human is an island. For every action, word or belief there is a cause and affect (especially if you live communally); as much as you would like to disassociate yourself from the negative aspects of the family I believe at some point you must justify the reasoning behind your choice. However, if you choose to do nothing while you watch children be deprived of a decent education or worse physically abused then you are in some ways guilty by association. Are you not?
If you truly want to live a simple life serving your faith and beliefs then why associate yourself with people whom you completely disagree with on important matters of belief or faith? I realize being a missionary is not a profitable profession so, perhaps you are working with other family members merely to survive and if that is case then I feel sorry for your predicament. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From 1984 Monday, February 24, 2003, 23:10 (Agree/Disagree?) "... I don’t think "The Family" has an opinion on anything as a whole, because every individual Family Member has there own opinion, doctrine or whatever you call it..."
in psychology there is something they often call "self-deceit", some times facts are so evident that we choose to believe what we want to beleive in stead of facing the depresive side of reality.
personally, i don´t think family members have their own opinion, as you have put it, obviously you have not read "one wife", in that "letter" berg expressed just the opossite of what are your perceptions.
(reply to this comment) |
| From 1984 Sunday, February 02, 2003, 04:27 (Agree/Disagree?) Dear Ruth, it´s not that we don´t see the good, and that we have forgotten people that took care of us, and even loved us... but let´s take an honest look about it, in my personal case, once I have left, all that "good", "taking care" and "love" was gone, in fact, this guy who used to be my "sheperd" in the family and was the bearer of all those good qualities you have mentioned, in 15 years have called me only once, and guess for what, just to give me his personal bank account, sorry if I bother you, but I don´t see much disinterestedness in that situation. But i also have to say, in order to be fair, that i did some good and unselfish friends in the group and I´m glad that most of them are out right now, bearing their own responsability of every single behaviour. If you allow me, i would like to say that in general terms I have to agree with Prisma, and I understand her, remember those times of "OHR" when we had to talk and write about our most personal thoughts, what a mental torture, remember when we used to read about those "traumatic testimonies", it really took me quite a courage to make a life without thinking that God was going to kill me or something similar. Looking back to that time now, it is just a funny joke for me, specially knowing that nearly all those who used to preach me are out. You say You´re sad for the hatred you see around, I say I´m sad for the time I have wasted in the group, for all those emty moments i have spent for nothing, only God knows all the bad influences Berg excerted in my life, all the negative influences I will have to get rid of, and I´m sad that meny of us have lost nearly any faith in God, in Christianity due to those weird "family doctrines". Ruth, I don´t hate any body, it has nothing to do with people, even in society you will have to face with ugly people similar to those that Prisma has descibed, it has to do with doctrines and ideas, but doctrines and ideas of the worse kind. ps. JoeH, I hope this time my spelling and grammar do not bother you, my friend Hans in another place has written you about it.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Hans Von Marees Saturday, February 01, 2003, 19:09 (Agree/Disagree?) JOeH, it is good to see that someone is so interested in grammar and everything that deals with the language and its structure, its form; but JoeH, please, do not forget that there is also,in Language, an aspect that we call Semantics... as you probably well know, this part of language study deals with meaning, that is to say, with "what we say"(level of meaning) rather than "how we say it" (level of structure, form)... so, as an advise, sorry, advice, i would say that, don´t worry, as far as you understand what people say, it does not matter the way how they say it... and thanks JoeH for your very kind advice, i will go back to school; although I have a degree already and i´m quite succesful in what i´m doing. PS I really hope my spelling and structure did not bother you since I´m not an English speaker my self, but I did the best I could in order to express my self properly at the level of meaning. pps JoeH, I nearly forgot, there is a very interesting book written by one of the most important linguist in the world (TRUDGILL). In this text ( An Introduction to Sociolinguistics)He has said that "Grammar prescribes", but "Linguistics describes", grammarians are interested in "how" it is say it, but linguists are interested in "what" is said... as you likely have seen, I prefer to be part of the second group, though the first one is very important as well. And JoeH, never mind, as "uncle Trud" has said: "As society is reflected in language, social change can produce a corresponding linguistics change" (Trudgill, 1995). So, there is hope for us JoeH, in the future we will try to be better, in linguistc terms of course. peace to You. Sociolinguistics explores the close link between language and society. This area of Applied Linguistics is defined as the study of language in its social contexts and the study of social life through linguistics (Sociolinguistics: a reader, 1997, p.1). (reply to this comment) |
| | from tommyknocker Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 15:45 (Agree/Disagree?) That was a very good post Prisma. I'm afraid any member in the Family who reads your post would not be affected the slightest. You have to remember the way they think (or believe) "He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me". They feel that if they "sacrifice" thier own children for "gods" sake, that the'll get more stars in their crown. Their minds have been warped and theres no remedy. (reply to this comment)
| | | From Prisma Wednesday, January 08, 2003, 22:23
    (Agree/Disagree?) You’re right tommyknocker. I continually forget how demented their thought process really is. I suppose I still remain hopeful that although most first generation adults are lost to reality perhaps second-generation adults who are still in might reconsider their choice to raise their children in the family. In the past I have tried to understand the logic behind their choices however I have come to the conclusion that they are completely illogical and influenced by their own denial to face actuality - and yes, their use and interpretation of scripture doesn’t help either. --Prisma (reply to this comment) |
| | from Sarai Thursday, December 12, 2002 - 22:04
    (Agree/Disagree?) It seems contradictory to me that the Family's always taught us,and this is Bible based as well,that, if you cannot care for your own, how will you be able to love God or other's whom you don't know.- to then turn around and tell you that,"God's work" is more important than your own family. My mom constantly reminds me that her children are the most important thing to her, and that it's such a "trial" to not be able to be here through all the trouble we're goingthrough.But her "Boss" has a job for her, and she's gotta do what her "Boss" tells her to.Well isn't it God's will for you to raise your children right? I mean why would you have them, if you're just going to dump them to go help some complete strangers. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | from lucidchick Friday, November 22, 2002 - 19:30 (Agree/Disagree?) Thank you for this affecting article, Prisma. (reply to this comment)
| from Big Sister Friday, November 22, 2002 - 02:43 (Agree/Disagree?) Prisma, as an outsider watching from the sidelines for many years I have wondered the same question you asked: "how are you able to place more value in the life of the “lost souls” then in the life of your own children?" From watching and talking to the few parents I know who raised (and are still raising) their children in the cult while "considering the poor" I have come to the unfortunate conculsion that they do it because IT'S EASIER! Raising and caring for children requires self sacrifice,empathy and putting your own gratifications second to others. It's a 24/7 job-made all the harder by lack of money and resources. By comparison, "considering the poor" and offering "encouragement" and other such nonsense, to people with even fewer resources, is a piece of cake. Such work demands no training, no oversight, no follow up, no accountability. And when you get tired of the work, just pack up and go home. Cake, I say! (reply to this comment)
| From Prisma Friday, November 22, 2002, 13:18 (Agree/Disagree?) Big Sister, You’re absolutely right - they do is because it is easier. Of course, (and most of us know this) they will never see it that way. They believe in their twisted way that we were somehow privileged to live that lifestyle. Also, it my firm belief that people in any society (cult or otherwise) should NOT have children if they are not prepared to fully care for them both financially and emotionally; however, this doesn’t usually happen and I am once again disillusioned and upset with people who don’t think about the consequences of their decisions. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from Anthony Thursday, November 21, 2002 - 17:23 (Agree/Disagree?) This is, in my opinion, a very good article. You have a rather original outlook in regards to this issue. I also like the fact that you address it to the first generation: our parents. Good job, thanks. Regards, Anthony (reply to this comment)
| From Anthony Thursday, November 21, 2002, 17:28 (Agree/Disagree?) For those of us who do not believe in the concept of souls, and much less, saving them by strange means and/or Jesus, we see you, our parents, as having traded us, your children, and our well being, for nothing at all. In short, you threw us away, and got nothing in return; however, many of us make good, or try to, in spite of you. Regards, Anthony (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From afflick Sunday, April 04, 2004, 16:38
    (Agree/Disagree?) My dad "threw me away" when I was a newborn. He then re-married, had six more children and left them when the youngest was a newborn. He tells himself that he made the sacrifice for God. He did it for himself, to get out of his parental responsibilities. He left his second family in the guetto of a large American city and never looked back. Until, that is, his children got old enough to voice their hatred of him to his brothers and sisters who he relied on for support. However, his idea of asking for forgiveness is remarkably similar to Zerby's, so he is having a hard time finding any Daddy-fans among his seven children. He definetly threw us away.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Prisma Thursday, November 21, 2002, 23:57 (Agree/Disagree?) Thank you for your comments Anthony – I truly appreciate them. Many of us have lost all faith in god and in any religion – especially organized religion. As I mentioned, I wrote this article mainly for the sake of those still in TF that believe their actions are warranted by all the “souls” they have saved – as if this somehow undoes all the damage they have done to their own children. In truth it is just the opposite these are the types of people that attach a bad name to religion and especially to Christianity. It is because of their actions that I can never associate myself with the Christian faith and probably with any faith. (reply to this comment) |
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