Getting Out : Seeking Justice
Berg and TF on education | from Albatross - Friday, September 20, 2002 accessed 2614 times A review of the original Berg doctrine on education. Much of what we experienced in our time growing up in the Family can be traced back to early Berg writings. This includes some of the biggest issues we are dealing with at present, namely: the lack of education, the sexual abuse, women as sacrificial providers for men (an all that doctrine’s resulting impact), and child labor. I think it would be interesting to post some excerpts of Berg’s writings on the subjects and perhaps also include what the Family NOW says happened or did not happen. I will try not to editorialize all that much and just let the “word” prove my point. EDUCATION: From “The Education Revolution” November 1975 DFO-371 1. (Maria: how much formal education should we give our children to enable them to live within our communities in our present day society?) 7. We should have a basic educational for our children: reading, writing, arithmetic, the old 3r’s, plus geography, world history, and one years of general science. 9. I don’t think they need any of those advanced math courses. 11. But our children don’t particularly need advanced math of any kind. Most of all what we want them to be is witnesses for the Lord, and newspaper boys on the street don’t have to have an advanced course in mathematics to sell newspapers. 26. Our children need only what is known as a basic education, which used to be the common thing in the old days. All a child needed was about six or eight grades of basic education, and by that time they were 12 or 14 years of age and getting married and/or go to work on the farm. 30. Even a senior high school education is superficial, extraneous and unnecessary for our kids. 46. We don’t need to get into literature except, as each individual person is particularly interested. […] If they’re interested in poetry or various other kinds of literature you could let them read it if they want to. {Daniel’s note: it’s interesting to note that in most cases we were not even allowed to read poetry, or the writings of non-family writers.} 62. Our children shouldn’t have to spend more than six or seven years in school. {Daniel’s note: I doubt many of us had anywhere near that amount} 71. ….By the time they reach 12 or 13 years of age their education should be complete. Daniel: There is a lot more and Berg goes into specific of how we should get our education etc. It seems to me, that as bad as Berg’s limited educational vision for us was, our parents, leaders, and other adult Family members had even less regard for our education. The Family’s statement on education can best be summarized as an argument for religious education over secular education. Religious in this case meaning that the primary areas of study are spiritual and esoteric as apposed to academic, theoretic, or practical. And now for some excerpts from the family statement on education from June 1992. {Daniel’s note: about all I could find on any time of scholastic/academic education was from section 9 in the statement} 9. Our children receive a scholastic education in addition to their spiritual training. We understand and respect society’s expressed wish to maintain a certain level of literacy and educational in it’s population by setting minimal educational requirements. {Daniel’s note: Berg seemed to indicate quite the opposite; a total disregard for societies minimal educational requirements. And we are paying the price.} We also believe that a good standard of literacy and education is imperative. {Daniel’s note: do they? They why were we denied one?} Our children follow an orderly, progressive and well-planned curriculum which is continually being updated and expanded upon…. {Daniel’s note: I’m sure that many would agree with me that there was no such thing in our education.} Daniel: There is a lot more, but most of it is religious double-speak. Suffice to say, there are obvious historical reasons for our lack of education, and the policies were set at the top. The Family owes us greatly for putting in place policies that have caused great damage to our lives and careers. Despite their protestations to the contrary, they did not respect the concept of even a minimal acceptable level of education. This brings up another question, why would they respect the need for only a minimal education? Most loving parents I know want their children to have the best education possible. The Family now tries to take credit for the successes and skills any of us have. They have argued that if our education was so deficient, why then our success? I have an answer to this. It is because we grew so hungry for knowledge, so hungry for success, so hungry for mental stimulation and intellectual autonomy, we could not be denied. I remember reading “system books” under the covers by flashlight and then burning them so that I would not be caught. To the Family I say this “every success I have had, every time I put words together in an articulate manner, every time I reason and argue logic, every time I meet with a lawyer and have a conversation about the best way to bring you down, is inspite of your training, and never because of it.” Daniel |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from breakaway Thursday, November 18, 2004 - 09:03
    (Agree/Disagree?) I knew Daniel in Korea and Japan when we were kids. Our parents would sometimes meet on "visa trips" (no time to go into an explanation of what that was). I totally agree with Daniel about the lack of education. Everytime I would ask my Mom or any adult something about Math, English, or any other subject I wanted to learn about I was always told, "Oh you don't need to know that. A missionary doesn't need to learn those things." What the hell were they talking about? First of all, to be a good missionary and really help someone and make a difference you should learn as much as possible. Imagine the world of difference it would have made if all us SGAs were doctors, scientists, engineers and psychologists. We could have done something concrete to help all those poor people in Asia and Latin America instead of just singing them silly songs and giving them outdated food. What lies we had to tell when asking for donations for our so-called work! We were kept in the dark. TF wanted us to be uneducated just like in the inquisition days when they didn't want people to read or to have access to the scriptures so that their flock (victims) would be easier to manipulate. The incredible thing is that my parents (who were in every other way intelligent human beings) would purposefully deny me an education just because some drunk "prophet of God" nutcase told them to hand their kids over to "training centers". I really thought for a while that I could somehow please God by adhering to all TF practices and beliefs, somehow closing myself off in a cocoon or burrying my head in the sand. I completely masqueraded my feelings and thoughts, living in denial for years. After having two kids (go for the gold) trying to be revolutionary, I realized that I was too intelligent to let my kids grow up like I did. I left with no regrets. Thankfully my kids are going to school, not being abused or used to make money, and have the freedoms and fun that regular children all over the world have. When they ask me questions, they get real answers, not some twisted version of "God's Word". Christmas is not a time for making money, but a time to have fun with their family and decorate the tree. Because I've been working my ass off to give my kids the best possible, I've had to teach myself everything about life and raising kids as I go because its not like I can look to my parents for an example. My biggest dream is still to be able to go to college but I wasted those precious years of my life cleaning bathrooms, kitchens and begging for money. I'll have to play catch up for the rest of my life but I have the faith in my heart that I'll make it. My self confidence and respect grows a little more everyday and I know my kids will grow up to love me and will talk with me when they are teenagers not because they are forced to have "personal time", but because they think my company is enjoyable and they trust me. I don't act like I care, I really do care. All hail to education and enlightenment. (reply to this comment)
| From The Pedantic Prick Thursday, November 18, 2004, 10:08 (Agree/Disagree?) "Christmas is not a time for making money" Damn straight! Christmas is a time for SPENDING money! Once, after turning down some charity-begger, he quipped sardonically "Have a happy commercial holiday!" I thought about it, then my face lit up and I said "Hey, you too!!" I suppose there is the possibility of a Christmas bonus that would render your statement somewhat untrue, but since I work for a start-up, I'm not holding my breath. Happy commercial holidays, everyone!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | from Jade Monday, October 21, 2002 - 17:30 (Agree/Disagree?) Daniel, I do appreciate your opinion on this subject of education. I do believe, however, that text & your comments were entirly generalized. This oppinion is not true for every individual that has left the Family. Sure, David Berg was misled in many of his writings, but I tend to think that education was up to the parent & the parent alone. Despite what he (Berg) has said about education, the sole responsablility of a child is lie with the parent. Wouldn't this mean that the parents are to blame and not the "cult" so to speak for this so-called lack in education? I had a difficult time adjusting to higher education but was in no way ill-prepared for it. I have done better than most & was entirely more focused than my classmates. As with everything, it all boils down to the majesty of choice. Unfortunatley for some, the choice was left up to parents that thought the Family was a greater cause than the education & well-being of their children. This was still a choice howbeit bad. Why not place blame where it should be? (reply to this comment)
| From sweatshopped Monday, October 21, 2002, 20:45 (Agree/Disagree?) Have you heard of the concept of causation? But for TF leadership, none of our parents would have felt compelled to neglect our education for the Lord's Work. Oh, and Berg and Company got the tithes, not any parent of mine. My parents raised and sent tithes in, for that they are certainly responsible. But my parents were not the ones ultimately enriched by my being exploited when I should have been getting an education. They merely subsisted on what was left after the cream was skimmed off and sent to Switzerland. And once I was shipped off as a preteen for "training," my parents quit getting anything out of me at all. Power to you for not blaming TF as much as you are legitimately entitled to. I have to tell you though, I went to graduate school with people who did "better than most" from K thru college and were "entirely more focused" than their classmates, all without having had the benefit of Precious Family Training.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Nan Monday, October 21, 2002, 20:59 (Agree/Disagree?) Yeah really! Don't we have proximate causation as well here? Aren't cult leaders the proximate cause of cult doctine? Or do we actually believe that was divine intervention? And waht about those parents who tried to leave with their children but who were stopped by the Family? What about those parents whose children were hidden from them for years in foreign countries? What about those who had to hire investigators to find their children and try to get them back? What about those parents who had no idea what was happening to their children who were shipped off to combos and schools? It is a probable that a minority of parents knew what was being done to their children while they were being "trained" by the Family. I heard it put recently by another ex-SGA that her mother shipped her off to a combo to be the sex toy of the home shepherd. He did sleep with her, actual intercourse, from the time she was 12-14 years old. Who takes responsibility for that? Her mother who was thousands of miles away? How about the cult and its doctrine which fostered an environment where such behavior was acceptable? Or how about the man himself? Or are we denying it ever happened this week? (reply to this comment) |
| | From Albatross Monday, October 21, 2002, 17:52 (Agree/Disagree?) Responsibility in this case, as with many of the issues we are dealing with is not limited just "The Family", or just our parents. One could argue that those who were sexualy abused should just blame their parents because it was they who chose to join a cult and therefore subject us to an enviroment where we were exposed to the risk of sexual abuse. How could a parent who was obligated to be on the streets everyday asure that his/her child was getting a proper education. To suggest that the parents alone have the responsibility, is technicaly right for a society that does not control its members as the Family did and in many ways still does. But it overlooks the very real fact that once people joined TF, they in many cases abdicated their contol over many areas of their and their children's lives. It the final analyses, the responsibility falls on the sholders of both the parents and the Family organizational structure. Daniel (reply to this comment) |
| | From Monk Monday, October 21, 2002, 22:42 (Agree/Disagree?) Another big issue here is guidance. We know that many who joined "The Family" were "looking to be led" or looking for guidance or perhaps some validity of their desire to live a sexually free lifestyle. Berg has just as much responsibility for what happened to us (children of adult “Family” or “COG members) as (to make an example only) an extremist fanatical Muslim leader who would teach it is morally right to kill innocent people. The issue therefore IMO is that, a person who by some virtue, real or contrived is set up to be a teacher or an "expert" must be accountable for and take a major part of the blame for crimes or atrocities committed on either their behalf or with their sanction. This of course can be extended to include Zerby, Kelly & any other person who has set themselves up to be or have agreed to be set up by others as a teacher, "Shepherd", "Leader", instructor, or authority figure. Of course “The Family” members (and even some former “Family” members) will most likely dispute that they have been misled or were (or are) misguided victims of intentional manipulation as much as an extremist suicide bomber will dispute being a mere a political tool used by power-hungry revenge-driven “spiritual leaders”. However IMO that does not take away responsibility from individuals or parents who would have known what they were doing to us or would have known what we were being put through was against the law. They chose to break the law when harming us, and consented to the denial of our basic freedoms required in our present society because they thought and continue to think that their beliefs or “morals” are above the law. In my opinion, if someone wants an excuse to believe something they’ll find it even if they must give up logic, basic ethics and respect for human rights to do so. Therefore, IMO, they are fully responsible for what they chose to believe and practice. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from anonymous Monday, September 23, 2002 - 23:07 (Agree/Disagree?) Your statements at the end of your article are profound and deserve attention. I hope that your quest for justice, education, and respect for those children abused in the past is achieved. You are an extraordinary individual and I truly hope that all your efforts, thoughts, and emotions are realized. (reply to this comment)
| from Bella Saturday, September 21, 2002 - 02:22 (Agree/Disagree?) Daniel, Excellent article - well worth the read. What makes me the most irate about my lack of education is all of the catching up I am now doing. Most women my age are becoming established in their careers, not obtaining their first degree. Although I LOVE the education that I am pursuing, I am eager to get my teeth into my career. The later I start my career, the later I will start a family - and the list goes on! Time is what I will never be able to get back, and that is what I want most! Best of luck to you. (reply to this comment)
| from Jerseygirl Friday, September 20, 2002 - 14:07 (Agree/Disagree?) All I can say is that TG its friday nite and I can have a drink--or two--because it's completely true.The frist day I walked the college campus here I felt like screaming "take that you fuckers"! sorry to be so graphic, or use laymens terms, but it was such a feeling of sheer joy to be finally getting to do what should have been my right!I was one of the ones who had a fulltime CC group from the age I could spell my own name.I used to wish I knew half of what I was expected to teach the other kids--what a joke! How dare they take everything and now try and take the credit of our successes too. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | From Auty Monday, September 23, 2002, 16:17 (Agree/Disagree?) You were never forced to rat on your friends. I know I never did. It's all about choice. I believe the reason one ratted on their friends was A: because they were under duress (which is also a choice in ratting) OR B: They were jealous of not being in the "inner circle" perhaps they were a little bit younger and didn't fit in with the cool kids. So they got back at them with ratting & tattling & consequently getting everyone around them in trouble. I believe B would be the case for you.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | from jpmagero Friday, September 20, 2002 - 14:01 (Agree/Disagree?) I did 7th grade super work book three times cause they didn't have anything better for me to do. I had begun that at age 11 and did it through age 13. I was punished from reading from the full set of Britanica encyclopedias we had since there was too much wordly knowledge. I guess they were all for show. (reply to this comment)
| From EyesWideShut Friday, September 20, 2002, 20:42 (Agree/Disagree?) Same thing happened to me. I would sneak an encyclopecia into the toilet with me and read it and when the shepherds found out, I had hell to pay. I remember my introduction to Greek Mythology from those books, as well as my first tidbits on Darwin and the Theory of Evolution. I learned that Brunai was the richest country per capita at the time, that Tatouine is a real place in Tounisia (where they filmed some of Starwars no less), and that the "cult" I was in was only one in thousands--like a black hole. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Education and Language Obstacles Monday, January 24, 2005, 08:11 (Agree/Disagree?) The lack of Education we recieved frustrated me to the point of tears many times. I lived in a "field home" where we were always getting new teachers. I like things to be orderly and organized and to have a goal and something to work towards. For us, exams and tests were a joke. Where was all this wonderful education were supposed to have??? I had this one french aunty teaching me division upside down. I think the kids born in the late 80's onward got it a lot better than those of us born in the 70's and early 80's. That was when the school vision was initiated. Another thing i still resent till this day is the fact that they didn't teach national kids the language. They didn't think their own language was important. Did it ever dawn on them that one day we might return to our home countries where they don't speak English. Or worse yet, i know kids who did grow up in their own country but were behind "bars" and were never exposed to their own language and culture...thus when they returned to begin their new life, they had to start from square one and learn a whole language first before they could even begin to think about an education, not to mention the riduclule and explanations they have to give over and over again for their insufficiant knowledge of the culture and language. Try explaing why you grew up in lets say France your whole life but only speak English and know a little bit of broken french. People ask u where you were born, and you say France, they scratch their heads and wonder what the hell is wrong with you!!! Kinda hard to get around that one with out some cult explination. So much for "becoming one"...most of us ended up becoming kids with "ugly american accents" --not at all saying that speaking English is bad but if you come from somewhere else who's first language isn't English you are pretty much screwed untill you have a crash course in that language and still it will always be your "second language". It's like being British, raised and born in the UK, relatives and parents are full British but just so happens that the cult you were raised in speaks Chinese so therefore you speak chinese as your first language. Pretty screwed up to me. And then they have the face to claim that each of our 'precious children' have choice if they want to stay or leave. A pretty bias choice to me. Oh one more thing Super Work Books were exactly what they say they were, WORK BOOKS...what happened to educated teachers (not former highschool collage dropout hippy/missionary freaks) and TEXT BOOKS (oops too expensive/worldly)????????????? (reply to this comment) |
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