Getting Out : Seeking Justice
I Will NOT Be Violated. | from Lance - Monday, April 17, 2006 accessed 1287 times I'm just a little bit more than extremely pissed off at the cults affinity for violating the memory of the dearly departed. So just in order to set things strait, I want to make it plain and clear: that if some misfortune happens to befall me and I die, I will not be speaking from the grave… ever!!!! It’s completely ridiculous to even say this but I don’t want my mind and likeness to be so disgustingly violated by such bullshit and everyone who thinks the same way should make a statement to that affect. Something like this: I (State name) hereby state that at the event of my death, at whatever means that may be, do wish that my name and likeness not be used by any person connected with The Family International in such a way that would further their cause or run contrary to my personal beliefs. No human being may, under any circumstance, ever claim to have heard or spoken with me from beyond the grave. It is my wish that any person or organization claiming to receive such message be subject to legal action by my relatives or friends, or even the random stranger that finds such things complete nonsense. Signed:(state name) |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Haunted Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 11:53 (Agree/Disagree?) This really is an excellent point! I'd like to go on record as well saying that TFI may NEVER use my name to promote their insanity! I think I'll add that to my will as well........ (reply to this comment)
| from exister99 Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 11:23 (Agree/Disagree?) I won't be speaking from the grave through any culties or fundies, but I will say this. If after a long and godless life of mental freedom I am incapacitated on my death bed and any of you allow any culties to come near me and perform any kind of soul saving ritual on my vegetative mind I will fucking haunt you from my worm infested grave until the end of fucking time! I think all living wills should have the option of specifying "Do not save my soul" in addition to the standard "Do not resuscitate." (reply to this comment)
| from Nick Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 09:45
    (Agree/Disagree?) I dunno dude.... I think that once you get to heaven and have sex with Jezuz and heavens girl on a golden gondola in the river of life, you may change you mind. By then you may feel that you have to come back to warn the rest of us that if we don't stay in the cult we will not have a mansion on one of the top layers of the golden pyramid in the moon and may have to live on the bottom with the rest of the worlds Christians. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from EyesWideShut Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 06:52 (Agree/Disagree?) Great idea! I'm in the process of making up a will and shall surely include something to that effect. (reply to this comment)
| from Albatross Monday, April 17, 2006 - 10:07
    (Agree/Disagree?) Yes..this is a good point. Some years back, after TFI's use/abuse of a movingon member's name after her death, I had a lawyer draw up a will denying my parents or anyone connected to TFI, access to any of my personal effects, to my body, to my domicile,to my money, to my funeral/funeral arrangements, etc. I also gave a power of attorney to a close friend in the event that I become ill or incapacitated. Neither my parents, or anyone connected with TFI were to have any say in medical issues, visit me in the hospital, see my health records, etc. I had a copies of these documents delivered to my parents. I later amended the will to include much of what you mentioned in you post, to wit, my parents (agents of the cult that they are), and cult members, were not to use my image, make attribution to me as speaking from beyond the grave, and in anyway violate the strong stand I have taken against the cult. I have authorized a relative to fight this on my behalf, and have provided for this in a will. My father, the idiot drone of Zerby, indicated that he was hurt by my making this will. He compared the "hurt" he felt at receiving the will, to my suggestion that I was hurt in TFI. It took a bit of explaining but finally he acknowledged reluctantly that HE would not like it if on his death I used his "dying words" to attack the cult he loves so dearly. In light of his admitting this, I asked then how he could claim to be "hurt" when I was merely defending against a common Family tactic. He had to acknowledge my point. This is of course back when I thought I could reason with them peaceful. Now I understand that the only thing these criminals understand is force. (reply to this comment)