Getting Out : Seeking Justice
Eat Them Slowly | from afflick - Thursday, March 17, 2005 accessed 3097 times So far, I have tried to stay away from the whole Family-kids-are-crazy debate but this one got me. (Admin note: Please be cautioned. Not for young/sensitive readers.) Name: Nyx Martinez Location: Africa Second-generation member of the Family International I have no need or desire to discuss issues of child abuse within the Family. Too many words are wasted on what the public wants to hear. I come to walls at times trying to publish articles which must be first sliced and diced by the editors, so that their readers will digest it better. Since you have started reading this page, countless children have been abused. I don’t think you know what kind of abuse I mean. I don’t think you truly know what it is to be abused until you have been forced by a demonic, possessed, crazed witch to hunt down and kill innocent people. Not just innocent people. Your own parents. And not just kill them. Eat them. Yes. Eat them. Slowly. On a wooden barbecue stick, roasted over the open fire, the coals charring that piece of meat which was once the mother who nursed and loved you. And tomorrow, you will be forced to kill again. And to eat again. I’ve heard the meat is kind of sweet. Maybe CNN should cover those stories. Maybe the newspapers who feed off drama should tell it like it really is, here in the heart of Africa, so that the public can focus on real issues. They should know that Family members like Jakisa give their lives and all ambitions for the cause of those children, and hundreds of child soldiers, to rescue and to save them from abuse. But does the public even really care? The world has no idea what really goes on. They don’t know who the true abused on this planet are. And don’t tell me they give a shit. They pay attention to stories spun on fragments of thread whose memories existed some time 30 years ago. In the last two weeks, I have traveled through 3 continents and visited 6 unique Family homes. Yes, I live in a remote place called Uganda, but I’ve been in enough places in 23 years of living in and out of the Family to know what really goes on. What really goes on is that children are sheltered from the atrocities in the world. Lucky Family children are protected from crime. The environment in which they are raised is as good as it gets in the world today. Their parents do their best. My host family in Sri Lanka is preparing for a trip to the coast to bring humanitarian aid to thousands of displaced children. They are Family members. They are doing the best they can. As I sleep tonight in a warm environment, with clean sheets, a roof over my head, a glass of wine in hand and a plate of breakfast waiting for me tomorrow morning, it gives me no comfort to know that countless children are being abused. REALLY abused. ACTUALLY raped, traumatized, and psychologically messed up. I’d like to add a clause about genitalia removal but that’s just gross. Ponder it during lunch-break today. And when you can relate to that kind of abuse, let me know. The world has greater issues to deal with. The media should start with those. Now. Can’t we all just get along??? —Nyx Martinez Comments |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from jenna Sunday, April 23, 2006 - 09:30
    (Agree/Disagree?) First of all , you family members never actualy support anyone ( at least not with money) Lets say that , the only way you actually do something is when you guys get it for free (provisioning) and most of the time you guys keep it.. (at least when its good stuff) So i don't call that helping the needy , that in my book is called fraud (If you guys would help others half of what you guys say you do, then defenitly i would admit it) i remeber when the homes would do their yearly provisoning contrabusions tooo the poor, we all had to go there, and take pictures of us giving stuff to the poor ( we would tell people that we support this poor comunity every month) So really, i do not believe the family is actually helping anyone but the leadership ( I can say that cause i've been in the family all my life and left recently ( four yrs ago) so that something they will never change no matter how much they say they 'll change ( the big problem is the leadership ,,not the poor deluded family members.. i mean most of them believe that they are conquering the world and making it a better place,,, but don't see that all they are doing is supporting a cult with evil leadership, who don't give a damn about any of them, ( all they care about is how much money you can earn for them or give them, and get away with it.. So dude Butttttt off this site (reply to this comment)
| from HVV Monday, May 16, 2005 - 22:56
    (Agree/Disagree?) *Prays that all the FGA's will "flee" to the "mission field" in Africa, once the FBI is hot on their tail. Hopefully, they can teach a horde of cannibals to pray before they prey. "Thank you lord for the food, thank you lord for the family, thank you lord for another day of life, SINGING!! HALLELUJAH, HALLELUJAH...... (reply to this comment)
| from !i O.D.D.M.A.N i! Monday, May 16, 2005 - 22:31 (Agree/Disagree?) Well, the kid who wrote the above article is not the only one who has been to Africa. (*Also not the only one who enjoys reading paperbacks.) The African local people often tell you ridiculously gruesome stories, in hopes that you will sympathize and give them something for free. Not rare at all for a story to be blown well out of proportion. And again, a lot of the gruesome tales have bonafide origins. (reply to this comment)
| from mia1 Monday, May 16, 2005 - 22:09 (Agree/Disagree?) really nix if thats ur name, don't be so quick to judge, i'd like to EAT my mom............... (reply to this comment)
| from Cosmicblip Tuesday, March 22, 2005 - 12:13
    (Agree/Disagree?) The cult does not seem to realize that most people operate within the realm of their own existences because one's own life is where the effects of one's actions will be felt most. Thus we strive to right the wrongs in our own lives before righting the wrongs of someone else's life. If every time I get hungry I do a google search to find out who is more hungry than I & then send my food there, I will never get around to feeding myself & thus never get around to feeding anyone else. (reply to this comment)
| from twosides Tuesday, March 22, 2005 - 10:11 (Agree/Disagree?) i think she starts off using the canibalism as a paralel to ex members on a witch hunt after their own parents, and forgets her original point and delves into the reality of canabalism, which realy holds no relavence to the issues surounding TF. it's a classic example of how many familiy member's thought patterns are extremely ilogical. i mean i know, and love dearly, many current members, but at the same time they can't alow themsleves to use logic, cuz' one: it would go against all their belifs, and two: the carnal mind "devil's territory". ok, now i'm being spuratic.... (reply to this comment)
| from twosides Tuesday, March 22, 2005 - 10:10 (Agree/Disagree?) i think she starts off using the canibalism as a paralel to ex members on a witch hunt after their own parents, and forgets her original point and delves into the reality of canabalism, which realy holds no relavence to the issues surounding TF. it's a classic example of how many familiy member's thought patterns are extremely ilogical. i mean i know, and love dearly, many current members, but at the same time they can't alow themsleves to use logic, cuz' one: it would go against all their belifs, and two: the carnal mind "devil's territory". ok, now i'm being spuratic.... (reply to this comment)
| from clark Tuesday, March 22, 2005 - 08:32 (Agree/Disagree?) I heared something about this on NPR this morning. The cannibalism that is, so I believe it is possible that similar things happened there. The point is they don't happen under the "Law of Love." They are horrific crimes done by monsters. TF Claims to be the"Love of God for you". There should be NO preying on children at the hand of "God fearing"people. (reply to this comment)
| from a little pixie Saturday, March 19, 2005 - 16:16 (Agree/Disagree?) Someone should eat me right about now. Slowly. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Fish Saturday, March 19, 2005 - 10:59 (Agree/Disagree?) Right…. Well the Filipino bitch is back, with bizarre tales of horror. For starters it’s fairly obvious she hasn’t actually seen this. I wonder where she obtained her information. I don’t doubt that it does happen, but common, like some kids are going to suddenly eat their parents? “Wow sis, ever since dad lost his job we’ve been awful hungry. What do you say we eat him for dinner?” “Alright bro, but this time you better eat SLOWLY, mom only lasted us a week.” The whole thing sounds more like Anne Rice than Africa. Speaking of which, what’s with the blatant rip off of Chuck Palahniuk’s writing style? The Fight Club didn’t uplift jesus last I looked. Not just innocent people. Your own parents. And not just kill them. Eat them. Yes. Eat them. Slowly. Yep, major rip off here. (reply to this comment)
| | | from emm Friday, March 18, 2005 - 09:20 (Agree/Disagree?) my spidey senses tell me that posting all the new articles from myconclusion on movingon.org is a GOOD idea, according to the laws of human nature each poster even if they usually stay away from movingon will be drawn in to see what other people are saying about them. drawn in to moving on getting the inside on the outside of the cult. (reply to this comment)
| from Nick Friday, March 18, 2005 - 07:41
    (Agree/Disagree?) Bull Shit the Family doesn’t help hundreds of starving kids in Africa! OK, there may be one or two family couples out there that are trying to do good but with no support from the family they really don’t do much and then in a few years move on to some other “mission field”. Just like this kid said himself, he moves from country to country. Real missionaries find a calling and stick to it for years and years and really make a difference in that community or village. 99% of the family do not do anything to help people unless you consider making someone buy a poster or DVD helping them.That’s what pisses me off the most is that they have that FCF that makes millions yet none of it really goes to where they say it does. It all goes to buying $90,000 motor homes for king penis peter. Makes me sick (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | from Friday, March 18, 2005 - 06:37 (Agree/Disagree?) A court of law will look the other way when a criminal says "look over there a bigger criminal then me ,I'll testify to it" and minor criminal gets off. Not a good tactic for you to use though in regards to distracting people to your cults rampent and institutionalized abuse. What are the family doing about this dire situation you speak off and that which those with knowledge of travel, history, politics, economics and current affairs already know? (Don't you think most of us already support the eradication of evil tyrants who cause all this suffering? (I hope you didn't vote for Bush) What real difference to the practical stiuations does saying a prayer with some one and selling them a leaflet does it really make? Apart from giving themselves a false sense of hope in the afterlife rather than in their future. Are you petioning goverments and policy makers. Are you Joining activist groups? Are you supporting the movements that actually do make a differance to their situation by lobbying goverments to take action where it is neccesary? no you arnt. We on the other hand didn't run away from making a better society, we can only change what is around us and from there it spreads. One of them is seeking justice for injustices in our lives-an achievable goal. "e the change you want to see in the worl" Are you wanting to see child molesters and rapists get off scot free? Because thats what you are calling for in this post, that we forget and do nothing as we are on the lower end of the licket scale in relation to abuse. Lets start with what is doable and the rest will follow. Ways you can help an end to third world debt And in a highly personal way, which might speak volumes about his future ambitions, Brown was able to propel to the top of the agenda an idea that is close to his heart – what might be called a new Marshall Plan for Africa. This envisages a novel financing plan, known as the International Financing Facility (IFF), which would raise $100 billion for the world’s poorest countries. Not only would this fund help to alleviate debt but it would increase the flow of aid to countries which need it most. The Europeans are keen on the scheme and want to support it but yesterday Brown received an unwelcome slap in the face when the US delegation rejected his ideas out of hand. They also poured cold water on another of the Chancellor’s proposals about revaluing the International Monetary Fund’s gold reserves to find the necessary cash to write off the debts of impoverished African countries. It was hardly the best way to reinforce the plea for transatlantic solidarity put forward by secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, but once again the US was simply reminding the world who is boss. Following his recent trip to Africa, where he could see the financial problems first hand, Brown has become something of a standard-bearer for the world’s NGOs who are looking for action. He is sympathetic to the idea of debt relief provided that it works to help the countries get out of the economic mire and does not merely prop them up. As he showed at this weekend’s G7 meeting he is not just talking about handouts but has viable proposals for a workable scheme. The International Financing Facility would not just be yet another bottomless pit of cash but a real investment opportunity and the revaluation of the IMF’s reserves would help the impoverished countries to get out of the spiral of debt which prevents them from progressing in any meaningful way. As Brown pointed out, 80% of world debt is owed to the IMF and the World Bank. If that could be written off it would be a “win-win” situation for all concerned. Written-off debts would not be a charge on the donors and with the help of the IFF the poorer countries would be able to rejig their economies and put them on a more secure footing. While the American refusal to countenance the changes is a setback, it is not the end of Brown’s plans. Also present at the London meeting as observers were India, Brazil, South Africa and China who with Russia could form the basis of an expanded G7 into a 21st-century G12. These are growing economies which will influence world markets within the next two decades and their presence in London is a clear signal that the future of the world’s economy is not just a matter for a cosy club of Americans and Europeans who represent half of the world’s economic output but only speak for 12% of the global population. An expanded organisation speaking for the majority is the best way forward to deal with the world’s economic problems, from debt relief through currency controls to creating a coherent policy on energy usage. http://www.sundayherald.com/47589 Don't forget Womans rights http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/3183248.stm childrens rights http://www.hrw.org/children/ Saving the 1234 and 5th amendment in the US. civil liberties against the patriot act Against torture. Against religious wars. For fucks sake the muslums and the christians are practically the same. So are the extremists/fundimentalists, on both sides. Christian and muslem extremism wants no abortion No vote for woman (they've almost lost that war on this one) property to stay in the patriarchal line. no gays lesbians etc.. complete obiedience to one book and its interpreters(priests mullahs) (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from Gothsmack Friday, March 18, 2005 - 05:15 (Agree/Disagree?) Ironically Nyx Martinez is considered in TF to be one of the more literate SGA's. She frequently writes for their publications. Alas, the sad state to which they have fallen. (reply to this comment)
| from Lance Friday, March 18, 2005 - 03:03 (Agree/Disagree?) Reading these messages by illiterate family members really does make my head hurt. (reply to this comment)
| from Baxter Friday, March 18, 2005 - 02:25 (Agree/Disagree?) Oooookeyyy...... Firstly, the ending incurrs flashbacks of Jack Nicholson in 'Mars Attacks'! 'Can't We all..... ......Get along?' So if a rapist hands out condoms, should he not be penalised for his crimes? Or maybe we should discuss what a tragedy Hitler's demise was, considering all the intended (and arguably actual) good he did for the German nation. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Shaka Friday, March 18, 2005 - 01:07 (Agree/Disagree?) Oh for Christ's sake. Teeny bit heavy on the drama there, Macbeth. Somebody needs a break from kitchen detail. All those years of JJT have caused her to crack and start to see her parents in a new chop-licking light. She's naturally blaming such evil thoughts on the Devil and his vitriolic apostates. Or she's feeling guilty for disobeying Mama and watching Silence of the Lambs. (reply to this comment)
| from Sonderval Friday, March 18, 2005 - 00:46
    (Agree/Disagree?) Brilliant, so what she's saying is stop whining about being repeatedly sexually and violently abused, at least you weren't forced to eat your parents? Gotta love the logic. (reply to this comment)
| | | From NMS Monday, March 21, 2005, 15:39 (Agree/Disagree?) I know Nyx/Nikki and wrote to her about her comment after it was first posted. I basically said it's real rude to dismiss "lesser" forms of abuse because a greater one supposedly exists, and that she was calling us "liars" when we used to live together in the PI and knows what went on. She said she understood where I was coming from and added: "at first i wasnt gonna post anything on that site cuz so many already have. however, it seemed like a nice plug for one of my friends who is working here in africa. there is so much going on that the public doesnt know about, wars over the border, and people dont even realize it. at the time u visited me in the PI, I was hated by family kids, too. so what am i supposed to do? well u were there for me and it was great to have someone to hang out with." Anyhow, it was a little odd after all she had gone through, that she would write something like that. But I remember all the times I used to root for TF as well. I do agree though, that the letter is overly dramatic, disrespectful and lacks logic. (reply to this comment) |
| | From afflick Wednesday, May 18, 2005, 07:57 (Agree/Disagree?) I regret opening this post with the "Family-kids-are-crazy" line. That really isn't the case. Rather, I believe that this writer, as well as many others, are just suffering from a lack of context. Living in Africa myself in this cult, there were many times I dismissed tribal ritual and tradition as "out of the spirit" or "demonism". At the time, I was in the world, but not really living as a part of it. I know that many posters on MyConclusion.com are suffering the same delusions that I suffered myself, so I can relate. It is difficult to understand how to react to something when your entire world view comes from the frantic writings of sequestered cult leaders. I am sure that young adults (not "kids") reared in this oppressive environmental are capable, intelligent adults who are just mixed up right now. I realize that by posting this article, I fostered as "us against them" mentality, which I regret most of all. We are all neighbors in the same crazy community. To any young adults who are currently in the group and reading this: I know you are not morons. I know that you are witty, hardworking, idealistic. You are my friends, some of you are my flesh and blood. No matter how you feel about me right now, or how much you pray for Jesus to "take me out of the way", I have only followed my conscience out of The Family. We all pretty much started out from the same place, literally and figuratively. I wish you well as you individually grow and develop . I only ask that you look inside yourselves and wish the same for me. (reply to this comment) |
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