Getting Out : Seeking Justice
XSecond generation who lied for TF before leaving. | from moon beam - Friday, February 18, 2005 accessed 1478 times I'd like to start a thread based around a comment. I don't mean the everyday lies we told to people we were witnessing, provisioning from or selling posters and tapes to. This goes for outside parents, social workers, journalists, police, court statements etc.. I myself know a number of people who say they were made to lie whilst still in TF, some have since, corrected the situation. For instance the 4 major court cases and investigations into the COG may have turned out very different if TF hadn't have cheated and lied. For the future when they reel out the next bunch from mydelusion.com to lie again, we will have evidence of their past "game plan" to show the court. Original comment; "How many lied for TF before leaving? When, where, why and how do you feel about it now? This information might be very useful to the media and authorities especially if it related to any legal actions." |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Bella Friday, February 18, 2005 - 08:23 (Agree/Disagree?) Didn't we all lie on a daily basis when we were on the streets begging and telling people it was part of our schooling. -What schooling? What about the lies people told when crossing boarders, i.e. "We're tourists." (reply to this comment)
| | | | | From agree Tuesday, February 22, 2005, 22:50
    (Agree/Disagree?) I am in the middle of a court case in australia with members and former members ,i have hours of taped conversations of the accused telling about what where and how they raped or fondeled under age girls/children ,even their very own sisters.This is not enough to convict these filthy sons of bitches because they made their sisters say that nothing ever happened.The sisters taped confessions are the ones that go into fine detail about the brothers and all they have done ,but when interveiwed by police they said (quote)nothing has ever happenend in their (direct) family also nothing ever happened in the cog/family, sexually or physicaly as no person has ever been succesful in claims of such nature against the family.So this to me is a very valid question ,as they are still lying to police/judges /dept of families or anyone they have to,that is how they dont lose.So if you want to pass this over as a silly point i suggest you dont involve yourself in any court cases because these fuckers will lie their asses off and make your fact sound like fantasy,if you average it out i have been to court against these pathalogical liars at least once a month over 2 1/2 years ,i have never heard them tell the truth during this time or even tell the same story the same way twice.Please everybody stop being critical of each other stand together they do, they also lie constantly for each other,think about it.Thank you for reading.(reply to this comment) |
| | From cassy Friday, March 02, 2007, 08:08
    (Agree/Disagree?) I'm wondering if I can highlight the article again and see if there is anyone who would be willing to write here on Moving On about their experiences during any court case (Australia, Argentina, France or England) saying that they weren't abused, when in fact they were coached to say this. How did the Family lawyer work with you -ask questions? This is important for any future legal cases that we document this 'Decieving Yet True' that happened. Thanks. (You can write me through my personal profile also if you don't want to be identified.(reply to this comment) |
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