Getting Out : Seeking Justice
Silence | from Albatross - Friday, December 06, 2002 accessed 8072 times Letter to Zerby # 2 To: Zerby and FGAs At the time of my writing this article there are 448 registered members to the movingon site. I am given to understand that most of these are unique. In other words, only a very small percentage of users have more than one screen name. There are many more who read this site on a daily basis. The virtual screaming continues. The stories of pain and abuse continue. The suicide count grows. Where is The Family? Where are the leaders? Where is the media team? Where are our parents? Where are the Christians so dedicated to helping the poor, the abandoned and the lost? What has been you direct response to us? SILENCE. Why silence? Because you are listening to your lawyers instead of to the cries and anger of your children. Does this surprise us? No. It does not shock us that the same people who abused us or who looked the other way as we were abused, should now look the other way and turn a deaf ear when we come for answers. To our Parents: Where is the outrage? Where is the outrage at the abuse that we suffered? Listen Family adults……Silence is consent. Your selfish search for meaning in your life has led you to be silent as the innocence of your lambs was slaughtered. Forget your tired and overused mantra that “The Family is the best place you know to serve Jesus.” You now have hundreds of your children who beg to differ. Let’s talk about underestimating us. We are people who survived years of abuse. We are people who have left everything to try to rebuild our lives from scratch. We are people who learned to read those over us in order to survive. Every Gn that comes out damning us as being vehicles for blood dripping demons, every month of silence that goes by, every ignored tale of abuse, only serves to augment the ranks of these determined and resourceful people. We are not the FGS. We did not choose your way of life, not even in its halcyon days. Your castle is not only in danger from the front. Sappers are quietly mining under your walls. The “fifth column” in your midst is your children and our brothers and sisters. The fire has burned a gap bigger than any “Abner” will ever be able to fill. Can you fight a war on multiple fronts? Do you have enough media teams? Do you have enough lawyers? Do you have enough stamina? We are young. We are in our ascendancy. We are just stretching our legs and sharpening our claws. Family leaders, when will you decide that it become too much and just cut the rest of The Family loose and live off of your ill gotten gains? Here are some thing for you to keep in mind Zerby: we are not the FGAs, we do not work like them; we do not react like them, and our stories are not them same as theirs. Your strategy for combating their attacks will not work on us. Are you really so proud of who your are. Do you really believe in your C vs. C revolution? Then come out and answer for your writing. Come out and face your past beliefs.. Face the children you abused. Zerby, tell the children who you watched Berg abuse, your beliefs on fondling children. Once the word of your hidden past spreads to all those Christians you have been courting, you will find the reception chilly at the very least, and you may even find a profound sense of anger and betrayal. But I am sure you must by now know. Whether they believe the stories of the abused children or not, the shear weight of the horror of the stories will put them off you for good. Forget “A rose by another name.” Forget “deceivers yet true.” We will always find out. And you will always be running. You will have no rest in your dotage Zerby. You will find no refuge Peter. You have destroyed lives. You have built an empire of religious charlatanism. History has not dealt kindly with the likes of you. Give it up. Let the people go. Face your crimes. Let the real Christians and the real missionaries do their work. Let the sordid memory of Berg rest where you buried him. Don’t prop up you dictatorship with the conjured up words of the ghost of a perverted incestual child molester. Your days as a deified false prophetess are numbered. Daniel |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from the-prophet Monday, November 01, 2004 - 20:01 (Agree/Disagree?) I think the family organization is similar to all families in the past. The manson family, and mofia family, and the jackson family, just a bunch of crocks. The people in there are following the only thing they know, sexual revolution. The sixties is over, common. Get on with your lives. If you really want to get some action join a swingers club. (reply to this comment)
| from the-prophet Monday, November 01, 2004 - 19:57 (Agree/Disagree?) I'm just fucking around ya'll. Die family dogs. Die and burn in hell (reply to this comment)
| from exotik tom-boy Thursday, February 13, 2003 - 15:55 (Agree/Disagree?) For what it's worth, I think that it's a BIG mistake to classify anyone in the family/cog as 'Christians'! Pleeze, the family/cog and its leaders (god, knows, my parents have been leaders for eons) are the biggest abusers and twisted perverts this world knows of.
Besides, if an individual has to have organized religion in their lives to exsist, there are plenty of more plausible ones in this world which can kick Christianity in the butt, as far as intelligent belief structures are concerned.
I no longer talk to my parents (after 11 years of being on my own), simply because it pains me far too much to hear about crimes they've committed against my friends and brothers and sister. Not to mention, that my dad is too big a pussy-chicken-shit to even own up to all of the children he's birthed.
Don't ever think that the blind cunt (A.K.A. zerby) will ever fess up to her crimes.......aint going to happen! Zerby and her clan of perverts are too busy engaged in sexual antics and controling innocent people who send them $$$$. But, hey, we are SMARTER and we are becoming more educated than those white trash parents of ours will ever be, so we'll get our day to bring them to justice.
And, yes, I share your same sentiments for the way no one in the family/cog are ever big enough to reply to any questions or concerns which are raised on this site! Not to mention that the family/cog members still deny (and on U.S. national T.V., if I might add) that the Davidito book and other such publications even exsisted! What a farce! The cogs members are too afraid to own up to their actions, being that they know their actions are completely illegal! Besides, they are too caught up praying in tongues with their bullcrap 'vendari' theories! And god knows, zerby is too blind to see straight, must be a condition she contracted from STD's. You and I both know, 'vendari' is the biggest crock of shiat any sane person has ever heard of. But, hey, to each his own.
In 1986 berg also said that the end of the world would occur in 7 years, and I remember that when Halley's comet flew through the earth's atmosphere, we were made to wait outside in the cold, all night, looking for Jesus' return???? like that bullshit isn't enough to make any 11 year old question the belief structure she's been taught!
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| from KD Tuesday, January 21, 2003 - 20:23 (Agree/Disagree?) Dear Daniel and Moving On, I´m new in this site. Thank you for what you've written, my hearts desire is that Zerby and the rest will pay for the evil they have caused on the lives of so many innocent. Inspite of me having left the family several years ago I'm having a hard time trying to fit in, but whats worse is when I go to bed at night and think about friends that I have left behind (in the Family) most of them are now single moms and struggling in "field homes" trying to do the "Lord's will" and raise there kids the way they were raised......and there is a whole new generation of kids growing up in the Family which will maybe have to pay a higher price than us if we don't do something about it. (reply to this comment)
| from conan Tuesday, January 21, 2003 - 17:19 (Agree/Disagree?) Dude, that was awesome. I sent it to my parents who are still cultists and haven't heard a word in reply yet. You seem to have a struck upon a touchy subject to them. Big surprise. Keep it up. peace (reply to this comment)
| from Tiger Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 03:38 (Agree/Disagree?) I have read this and your first letter addressed to Zerby and ilk. Lovely to hear some thoughts on the matters and I want you to know that I think both are brilliant. Keep it up you are on a roll. (reply to this comment)
| from goth88 Sunday, December 29, 2002 - 00:33 (Agree/Disagree?) I have discovered that FCF is NOT in Spring Valley, but in DULZURA. Hope this helps. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Dana Friday, December 27, 2002 - 18:17 (Agree/Disagree?) I like what Albatross had to say. I like the expose pamphlet. Wherever FCF is why can't people print these up and send these to the local authorities, post offices and do a general mailing in the town where they live doing a mass mailing that says, "Dear Neighbor". Some of my siblings are still in but are pretty isolated so thank God for that. Does anyone have addresses for FCF and what cities, etc, so I could do my part and run off a pamphlet and then duplicate it thousands of times. Maybe run off a Maria letter at the same time to staple with it from the Loving Jesus series. Maybe send it to a few churches at the same time and a few tv stations at the same time. So many places, so many pamphlets and with so much time on my hands to think about what was done to me. (reply to this comment)
| | | From Dana Monday, March 03, 2003, 00:57 (Agree/Disagree?) I printed out a copy of the pamphlet and sent it to top San Diego political officials. My reply from them was that people in Dulzura had already had questions about the oddities they have seen there in Dulzura. I still think it is a good idea to send a mass mailing to all of Dulzura where I just found out their headquarters is actually located and I drove down from LA where I live and drove past it just to check them out. Looked pretty quiet. For now.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | from JackFlash Wednesday, December 25, 2002 - 11:39
    (Agree/Disagree?) I think Daniel would get more respect if he simply doctored up his grammar and spelling to make it look like it’s from someone over the age of 16. I mean the content is worthy and he does have a lot to say, but to me, what he is trying to say gets swept aside by the grammatical errors that were far from few and inconspicuous. While I agreed with a lot of the content in his original letter I did a fair bit of cringing when I read through it. In all honesty I did not believe it was the writing of a 21 year old. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | From JackFlash Friday, December 27, 2002, 07:26 (Agree/Disagree?) Before writing off the opinion I expressed and being the worse off objectively, because it seems you can’t handle the fact that not everyone appreciates dear Daniels writing style. Take a moment to consider what it is I am trying to say. My criticism was obviously not of his content but of his presentation of it. Do you honestly think that people will respect someone’s writing as much as they should if it’s incumbent with grammatical errors? I think his message would get better appreciation if it was expressed better. It’s simply called proper use of English, since he has profound thoughts and feelings then his use of English to express it should be on par with his content. At least follow basic grammar and spelling. Why do you think I am disrespecting him? He is disrespecting himself and not presenting his writing like he should. Let’s not liken "shit" to something you don't try to understand. I am not trying to look like a fool, why should you? (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | From Nan Saturday, December 28, 2002, 15:50 (Agree/Disagree?) Hey, Flash-in-the-pants, try taking a second look at your own poor grammar. Both your comments are chalked full of grammatical errors, including compound sentences, run on sentences, comma splices, incorrect use of words, tenses, and possessive nouns, poor phrasing and poor paragraph structure. “Incumbent” means in office or obligatory. I’m not sure how any piece of writing can be “incumbent with grammatical errors.” Now run along, Flashpants, back to school. Further, any good English teacher will tell you that between good content and good grammar, good content and writing style is most important. That is why we have paralegals, secretaries and spell check. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From Nan Saturday, December 28, 2002, 21:13 (Agree/Disagree?) Were you released on time served from the communist party, Joe? Is that why we have the pleasure of your daily presence on the web? Ever here the term computer geek? How about nerd? These are the types who spend their lives online and bitch about grammar. Oh, and they also tell dorky jokes. When you do eventually earn that degree, you can be my paralegal any time. Just no editing for content. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Jules Monday, December 30, 2002, 11:08 (Agree/Disagree?) Hey, don't knock computer geeks. There's nothing wrong with spending your life online (so I have heard). Oh and TNG is not just for losers anymore. I think it's "HEAR the term computer geek". Man, did I actually dare to do that? Nan, just for the record, I think you are one cool chick. I love your passion, your intelligence and your exceptional ability to kick Joe's ass. Sorry Joe but she totally wastes you every time.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From Merciless Friday, December 27, 2002, 20:52
(Agree/Disagree?) I think Daniel has a great writing style and the content is worth writing about, but I do have to agree with JackFlash and disagree with you. The grammar (notice the correct spelling of the word) is important. The credibility of any written statement goes down if it is riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. This is not a criticism of Daniel, but that of his Microsoft Word not doing what it's supposed to. ;p But my main point is this: The education we did not have is not an excuse for ignorance. They taught us to read, and with the ability to read we should be able to gather all the knowledge that we need to survive in the world without coming across like idiots. Once again I feel the need to stress this point: Stop blaming your past for your problems. If you have a brain you are fully equipted to fix them. I'm talking to you Dana. I know Daniel is smart and would never use his past for an excuse.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | From Ex-member Saturday, December 28, 2002, 17:48 (Agree/Disagree?) Where the fuck did you get that it was my brother?! And I am not saying spellign and grammar aren't important. I noticed a lot of errors in the letter as well and they did make it difficult to read. My point was that at times, grammar and spelling aren't as important and reading comprehension and in neither of these two do I find anything to hinder my understanding of what is being said. That's all. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Jules Saturday, December 28, 2002, 16:22
    (Agree/Disagree?) Ok, now this is making me angry. While Daniel certainly does not need me to defend him, I’ve had about enough of this. Punctuate this Joe, JackFlash and the other people here who can’t seem to see past verb agreement. While you sit on your asses offering your comments on Daniel’s punctuation, (totally missing the point,) he happens to be one of the few of us actually sticking his neck out to make a difference. Legal action against international cults does not fall out of the sky. It takes a great deal of work. While some people seem to be mostly concerned with the latest saga in their love life, (or lack thereof) others actually care enough about justice and morality to try to do something about what has happened. People like Daniel did not check their manners, integrity or dignity at the door on their way out of the Family. The Family has two strategies against people who speak the truth about the crimes they have covered up: go for the gut and shoot the messenger. They use emotional blackmail to try to get people to go away quietly or self-destruct, and they circulate as much dirt as they can find or invent on the individuals that stick their neck out. We all know this, and these tactics have been mostly successful in keeping people quiet. Daniel, Ricky and others who have stood up to the group have done so knowing the consequences but deciding that the truth is more important. Do you have any idea of the personal cost involved in doing this? The Family has made it quite clear that people who speak out will be blacklisted and that communication with family and friends still in will be restricted. Sure it’s easier to just walk away and keep your mouth shut, but sometimes doing the right thing costs something. It’s easy to sit back and say “lay the plan out for me and then I’ll decide if I want to get involved”. I guess some people were followers in the Family and still are. Do you think that people should be held accountable? Do you care about what happened to your sisters, friends and companions? If so, what’s your plan to do something about it? If you don’t agree with him, or you don’t care to get involved, that’s your right, but please don’t sit there getting your knickers in a knot about sentence structure. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing and morons whine about grammar. (reply to this comment) |
| | From exotik tom-boy Thursday, February 13, 2003, 16:16
    (Agree/Disagree?) Jules, I couldn't agree more with your sentiments! Being that I have had to face segregation from my relatives still in the cog, after having run away 11 years ago.
I cringe at the people who've only been out for a little while, and who still continue to defend the family/cog! The most well shared sentiment I hear from these people who are too chicken shit to take a stance against the group is that they are afraid their relatives still in the family, will be taken away and placed in foster homes! I always respond to these individuals 'I would have given anything to have been taken into the care of a foster home, growing up, if it meant not having to be subjected to the abuse that I was' I mean, pleeze? how can one stand up for child abuse? mind control? lack of formal education? child labor? etc?(reply to this comment) |
| | From Finally Monday, February 03, 2003, 08:10 (Agree/Disagree?) Thank you, Jules! I think it's so sad how this happens so often on this site -totally missing the point when we're all "in this together". Maybe some people don't know what side of the fence their on and try to prop up egos by putting down others! It's sickening! We should be grateful that someone is speaking up for us. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Dana Sunday, December 29, 2002, 11:42 (Agree/Disagree?) I like the way you write, Jules. I was wondering if anyone tried to get on Oprah or a talk show where national attention could be brought to the stories here? I am pretty new here so maybe it has been done but if someone did a documentary and submitted a few minutes of it to a national show or even Dateline or 20/20 especially with the Catholic Church in such high profile this could be a good place to start and then maybe a high profile attorney would like to take this on because of the publicity. Maybe this idea has been written before. but I was thinking about this.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | From exotik tom-boy Thursday, February 13, 2003, 16:28 (Agree/Disagree?) get in contact with Telemundo (based out of Miami) and ask for a copy of the talk show that was conducted in Spanish in 1993, after the Argentina raids, televised throughout all of South America........you'll really enjoy seeing ex-family kids (who have since left, less than two years ago) and current family/cog members, lie through their teeth about certain publications and cog/family beliefs! Bergs grandaughter was also on that show, testifying against the cogs abuse.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From JackFlash Sunday, December 29, 2002, 02:10
(Agree/Disagree?) Nice comment from the owner of a site titled "MOVING ON".....Sadly it is one of the only places for those of us who are actually moving on and letting the family go it’s fucked up way to hang out with friends that we once shared lives with. As for Daniel, if he is going to stick his "neck" out, let him do it with some style. As far as I am concerned he doesn't represent me. He is not sticking his neck out for me. Jules, you’re not objective with regards to opposing views these days. Why can’t you let Dan take a bit of criticism?? Is this site made up of a select few that can’t have their writings criticized? This is almost getting to be like it was in the family where criticism of writings and anything you were told was met with harsh penalties. Communism can’t take criticism. I believe I as well as another person here involved in any form of discussion should be allowed to criticize Ricky, Dan and others like them who feel like they have to be the ones to represent our "cause". If you look over other discussions, Ricky is quite free to say whatever he wants about anyone else’s view. If you give it prepare to receive it. (reply to this comment) |
| | From exotik tom-boy Thursday, February 13, 2003, 16:40 (Agree/Disagree?) just one question, what the fuck is 'our cause' to mean? I guess the only thing your statement proves to me is that you are validating the view points of those (such as Ricky and Dan) you are trying to refute.
And, 'communism can't take criticism' is a moronic statement! I studied Communism in the 2nd largest college in the U.S., and lemme tell you, my professor's sure did criticize it, as well as pointing out its good points.
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| | | | From Jules Monday, December 30, 2002, 00:37 (Agree/Disagree?) I like to think that I can handle criticism just fine thanks, though my exboyfriends would probably disagree. I am flattered that my opinion matters to you so much that you think that my disagreeing with you constitutes "harsh penalties". I wish my team at work could see it that way. Why am I supposed to be objective towards opposing views? This site is a forum for differing opinions, including mine. I think I have always been rather opinionated and I see no reason to apologize for that (again my exboyfriends would disagree). As I said, if you don't agree with Daniel, that's your right. I didn't see any intelligent debate from you, just whining about grammar and snide insults. You seem to have (once again) missed the point though. The issue is not that Daniel represents anyone. The point is that some people actually care enough to do something and take action, and some others just sit around and comment. We all have been left to struggle in the aftermath of the Family; the people standing up to take action are in the same boat as you. That is my point. I personally represent me. I tell my own story and give my own opinions. However, if there is one thing I have learned from this site, it’s the strength of speaking our own truth. On a personal level, things people have written here have helped me to bridge the isolation I felt. When you grow up in an environment where crazy is the norm, just trying to stay sane and stable is a challenge. Leaving, I carried that same fear and insecurity with me. To know that there are so many other people who had the same questions and felt the same pain is tremendously empowering and healing. While personally I feel that what the Family thinks is irrelevant, what is currently happening in that group is unheard of. This is a $15 p/m web site, yet, because of this forum and the things that have been written here, the Family is finally being forced to face the fact that their throwaway children will not go gently. It’s not just one or two people, which was Daniel’s point, but they are slowly beginning to realise how deep the anger in many of us goes. My comment was not solely directed at you. I guess I am just tired of the people who claim to be “moved on” while completely blind to how much the Family still influences them. Defining who you are and what you do by how much you are not like the Family is as limiting as defining who you are and what you believe by the nonsense that Zerby and Kelly publish every month. Actually moving on to me is considering every aspect of our life on its’ own merit, and looking at that alone. To be rude and offensive or to insult just because you can is quite sad. To say, “fuck it all, I’m going to only do what benefits me” just because the Family claims to be about self-sacrifice is not even a valid choice. If you have thought things through and you have decided you are really just a rude and deeply cynical person, then please continue, but to be that way just to prove that you are out is not moving on. If there's one thing that makes me crazy it's passive aggression, which is what I understood your comments to be, and judging by the comment above from you, I was right. If you have an issue with what Daniel is doing, then come out and say that, why insult his grammar? If you prefer not to get involved, then don’t. There are many sections on this site, and nearly 1000 articles. There are many other debates to enter. The initial concept behind this site was life after the group, and yours and what you are doing now impress me. Jackflash, I don’t know who you are, but I do know that for better or worse, we share the same upbringing, and I probably have more in common with you than my closest friends now. I do wish you well and hope that life is being good to you. (reply to this comment) |
| | From JackFlash Monday, December 30, 2002, 07:02 (Agree/Disagree?) Well spoken and at the same time intelligent. I salute, respect and appreciate you. I do however hold a slightly deviated point of view however I agree that we probably hold many things in common. To each his/her own and with regards to that, my quarreling on this matter has come to a close. In all honesty I thank you all for your response however which way you chose to respond. I’m content being placed in the commentary section. I don't have the motivation or the resources at present to get back at the cult and bring about justice regarding my past. For those of you that have taken up this crusade, I salute you..... (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | From Nan Sunday, December 29, 2002, 11:20 (Agree/Disagree?) You're not "moving on!" You're simply spewing the same crap the Family always spewed. It's not new. It's not novel. It's not even creative. It's just stupid school yard taunts which have nothing at all to do with the issues. You attack people who have more balls than you do. You're not "hanging out with friends" you shared your life with. You're a little detractor using the same methods the Family uses and has used for years. It's old. It's tired. No one here wants to represent you. No one here is trying to represent you. Stop flattering yourself. You complain and criticize other people, then you try to claim you're the only one "moving on." Give me a break! Quit your whining! You shouldn't criticize people for stupid insignificant things and not be prepared for others to respond. You want everything your way. You think you should be able to spew your Family crap all over people and they not be able to respond without you labeling them “unobjective.” How about you come up with a real original thought on any given subject, and maybe people might take you seriously. But, you and Joe's moaning about the necessity of frigging spell check is tired. You're going to have to do better than that if you expect to be taken seriously on the real issues. And as far as critiquing Ricky’s or Daniel’s writing goes, they’ve heard your ilk for years when they were in the Family and when they first started speaking out. They’ve heard the personal attacks on anything but the issues because the Family, like you, can’t address the real issues. They, like you, hide behind their stupid critiques of some ridiculous minor item, like spell check or Claire’s article on the validity of a couple of paragraphs in a lengthy reply from Peter. She refused to address the real issues. Instead, she just moaned about whether a couple of paragraphs were authentic. Further, as it was pointed out to you, thick-skull, have you ever considered that Daniel’s grammar may be the result of serious educational deprivation? Ever consider that he may have had only a first grade education prior to leaving the cult and pursuing college? Whose fault is that? Well contrary to Joe’s pointed and small opinions, it’s his parents, Ado and Kanah’s fault! It’s their fault, and the fault of a lot of other sick parents who don’t deserve to be called parents, who put their children to work caring for their kids, cleaning their houses, pleasuring them and/or other adults sexually and singing and begging on the streets to support them, rather than giving their children a proper education. Yet, also contrary to Joe’s narrow little view of the world, Daniel has and continues to work his ass off, more than 10 hours a day, putting himself through college while supporting his younger siblings. So, Flash-pants and Joe, shut the f up about things you don’t know anything about. Try educating yourself on the issues before you come with your inane spell check arguments and blame for poor grammar. There’s a reason primary and secondary school take 12 years. That’s because it takes time for a child to learn. That education cannot be made up in two years at the college level. Anyone here on this website who has scratched and fought and worked their way through college knows that it takes twice as much work in order to make up for the foundational knowledge one lacks when one attempts to enroll in college courses which build on 12 years of lower education. Try calculus without having taken algebra. Try creative writing or literature without ever having been taught grammar, and that stupid list of spelling words in the CC handbook doesn’t cut it. So, you go back and rack your noggin for some shred of valid criticism and then maybe someone might pay you some mind. (reply to this comment) |
| | From JackFlash Sunday, December 29, 2002, 14:10
(Agree/Disagree?) This is why we are not getting anywhere, how can we take the Family down if we can’t even be civilized in our postings and objective amongst ourselves. What broad subjects this discussion has spread itself into. From grammar comes education (or lack of it) then comes parents then comes sexual abuse and the flame burns on and on till one remembers the insignificant match that started it all. Daniel did not have the time to check his document for grammar correctness, that’s cool and we all would probably agree on that. Some think its important while others don’t, I am sure all can live with that. For your info Nan I myself am working my way through UNI. Doing a double major at that, night school and working a casual job to boot. Life is a bitch if you didn't get those early fundamentals. And Nan, dictator??? Using family methods?? Please.....(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | from MGP Tuesday, December 17, 2002 - 15:27
| from SaraMarie Monday, December 09, 2002 - 18:48 (Agree/Disagree?) good on Daniel i agree the days are numberd and as more and more bullshit is being sent to family members im sure more and more will be joining us here. (reply to this comment)
| from PompousJohn Monday, December 09, 2002 - 07:49 (Agree/Disagree?) P.S. Just in case you actually do read this Zerby, can you please pray and ask the Lord what he thinks about maybe taking Andrew back? He's driving us all up the wall here, and if you would take him back, then he wouldn't be allowed to browse and post here anymore, since there's so much damaging truth...I mean the Devil's lies on this site, right? Just maybe have some love-up time with Jesus and see what he has to say about the dipshi... I mean dear Andrew, he's real sorry about the false prophecy and the violent outbursts and he promises not to do it again. Also he's delusiona...I mean receptive to the spirit and he'll believe every word of your bulshit...I mean wonderful prophecies. One more thing, maybe you can pray and ask the Lord whether the Star Wars episode 3 should be recommended viewing or not, I know it won’t come out for another 2 years or so, but since the Lord sees the future I’m sure he already knows whether it should be recommended for the Family, right? See, Andrew is a big fan and he’s going to watch it anyway. (in fact, you may want to pray about whether “Chewbacca” qualifies as a bible name, since I’m pretty sure that’s what he’ll pick, to go along with “new man”) I just though that if the Lord says not to recommend it, then you could delay welcoming Andrew back until after he watches it, so he won’t have to suffer condemnation for watching it, and also that way his cleansing prayer can cover one extra transgression. (reply to this comment)
| | | from bubba Sunday, December 08, 2002 - 21:23
(Agree/Disagree?) Great article Albatros but before you lump all of us that are registered on this site as having the same attitudes as you; do us the favor and speak for yourself and let us either affirm or disaffirm with our own comments. Just because we are on this site doesn’t mean we want to constantly delve into the past and talk about crap. I was there when these things happened and I agree with most of the concerns voiced, but I also don’t want this great site to simply turn into a garbage dump of vocal opinions and comments. I’d like to see some more constructive articles, debates, information that can help us on the outside continue to succeed. As great debates and cleansing issues continue to surface on this site I am sure the users will also grow. If you want all young people to leave maybe you should write on subjects of success that will entice those still in to want to try something else. I definitely believe the longer young people stay in Family the more disadvantaged they’ll be when they finally leave. All I’m saying is don’t include me into your “user count number” when used to add weight to your opinions. Some of us simply like the site for its diversity and connection to others with like backgrounds and experiences. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | From success Thursday, December 12, 2002, 10:09 (Agree/Disagree?) I am used to polls about income including higher categories before they go to the plus sign, see? Also, you are making an extra assumption. High income is one thing, being rich is another. I'll bet you'll get a chance to see that soon, Joe. When one comes from nothing, or from minus 20 as Jules has put it, one may go through a period of making high income before one is rich. Indeed, depending on one's spending and generosity (yes, you can lose by giving), one's endurance (the lack of which may make sense entirely once one gets to the high-income, high-stress jobs) and treatment by the vagaries of life (=luck), it is possible never to become what the rest of the world considers rich, versus the perceptions held by the begging missionary/parasite population that believes in communalism and rejects private property.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From so that's what the plus stands for, duh Tuesday, December 10, 2002, 22:43 (Agree/Disagree?) Make me feel like it! No, that's OK, I'll tell you my secret: extremely hard work and persistence, along with a dash of high expectations and obstinate refusal to believe the naysayers. Oh, and risking my life to escape from the group a long time ago. Yes, if it's legit, it often takes time, either that or it's the lottery. You know what's funny, bubba, if you're Benny Q you're talking to someone you've met.(reply to this comment) |
| | From bubba Sunday, December 15, 2002, 23:03 (Agree/Disagree?) This is Benny Q; however, I haven't been called that in a while. I truly admire all the first teens or SGA's that left before the big exodus of young people. You are the true pioneers. It took tremendous amounts of courage and strength to leave amidst the indoctrination we received while in the F. I can say that I was fulfilled and happy while in, but it ceased to be challenging and definitely didn't pay worth a damn. Looking back, I wished I had known someone successful on the outside to give me direction and "open my mind" to the broader world which exists out here. Starting from the bottom up hasn’t been easy but the ride has been tremendous. I meet each day with anticipation and unknowing. Anticipation for the success which lies ahead; Unknowing, for the treacherous road called Life. If you were one of the first that “escaped”, I would love to hear your story.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Nan Monday, December 09, 2002, 18:46 (Agree/Disagree?) Did you just say "cleansing issues?" Save it for devotions! And who made you the arbitor of what is "constructive" and necessarily will help us succeed? In my and other peoples book justice and restitution will bring closer. But since you value "diversity" so much, I'm sure you respect those opinions, like mine, who don't agree with you and your judgment of the issues or even your take on what the issues are. So, let me say to you what you said to Al, "Do us a favor and speak for yourself."(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Albatross Monday, December 09, 2002, 17:36 (Agree/Disagree?) Well, My record for never being a mouthpiece for people named Bubba remains intact. But I do appreicate your comment. I always believe that something is wrong when no one disagrees even a little. I don't know that I have every suggested that everyone who posts, registers or visits this site has the same exact opinion on what, if anything should be done. In fact, I know that there is a plurality of opinions on this site. This diversity I believe, accounts for much of the vibrancy and vitality of this site. Please read my article again carefuly and see that I am not suggesting that everyone has the exact same feelings. By making a reference to the amount of people on this site, I was demonstrating that there is a growing feeling of community (even if only in cyberspace) amonst those of us sgas who have left Tf, and that Many...And yes I said many....feel that there are serious issues of accountability that have yet to be addressed by the Family leadership and those FGa's who where instruments of our abuse. I think you do a diservice to those who were abused by suggesting that an exploration and examination of the abuses of the past and attemps to rectify or seek responsibility for them are in some way "constantly delving into the past and talking about crap. " I edit a section called "Seeking Justice." That is fairly unambigious. I have a unique interest in the area of children's rights, as well as in issues of law. I am working towards attending law school. So the section I edit is about seeking justice. If you see an article with my name above it, you can confidently bet that that is the topic I will be addressing. You say "but I also don’t want this great site to simply turn into a garbage dump of vocal opinions and comments. I’d like to see some more constructive articles, debates, information that can help us on the outside continue to succeed." I agree that this site should be about more than just seeking justice; and it is. A quick look thru the many different sections on many different topics edited by many different people, will bear that out. But I am fairly sure that since its inception, this site has been (while not a garbage dump), most deffinatly a forum for vocal opinions and comments; and not all of those on the question of seeking justice. I agree that more articles with suggestions and ideas on helping people get out and helping them once they do, are needed. Jules has been very willing to set people up with their own section to edit and contribute to. You might be interested in contacting her about that. I however, have a specific focus for the time being, with regards to my involvment on this site, and as such, I continue to post and write on issuses related to that. So Bubba, here is what I propose: I continue my work and my writings. You contact Jules about the specific issuse of diversification of site content. And when those of us who feel that there are issuse of responsibility the Family needs to address actually get the chance to effect action in that area, we'll make a special effort to note that you wish no part of it. Daniel(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From AUSSIE Monday, December 09, 2002, 02:12 (Agree/Disagree?) hey, we all know about the abuse we suffered and we all know that the family will go down eventually. why dont we just foret about the whole stinin lot of them, let the dead dogs lay so speak. Who really cares anyway, forget about any apology and dont even do them the the justice of acknowledgeing their existance. WHATS THE POINT....hey, if the SGAs want to follw blindly i say LET EM!!! who gives a fuk!!! just get on with your own lives, busy yourself building a carreer of sorts and fuk Zerby and fuk waiting so an apology....SHITT if the family is to colapse, it will do so on its own weight.....it dosnr need us to help it!! FUK em and MOVE ON!! AUSSIE(reply to this comment) |
| | From Snuzzles Wednesday, December 11, 2002, 15:13 (Agree/Disagree?) I don't post much... but i'd like to have my two cents worth here...If that dead dog is lying in your livin room do you let it lie there? Or would you move it or possible even try and arragnge someone eles to come and dispose of it? It easy to say forget ...but is it easy to do... i can partially agree with you if we are talking about someone who has spent the last 10 + yrs bitchin about crap and same old same old .... but what about the new people who have left? Who have not been givin the opprotuninty to bitch and say what happened? Like me? I'm 28 yrs old now born raised in TF and well Ive got alot id like to spill out as ive had it pent up for 7 long years now and its hard for me talk about it cause its a hard issue to go back to ... but I belive that talking about it is the first step to getting over it so as much as i love to agree with you on the subject of FUK them and let them lie there on my living room floor to rot , I can't stand the smell of that dead dog lying there stickin up my house:( Some of us ( ME) have to Bitch cause we havent yet , But I promise that when I'm done disposeing of that dead dof I'll say FUK them ...I have better things now to do:) like not feeling guilty about useing more then 3 sheets of toilet paper:) Love out, Snuzzy(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From AUSSIE Friday, December 13, 2002, 03:02 (Agree/Disagree?) Point well taken, you are entirely entitled to air your greviences....bitch away, it sure helps i was referring to the inability of some people to forget about trying to squeeze some sort of lame apology out of Zerby, its just not goin to happen and as for tying to somehow bring TF down, i feel that this would be a futile attempt and may even strengthen the resolve of current members, the more you try to convince someone the less likley they are to see your point. I so yeah, FUK em, let them figure it out for themselves... peace.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from Prisma Sunday, December 08, 2002 - 12:05 (Agree/Disagree?) Great article Albatross. I wish we could expect more than “prayers against us”. However, I feel the title of your article is exactly what we will continue to get at least for a while….“Silence”. That said I look forward to any response from Zerby to this article as well as others written by us on the site. I hate to use such a cliché term but there is “strength in numbers” and as the numbers continue to grow they cannot continue to ignore us even as it is 450 people, their own children, (and most of us with a common goal) shouldn’t be taken lightly. I appreciate the candor and confidence in your tone and I hope this will move them to some type of response… if anything to merely acknowledge the existence of this article and others. --Prisma (reply to this comment)
| from Mercyagrees Sunday, December 08, 2002 - 00:26 (Agree/Disagree?) Yeah! Go Dan go! Rarr! (reply to this comment)
| from Heather Saturday, December 07, 2002 - 21:41 (Agree/Disagree?) Awesome article Daniel!!! It feels good to have the tables turned for once! I wish I could see Zerby's face when she reads it! LOL! (reply to this comment)
| from Ony Saturday, December 07, 2002 - 13:29 (Agree/Disagree?) Thank-you so much foir telling it like it is! I want to see them come crashing down! I want to hear that TF is truly no longer! this time it won't be like the RNR where they could "fire" 300 or so leaders & continue under a different name. Keep up the good work Dan! (reply to this comment)
| from thepersoniamnow Saturday, December 07, 2002 - 12:24 (Agree/Disagree?) Great work! Describes the feelings of alot of us in one paragraph! (reply to this comment)
| from Hanna_Black Saturday, December 07, 2002 - 12:12 (Agree/Disagree?) I simply adore the way you write, Daniel. Concise, clear, straight to the point! Are you gonna send this to Zerby? I would love to see the reaction on her face when she reads it...! (reply to this comment)
| | | from EyesWideShut Saturday, December 07, 2002 - 05:57 (Agree/Disagree?) This gave me goose bumps. Wonderfully written. I just wish we had some way of knowing who actually reads it. (reply to this comment)
| from dave Friday, December 06, 2002 - 19:30 (Agree/Disagree?) Jules, Can you move this article to this site's home page as a special feature article? I believe what Dan says here is too important to be missed. Thanks for writing this bro. Later, Dave (reply to this comment)
| from Reg Friday, December 06, 2002 - 18:15 (Agree/Disagree?) Well stated, Albatross! It hits the point and every word is ABSOLUTELY true! You have my signature on that one! (reply to this comment)