Getting Out : Creeps
Peter & Marrianne | from sarafina - Wednesday, October 23, 2002 accessed 3705 times Just one more person who abused children. We lived in a home in Japan with a couple by the name Peter of Marrianne. Now my brother and I we're not bad kids just maybe a little worldly, rebellious and mouthy. My brother was always getting in trouble for stuff like being to competitive in sports, playing pranks or staling food from the pantry or making wise cracks. Well Peter had it out for him from the start. Peter was a little wired though and I noticed some unusual things about him and began watching him discipline the kids. First he seemed to rather enjoy spanking them and instead of warnings or demerits he would spank them instead. The other thing I noticed was he always made them take their bottoms off all the way, undies and all and after spanking them would make them sit on his lap facing him and hug them and tell them he loved them and only spanked them out of love. Yuck! I also noticed that he would create different weapons to spank with one day I walked in while he was spanking my brother and he was screaming in pain I began counting the swats 1,2,3,?.14,15?30?42?by that time he had stopped screaming but peter hadn?t stopped swatting so I busted in the door screaming at Peter to stop I grabbed the weapon that he had been using to spank my brother and looked at it. I yelled "what kind of pervert are you"! he had UN- wound a metal hanger and had put a cork on the top of it and had been whipping my brother with it! Not just on his butt but had taken all his clothes off and had been whipping his whole back too. It was horrible! I told Peter I?d better never see him touching my brother again or I would say he did something to me (as I didn't know waht else to do). I reported him to the shepherds but of course they didn't do anything about it except tell him he couldn't spank my brother. So I wrote a letter to Josiah (Paul Peloquin)telling him about what had happened and about Peter and his odd behavior. He said he'd look into it. Apperently he did inquire about it but all the Adults just said I was making it up. I was punished for "lying" and for disrespecting him. Soon after we moved homes as my dad was called in o build the Nagoya School. I found out years later that Peter was eventually X-communicated and that he was "Gay" and I guess there had been other reports of him abusing and molesting boys. It still amazes me that they find being "gay" a more serious offence then beating a child.The sad thing is he was let back in the cult after 6 months or so and then excommunicated a second time for similar offence.To bad it took the years after to figure that out when it could have been stopped long ago if they had just believed me. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from happyfamily Sunday, May 01, 2005 - 23:54
    (Agree/Disagree?) My parents were friends with Peter after he got out of the family, before he had the halfway house and after. I cannot believe this predator (which is too nice a term for someone with conscious choice) was constantly allowed around children. The fact that this article's story was almost something me or my brother could have written. Means that so many were hurt and nothing changed. That was word for word what I or he would have said, just in a different place. I am still amazed that the adults around him couldn't see the sickness that they brought into their homes and that we were the ones who will continue to live with the things he did. What kind of insanity allows the sexual abuse of their own children and what kind of organization protects the perpetrator? No matter what the "Family" does now this is on their hands. It is still the actions of individuals but ins't standing idly by while letting this pedophile to exist in their institution an action just as sinful? I had not drank a coke until 16, I never saw a violent movie, unless is was someone holy being torn to bloody shreds, I never said a cuss word, thank god for the family for protecting their children from sugar and violence, too bad they never did anything about sexual violation and abuse. (reply to this comment)
| | | from happyfamily Sunday, May 01, 2005 - 23:51
    (Agree/Disagree?) My parents were friends with Peter after he got out of the family, before he had the halfway house and after. I cannot believe this predator (which is too nice a term for someone with conscious choice) was constantly allowed around children. The fact that this article's story was almost something me or my brother could have written. Word for word what I or he would have said, just in a different place. I am still amazed that the adults around him couldn't see the sickness that they brought into their homes and that the we were the ones who will continue to live with the things he did. What kind of insanity allows the sexual abuse of their own children and what kind of organization protects the perpetrator? No matter what the "Family" does now this is on their hands. It is still the actions of individuals but ins't standing idly by while letting this pedophile to exist in their institution an action just as sinful? I had not drank a coke until 16, I never saw a violent movie, unless is was someone holy being torn to bloody shreds, I never said a cuss word, thank god for the family for protecting their children from sugar and violence, too bad they never did anything about sexual violation and abuse. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from Sick Monday, December 13, 2004 - 11:00
    (Agree/Disagree?) I know them, I don't want to tell you exactly how, but I married into their family, I'm now seperated but every once in a while I get invited to one of their super f@#% up family dinners. What you said about him dosen't even scratch the surface of the sick rapest, homosexual pervert that he is. A number of young guys who have left the family have tryed to press charges against him, and I don't know how, he some how always gets away. And not only boys but a know a number of girls who he has molested, and his stupied wife sticks by his side through all of this, and out of respect to the members in his extended family I wont bring up names but he has molested members of his own family, boys and girls alike. Every time I see him my stomach turns and I feel sick, I have a 5 year old boy and I never leave him out of my sight. The first time I meet him, he came up to me and said " hi I 'm Peter and every thing you've heard about me is true!" and then went on to say " your son is so beautiful". He was lucky that out of motherly anger and duty that I didn't punch him or at leaast exchanged some harsh words. (reply to this comment)
| from Nancy Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 17:24
    (Agree/Disagree?) When will we ever have justice?! This story is just the final straw. It enrages me. That cult is the epitomy of evil! (reply to this comment)
| from Nancy Saturday, February 21, 2004 - 17:22
    (Agree/Disagree?) Oh, this is horrible beyond words and explanation. It's just unspeakable!!! I remember Peter & Marianne. I lived with them in Dallas, Texas, before they went to Japan. If it is the same couple, they had a son named Daniel. He was actually Marianne's son. He was completely a "sold out" Family cult freak!!! He was 16 when I was 14, and he used to like to make the 12 year old girls pull up their nightgowns so he could spank them with a shoe. I got in trouble for saying something about it. I was told by the area "shepherds," Branch and Charity, after they had a conference with Marianne, that Daniel was old enough to spank the girls. This was the very beginning the crazy, twisted, sick, sadistic world of the Family for me when I was a teenager. (reply to this comment)
| from Mydestinyismine Friday, February 20, 2004 - 23:09 (Agree/Disagree?) Is this the same Marianne thats overweight and was in Nagano, both Midoriko(Victor Program place) and Shiojiri? I don't remember her sons names but one did video work at HCS. If it is, she's back with her husband in Texas somewhere. I was also in Nagoya living with Aladdin, Daniel and the others but I was 4 years old so don't remember much. (reply to this comment)
| from SEC.GENERATION Friday, February 20, 2004 - 22:59
| from moonmental Sunday, October 27, 2002 - 07:16
    (Agree/Disagree?) I lived with your family in Nagoya for several years and I can corroborate everything that was said in this article. When we lived at this place they used to call the 'townhouse' I personally counted Peter giving Sam 120 'swats'. I know cause I was sitting in the next room just cringing and wonder when it would stop. Glad to hear that he at least got kicked out. I was 9 years old at the time and yet I can remember that beating yet. (reply to this comment)
| from dan Friday, October 25, 2002 - 23:05 (Agree/Disagree?) I remember you and your brothers well, what are you talking about, they were terorrs. not only did they did they do all those terible sins, if i remember correctly, they were also disrespectfull. and that is un acseptible . what I remember most vividly is your family coming back from a long day of "moshi deki do nara, skoshi charati no tamani kifu dekimasu, ANAGASHIMAS" you all looked so humiliated doing that for however long it took till you had enough to get to italy. sorry for the memory's (reply to this comment)
| | | From Heather Saturday, October 26, 2002, 20:49 (Agree/Disagree?) Ok "Dan" I seriously doubt you know my family much less my brothers! "Terrible sins"??? "Disrespectful"??? This is an EX-COG site!! Hello! You're probablly just some fucked up adult that never got off your acid trip and gets off controlling defenseless kids!! My brothers may have been "bad" by family standards, but in reality they were the ones who stood up to all the COG shit and actually thought for themselves!! Come up with some facts to back up your accusations or get off this site! Anf if you really are who you claim to be then you would know that we had no choice when it came to begging on the street!! Please don't apologize for you dellusions!!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From sarafina Saturday, October 26, 2002, 16:01 (Agree/Disagree?) First of all...Who are you? and seccond you are the one of the few people who would say that about my family. As far as for being embarassed of having to beg well thats the one thing you were right about. I hated it! I'm cerious tho as to who" my brothers" are that you speak of? Chris is the only one that was old enough to even be what you call a "terror" the other was only about 8yrs old. I don't beleive it's a "crime" to speak your mine. If we even doubted the "word" or doubted "Mo" or said you didn't beleive in that crap you were concidered a "terror" and disrespectful. I'm glad we we stong enough to stand up for ourselves and not be brain washed in to submission! I beleive in respecting your elders but they should also deserve and earn respect and you should not do and agree or obey them just because they are "elders" if what they stand for is wrong and illegal and immoral.(reply to this comment) |
| | From dan Sunday, October 27, 2002, 01:46 (Agree/Disagree?) i apologised on e.mail but will do so in public too. I was trying to be witty or funny, fell teribly sort of the mark. as to be embarassed to beg before I came to japan we tapenest door to door ofice to office and while not yhe most respectible of jobs at least we were sales men trying to sell a protuct on its virtues and as a 12 year old who's whole life was family music I thought we were the shizney. my first experience with seeing people embarressed to go out and "wittness"was in nagoya with your family and daniel and aladins family who raised funds in the same way for the trip to the states about the same time. (reply to this comment) |
| | From Anaik Monday, October 28, 2002, 14:12 (Agree/Disagree?) I am also one of the sibblings and I don't ever remember begging on the street or singing or whatever it was you posted. I do, though, remember that my dad was one of the only people in our home who actually had a job teaching english at a big company and THAT is how he got the money to go to Italy. Besides no matter WHAT a CHILD has done, no child ever deserves to be punished in that manner. Here in the USA you would go to jail for child abuse. You could even have your child taken away for something as simple as a Slap. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From dan Sunday, October 27, 2002, 01:01 (Agree/Disagree?) it wasn't untill two months or so that I started to go out that i sudenly felt like a begger. never in my life had I been so ashamed as I was as a proud young salsmen of 12. I just didn't understand why we had to continualy beg for money or take back posters when no apropriate donation was given. the hands down greatest I saw was a kid in nagoya (can't remember who) that had a broken arm and while it was easy enough to cover it with a shirt was told to take ot out of the shirt and parade it like a third world street beggers who stick their babies with pins or don't feed them so that they give off louder and more heart stirring cries. why you and your brothers after years of that were not in full blown mutiny is testimony to wells of self controll that, in lesser people, would have run dry long before. to any child that was part of the beggers guild in japan I salute you as comeing through one of the most self confidance eroding experiences I can imagine. while I only had one year of sweat and fatigue in the summer and bleeding gutar fingers in the winter it was the most humiliating thing I have ever done (except for that incident with the chiken and the fat chick and the poleroid)(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | From dan Sunday, October 27, 2002, 01:45 (Agree/Disagree?) i apologised on e.mail but will do so in public too. I was trying to be witty or funny, fell teribly sort of the mark. as to be embarassed to beg before I came to japan we tapenest door to door ofice to office and while not yhe most respectible of jobs at least we were sales men trying to sell a protuct on its virtues and as a 12 year old who's whole life was family music I thought we were the shizney. my first experience with seeing people embarressed to go out and "wittness"was in nagoya with your family and daniel and aladins family who raised funds in the same way for the trip to the states about the same time. (reply to this comment) |
| | from thepersoniamnow Friday, October 25, 2002 - 12:10 (Agree/Disagree?) Yeah, I was wondering about that. Peter and Mercy were pretty cool! He was my only decent teacher when growing up. (reply to this comment)
| From Mr. XLB Thursday, November 21, 2002, 20:01 (Agree/Disagree?) I appreciate you clearing this up. I only see this web site once or twice a month so when my(former) name ( Peter of Mercy) came up I was to say the least....freaked. I'm happy you think I'm a nice guy & pretty cool ... I guess I'm a wee bit proud! Thanks, ..comment from his new wife...very proud and I'm proud of him for leaving the cult! (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from sarafina Friday, October 25, 2002 - 12:09 (Agree/Disagree?) Sorry again I mean Peter of Marrianne Found! (reply to this comment)
| from sarafina Friday, October 25, 2002 - 12:07 (Agree/Disagree?) Peter of Mercy Found!!! Well it's truly amazing how far this site reaches people and what a small world we live in. I just spoke to someone one this site who knows exaxtly where this guy is! Its sooo creepy. They know where he lives and even have a phone number. It turns out he was allowed to rejoin after the last I had heard but was excommunicted again for another related incident he now lives here in the Usa and was running sort of a half way house for boys! God I can't beleive this man is still on the streets! The problem is what do you do with this information? The incedent with my brother was about 15yrs ago and happened in Japan. I don't know of any others here in the states. But the person I spoke to said he is deffinetly into boys and is still a creep. Sickining! (reply to this comment)
| From Rock Sunday, November 24, 2002, 04:17 (Agree/Disagree?) Hi Sarafina It is my understanding that in the USA (I am In Canada) sexual abuse is a crime with no statute of limitations. If your brother is also an American and you all are living in the states the man can probably still be charged. If the guy is running a halfway house for boys it is fair bet that he is still abusing kids. From the description of his behaviour he sound like a serious criminal pedophile. Pedophiles like him never stop and cannot be "cured" only watched or put in jail for ever. Hope he gets caught. As a kid I suffered abuse at the hands of catholic clergy who had been abusing boys for decades. They were charged over twenty years later for their crimes. I really admire all you SG's for your strength and honesty. Hang in! Sincerely Rocky(reply to this comment) |
| | | | from sarafina Thursday, October 24, 2002 - 14:04 (Agree/Disagree?) Sorry all I have made a big mistake I got Peters wifes name wrong so so sorry her name wasn't mercy it was Marrianne it's so confusing w/out having a last name Peter nad Mercy are actually a very nice couple and still talk w/ my family. So sorry about any confusion. Peter had no kids Marrianne had three older boys all very nice. Its onlt Peter I have a problem with. (reply to this comment)
| from porceleindoll Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 21:40 (Agree/Disagree?) Sara, that's just awful, terrible. I knew Peter only from meeting him at the HCS when he would come for various meetings, he always seemed very nice. It's kind of creepy, you just never know do you? It's so good to see that you and your family have survived and done so well for yourselves! Take care. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Cosmicblip Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 19:40 (Agree/Disagree?) just to clarify things, being "GAY" & being a pedophile/pervert/abusive weirdo are not the same thing. not that you said they were... (reply to this comment)
| | | From Stella Sunday, November 24, 2002, 21:53
    (Agree/Disagree?) I know sarafina. In the family they openly welcome adultery/pedeophilla and just about every other disgusting thing in the book. But when it comes to homosexuality which is not abnormal and extremely common they codemn you for being a "sodomite" (I would never say that word under any other circumstances) just because Berg just so happened not to be into that. Then they turn around and tell men to masturbate to a male icon form judeo-christian mythology. Fucked in the head and in the butt. Twisted Freaks. (reply to this comment) |
| | from Auty Wednesday, October 23, 2002 - 16:30
    (Agree/Disagree?) Typical family behavior . . .they "finally" ex-com someone after YEARs of abuse & unleash them onto society . . .the least they could of done was protect OUR children out here & reported them to the proper authorities & AT LEAST he would have to register as a sex offender. How many of these perverts are now preying on other inoccent children? My God! It just pisses me off to hear these stories over and over and over again with the end result being excommed! Geezus Christ! If they really cared for all the lost sheep they would have done something. At least ADMIT that they have a problem (as does society & every religion in this aspect) but that they have reported the offender to the proper authorities. Wouldn't this have been better (and kept us safer as children!) if these men (and women) knew that the punishment for their abuses was jail time AND to be excommed? Perhaps TF would have avoided this whole legal situation we are currently working towards if they would have taken care of these cases years ago, WHEN THEY HAPPENED! Some much for "suffer little children to come unto me . . ." and all the other clouds of BS they hide behind to try to make themselves look better to society. They didn't care about us then, they don't care about us now & in fact, they don't care about OUR CHILDREN (their grandchildren!!) How selfish are they? They think only of the good of themselves and their "own" AKA the ADULTS. We can be their slaves & work long hours on the cold streets of Japan trying to feed ourselves. And dont' get me started on schooling & the likes! Oh MY GOD! I am just so upset! Okay, I think I need to smoke a joint & try to get myself off the soap box. Hugs to you sweet girl, I wish that all these people that have caused such pain to each of us find in this life or the next their karma. (reply to this comment)
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