Getting Out : Creeps
MovingOn Stalker.... | from Haunted - Tuesday, December 04, 2007 accessed 1289 times OK - so a few years back, I received a couple of very strange emails from someone who saw my profile here on MovingOn... I thought I'd share them with you and hopefully you'll get the same comedic value out of them as I did.... ENJOY! (Please note: I have NEVER met this person and do NOT know them!) --------------------------------------------------------- How are you?! Long time no speak. Is everything going well? I just wanted to write a little note to say hi and let you know I love you and am thinking about you! I hope all is going well with you and your little one, etc. I also wanted to comment on a picture of yours on your Movingon profile, the "Satan's girl" one. I don't think this would come as a surprise to you, but Satan and me, we aren't friends. In fact he rates pretty higly on my list of "Creeps that I don't share girls with", just slightly higher than (N) and his ilk. It may just have been a joke and harmless fun, but I thot it would be good to mention it here to you that I don't approve of making friendly connotations to him. He may come in handy sometimes as a "useful adversary" and a "necessary foe", in order to keep us close to the Lord and fulfil his role here on earth, but I certainly wouldn't want to be mates with him. See, the thing is I like you, and as you may have guessed by now I'd like you to be my girl (at least ONE of my girls, since you're divorcing and all) but much like the Lord I can be a jealous man, and Satan is one fellow I certainly WON'T share you with! So basically it would come down to "Do you want to be MY girl or do you want to be Satan's girl". I really hope you'll choose me as I'd be very sorry to lose you to that loser, but understand you CAN'T have both! I eagerly await your response sweetheart, and am hoping and praying you'll make the right decision! Big hugs and kisses to you and your little girl! _____________________________________________________ How are you?! I trust and pray that you are well! I hope you were not offended by the last email I sent you (I apologise if you were) and that the points I brought out were not presented too callously or unkindly (or presumptiously). I meant what I said that I like you and I think you're a wonderful girl, and I would like us to be good friends or lovers, if that's what you wanted as well. You're a beautiful and lovely girl, and I very much enjoyed our communications with each other when we were corresponding frequently, even though it was only for a short time. I also trust that you respect what I said to you in regards to the picture in your profile and the whole idea behind it. Like I said, I'm assuming in your favor that it was just a harmless joke and that you didn't really mean it, and your persausions aren't that way inclined, and I can understand and forgive, if not entirely commend, certain acts or manifestations of rebellion when seeeking resolve or closure for past hurts, and God is even more forgiving and loving than I am, He waits with open arms for us to return to Him. I hope this is the case with you, because God does love you, and I love you too, and I hope our love can grow stronger and that we'll grow closer to each other...I think you're a wonderfully special person.I would really love to hear from you some thoughts you may have in this regard, and whether your feelings run in the same way as mine. If you needed time to think further about it before writing, but felt like you are leaning in this direction, perhaps you could indicate it to me with a token gesture that would confirm my good faith in you, and reassure me that it has not been misplaced, by removing the said picture ("Satan's girl") from your profile. It would be a little thing, but would mean a lot to me and help me to feel confident of your love and feelings for me (which I suspect may exist...please forgive me if I presumptiously assume them) that you would be willing to do that for me to show your love! I look forward to this token of your love from my fair lady (think Don-Quixote!). Please do not disappoint this love-struck (if slightly wounded) heart! Sincerely yours with Love, |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Ork Saturday, December 08, 2007 - 08:41 (Agree/Disagree?) Am I the only one who thinks this letter is obviously written by a troll who likes winding people up? (reply to this comment)
| | | from Baxter Friday, December 07, 2007 - 17:32 (Agree/Disagree?) What a creep! (reply to this comment)
| from neez Tuesday, December 04, 2007 - 23:20 (Agree/Disagree?) Well you've pissed a cultie off, so you must be doing something right. Why don't I get any cult hate mail damnit!? If he's in the US, I'm sure you could have him at least questioned about that boderline threat. Mentioning your kids etc...Fuck that. (reply to this comment)
| | | from figaro Tuesday, December 04, 2007 - 23:01 (Agree/Disagree?) Also, someone needs to clue this idiot in on the fact that asking a girl to be "ONE of my girls" isn't gonna get you ANYONE!! I mean, capitalizing the "ONE" to make sure she understands that she won't be your only girl, WOW, has that ever actually worked for ... well anyone? (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | from figaro Tuesday, December 04, 2007 - 19:43 (Agree/Disagree?) How long ago was this? I ask 'cause I'm wondering if another one is on the way, were he gets all mad at you and calls you demon possessed and shit. lol that be great. Have you responded to him at all? BTW, I looked at that Satan's girl pic. You're pretty (nice boobs) =D (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from Tinaph80 Tuesday, December 04, 2007 - 19:43 (Agree/Disagree?) You don't think it's a practical joke do you? If it is for real then it's really creepy. It makes me want to take all my pictures off this site. People like that really make me think twice about putting any sort of personal information on a public site like this one. (reply to this comment)
| From MovingOn Admin Thursday, December 06, 2007, 03:54 (Agree/Disagree?) Please do not ever put any personal information on any public website, especially this one. Creepy people are out there and are for real. This site, as antiquated as it is, is also set up to protect people from this sort of thing. If you ever get anyone emailing you through this website and saying anything that makes you uncomfortable, do not respond to them. Please do notify the admins immediately and if possible, send the email on to them. At the least, please let them know the email address of the person who is harrassing you. They can be blocked from contacting you again if you have not responded to them and not given them your email address. (reply to this comment) |
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| from afflick Tuesday, December 04, 2007 - 17:08
    (Agree/Disagree?) Ew. So, that's how it happens: some Freakshow who is all into "The Devil" ("Hey, Freakshow?" "What?" "The Devil." "What?" "The Devil is everywhere") sees a picture of you online and decides to download his creep. Unsettling. (reply to this comment)
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