Getting Out : Creeps
three years later | from freakage - Saturday, September 10, 2005 accessed 1755 times Perv. I had a former COG living with me three or so years ago. I found him checking child porn on my computer, kicked him out and contacted the authorites. Now, my daughter is 14 and posts on a blog that I check periodically due to her depression. Tonight she said that this 'man' molested her TWICE. She's never told me about it. I am freaking out. I called her best friend who will talk to her tomorrow and try to encourage her to talk to me about it. If she doesn't come to me, I will talk to her. Was this a common occurrence? I've heard so many rumours about COG and didn't know if they were true. All I know is, if she tells me this is true, I am hunting the bastard down and seeking revenge. It's no WONDER she's gone through so much depression. Anyway, this is a man who had five children in the cult and I wonder what on earth they experienced. Can you please shed light on what sort of stuff went on in that "religion"????? |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from porceleindoll Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 17:07
    (Agree/Disagree?) First off, I'm so sorry your daughter was the receptor for this man's perverted advances. This is just not right, and I hope that she heals from it. She is lucky to have you by her side and supporting her, so many didn't. Secondly, I would be interested to know how this man came to leave the cult. Was he excommunicated or did he leave on his own accord, was he ever guilty of such behavior while in the cult, is there a way we can find out? The reason is, the cult's only punishment for sex-offender is to excommunicate them from their fellowship, and even then, the person in question is allowed to rejoin after a period of time. They do not report the crime to local authorities, but rather unleash the criminal into society. Here we have a situation that may prove their methods of dealing are highly inadequate and that they are also responsible for the crime committed against your daughter by not taking the proper and legal steps they should to ensure a person like the man in question didn't continue such crimes on children outside of the group. It is another sign of the group's arrogance and self-absorption in thinking that simple excommunication from the group is a punishment in itself, and that children outside of the group do not need the same protection from abusers as their own children. It doesn't fall in-line with their professed 'love for the lost' in that they don't take every step they can to protect the 'heathen' children from criminals that are in their own group. If you wouldn't mind posting the man's legal name on this site, perhaps we can find a way to track down his past in the group and the reasons why he left and any personal history he may have had while in TFI. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | from Sunday, September 11, 2005 - 12:17
    (Agree/Disagree?) Well, your daughter has a leg up in her recovery by having a mother with your protective attitude and without the twisted perspective of some of our parents. When I went to the authorities after having escaped in an attempt to help/find my siblings and peers, my mother called me a liar and promiscuous in the media and accused me of "genocide" to my face. This instead of claiming to be happy that I was still alive after having run away without leaving word. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | From possible solution? Tuesday, September 13, 2005, 22:43
    (Agree/Disagree?) If you have a photo of him that you could post on this site, or that we could email around to anyone who grew up in South America, perhaps we might have a better chance of recognizing him. First generation members on exfamily.org might also be able to help. I think it is very important that we prosocute these pedophiles. It is never a "one time experiment" and they will most likely abuse more children in the future. They need to be locked up and undergo serious therapy. They cannot continue to get away with molesting children. There are many of us on this site that may be able to talk to your daughter, as most of us have been abused ourselves an have been dealing with the after effects for many years now. It is something you can find the strength to live with and realize that it was an isolated experience (not all men are abusers) etc. In any case, I wish you and your daughter well. (reply to this comment) |
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