Getting Out : Creeps
John peter in vancouverAKA Hans Kruz? | from systemite - Wednesday, May 04, 2005 accessed 1468 times A typical sadistic perv who was physically and sexually abusive to his wife and kids (not just his own) I've tried not to remain bitter after all these years, but this is one piece of shit I hope to cross paths with soon.How can a so called follower of Christ get off by beating innocent women and children? What goes around comes around, hopefully sooner than later. The family says cases like this were isolated but in my experience they were anything but. I know there were and still are some good people in the family, but the harm inflicted by that group out weighs any good by far. Thanks for letting me vent guys. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from SeanSwede Thursday, May 05, 2005 - 09:42 (Agree/Disagree?) Yes, believe me I know what you are feeling. I don`t hate Terrance Mcnally at all. I just want him to know how I am feeling and if I`m lucky I will have the privalige to really let him know what its like to be abused. The Family always talked about grudges and how its bad for you and it will just eat you up inside. Well, the grudges that I have are not doing anything bad for me. I feel good about having them. It helps me to stay sharp and on the look out and reminds me about what crimes have been done towards me. Otherwise I am feeling great. I mean I do still have nightmares once in a while (about once a week) about my time in The Family. I usually wake my self up swearing at those particular people who did me harm. But like I said in my previous article about TF concentration camps, its shell shock and I`m still suffering from it. I think that its called "Post traumatic syndrome" or something. (reply to this comment)
| From systemite Thursday, May 05, 2005, 16:40 (Agree/Disagree?) I'm sorry to hear about your nightmares.Maybe I'm wrong, but I find it hard to forgive and forget when those responsible dont acknowledge doing anything wrong.It says in the bible "by their fruits thou shall know them" so how do they explain Davidito?At least TF is mostly in the past for us, and we have the rest of our lives to make our own. Stay strong,brother.(reply to this comment) |
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