Getting Out : Creeps
PROOF: Incest and child sex directly condoned by Maria and Berg | from someSGA - Thursday, February 03, 2005 accessed 6149 times Some excerpts from "Family" publications about child sex and incest. Explanations: Techi = Berg's step daughter Maria = Current leader of The "Family" and Techi's mother. From Heaven's children 65. AT FIRST I AM A LITTLE CONCERNED ABOUT WHO MARIA MIGHT BE SLEEPING WITH, & that I might be somewhat affected by someone else’s presence in the bed, even as we make love in her dreams. But lo & behold, I am to discover that it is Techi (Editor: Berg's step daughter) who is sleeping with Maria! Instead of competition, here are both of my two lovely lovers in bed together! 67. THEN I TURN TO TECHI, & SHE TOO IS DREAMING OF ME—her dear old Grandpa-lover! She had always said that when she grew up she only wanted to marry me & have my children! Of course, as there are no longer any such thing as Man’s legalistic laws against incest in the loving Kingdom of God, everyone loves everyone & is completely free in His all-encompassing Love! So I make wonderful, sweet, precious love to my now beautiful teenaged Techi! She seems thrilled & delighted with having this wonderful love-dream with Grandpa, excited & satisfied that she has some time, even in her dreams, with her long-beloved Grandpa! (Psa.84:11) From GN BK.11 QUESTION: (MARIA: IS THERE ANYTHING AGAINST INCEST IN THE BIBLE?) QUESTION: MY SON & I HAVE A VERY CLOSE & LOVING RELATIONSHIP. Is there a risk of producing abnormal offspring if son & mother make love? Was there a specific reason that it was forbidden under the Mosaic Law? ANSWER: SURE, THE OLD MOSAIC LAW, WHICH IS NO LONGER IN EFFECT! (Maria: I thought there wasn’t anything in the Bible against it?) It’s not really clear in the Bible, but there are plenty of man’s laws against it, even the marriage of first cousins! Incest has been known to bring out either the strengths or weaknesses of a family, & it often produces either geniuses or idiots, just like any other inbreeding. With farm animals, for example, you can inbreed in such a way as to improve the line or the strain, or you can do it in the wrong way & make it worse. But with God in control, there’s no problem but man’s anti-God laws! Cain & Seth obviously married their sisters, & Lot married his own two daughters without any problems!—But watch out for man! From The Devil Hates Sex!—But God Loves It! DFO 999 20 May, 1980 20. (MARIA: WELL WHAT ABOUT INCEST?—THAT’S A BIG BIG QUESTION IN THE FAMILY RIGHT NOW.) Honey, this subject of incest is so dangerous I hardly dare talk about it in the privacy of our own bedroom! I mean the System practically goes beserk when you talk about incest! (Maria: Well, we’ll just have to tell the kids that it’s not prohibited by God, but you’d better watch out because it’s dangerous!) Of course it is! 21. IT IS THE MOST DANGEROUS FORM OF SEX & THE MOST PROHIBITED BY THE SYSTEM!— As far as the System goes & as far as the law goes it is absolutely taboo! Illegal! Dangerous! The System & the Systemites are so absolutely crazy on the subjects they would practically lynch you & string you up & not even wait for a trial or have you arrested or anything, that’s just the way they are!— Insane! 22. IT’S BEEN SO INGRAINED & INDOCTRINATED IN THEM NOW FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS beginning with the Jews & right on with the Catholic Church. The whole idea that sex is so wicked & sinful, so vile & horrible, so awful & the worst of all sins, & so the worst of all sexual sins is with children. “How could you besmirch & defile & violate your own child?—An under-age minor!” 23. I DON’T KNOW WHAT THE HELL AGE HAS GOT TO DO WITH IT when God made’m able to enjoy it practically from the time they’re born! But though God didn’t count them as under age to have sexual feelings & sexual responses & sexual nerves & sexual orgasms from the time they’re born, the System prohibits them from having them until they’re 18 to 21 years of age! 24. IT JUST SHOWS YOU HOW THE SYSTEM IS THE TOOL OF THE DEVIL & IS THE BIGGEST ENEMY OF SEX THERE IS! They only allow sex as long as they can control it & use it & capitalise on it & make money on it & control people with it!—Just like the Catholic Church & the government does! Whew! It makes me so mad! 25. AND MY GOD, YOU DON’T DARE TALK ABOUT INCEST, it’s almost a word you don’t dare even hardly pronounce in private, much less engage in it! You can’t even teach your own children about sex! You can be accused of incest or corrupting a minor or promoting juvenile delinquency or contributing to the delinquency of a minor. I mean there are oodles of all kinds of crazy laws about sex. [Added later] 51. QUESTION: MY LITTLE BOY (5 YEARS OLD) IS VERY SEXY! He cannot even hug his mother without getting a hard on. So I thought it was bad because it makes him too familiar with his mother if she takes care of him. I believe somebody else would take care of him, but until now, no one in the Home has the burden to do this. What do you, Dad, think of this kind of mother & child relationship?—Sammy, Europe ANSWER: What’s wrong with it? It’s perfectly natural!—What better person to learn about sex from than his own dear mother?–God’s only Law is Love! (See Nos.605:4, 779, 782, 815 & SD "My Little Fish")—Are you a jealous father? _________________________________________ Typicaly, the Family later lied through their teeth about this. In their press release on April 1, 1987 they stated: 'The accusation that we advocate INCEST is an absolute LIE, cooked up by our enemies to try to besmirch and discredit our work for the Lord! We have NEVER taught or practised incest and there is not one shred of evidence or piece of our literature to substantiate this fiendishly false charge!' |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Cosmicblip Tuesday, February 08, 2005 - 09:01 (Agree/Disagree?) If I remember correctly, there was also a question from a women who mentioned that when she was at her parents house (or somewhere with her parents. I assumed she was an FG adult) her dad would often be in the bathroom (perhaps it was attached to her bedroom) & seemed to be aroused by her. She asked for advice &… Yes, you with your hand up. Correct. Same advice as given above. (reply to this comment)
| from alkamist Monday, February 07, 2005 - 22:42 (Agree/Disagree?) I remember being read material that blatantly condoned sex between children & adults - far worse than the blurbs I read in this article. The message was that sex between adults & children was not necessarily harmful to children & if practiced carefully could be enjoyable for both. Do any "backsliders" have surviving copies of this? It could prove useful with everything that's going on right now. I remember helping my parents rip out & destroy all of the incriminating material they had in their possession after we had moved back to the US (we were probably @ TRF Supporter status by then). They received a memo that had a list of all the material they had to destroy - which volumes, page numbers, everything. Someone has to have surviving copies of some of this stuff. (reply to this comment)
| From exer Tuesday, February 08, 2005, 18:36 (Agree/Disagree?) 'The message was that sex between adults & children was not necessarily harmful to children & if practiced carefully could be enjoyable for both.' You seem to be talking about this quote from ‘Good Thots’ book volume 2, in the section Sex, pages 1499 - 50 where The Family cites system sources to try to support their thinking: 27. An idea that is becoming more popular amongst doctors, etc. is that young children should be allowed & perhaps encouraged to conduct a full sex life without interference form parents & the law. According to the argument, children are sexual beings who need to develop skills early in life. Mary Calderone, head of the influential Sex Information & Education Council of the U.S. says that, "The child has a fundamental right to know about sexuality & to be sexual." Sexologists consider Freud’s "latency" – a time of low sexual interest from about age 4 to puberty – to be myth imposed by prudish society. They point out that the body’s sexual system begins early – infant boys get erections & the vaginas in infant girls lubricate. Anthropologist Richard Currier wrote, "Western society has undergone a revolution in sexual values & has tried to apply it exclusively to adults, & this rather arbitrary restriction is simply not working." Many researchers maintain that adult-child sex is basically harmless to the child. Psychologist Douglas Powell of the Harvard Health Service says, "I’ve not seen anyone harmed by adult-child sex so long as it occurs in a relationship with somebody who really cares about the child." Just so the Family realized that SOME sex was off limits, following the above is this: 28. (Scriptures against sodomy: Genesis 9:20-25; (19:1-5; 18:20, 19:24,25). Leviticus 18:22-25; 23:17. (Judges 19:15-28; 20:1-11) 1 Kings 14:24; 15:11,12; 22:45,46. 2 Kings 23:3,7. Romans 1:22-28,32. 1 Corinthians 6:9.) (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from SpiritBorn Sunday, February 06, 2005 - 21:06 (Agree/Disagree?) I read most of this garbage between 1994 t0 1996 in my last days of TSing families were still carrying this literature around with them. I kept a copy of the Devil Hates Sex until about 2002 when I finally burned it. That is because Berg advocated sodomy (or same sex male sex} if you had the faith for it in that letter. Although the DO's were suppose to burn this stuff. (reply to this comment)
| from Sunday, February 06, 2005 - 20:30
(Agree/Disagree?) disgusting!! (reply to this comment)
| from Fish Friday, February 04, 2005 - 06:32 (Agree/Disagree?) The sickest thing is that I can actually remember about half of this shit! It follows that this nonsence was obviously not purged in 1986. (reply to this comment)
| | | from Baxter Friday, February 04, 2005 - 02:34 (Agree/Disagree?) Is this material taken directly from source, i.e. have you got the actual volumes? All very useful stuff. (reply to this comment)
| from Christian Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 23:42 (Agree/Disagree?) two words: fucking disgusting that god i never had to read that in the cult (reply to this comment)
| from loch Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 13:32 (Agree/Disagree?) Now thats just nasty! (reply to this comment)
| from Mir Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 12:35 (Agree/Disagree?) UGH!!! I remember reading that sort of thing whilst in the cult as a child and being utterly disgusted... What a sick, sick f****r!!! What sick, sick people!!!! (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from exer Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 12:22 (Agree/Disagree?) Seeing as how you're posting specifically on incest don't forget this quote from from "Answers To Your Questions!—No. 5 (DFO 1458 4/83), found on page 27 of "Good News Book IV." 51. QUESTION: MY LITTLE BOY (5 YEARS OLD) IS VERY SEXY! He cannot even hug his mother without getting a hard on. So I thought it was bad because it makes him too familiar with his mother if she takes care of him. I believe somebody else would take care of him, but until now, no one in the Home has the burden to do this. What do you, Dad, think of this kind of mother & child relationship?—Sammy, Europe ANSWER: What’s wrong with it? It’s perfectly natural!—What better person to learn about sex from than his own dear mother?–God’s only Law is Love! (See Nos.605:4, 779, 782, 815 & SD "My Little Fish")—Are you a jealous father? (reply to this comment)
| From -- Thursday, February 03, 2005, 14:21 (Agree/Disagree?) Typicaly, the Family later lied through their teeth about this. In their press release on April 1, 1987 they stated: 'The accusation that we advocate INCEST is an absolute LIE, cooked up by our enemies to try to besmirch and discredit our work for the Lord! We have NEVER taught or practised incest and there is not one shred of evidence or piece of our literature to substantiate this fiendishly false charge!' (reply to this comment) |
| | from banal_commentator Thursday, February 03, 2005 - 11:24 (Agree/Disagree?) I think I'm gonna be sick..... (reply to this comment)