Getting Out : Creeps
Denounce the creeps | from Jovi - Sunday, March 02, 2003 accessed 3150 times I was just wondering, after reading a few... ...of the articules on "creeps" if there was any chance for those who have been abused to give the names of those perverts and places were they used to live, actual and former names any info that could be useful. We could even send this info to the press and also to the different homes where we could have little brothers or sisters. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Alice Thursday, October 06, 2005 - 16:17 (Agree/Disagree?) My dates may be sketchy. So, I'll refer to things like "YA" (Young Adult) & "YC" (Young Child) for the sake of being as precise as possible while staying spot-on to history. Given the measurement system in place for me during that time, this is what you're getting. I'll check for dates for better accuracy, but here is what I do remember: JOHN C. / JONATHAN C. (man, I hope I have this name right). He lived in the Detroit home (near Detroit, surrounded by I think 40 acres of orchard) in the early 90's. Around that time, he was known as a "YA" & had/has dark hair & glasses. He also accompanied some other "YA's" & at least 1 "FGA" on a trip to St. Louis to help after the state's 1993 flood. While in the 'Detroit' house, more than once he had the responsibility of putting the younger girls (whatever the "YC" age group was then) down for naps (inc. reading to us). On one occasion he took this opportunity to push aside my undies & fondle me. Later, (not too long after) I caught him doing the same to another girl even younger than I was. If anyone knows his current whereabouts or, more importantly, lives with the guy, this here's my warning: don't leave little girls in his (pretty invasive) care. .. Not that I didn't turn out fine (my guess, ha!). (reply to this comment)
| from smashingrrl Friday, October 15, 2004 - 17:27 (Agree/Disagree?) Stefan Shaaf (sp), he's a German who was at several homes in Switzerland in the late 80s. Also Michael, wife was named Mary, same homes. More importantly, I want to publicly thank David and Freya, a couple I knew in Japan. I was just one kid out of a hundred but they stuck up for me time and again. Thank you. I owe you more than you know. (reply to this comment)
| from Jovi Monday, February 16, 2004 - 16:03 (Agree/Disagree?) Does anybody know about the abusers from Peru??? (reply to this comment)
| from trader Saturday, February 14, 2004 - 16:56
    (Agree/Disagree?) The creep i wish to expose is jason/joseph. Russia< moscow petersburg chelyabinsk 97/98/99 england london etc 97/98/99 he travelled from home to home forcing himself on any of the young underage girls.For a man of only 19 to 20 years he was really twisted.The little ones were sometimes as young as 10years old that he tried to coerce into doing him sexual favours.I was there i am still disgusted to this day as he came across as a really nice guy i considered him a friend how wrong i was. I have just found he now lives in australia with mother (peace aka linda) i will help if any one wants to bring him to justice i know what he has done. (reply to this comment)
| From solver123 Wednesday, February 18, 2004, 20:42
    (Agree/Disagree?) His real name is Joseph Vincent and he didnt just force himself on young girls, he is a pedophile. Don't give him the benefit of the doubt, he is a predator of little girls and boys. He is now 25 yrs old and lives on the Gold Coast in Australia with a swedish girl who lets him still get away with it. Apparently his wife left him when she found out....his mother is Linda Moore, Father (not blood father) Henry Vincent. His younger half brother (Peter)is just as bad and has a list of victims as well including his very own little sister (half sister). Joseph works at Samsara Furniture and Homewares in Mudgeeraba. Beware. will put more info on site as I find out. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from cheeks Thursday, February 12, 2004 - 21:56
    (Agree/Disagree?) I recently went to a anti-COG website and was outraged that some one had put details about my childhood w/o having even met me. Although I was not mentioned by name it was not hard to figure out it was me as I was the only other person in that home it could have been. As we are cornering these individuals for their crimes let us make sure we don't accidentally hurt people we don't intend to. (reply to this comment)
| from I know names! Thursday, February 12, 2004 - 14:09
    (Agree/Disagree?) Back in Peru they made a prevented allegation to the goverment so we wouldn't get the police in our homes in the middle of the night but rather we asked them to come voluntarly, the funny thing is that none of the girls who were checked by the doctors showed any signals of abused but years after some of those girls told me how they had been abused for some of the same adults present in these investigation,I don't know how some of those creeps had the nerv to openly lie about things they did, or even sit with us for hours convensing us that abuse had never taken place in our home, big b-shit, I know some facts for who ever is interested, names and all, of things they did to some of my friends. (reply to this comment)
| From cholo 2 Monday, February 16, 2004, 16:00
(Agree/Disagree?) I know who you might be talking about, at least I know of two people who at the time would even give us lectures on how to answer the media, but let's not blame everyone about it.I have heard stories and to be honest from all the girls back them I only bielive 2, the rest it's b-shit, some of those same girls end up marring older guys anyways and some of them don't even think they were ever abused cause it ''didn't hurt them'' so there!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | from abuser hater Thursday, February 12, 2004 - 10:14 (Agree/Disagree?) Abner of Flor, he's an argentinian who molested some of my friends in Argentina when we were kids. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from Eartha Sunday, October 19, 2003 - 06:51 (Agree/Disagree?) I was exorsized each time I tried to report a crime, the shepherds said I had a flirty demon which made my teachers do things. I used to get spanked for casting flirty spells on the trees which is why I ended up lookin' at the ground most of the time. Anyway, I had a reputaion of being sexually possesed by bad spirits since I was two ad mom "caught" me with three 11 year old boys messig around with me. IN the case on one child abuser, I was nine a was put in solitary confinement for two months, they said it was I, I had sexual demons that caused me to rape my teacher. My mom and Dad participated in the Exorcisms. Now, Trying to repair the relationships and gian the trust of my parents enought to let me send gifts or pay an occasional visit to my younger siblings would be lost if they found I had "report", "backslide" or was " against the family". I wish I could send a whole pattallion of police men to hunt a few psychos down, infact I sent some investigators once. But the shepherds , in reaction to this "persecution" made everybody stay " undercover" , fasting and praying, eating the last srcaps of survival endtime food and worrying. The result was that my brothers and sisters went hunger, were worked out of the brains and worried that the antichrist was going to get them or that Jesus was upset with them. IT's not worth my retaliation. But everyones personal situation is diffferent, some can tell, some can't or won't risk a loved one for it. (reply to this comment)
| from creep hater Monday, March 03, 2003 - 20:12
    (Agree/Disagree?) Good idea!! I have at least two creeps to denounce, but is it safe or legal to give their names?? they are bible names anyways, what do you think jules? can we do this?? (reply to this comment)
| | | From Debzi Saturday, May 17, 2003, 12:56
    (Agree/Disagree?) I would like to denounce Steven of Rejoice who severely rebuked me for any tiny deed, put me on the demerit chart with the kidz (I was 18) and forced me to be in the childrens pow wows, He did'nt let me go out of the home for 3 months. I lived in that home for 6 fucking months and had to cook lunch every freaking day for 40 people, of course I had to share with Steven as the icing on the cake! He was 41 I was 18. Rejoice was also a bitch who haunted me and constantly picked on me for every stupid detail in the goddamn kitchen.This was in India (Madras) Anyone remember me? My email is debbyaupa@yahoo.com GBYAMYAB!!(Pewk)(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From krystine Tuesday, September 09, 2003, 22:28
    (Agree/Disagree?) Anyone remeber Paul and Katherine from Japan and San Diego? They accused all of us teens of witchcraft and voodoo. I was thirteen years old and had no idea what voodoo was but they put us on a fast for days and I had to be isolated for a month. None of kids could talk for a least two months, not even to my mom. We were told we were destined to be prostitutes and drug deviants because we made a pact with the devil. They wore you down so much that I actually started to think maybe I really was sticking pins in dolls and not knowing it. They should be paying for my serious shrink bills since they contributed to my messed up mentality.(reply to this comment) |
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