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Saturday, January 31, 2009    

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Personal Accounts

The following are first hand personal accounts from survivors of abuse as children in The Family

192 accounts.
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1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 | 181-190 | 191-192

Original Location

cyborcosmic - Monday, June 30, 2003

How many children were abused and then blocked it out of their memory? I never wanted to remember any of it, but its not really selective is it!

I lived with pedophiles during my entire time in the Family, my mom had to leave her husband, (he wasn't in the lord) and the Family teamed her up with a pedophile American Vietnam Veteran with Post Traumatic Stress Dissorder. When I wasn't in his company being beaten in the face at 2 or being hit (barebottom spanking) and verbaly abused then I was out with my mom and her numerous lovers. I had to live with them; meaning that I was witness to all the sexuall sharing. My first memory is being watched by my stepdad while dancing with my 2 sisters and one other girl of 8, all of us half naked only wearing see-through clothes.(I was 3 or 4) Then later I was also 'beaten' and taken out of bed to the shower for 'peeing in my bed' I vomitted in my bed all the time and I'm still haunted by that home where I stayed when I was 5. There was sharing night, and although the kids were kept separate (they closed the doors) Just being around them poisoned me. They made us do skits throughout the day, told us about nude bible characters like Bathsheeba (who committed adultry!!) and I was encouraged to be sexual and inticing (That was all that women were made for, to satisfy "Kings") All this made it very easy for me to react to mens arosal clues (especially when they would masterbate openly) And from the begining I confused perversion with human sexuall needs.

Incest, special fondling of children, spending time with them, spankings...etc. That too was sexual abuse. They told us stories to mess with our memory. Like 'sweet dreams, think of your mommy and daddy' so that we would 'dream' about them. Also, I know I was abused not because I remember (I blocked out all thouse times I was taken to the shower for 'peeing in my bed' I remember waking up in the shower!) but because I would dissasociate myself from sex while doing it and usually avoid physical contact. Don't forget that at the time we were ordered to supress all our feeling which added to our confusion of right and wrong. Also children are unable to diferenciate between fantasy and reality. How many times were we prayed on and cleansed through Christ? That would just further supress what happened.

Original Location

Debzi - Saturday, May 17, 2003

I also lived with Seek and Secundus. God what fucking creeps! I lived with them in Chapala, Secundus asked me to share with him (I was only 15) and I said no and cryed my eyes out, and because I refused they sent me to the babes ranch where Seeks brother humiliated me publicly,screamed at me and abused me, he gave me as a sex slave to his favorite new disciple Aron (a filthy pimpley mexican creep) I was tortured for  3 months in that place, until my Dad came from Costa Rica and took me home, I think that was the best day in my life!

Original Location

Debzi - Saturday, May 17, 2003

I would like to denounce  Steven of Rejoice who severely rebuked me for any tiny deed, put me on the demerit chart with the kidz (I was 18) and forced me to be in the childrens pow wows, He did'nt let me go out of the home for 3 months. I lived in that home for 6 fucking months and had to cook lunch every freaking day for 40 people, of course I had to share with Steven as the icing on the cake! He was 41 I was 18. Rejoice was also a bitch who haunted me and constantly picked on me for every stupid detail in the goddamn kitchen.This was in India (Madras) Anyone remember me? My email is GBYAMYAB!!(Pewk)

Original Location

. - Friday, May 09, 2003

Quite right. I was a witness in the trial, during which I, and the media were told the offending fuckwit was ex-comunicated. Was he fuck. He remains till this day nestled in the family. No one wanting to marry him from the secound gen? well he's now married to a new member [2 years younger than me] and have a daughter together. Will he not want to abuse this child?    we all know the answer.

There is bound to be people who can genuinely support the group now, as they may not have been in for long and have not read the "meaty" versions of our past.

Original Location

Nan - Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Bin, you're peddling a bunch of crap! I can personally cite you my resume that would put you and a whole cult of people like you to shame. I have success, money, education and professional accomplishment to spare. But, it didn't come easy. It was ten times harder because of that damn cult and its leadership. So, don't come here with your damn high and mighty crap and start telling anyone you're amazed at "how little some people seem to be happy accomplishing in their lives." It's because many of us, if not all, revolted against that damn cult and everything it taught that we are where we are today. Don't make those of us who are more successful than you think start pulling out our resumes. Further, I know it's not nice, but you've pissed me off, you should, at least, learn to f'ing spell before you start accusing anyone of being lazy or accomplishing nothing.

Also, that damn Juan is directly responsible for stopping the dental and health care of the children in the Mexico area in 1989/1990. He came and said that dental work was "a waste of the Lord's time and money." It was ordered that those of us whose parents had paid for our dental work have our braces or bridgework removed and cease treatment. It cost my parents thousands that they invested in their children's teeth. I later paid more than $20,000 for maxio-facial surgery, dental work and orthodontic treatment to have the damage to my teeth corrected. That is just dental work. I won’t even begin to mention all the children who never received necessary medical treatment. I know one woman who now cannot have children because the combo in which she lived refused to take her to hospital in time. Just so happened the combo was in South America, which last time I checked was under Juan’s control. Juan was also a sadistic, dirty old man. He came to the Guadalajara teen Combo around 89-90 and told us that if anyone broke any rules or got out of line, the teen girls were going to have to pull down their underwear and be spanked. We were 13-17 years old. Your term “sickening” seems much more appropriate for him, than for the grieved victims, and who are you to regulate the appropriate topics on which one may voice their opinions? What he ordered was clear sexual abuse, and he said he was told this directly from “the folks.” Oh, but he was nice to you. Well, that changes everything. Since Bin thinks Juan’s nice, then he must be. And nice is the criteria by which we all make judgement. Of course! Thanks for clearing that up for us. Praise God!!! I feel so positive all of a sudden.

Original Location

venus_fly_trap - Tuesday, March 25, 2003

JOHN PI MOLESTED ME!!! I cannot believe that he is now a top leader. Change your name, change your life, I guess. OMG! He didn't actually get to rape me because his daughter got into the pool. She was diving in on one end. He was trying to move my swim costume and get me to sit on his thing under the water on the other end. Even with her in the pool he still kept trying to grab me. I just got out and left them there, alone. He is gross...

Original Location

Auty - Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Seems ironic that John PI would of written this response considering he was in the VP in Japan for his sexual tendency's towards teen girls.  My longtime girlfriend has many John PI stories of her terror with him at the Victor Program.  Anyone who was in Japan at the time knows the teen girl I speak of even if they do not know her personally. 


Original Location

Nan - Monday, March 17, 2003

What a bunch of garbage! They are always trying to rewrite history! Sex with children was going on in Mexico in 1991! Hello? I was personally molested by the "home shepherd" in 1991 in Monterrey. Among those who knew about it did nothing and told me not to tell my parents: Ado & Kanah, Marc, John, Rose and the rest of the CRO "teamwork."

What about the 1993 Summit Jewels? That condoned "child fondling." Liars! Liars, liars, pants on fire! I smell smoke!

Original Location

Talya - Saturday, February 01, 2003

It doesn't surprise me at all that she was unremorseful for her actions. and the way she answers sounds just like one of our "loving aunties" would have. My brother when he was about 3 years old was beaten by this "uncle" and he had this actual hand-shaped bruising for weeks. Does anyone else know how a shoe-horn dipped in water for added sting feels like? or a plastic fly-swatter. Or having a plastic brush snap in half on your ass?

Original Location

gfk_au - Wednesday, January 08, 2003

wtf??!!! why can't we send our "aunties & uncles" to jail for that shit. And i know for sure i got beaten for no apparent reason sometimes. It was alot more then that too, 100+ sometimes and they even drilled holes in the paddle so it would hurt more. All the while saying the most self-righteous thing that, "I am doing this because i love you." ???? any of you experience this type of "love"??

192 accounts.
Page 10 of 20

1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60 | 61-70 | 71-80 | 81-90 | 91-100 | 101-110 | 111-120 | 121-130 | 131-140 | 141-150 | 151-160 | 161-170 | 171-180 | 181-190 | 191-192
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