Web Site User Directory: Alice Brown
Where I live:
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What I do:
Library Assistant
I registered on:
December 15, 2007
More about me:
I have found out about this via 'not without my sister' and I have hoped to one day ask someone something. I was born in Victoria to my mother Anne and my father RUSSELL BROWN. I am certian that he has had something to do with this group at some stage. When I was born my father moved us all around constantly to strange communes, my mother hated this and kept taking my brother and I away to do proper schooling and live in a nice house so she could get a job not on a farm where everyone would wander naked togehter and love. I was young so I hanged out with kids and had fun ignoring most adults if I could but I did whatever was asked of me. When I was about 7 mum took my brother and left myself and my dad in a Caravan. Later we followed her back to Victoria where we started a life in a house I went to school she got a job. A few years later they broke up I went with mum my brother went with dad. When I went and visited my father my brother was going to a 'community school'
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