Web Site User Directory: Itbraksmyhart
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College student
I registered on:
November 4, 2003
More about me:
I am a college student and I am currently taken a religion class. Until yesterday I had never heard about the group. I am christian, and my heart breaks to read the accounts of people whose lives have been torn apart by this group that claims to represent Christ. It's not a representation of the "love" that God has, and many of the followers as well as the FOUNDER appear to be so defiled by sexual immorality that it is physically sickening. I feel so opened up to a new dark secret of America religion. The group is sickening and I am furious that they even let Jesus' name flow from their lips. I am truly simpathetic to all who have been subjected to this, and I am there for anyone who needs someone to listen to them.
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