More about me:
Joined COG in Copenhagen in 1972 at age sixteen. Stayed in Schillingsfors, Sweden under direction of Gideon. Fell in love with Amethyst, of Vienna. We hitched together down to Essen, Germany, where my parents came from the States to get me out. Back in the States, discovered other Christians didn't like me, and got into Eastern religions. Met my wife at 17, who is an ex-Mormon. We became Buddhists after traveling to India, and joined the Tibetan Buddhist religion a few years after our return. Became a lawyer eighteen years ago. Raised three kids as Tibetan Buddhist, living in the deep woods in Southern Oregon, then left when my wife, who took it all very seriously, burned out and literally started shooting her gun as a protest against the whole fucking nut-case zoo. Two of our kids miss Tibetan Buddhism, but none are fucked up. I never experienced sexual abuse from religious teachers, but while I was in COG, Flirty Fishing was starting, so I'm glad my parents got me out early.