Web Site User Directory: Laz
Where I live:
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What I do:
Broadcast Sales/Consltant
I registered on:
January 16, 2002
More about me:
I was born at TSC, so I guess that makes me on of the oldest SGA's. (ok, former SGA.) I used to be a music producer for the family and I went by the name Byron. I left the group in 1998. Susie (my 'mate' from the family) & I divorced shortly thereafter. Some would say that I have been successfully re-integrated into mainstream society. I am re-married to a non-ex-family person, which I think is a positive achievement in itself. I am a Sales professional and freelance producer in the Pro Audio & Music industries. I have the good fortune of being in the company of some very (finacially)successful people and have garnered many tips & insights into the road to financial independence. I wish to share this information with any one who may benefit from it.
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