Getting Out : The Trailer Park
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Vandari on Safari | from Jules - October 11, 2002 accessed 52175 times This Article is not in the Trailer Park. Go To Article |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Some other kind of vandari January 11, 2006 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | from Otter November 27, 2005 - This comment is in the main site
| from Maz May 25, 2005 - This comment is in the main site
| from Amy1974 January 23, 2005 - This comment is in the main site
| from Toothache January 9, 2005 - This comment is in the main site
| from Ralph Crayon November 19, 2004 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | from Meathead October 1, 2004 - This comment is in the main site
| from Shaka February 3, 2004 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | from no January 22, 2004 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from nat January 5, 2004 - This comment is in the main site
| | from tudaisy December 25, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| from frmrJoyish May 2, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | from himwotcleansdoloos March 3, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| from eli January 21, 2003 - This comment is in the main site
| from [Removed at author's request] December 25, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from [Removed at author's request] December 25, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from PompousJohn November 7, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from To Jules November 4, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from The "Rat"? November 4, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from Kristie October 31, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | from j. October 24, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Genty October 24, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from kike October 24, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From 32 Saturday, November 16, 2002, 01:29 (Agree/Disagree?) it does not do any thing for your believability, but it does a lot for your STUPIDITY, stupidity, stupidity, stupidity, etc, etc, etc, etc, per seculam, seculorum! amen. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | From JustShutUp Wednesday, November 06, 2002, 23:24 (Agree/Disagree?) Actually, I consider Ivan the Terrible and Attila the Hun to be better role models. As far as my supposed resemblance to Berg, he used God to control people, all I need to control you is the certain knowledge that I could pound your lame ass into the pavement any time the urge strikes me. I do not speak with the authority of God, my own is sufficient. (reply to this comment) |
| | From 32 Monday, November 11, 2002, 17:12 (Agree/Disagree?) Little Berg, are you sure you are not the one pervert and child molester who abused of one of my friends while in the group, you definitely sound like one, specially after reffering yourself the way you do to some intimate parts of the anatomy. You sound like Berg, you stink. i really hope the police get you and make you howl everything you know, pervert!!! (reply to this comment) |
| | From 32 Monday, November 11, 2002, 17:07 (Agree/Disagree?) Little Berg, are you sure you are not the one pervert and child molester who abused of one of my friends while in the group, you definitely sound like one, specially after reffering yourself the way you do to some intimate parts of the anatomy. You sound like Berg, you stink. i really hope the police get you and make you howl everything you know, pervert!!! (reply to this comment) |
| | From JustShutUp Monday, November 11, 2002, 19:47 (Agree/Disagree?) 32, you really need to come up with some new insults. All you seem to be able to do is compare people to berg, I mean sure, it was interesting the first time but it's gotten stale now. Why don't try thinking in less cultic terms? Not everyone who hates or opposes you is berg. Some of us actually hate him more than you, belive it or not. Especially those of us that had the dishonor of meeting that old fossil. I have insulted you many times in this thread, but not once have I suggested you are a berg or a child abuser. I don't think you are a worthless waste of skin because of the cult, I think you were just born that way. I hope we get a chance to meet, my right boot would love to "reffer" itself to some intimate parts of your anatomy (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | from kat October 24, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from dave October 22, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from ruffneck October 22, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from JoeH October 22, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from xhrisl October 22, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from KIKE FROM SANTIAGO October 21, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | from KIKE FROM SANTIAGO October 21, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from annonymous October 21, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from Matt_TheShadow October 19, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from neez October 19, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from shekicks October 19, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Craven de Kere October 19, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from 34 October 18, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from 34 October 18, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Vandari, Ruler of the sewers October 16, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Whiskers October 16, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Lauren October 16, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | from Auty October 15, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | | | | from dave October 15, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | from sougly October 15, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from Karreena October 15, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Monk October 15, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | from Group number two(!) Refugee October 15, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from dave October 15, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Auty October 15, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Beatrice, for David Berg October 14, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from dave October 14, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | from dave October 14, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Wolf October 14, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Jules October 14, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from Vandari October 14, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from pharmaboy October 14, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from dave October 14, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from VandariScholar October 14, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | from Anthony October 13, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Monk October 13, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Alf October 13, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from Elsie October 13, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from Wolf October 13, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from Wolf October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from N October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | from Vandari, Ruler of the sewer October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from Anthony October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from ruffneck October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Anthony October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from thepersoniamnow October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from Anthony October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from Vision October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Albatross October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from thepersoniamnow October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Elsie October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Vandari, King of the Rats October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from girl October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from EyesWideShut October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from xhrisl October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from xhrisl October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Vandari, ruler of the sewer October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from ThinksThisIs Cool October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from EyesWideShut October 12, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | | | | | | | from Anthony October 11, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from Ian October 11, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | from thepersoniamnow October 11, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | from porceleindoll October 11, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| from JoeH October 11, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | from Auty October 11, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
| | | | from Auty October 11, 2002 - This comment is in the main site
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