Postings in For the Geeks
your opinion to this board
Elsie, September 10, 2002, 20:43
May I just say that I hate the Mo Letters. Maria Letters too, all the Letters.
(reply to this post)
- - -, September 9, 2002, 23:52
Jules, do you think you could take down a few of the ".", "--", and "..." artices out there (like under Seeking Justice)? At least the ones that only have 1 or 2 comments under them, and nothing interesting?
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Free_Dom_Fighter, August 18, 2002, 11:30
author links
It would be really helpful if, when you're reading an article, there were links somewhere on the page to any other articles written be that same author. Maybe the links could be on the column on the right side or something. Author links would be especially helpful since doing a search on someone's screen name turns up comments and such by them, but not articles. I guess my thinking is that if you're a fan of someone's particular writing style or something, you'll likely be interested in other articles they also wrote.
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Jules, August 16, 2002, 10:52
To Mr. 7*
There are quite a few exmember web sites and there is another one that I think you may find more enjoyable. People on the site below seem to agree more with your beliefs and you may find a more "receptive" audience.
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Joe, August 9, 2002, 17:32
why not have a 10 best list?
Hey Jules, we should have a link to the 10 best, or 10 most hotly debated/most viewed articles on this site. That way new people can get right to the juicy stuff.
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| Jules, August 18, 2002, 12:46 10 best list Joe, this was a great idea. I've added 5 featured articles to the home page. As fabulous as all the new poetry is, hopefully this will help new people to be able to find some of the best articles right away. Also, I was getting tired of 7* and JC rantings on the home page, so I've removed the ability to post on that board. (The threads that were there have been moved to appropriate sections). (reply to this post) | | MagicGreenPants, August 19, 2002, 15:32 HEY! What about my rants? I'm just as much of a fanatical lunatic as JC and Se7en. (reply to this post) |
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