Getting Through : In Remembrance
Rosita and Piper | from seeker - Friday, February 01, 2002 accessed 2416 times Jules, Perhaps some of your readers are not aware that some wonderful former members were recently killed in a car crash. Rosita, Piper, and their only child, Sean, were killed on December 28 in Russia, where they had been working with a humanitarian aid agency. It's very sad, as they were great people, with a great future. Rosita's family lives in the Boston area. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from Lovelight23 Saturday, January 03, 2009 - 01:15 (Agree/Disagree?) Finding this posting is a little strange for me. I knew both Piper and Ro in NJ, Ro from way back in Venezuela and Colombia. We used to sing together as kids. She was a beautiful woman and always a joy to be around. I had an older sister in her, even though I'm the oldest of my own family I always considered the Paq part of my extended family and she was my big sister. I don't remember a time that I didn't know her and her bro's and sis. When Lillie got in her accident before this and it was just almost a little too much for me. I'm not psychic...lol. Just I guess linked to those I love. I had freaky feeling something was up with her and I called her the night she went out, she sounded fine and happy and I hung up feeling ok. Then in the middle of the night I got the willies again and called again and couldn't get ahold of her but that was Lillie, I figured she would call me back when she could. I had tried till I felt a little stalkerish so I stopped calling. I called a few weeks later to find out she had gotten in an accident and had her mouth wired shut. Freaked me out something wild. I could have lost her and it really scared me to the bone. I had almost lost one of my best friends in the world to a drunk driver, made me pissed off at God and stupid people. Then after she starts getting better and making progress in getting back on her feet we get the news that Ro and Piper are gone. I almost died a little that day. Before her accident GA to NC and I had just gotten pregnant. And one day I had a strange feeling that I needed to call someone, it was a very errie day for me. I had just gotten a letter from Ro a few weeks prior and I had written one back so I had been thinking about that before then end of the day, don't know if she ever got it now but I really do hope she did. I had even thought about calling her that night as I had woken up in the middle of the night sweating. Instead I remember shaking it off and calling Lillie the next day or so and that's when I got the news. I was more than shocked, I was so floored I didn't know what to do. I was very sad that I couldn't be there for the memorial, we had just moved and I was pregnant with my second so it was just a little hard for me to get up there but I feel like I was there with Lillie all the same, called her more often and we talked and cried many hours. It broke my heart to hear that even her baby was gone, so much pain and so much to regret. But the one thing that I could be hopeful for is they were all together. Piper and Ro were a big influence in many lives and their passing an even bigger one and made so many people's lives that much happier, the one thing we can be even happier about now is they will always be young and beautiful in our minds and hearts and will be forever remembered. And always remember to live life to the fullest, Ro wouldn't have had anything less than that from herself so I know that's what she would want for me too. (reply to this comment)
| from afflick Thursday, August 16, 2007 - 02:46 (Agree/Disagree?) It's near the middle of the night and I can't sleep. So, wandering the Internet, I decide to visit Piper's old site and was gladdened to see it still standing. It's been close to six years since they died and the senselessness is still so fresh. I miss you, Piper: I miss the way you filmed yourself primping and then let us all watch it and laugh and make fun; when a nervous and paranoid SGA exclaimed The System may have bugged our room, you shouted "Sex, FFing" at the top of your lungs. You made me laugh so often. And Ro, I miss your friendship. You were so beautiful and I was honored to be your friend. We stayed up late talking about boy problems (yours) and inferiority complexes (mine). I was always in awe of your poise and wanted you in my life, always. I am coming to the realization that those torn brutally out of life leave a scar that will never heal within those that loved them. (reply to this comment)
| | | from gabsmx Thursday, July 31, 2003 - 19:09 (Agree/Disagree?) hey im soo sorry to hear about rosita and piper that's really sad i also knew rosita from per enterprize and she was a great person well kiki and theresa i'l like to get in touch with you pls let me know you emails (reply to this comment)
| from kiki Thursday, March 21, 2002 - 22:27 (Agree/Disagree?) I was one of Rosita's best friends back in Peru , we lived together for 4 years at the Enterprize in Lima, She was truly a wonderfull person and good friend! I will miss her very much! (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | from Tia Monday, March 11, 2002 - 16:00 (Agree/Disagree?) I can't believe they're gone!!! I met Piper here in the States, in Maryland. He seemed like a nice guy & had told me about all the things Rosita & him had planned for their future... I couldn't believe that he was gone (dead) within literally days after I had met him... that kinda freaked me out as it made me see how close death can be to any of us. Gotta enjoy life while we have it! I thought they had a second child, is that so? If so, who's taking care of the baby? Well, these were my thoughts. (reply to this comment)
| | | from z72 Sunday, March 10, 2002 - 00:40 (Agree/Disagree?) Has this story been confirmed...this story is too sketchy for me. Can someone give something much more explicit (such as U.S. news articles at least mentioning death of an American couple in Russia)? (reply to this comment)
| From russia today Sunday, September 29, 2002, 19:45 (Agree/Disagree?) 29.12.2001 17:46:00 Three Americans die in road accident in Russia KEMEROVO. Dec 29 (Interfax) - An American family, including a man, a 26-year-old woman and a seven-year-old child, died in a road accident in Russia on Saturday. The Americans were riding in a car that collided head on with a bus in the Kemerovo region, the regional traffic police told Interfax. The car slid into a roadside ditch. The Americans were killed on the spot. The family, whose names were not given, was believed to be returning from the mountain ski resort of Tashtagol, or to have been on a humanitarian mission. None of the bus passengers were hurt. The regional police chief has been put in charge of a commission set up to investigate the accident. [RU EUROPE EEU EMRG DIS US NEWS] as tl <> (reply to this comment) |
| | From faeriraven Monday, August 26, 2002, 16:03 (Agree/Disagree?) first of all I'd like to ask z72, how explicit of a story do you want from friends and family of this couple and their child who were in a horrible accident. Why would you want details if you don't even know them? Why would friends and family go into detail of how they died just so that you can 'confirm' it. How can you say it sounds too 'sketchy'? You have a bunch of people on this site that know these wonderful people and are posting their condolences and all you can ask for is details? Sorry, I just don't get it. I've known Piper ever since I was little and grew up all around the world with his family. He was a great guy and had a wonderful little family of his own, although I never met Ro personally, I've heard so many wonderful things about her. I last saw Piper in New Jersey at his parents house in 95'. It was a horrible thing that happened to them and I don't think anyone will ever be able to explain why it happened, what reasons there were behind it, and why God, if there is a God would allow such a devistating thing to happen. Gary, Trust and ofcourse Mike, words could never express how sorry I am for your loss, I love you all dearly... sincerely, Natalie(reply to this comment) |
| | From Ex-member Monday, August 26, 2002, 15:21 (Agree/Disagree?) Trust me, it's true. I lived with them in Siberia and received a hysterical call from Ro's sister Lillie just before New Years Eve. I was unfortunately unable to be at the memorial service in Boston but I was coincidentally at a funeral for someone I hardly knew on New Years Day and it hit so close to home as if it had been my dear friends I was saying good bye to. What VW babe said is axactly what happened. They were only able to have a memorial service in Boston due to legal difficulties with bringing the bodies back. And no, there was only Sean.(reply to this comment) |
| | From sim44 Monday, December 29, 2003, 22:42 (Agree/Disagree?) Today is the 2nd anniversary of Piper, Ro and Sean's passing. I am just reading these posts as I don't normally surf this site. I am Piper's dad and I just wanted you to know that we had a memorial service in Novosibirsk for all those that knew and loved them. hundreds of people attended. Their bodies were cremated as it was the only way we could afford to bring them back. They were buried in Maryland, there are pictures of their resting place on their memorial website www.pipersimmons.net. I was very angry for well over a year but now have some sense of peace and comfort although nothing can replace them in our lives. Mike, Piper's brother just called me from Mammoth, he is up there snowboarding. This was Piper's, Ro's and Sean's passion, they all loved to snowboard. One of Piper's accomplishments in a long list of accomplishments was he helped me to leave the family. I had decided to make that step just a month before this tragic event occured. I am very happy I did so and I honor Piper for his love and compassion for people stuck in the fam. Peace, out. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | from porceleindoll Wednesday, February 27, 2002 - 04:49 (Agree/Disagree?) I am just wondering, how would you think their deaths would be exploited? As in, a letter about how out of it they were and God judged them, stuff like that? And yes, that would be sad, a repeat of the same ole, same ole. Using a fear tactic to keep people in place. Or perhaps they will do as with the Austin teens, and say how God took them to be a help in Heaven? But the funny thing is, the father of one of those teens, when he read the prophecies was infuriated because it was totally off about his daughter. I believe (I may be wrong) that he left the group over it. And by the way, whatever happened to Jonathan (was that his name) who was responsible for that accident? Has he fulfilled the prophecies that were said about and to him? Last I heard, he was sort of borderline in and out of the group, but my information may not be correct. (reply to this comment)
| | | From PrettiGem Wednesday, February 27, 2002, 10:35 (Agree/Disagree?) I haven't been in touch with Jesse (the driver of the van in the accident), for a few years, but I think I remember that he was working outside the group. Or else he had a outside job, but was still in. That used to be allowed. I don't recall any specific prophecies about him, except that he would somehow overcome the condemnation he felt. And I hope that's true, he's a good person. Because the accident that involved P&R was so tragic, and included the death of their young son, I would assume that the "proph" would be about the lifting of the Lord's protection once someone leaves, then one (or both) of them from beyond pleading with the remaining young people to "stay on the wall". Of course, the group may show a little respect for the familes and print nothing more on the topic. (reply to this comment) |
| | From sim44 Monday, December 29, 2003, 22:47 (Agree/Disagree?) There was a mention about the accident in the grapevine but no letters. Peter sent a note saying he "remembered" them from meetings he held in Siberia. The family gave us zero help or financial aid. However, ex family members took up a collection and sent us several hundred dollars to help us offset thousands in expenses. Sorry this is late getting posted but today is the 2nd anniversary and here I am finding all these posts I had never seen before. (reply to this comment) |
| | | | From seeker Wednesday, February 27, 2002, 12:15 (Agree/Disagree?) I know people still in, and no one has said anything about prophecies about Ro and Piper. My sense is that the Zerb and KP have figured it out to leave this alone. Ro and Piper were well-known, loved, and respected among many former members, and prophecies would just infuriate their ex-member friends. I think with the C stuff going on, how C and her friends are challenging Zerb, and that getting wide exposure, the Zerb and KP are back on their heels a bit and don't want to piss any more of their young members off. I'm sure it takes a real effort, as they denigrate people without even trying, but they are probably trying really hard. I feel a lot of cursing coming on, so I better stop. (reply to this comment) |
| | from DDMontgomery Thursday, February 21, 2002 - 12:34 (Agree/Disagree?) I was very sad to hear about Piper and Ro. Rosita was so much like the rest of us girls in the Family, trying to stay skinny (because being overweight was somehow of the devil), trying to please, trying to make a difference. We used to talk about what it means to give things up, like our down comforters and room decorations, silly stuff like that that means a lot to you when you don't know where you're next dollar is coming from. She was a classic case of a girl grown up in our group, and I hope they don't make it out to seem that her death was because she and Pi left. It was a tragic accident, and I don't want that to get exploited. (reply to this comment)
| | | From Blondie Thursday, March 14, 2002, 23:40 (Agree/Disagree?) Here's what I know was published regarding their accident. "By Joan, USA (written December 29, 2001): Last night, in Russia, former members Rosita (of Stephen & Susanna), her husband Piper (of Gary & Trust), & their son, Sean (3 1/2), had a car accident. They were driving back from a skiing trip & the weather was very bad. The vehicle spun out of control & crashed into an oncoming bus. All three of them went to be with the Lord. Pelase pray for their families during this very difficult time. (Jesus:) I have taken Rosita, Piper, & Sean Home to add to the team of the helpers in the Heavenly realm. There is no need to cry for them. They are happy & safe, & you will find that they are even closer to you than they were on Earth. So grieve not for them, because they are alive & well. (End of excerpts of message from Jesus.) (Jesus:) I took them in My love. I could have taken just one or two, but I took all three. I knew that this would be best for all concerned. I knew that this would make the transition for all smoother & more bearable. Though I know that you will miss them immensely, I want you to be comforted, knowing that they are together--their little happy family as one. And it won't be long before you'll see them again. This life on Earth is but for a moment, but life beyond this world lasts forever. (End of excerpts of message from Jesus.)" There's also a website to checkout from Piper's Dad: http://www.pipersimmons.org they are loved & missed!(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Mike Wednesday, June 19, 2002, 16:54 (Agree/Disagree?) I know that my brother would not appreciate this bogus prophecy crap. Listen - if you have an opinion state it - don't need to make like it's coming from Christ. Jesus had nothing to do with this accident. If he wanted them to be in "heaven" why did he have to make it such a violent death with suffering and immense pain for all involved. That prophecy makes it all sound so peaceful and nice...sorry but thats not what happend. I saw thier bodies. The bottom line is that it should not have happened to these people they were the best I've known. - Mike (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | from VWBabe Monday, February 11, 2002 - 15:19 (Agree/Disagree?) Thank you for posting this note seeker. Piper and Ro were truely wonderful people and we will miss them terribly. If anyone's interested in doing humanitarian work or supporting it (the real thing, not some Family type front), Piper left a foundation dedicated to helping others. He kinda' tried to do with his life what we told everyone we were always doing in the Family. (reply to this comment)
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