from Joe H - Wednesday, August 07, 2002 accessed 1072 times This is a song by Fernando Delgadillo that I really like, so I decided to translate it from Spanish. Enjoy I feel so cold today, from the length of these days From the width of the path, that I've lost and I don't know From the hours I haven't seen, from your absence and mine From the rain of this October, from the cold that covers it between The sighs that the wind has taken away with my faith Your distance is the shipwreck that crashed onto my life The most tired auroras, the saddest goodbyes, The most solitary nights, about which I was right, For though I clamor at good sense For liberation from this angst I'm still a victim of the impulses of my own heart Oh, if I told you about pain and the reasons Why my songs are filled with distances! But let time tell the tale, 'cause today I make you this promise, love I'm going to forget you, with all the consequences therof And liberate this past, that I keep dragging around I'm going to forget your name, be it the last thing I do Be it the very last thing hidden in the background And I hope that on my way, your absence won't fog me up 'Cause even if I die trying, I'm going to forget you And may the night trap me, may the storms carry me away If I ever again encourage the sense that remembers you And repeats you, and repeats you until it becomes a proclamation Of your name, of the light that burned in my room How you loved me, how you needed me, How did everything disappear? Suddenly one morning I woke up, far away, from you, From everything I was I'm going to forget you every night That I walked down the edge of your street By the light of those streetlamps that never should have been The light guiding my steps, with these memories as my compass They inflame my blood, and make among fever and flight The fire my soul burns in when it dreams of your skin If I ever once told you that my hands wouldn't forget The caress of your hands, your burning gaze I'm going to really forget you, and forget that I've forgotten I'm going to tear down my dreams, scatter the ruins Let you go, and let nothing remain in your place Because if I don't, if I start to remember With the light of your miracle I won't be able to love again |