Getting Through : Creative Writing
Spring | from Joe H - Wednesday, August 07, 2002 accessed 1236 times Well we've been hearing a lot of free verse lately, some of which is pretty good, but I thought I'd demonstrate that Family kids do understand the concepts of rhythm and rhyme (or was I the only one who read the Rhyme Book?) I wrote this a little over a year ago to a person who probably doesn't exist. You are the sigh of the multitude As winter surrenders to spring The anxious feeling that floats through the air From the flowers that wait to bloom The very earth trembles in anticipation It knows you are not far away And a breeze so gentle it cannot be felt Is softly whispering your name You are the smile of the flower as it lifts It's head to greet the sun The moisture remaining inside its blossom As a gentle wrinkle appears On the horizon that glows as the sun emerges So subtle, sublime, yet superb That makes you the myth from the times of old That so many longed for in vain One knows not if he hears or merely imagines The music in which you reside You are all of those lingering pictures and sounds Of the dreams that have faded with time That words that echo on the ears of the mind And evoke something greater beyond From the dream of a woman you've become more abstract A concept, a goddess, or God The line is so blurry and I can't tell Where you end and nature begins For everything in it contains something of you And bestows it upon you again And when you appear in reality Will your truth set me free? Or will she be yet another mistranslation Of something that's out of my reach? |