from FaFa - Wednesday, January 18, 2006 accessed 981 times great new visions creeping in the corners and pretty soon i will implode. seeing questions only answered in broken phrases and chopped memory. collecting tiny thoughts that you hoped you could dissect and figure out a philosophy. wasting time framing chapters in glass cases as though the past could run away. but now i, plainly admit, that im not innocent in this. and i do more or less divide my time between here and there. so i, do humbly, apologize for my crime. foggy, confused, wondering, should i collect myself or go straight back to bed. standing, floating in my sleepwalk, and bleeding out words that make sense inside my head. shaking hard in my resistance, so distant, you reach out but i disappear. and in the meantime you come down the stairs, you remind me of, the instant in which i fled. but now i, plainly admit, that im not innocent in this. and i do more or less divide my time between here and there. so i, do humbly, apologize for my crime. great new visions creeping in the corners, and pretty soon i know ill know. |