from Joe H - Friday, February 28, 2003 accessed 1287 times Pablo's great, but let's not neglect our Portuguese and Brazillian poets. This is by Eça De Queiroz, my humble attempt at translation follows.
Tinha suspirado, tinha beijado o papél devotamente! Era a primeira vez que lhe escreviam aquelas sentimentalidades, e o seu orgulho dilatava-se ao calor amoroso que saia dela, como um corpo ressequido que se estira num banho tépido; sentia um acréscimo de estimulo por si mesma, e parecia-lhe que entrava enfim numa existência superiormente interessante, onde cada hora tinha o seu intuito diferente, cada passo conduzia a um êxtase, e a alma se cobria de um luxo radioso de sensações!
I had breathed deeply Kissed the page devotedly It was the first time that I wrote of these sentiments And their pride expanded with the loving heat that it gave off Like a dried body easing itself into a cold bath It felt a growth of stimulus throughout itself And seemed to finally enter a far more interesting existence Where every hour had a distinct purpose Every step led to extasy And the soul was covered with a radiant luxury of sensations
(Anyone who speaks Portuguese better than I do is encouraged to point out any shortcomings in my translation, but I should point out that I translate liberally, rather than literally, so what you might call error, I call differences in interpretation)