from ThinkingDavinci - Tuesday, August 05, 2003 accessed 1096 times I reach, driven by some feral base instinctive force. -Into the void -Into the dark -into the deep place so rarely visited. "Don't go there" , she used to say, & look at me, with worry brimming in her eyes, reaching out towards me, as if she could stop me with her will alone- scared for me, for the damage I might do to myself, crossing the line- pushing deeper into the abyss. Mothers always know best, she'd tell me. She's gone, long lost. Nobody to keep me from exploring the deep recesses of my head, reaching for the unknown, the dark, sticky things we keep in that private recess between both halves of our brain. But we yearn to probe- to explore. Especially on a hot, dusty day. Now I've got you, you big fucking nasty booger!!!!! |