Getting in Touch : There Goes the Neighbourhood
Looking for old friends | from jokerkarma - Tuesday, October 08, 2002 accessed 1948 times I'm looking for people I might have lived with in India, Nepal, Pakistan, or Colombia I'm Juan (lot's of people know me as Andres), my sisters are Miriam and Alicia, my parent's are Spanish Gabriel and Mary, we were in Pakistan from 1988 to 1991, before that we were in India for about six years, Bombay and New Dehli. Five years in Colombia, if anyone thinks we might have met in any of those places, please write me at jokerkarma80@hotmail.com I presently live in Spain, just in case anyone's thinking of coming over. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from nins Tuesday, February 04, 2003 - 17:53 (Agree/Disagree?) Hi I've lost contact with my good friend Maria (she's from Puerto Rico). Last I know she was in Germany, Spring 99. She has a kid called Rylan Montell. In the fam or not --don't know. Anyone who might know where she is or how I can contact her please let me know! (reply to this comment)
| from lil Saturday, January 25, 2003 - 16:48 (Agree/Disagree?) I'm looking for any one who use to live in Pakistan or India, my parents are Gideon and Heide. My older brother is Zion, he's deaf. I'm living in Denver and would love to hear from any old friends. hot_lil@hotmail.com lily (reply to this comment)
| From Alicia Monday, February 21, 2005, 06:06 (Agree/Disagree?) Hi Lil This is Alicia, I donīt know if you remember me, my parents are Gabriel and Mary, my sister is Miriam she was your age and lived with you, I lived with Zion and some other members of your family in Lahore and in karachi too. Iīm looking for people from back then cause I have no contact with anybody. Anyway, it would be nice to be in contact with you. My e-mail is alichi82@yahoo.com(reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | from Me Tuesday, October 29, 2002 - 23:59 (Agree/Disagree?) Amy/Praise - I heard you were looking for me - I tried to reunite when I was in CA, but you didn't seem interested then. Anyhow, L passed on your message and I accidentally deleted it and don't have your e-mail. Reply already - we were buds! (reply to this comment)
| | | | | from Me Tuesday, October 29, 2002 - 23:53 (Agree/Disagree?) Looking for Phil Miller - I still have your Anchor necklace. Please reply. (reply to this comment)
| from Somebody Friday, October 11, 2002 - 01:14 (Agree/Disagree?) You won't remember me as you were too young but I used to live w/ your family in Nepal. My brother was your age... he had real bad asthma.... I met your sister in Europe a few yrs ago. She and her husband. Is she still married? (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | | | From Hanna_Black Thursday, November 07, 2002, 05:08 (Agree/Disagree?) somebody, are you Trinity? If you are, I jsut wanted to tell you that your Dad was one of the sweetes people I ever knew, and that John Little is one of the weirdest people I met and hope your borthers don'thave to go on living with him. He is like a demon in disguise. My Parents lived close to you in Spain, my borhters and sisters called JOhn Little "the ogre". Maybe you remember us? My Dad was upset cuz he said your mom and the ogre kicked you out of their home cuz they wanted to rejoin or something...? well, your dad was really sweet, when he was in the hospital my parents visited him an made a little party, brought champagne for him as a goodbye party. (Apparently it was his idea.)We let your Dad and Adam stay with us for a while cuz I think your Mom had asked them to leave...? If you remember my family, contact me. would like to hear what happened to you and if your bro's are ok.(reply to this comment) |
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