Getting in Touch : Connections
Looking for Heidi | from Bull - Friday, March 07, 2003 accessed 1796 times Looking for Heidi of Simon and Peace -Think she is married last I heard she was in Mexico If anyone has heard of her -- her best friend would like to get in touch. |
Reader's comments on this article Add a new comment on this article | from lochnymph Tuesday, February 10, 2004 - 00:47 (Agree/Disagree?) Hey there, yeah I just joined this site, so just now saw your post. Who are you? hope you got my e mail. drop me a line! heidi Those are some odd little facts there about my family, dare I say you have a good memory for the gruesome? =)well, hey, it's odd what people end up remembering you for. (reply to this comment)
| | | | | | | | | From exister Wednesday, February 11, 2004, 11:31 (Agree/Disagree?) There are a few non-gruesome memories too, like the span of time when I was your mom's provisioning translator. Apparently she had much zeal for provisioning, but her Spanish skills did not match her ambition. The whole ordeal was not as bad as it may sound though since I could not be held responsible for any embarassing statements she might make. After all I was only the mouthpiece. The funnest part about the whole thing though was that she had decided not to provision the usual stuff like expired food and garish clothing. The Lord (or her inner Martha Stewart) had told her to provision house and garden supplies. So off we went in search of houseplants and goldfish. We did pretty well too and before long I had a tub full of goldfish on the back porch of the Monterrey TC. I was glad to have them too. Keeping those goldfish alive was one of the few things that kept me sane through the hard labor Summer of 1989. I used to sneak down to the river and catch little minnows to hand feed to the goldfish. Does anyone know what happened to them after I got the boot? I always assumed they got pitched into the festering, overflowing septic tank. Oh my poor little fishies...(reply to this comment) |
| | from exister Thursday, October 30, 2003 - 17:44 (Agree/Disagree?) I lived with Heidi in Monterrey, Mexico as a kid. Her mom Peace is real short and has a gnarly scar from getting her hand caught in a washing machine. Heidi was a real sweet kid. Suffered a terrible accident at 1.5 years of age and nearly died. Pulled through like a champ though, obviously. Her dad Simon was in the Army before the COG. Lots of cool stories. You may know me. Check my profile for further info... (reply to this comment)
| From Nancy Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 13:50 (Agree/Disagree?) Tell us about this run in with a washing machine. When did this happen? That is soooo weird because I remember her being such a laundry Nazi!!! More than once did I take the fall for her obsession with bleach!!! Then there was the damn Abiah jeans fiasco. I swear to god that woman had her own jeans, but she made such a big damn deal of it that she later had to deny she had them all along. Then because I was the one running laundry I had to be responsible for everything!!! Thanks Peace and Abiah! I used to tell Peace, "No, no more bleach anywhere in the laundry area!" Then, she'd sneak and put it in the old washing machine fabric softener pocket. The damn machine was so old it would retain the bleach inside it and spray it all over the clothes in the rinse cycle three loads later when colored clothes were inside. It was a nightmare. I kept telling her, "NO MORE BLEACH!" But, she was obsessed. I thought because she was an adult and she was the one putting the beach in the wash, she would take responsibility. Of course not! I told them I had told her no bleach anywhere in near the laundry area and she still would sneak it into the wash when I wasn't looking, but their response was, "Don't justify yourself!" I swear to god! Nazi idiots the whole lot of 'em! Now, I hear Peace got her hand caught in a washing machine. Hmmm?! Could it be karma coming to call? I wonder what karma brought Abiah.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Nancy Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 15:22 (Agree/Disagree?) Did I say Abiah? I meant Kanah. It was Kanah! "My jeans are missing! Where are they? Find them." I thought lady, "I have no idea where your jeans are. I've never seen them. You've never sent them to be washed. Have you checked under the bed where you slept last night? When is the last time you recall seeing said jeans? Did you drop them beside some random man's bed?" I knew there was real evil in the world and these folks didn't just believe the stuff they were saying but were intentionally trying to make life hell when the said jeans turned up on the table in the laundry area one morning two weeks later. Someone snuck out there in the middle of the night and put the jeans on the table. Then here comes Kanah not more than 10 minutes after I got out there and saw them to "discover" her jeans on the table. "Where did these come from? I knew you had them," she said. I thought, "Lady, you and I both know where they came from! You put them there. Fugus could have figured that out." Oh more fond memories of childhood with deluded cult members with nothing better to do than create controversy and torture children. I honestly think a lot of them were sadists. They certainly gained a lot of pleasure from making trouble and beating kids.(reply to this comment) |
| | From exister Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 16:31 (Agree/Disagree?) She did have a particular flair for framing people. That's what finally got me out of that hell hole. She made up some story about how I was trying to poison the toddlers with toilet germs. It seemed beneath my dignity to even validate such an absurd accusation, so I let it ride and it turned into my ticket out of the loony torture chamber that so many would come to know as the Monterrey TC. BTW I do remember John Paul, I think we were pretty good friends, but my memories of friendships are spotty at best. I operate under the theory that normal human interation was not possible for those of us who were held in such an intrusively bizzare environment.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Nancy Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 15:22 (Agree/Disagree?) Did I say Abiah? I meant Kanah. It was Kanah! "My jeans are missing! Where are they? Find them." I thought lady, "I have no idea where your jeans are. I've never seen them. You've never sent them to be washed. Have you checked under the bed where you slept last night? When is the last time you recall seeing said jeans? Did you drop them beside some random man's bed?" I knew there was real evil in the world and these folks didn't just believe the stuff they were saying but were intentionally trying to make life hell when the said jeans turned up on the table in the laundry area one morning two weeks later. Someone snuck out there in the middle of the night and put the jeans on the table. Then here comes Kanah not more than 10 minutes after I got out there and saw them to "discover" her jeans on the table. "Where did these come from? I knew you had them," she said. I thought, "Lady, you and I both know where they came from! You put them there. Fugus could have figured that out." Oh more fond memories of childhood with deluded cult members with nothing better to do than create controversy and torture children. I honestly think a lot of them were sadists. They certainly gained a lot of pleasure from making trouble and beating kids.(reply to this comment) |
| | From Nancy Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 15:22 (Agree/Disagree?) Did I say Abiah? I meant Kanah. It was Kanah! "My jeans are missing! Where are they? Find them." I thought lady, "I have no idea where your jeans are. I've never seen them. You've never sent them to be washed. Have you checked under the bed where you slept last night? When is the last time you recall seeing said jeans? Did you drop them beside some random man's bed?" I knew there was real evil in the world and these folks didn't just believe the stuff they were saying but were intentionally trying to make life hell when the said jeans turned up on the table in the laundry area one morning two weeks later. Someone snuck out there in the middle of the night and put the jeans on the table. Then here comes Kanah not more than 10 minutes after I got out there and saw them to "discover" her jeans on the table. "Where did these come from? I knew you had them," she said. I thought, "Lady, you and I both know where they came from! You put them there. Fugus could have figured that out." Oh more fond memories of childhood with deluded cult members with nothing better to do than create controversy and torture children. I honestly think a lot of them were sadists. They certainly gained a lot of pleasure from making trouble and beating kids.(reply to this comment) |
| | | | From Nancy Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 15:13 (Agree/Disagree?) Well, I can tell you, I still remember and am affected by her. To this day, I have never allowed bleach in my house. I have never even used bleach. I used to live with my boyfriend when I was in college. He owned our home, but I would not allow him to bring home bleach or use it in our washing machine. I am emphatically anti-bleach!!! I should sue those wack-jobs for intentional infliction of emotional distress. The bystanders should get negligent infliction of emotional distress. I want punitive damages, damn it! I can recall Peace beating poor Sebastian with a metal fly-swatter. He was 14 or something. Good gracious, what fond childhood memories! We didn’t have to deal with just one set of disturbed parents. We had to deal with hundreds of them! (reply to this comment) |
| | | | | | | | | | From lochnymph Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 23:46 (Agree/Disagree?) Yeah Joe, we were 8, 9 and 10, we were all there for a long time! Daniel must have been pretty young too. Hey at least some one was attempting to educate us. =) Hey Joe, remember when our teachers were two 15 year olds with raging hormones, and were always making out, which disgusted us, then you put up that sign "no kissing in the hall way" and were forever branded as being a horrible horrible rebel! You bad bay you. It was only funny because the OC room was a trailer, and when those two were at it, we would have to climb up over the kitchen cabnets to get by. HA. yeah, anyway, I guess u had to be there.(reply to this comment) |
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