from Craven de Kere - Sunday, November 09, 2003 accessed 1489 times Some suggestions for 3.0. In regard to the request for 3.0 suggestions: Build off of established open source forum code like the one you are already using. Write code to display the content in what is sometimes called a "portal page" (but is really more of a CMS page). The difference between articles and messageboard stuff should be a topic type designation so that the interaction is not so segmented. A topic could have the topic type simply toggled in the database to differentiate between a simple thread and an article (that would display on the CMS pages) with replies. The usability of this site would be improved greatly if you'd use a better core for the software code. That way you will better be able to scale the use and the navigation and usability will be far more intuitive. Another advantage is security, as the security of a well-established core forum code will be better than the security you currently have (I believe some big holes exist that enable anyone to steal cookies and then hijack an account log in but have not tried to create a proof of concept). Maybe not what you are looking for and maybe you are hoping for a more "do it yourself" option but the suggestions I made come with my highest recommendation. Good luck and regards. |