from billy boy - Monday, March 21, 2005 accessed 1224 times Hi kids, Before I give you the reasons why you should follow me I'd like to tell you a bit more about myself. My nickname is Billy Boy, I was bourn in Taiwan in the Family. I moved to Japan when I was one year old. And for the next thirteen years, I was monotonously mentally fucked by a strange cult who I made lots of money for by selling my soul and body. When I was fourteen my head case of a mother, (who by the way was and probably still is a prostitute. Or, as some of you might like to refer to it: "flirty fishing". Although sex for money, is money for sex.) Anyhow, she decided to move to Wembly in London. A very safe quiet suburban town.... not!!! (By not I shall explain) We lived in a place full of junkies and whores. Oh, and I finally got why my mom moved there, she must have felt right at home. After having my head kicked in continuously for six months for being a smiley faced Christian boy who just loved the Lord. (Oh aren’t you feeling sorry for me now?) “My Mother” (a term which loosely describes her), decided that I would be better off back home in the loving fold of the followers of a pedophile.... I couldn’t wait; free sex and sing-alongs...oh joy! After some time spent in a lovely big house in a loving environment, the 'leaders' realized my heart wasn’t in the right place as they caught me smoking. Now for those of you who think I was smoking cigarettes, no I’m sorry to say you are mistaken, I was smoking, oh my god, wait for it.......... CANNABIS!!!! Shock, horror!!! So I was swiftly sent back to the UK. My mama, well she had moved away to try to make a better life for herself If you are thinking that she moved to a nice safe environment, no I’m sorry to say, you are wrong again. Where else could she move but to the center of a town that is extremely famous for heroin addiction? Now me, thinking that I was a little bad arse, I decided to knuckle up and make me some friends. Until after five minutes down at the shops I got mugged. Now, before you start to feel sorry for me, no this was a good thing, it made me strong. Although from then on, I thoroughly shat myself every time I saw a skinhead. A couple months down the line I decided that I needed to get myself an education, well no I exaggerate, I didn’t think that I needed an education as I was supposed to die before I hit the age of 25, or so the group told me. I wanted to make some friends, but as I’m sure you all know it is quite impossible to 'make' friends, unless if you live in a world where you can fuck 'the Christ' but I decided that I would show gods love to ... no I’m exaggerating again, it wasn’t gods love that I wanted to show it was mine. The time came for my first real day of school, I got dressed smartly in my brand new school uniform, thinking that I was going to go to a prim and proper place or so the principle told me.... ha! The only thing that I learned in school was how to make a fast buck selling. The only people that I got along with in school were from a similar back ground to me, as in their parents were also whores, pimps, alcoholics and dealers. My teacher told my mother that I was with the wrong crowd but because I had such and innocent and angelic looking smile my mother said that was 'nonsense as he is a sweet boy with a good heart, he would never hurt a soul.' she was right, the only mind or soul that I was capable of hurting was my own. After two years of smoking, and drinking far too much, popping pills and dabbling with speed and coke, I became a manic-depressive, for those of you who don’t know what that is, it is a feeling that you are not quite a junkie and your not quite sober. I tried to turn to my friends for help but this was a waste of time as any of the girls that I considered friends in school were on the game, you'll know this as 'ffing'. And all my boys were either in prison, on smack or moved away. Now I’m not telling you this to make you feel sad for me, or in any way try to impress you, as I know like you do, that our lives haven’t been easy and I am under no assumptions that my story is any better or worse than yours, but I do know one thing, and that is I found my 'Salvation'. Not in Christ, not in drugs or any means of giving myself up to any power other than my own. I found an un-tapped source of power, called self-belief. Now by this I don’t mean that I think I’m the coolest or the best, I know I am. I thought that I would share this morsel of information with you, for no reason other than I was bored shitless and decided to seek your opinion on my life and how I can better myself, and any ladies who would like to give me some lessons in the arts of women would be much appreciated. Send in a photo of yourself to my address, and every one else, send in credit card details. It is a one time only offer so take advantage. And for those of you who are thinking WTF, I shouldn’t have to give you a reason to have sex. God bless you. I love you. Good-bye |