Getting On : Faith
Why?? | from Yuki - Tuesday, August 24, 2004 accessed 1227 times A note to the Most High Priestess of Molock. You hear it a lot on this site don’t you? “You reap what you sow”, “watch out we are growing up”, “you will have no rest in your dotage”, just to quote a few. The general drift is “we will get you!” Will we? I sure as hell hope so. From what little I’ve seen of this life however, the evil go free while the good are punished for being good. Why is this? Is there no justice in the universe? If this work be of men it will come to not, but if it be of god… you know the rest. Is that why we suffer while they thrive? Perhaps I suffer because I love to. I find it comforting. Are “mama” and peter suffering? Do they lie awake at night counting the sheep they have slaughtered for their own pleasure? I rather think not. They say abortion is the modern daemon worship, the feeding of babies into Mo locks fiery maw. What a fitting allegory for what we were subjected to. Nonetheless, the rain continues to fall on the just and the unjust. Why? I haven’t the luxury of no god. He’s haunted me from a young age. I’m one of those who really did hear voices. Praise the lord and pass the Prozac I guess. It’s not his fault, its just free choice. Well WHAT ABOUT MY FREE CHOICE!!!!!! I never asked to be created, never asked to be saved, never asked for an afterlife, never wanted to be a mighty man of david, never asked to have a brain, never asked to leave because I finally choked! Will there in the end be a final accounting? A dividing of the sheep from the goats? Is a god that has one man sacrifice his only daughter to him, and another nearly burn his son someone I want to serve? Now all I want to do is serve him wowowooooooo…. Do I really want to know the answers to these questions? Hell no! It wouldn’t matter anyway. Nothing matters but right now. The feel of the summer breeze, the chirping of crickets, the sound of music in the distance. Who needs more. So fuckem all! They’re all mad, as am I. But one thing I do know. Whatever doesn’t kill you can wound you so horribly you would be better off dead. Some things really do burn so deep that no amount of time will heal them. “And some fell along the wayside..” Not all of us will make it back home. I know I wont. The fact of the matter is I wouldn’t know it if I did having never been there before. So let me rave at the wind, let me dance in the rain. Let me enjoy the journey, misery and all. “I’m just a stranger here within a foreign land, my home was fucked away, it was the masters plan…” But mark my words you foul oppressors of the innocents. I WILL HAVE MY VENGEANCE!! You see I’m your worst nightmare. I’m the one who has nothing to lose. I’m the one you drove nearly stark raving mad! So hear my vow. As my heartless GOD is my witness, if it pleases him to deliver you into my hands I will show you the mercy you so lovingly showed me. There is only one thing that can save you: DEATH. This is not an idle threat. I will do this thing. It may not be this year, it may not be the next, but your day of judgment will come, and Ill be the one to do it. “ The cock shall crow, and the dog will have his day.” |