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Getting On : Faith

THROWING the baby out with the bathwater

from porceleindoll - Friday, February 07, 2003
accessed 1348 times

Why have I chosen to not believe in anything right now? And why is God responsible?

I figure if God is so all-powerful, then he could have surely stepped in to interefere with the corrupt leaders who committed horrible offences using His Name for their backing. I mean, if someone started beating my kids IN MY NAME, I would have to:

1. Step aside and allow it, showing my consent and agreement of this treatment


2. Step in and beat the shit out of that person and tell (them) to get the hell away from my kids!

I'm not speaking only for us, the children of 'the children of God', but throughout history and in other countries of the world.

It leads me to believe that God is either not around, or is around and really doesn't care that much, or is a very weak Being.

This is an excerpt from an excellent book I'm reading through which my dear sister Bella sent me, 'The World's Religions' by Huston Smith. I am not promoting a religion, but the intention is to give some insight to religions and how they work together, and the possibility that God can be found in more than just Christianity.

"That Hinduism has shared her land for centuries with Jains, Buddhists, Parsees, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians may help explain a final idea that comes out more clearly through her than through the other great religions; namely, her conviction that the various major religions are alternate paths to the same goal. To claim Salvation as the monopoly of any ONE religion is like claiming God can be found in this room but not in the next, in this attire but not another. Normally, people will follow the path that rises from the plains of their own civilization; those who circle the mountain, trying to bring others around to their paths, are not climbing... Early on, the Vedas announced Hinduism's classic contention that the various religions are but different languages through which God speaks to the humanheart. "Truth is one; sages call it by different names.

"It is possible to climb life's mountain from any side, but when the top is reached the trails converge. At base, in the foothills of theology, ritual and organizational structure, the religions are distinct. Differences in culture, history, geography and collective temperament all make for diverse starting points...But beyond these differences, the same goal beckons."

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from GJohnC
Saturday, February 08, 2003 - 21:01

I think wars and conflict have much more to do with Man's own will. Do you really believe that without religion people would not find another reason/excuse to fight? Just look at what is going on right now in Iraq? Perhaps free choice is something God does not interfere with?
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From porceleindoll
Saturday, February 08, 2003, 22:43

Smart (people) use God's name to accomplish their will. They are the ones at the top laughing at the stupid idiots who fall for the 'God is calling us to do this' line. Religion is a strong motivator, esp. the different opinions that have formed regarding what happens to your soul after you die. If the people believe that what they are doing is worthy of reward in the afterlife, then they don't care if what they are doing is good or bad, just that it will bring them a better afterlife.

And yes, I'm sure that if religion was not around to be used as an excuse to control people, there would be things available to fill the need. You have to give people a reason as to why we're doing this, and in many cases, religion has been a good reason. (reply to this comment
from tommyknocker
Saturday, February 08, 2003 - 13:09

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Throughout history there have been countless inhumane acts carried out in the name of god. The crusades or the inquisition to name two. The crusades for example, had two parties claiming to be fighting for god. The christians for the Holy Chirch and the Moors for Allah. God has never intervened. Even today we have to deal with fanatics who claim to be killing for god. One doesn't have to grow up in a religious group and suffer in the name of god to have to have the opinion that God is either not around, or is around and really doesn't care that much, or is a very weak Being.

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From porceleindoll
Saturday, February 08, 2003, 20:46

True, very true, but most people don't even give it much thought until they have suffered unjustly in God's name, which is when they sit back and think deeply about it.(reply to this comment
From Tiger
Sunday, February 09, 2003, 01:30

Lenin had it figured out, Religion he said was the opiate of the people. There has to be a ralying cry...more than just lets go and kill that poor sod because we want his land, oil, weath, women or whatever. The excuse that "God" wants us to do this & that is an age old trick and works well to this day.
Belief in God or in a "Higher Power" isn't the "Enemy" in my opinion, it's using this so called belief to control people and to further ones own agenda that is the crux of the matter.
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From Christian
Thursday, November 18, 2004, 02:10

Excuse me Lenin didnt say that. Karl Marx said that please get your facts right and dont be guilty of plagarism.(reply to this comment
From GJohnC
Tuesday, February 11, 2003, 19:27

That quote is used for sports as well, anything that can create a strong emotional reaction can be used by clever and manipulative people. So it can be said that God is not to blame for mankinds failings, unless you count the fact that he created us in His own image? Still I agree with what you said. I for one do not want to throw out my faith just because of our own weaknessess.(reply to this comment
From Tiger
Sunday, February 09, 2003, 01:29

Lenin had it figured out, Religion he said was the opiate of the people. There has to be a ralying cry...more than just lets go and kill that poor sod because we want his land, oil, weath, women or whatever. The excuse that "God" wants us to do this & that is an age old trick and works well to this day.
Belief in God or in a "Higher Power" isn't the "Enemy" in my opinion, it's using this so called belief to control people and to further ones own agenda that is the crux of the matter.
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