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Getting On : All My Politics


from moon beam - Thursday, November 04, 2004
accessed 1608 times

Nov 4 2004

By Brian Reade

THEY say that in life you get what you deserve. Well, today America has deservedly got a lawless cowboy to lead them further into carnage and isolation and the unreserved contempt of most of the rest of the world.

This once-great country has pulled up its drawbridge for another four years and stuck a finger up to the billions of us forced to share the same air. And in doing so, it has shown itself to be a fearful, backward-looking and very small nation.

This should have been the day when Americans finally answered their critics by raising their eyes from their own sidewalks and looking outward towards the rest of humanity.

And for a few hours early yesterday, when the exit polls predicted a John Kerry victory, it seemed they had.

But then the horrible, inevitable truth hit home. They had somehow managed to re-elect the most devious, blinkered and reckless leader ever put before them. The Yellow Rogue of Texas.

A self-serving, dim-witted, draft-dodging, gung-ho little rich boy, whose idea of courage is to yell: "I feel good," as he unleashes an awesome fury which slaughters 100,000 innocents for no other reason than greed and vanity.

A dangerous chameleon, his charming exterior provides cover for a power-crazed clique of Doctor Strangeloves whose goal is to increase America's grip on the world's economies and natural resources.

And in foolishly backing him, Americans have given the go-ahead for more unilateral pre-emptive strikes, more world instability and most probably another 9/11.

Why else do you think bin Laden was so happy to scare them to the polls, then made no attempt to scupper the outcome?

There's only one headline in town today, folks: "It Was Osama Wot Won It."

And soon he'll expect pay-back. Well, he can't allow Bush to have his folks whoopin' and a-hollerin' without his own getting a share of the fun, can he?

Heck, guys, I hope you're feeling proud today.

To the tens of millions who voted for John Kerry, my commiserations.

To the overwhelming majority of you who didn't, I simply ask: Have you learnt nothing? Do you despise your own image that much?

Do you care so little about the world beyond your shores? How could you do this to yourselves?

How appalling must one man's record at home and abroad be for you to reject him?

Kerry wasn't the best presidential candidate the Democrats have ever fielded (and he did deserve a kicking for that "reporting for doo-dee" moment), but at least he understood the complexity of the world outside America, and domestic disgraces like the 45 million of his fellow citizens without health cover.

He would have done something to make that country fairer and re-connected it with the wider world.

Instead America chose a man without morals or vision. An economic incompetent who inherited a $2billion surplus from Clinton, gave it in tax cuts to the rich and turned the US into the world's largest debtor nation.

A man who sneers at the rights of other nations. Who has withdrawn from international treaties on the environment and chemical weapons.

A man who flattens sovereign states then hands the rebuilding contracts to his own billionaire party backers.

A man who promotes trade protectionism and backs an Israeli government which continually flouts UN resolutions.

America has chosen a menacingly immature buffoon who likened the pursuit of the 9/11 terrorists to a Wild West, Wanted Dead or Alive man-hunt and, during the Afghanistan war, kept a baseball scorecard in his drawer, notching up hits when news came through of enemy deaths.

A RADICAL Christian fanatic who decided the world was made up of the forces of good and evil, who invented a war on terror, and thus as author of it, believed he had the right to set the rules of engagement.

Which translates to telling his troops to do what the hell they want to the bad guys. As he has at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and countless towns across Iraq.

You have to feel sorry for the millions of Yanks in the big cities like New York, Washington, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco who voted to kick him out.

These are the sophisticated side of the electorate who recognise a gibbon when they see one.

As for the ones who put him in, across the Bible Belt and the South, us outsiders can only feel pity.

Were I a Kerry voter, though, I'd feel deep anger, not only at them returning Bush to power, but for allowing the outside world to lump us all into the same category of moronic muppets.

The self-righteous, gun-totin', military lovin', sister marryin', abortion-hatin', gay-loathin', foreigner-despisin', non-passport ownin' red-necks, who believe God gave America the biggest dick in the world so it could urinate on the rest of us and make their land "free and strong".

You probably won't be surprised to learn of would-be Oklahoma Republican Senator Tom Coburn who, on Tuesday, promised to ban abortion and execute any doctors who carried them out.

He also told voters that lesbianism is so rampant in the state's schools that girls were being sent to toilets on their own. Not that any principal could be found to back him up.

These are the people who hijack the word patriot and liken compassion to child-molesting. And they are unknowingly bin Laden's chief recruiting officers.

Al-Qaeda's existence is fuelled by the outpourings of America's Christian right. Bush is its commander-in-chief. And he and bin Laden need each other to survive.

Both need to play Lex Luther to each others' Superman with their own fanatical people. Maybe that's why the mightiest military machine ever assembled has failed to catch the world's most wanted man.

Or is the reason simply that America is incompetent? That behind the bluff they are frightened and clueless, which is why they've stayed with the devil they know.

VISITORS from another planet watching this election would surely not credit the amateurism.

The queues for hours to register a tick; the 17,000 lawyers needed to ensure there was no cheating; the $1.2bn wasted by parties trying to discredit the enemy; the allegations of fraud, intimidation and dirty tricks; the exit polls which were so wildly inaccurate; an Electoral College voting system that makes the Eurovision Song Contest look like a beacon of democracy and efficiency; and the delays and the legal wrangles in announcing the victor.

Yet America would have us believe theirs is the finest democracy in the world. Well, that fine democracy has got the man it deserved. George W Bush.

But is America safer today without Kerry in charge? A man who overnight would have given back to the UN some credibility and authority. Who would have worked out the best way to undo the Iraq mess without fear of losing face.

Instead, the questions facing America today are - how many more thousands of their sons will die as Iraq descends into a new Vietnam? And how many more Vietnams are on the horizon now they have given Bush the mandate to go after Iran, Syria, North Korea or Cuba...?

Today is a sad day for the world, but it's even sadder for the millions of intelligent Americans embarrassed by a gung-ho leader and backed by a banal electorate, half of whom still believe Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11.

Yanks had the chance to show the world a better way this week, instead they made a thuggish cowboy ride off into the sunset bathed in glory.

And in doing so it brought Armageddon that little bit closer and re-christened their beloved nation The Home Of The Knave and the Land Of The Freak.

God Help America.

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from frmrjoyish
Sunday, November 14, 2004 - 07:20

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This would be funny if it weren't so true, the language may be a bit strong though! Enjoy, all my fellow left-wing liberal commie peacenicks! : )
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From The Pedantic Prick
Monday, November 15, 2004, 12:58

Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)
Mark Ames makes a similarly good case here,, despite some atrocious spelling errors.(reply to this comment
From moon beam
Monday, November 15, 2004, 09:08

Fucking yes, loads of fucking swearing, but fucking very good fucking links. ;/

To me It seems quite obvious and as Exiter says below, they are trying to lead us around like sheep. If terrorism was such a bother then why hasn't more been done to help Pallestine and go further with the Road map, to help create a state for them to live in without fear of the Isrealis.
The question is why do most of the world disapprove/disagree with the US and what has driven others to hate America? The double standards! Where is the freedom for the Pallestinians? Why is America still *supporting* Isrealis mission of genocide on the Pallestinian people. I hope this time round Bush means it when he promises to implement the Road map.
(reply to this comment
From moon beam
Monday, November 15, 2004, 09:18

*Exister* (reply to this comment
from exister
Friday, November 12, 2004 - 07:11

Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)

We are being treated to front row seats for the rise of Christian Fascism in America. I was listening to the biography of Francisco Franco the other day (yes, some of us still stubbornly try to learn from history) and was struck by a passage that described how Franco convinced a certain British MP that he was a "fine christian gentleman", when in fact he was the butcher of Guernica. History really does repeat itself, over and over.

The big story this past week was the idea that the driving factor in the election was "moral values," whatever that means. How simplistic. The true issue was, as always, FEAR. Feed people enough fear and they will all rush to Wal-Mart to stock up on the sweet opium of "moral values." When they get to that white trash Mecca of Wal-Mart ole' W will be standing there with a cowboy hat on and a smile on his face dishing out armfulls of "moral values." And so goes history. And so go the tens of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians. And in 50 years when Mr. Bush has long expired some Islamic Fanatic will destroy himself in a terrorist attack chanting to himself, "Remember Fallujah, Remember Najaf."

Like a drunkard who keeps drinking, I decided to depress myself even further last week by watching "1984." This excerpt from that movie is particularly salient:

"It does not matter if the war is not real, or when it is, victory is not possible. It is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous. The essential act of one warfare is the destruction of human labor. A hierarchical society is only possible on the basis of poverty and ignorance . In principal, the war effort is always designed to keep society on the brink of starvation. The war is waged by the ruling group against its own subjects. And its object is not victory over Eurasia or East Asia, but to keep the very structure of society intact. "
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From dan
Friday, November 12, 2004, 10:43

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read the book if you haven't. then read catch 22(reply to this comment
From dan
Friday, November 12, 2004, 10:43

read the bok if you haven't. then read catch 22(reply to this comment
from Shackled
Friday, November 12, 2004 - 01:42


What god or which god? In comparison to the rest of the world I think America is handling itself just fine without divine intervention. BTW, the answer you're seeking but don't know yet is that England's interests are not on America's top list of priorities.
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from banal_commentator
Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 12:04

Average visitor agreement is 3.5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3.5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3.5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3.5 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3.5 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)
Hallelujah! PTL! John Ashcroft, that racial profiling, constitution bending, anti-abortioning, right wing conservative, resigned his position as Attorney General. Whoooo hooooo let's celebrate by gunning down conservatives near our homes. Hee hee, just kidding. Let's just tie them up and talk to them about saving the whales.
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from steam
Tuesday, November 09, 2004 - 05:21


While I definitely did not want Bush re-elected, and hate the hypocrisy of "caring about the poor Iraqis" when there is genocide occuring in Sudan. Also the fact that we sold Saddam musturd gas (the WMD he used on his people) and continued to supply him after his attrocities (even having Donald Rumsfeld over there hobnobbing with Saddam). I nevertheless cannot imagine the shape the world would be in if any other country had the power on the world stage the U.S has. For all it's foibles I believe that on the whole it exercises it's power more prudently than anyone I can think of would. If anyone can imagine another country doing better, please post the nation for all. Thank you!

PS: Although anything IMO would have been a step up from Bush, still Kerry is part of the same corrupt political machine and would not have been any wonderful "solution" to put everything right.
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from shikaka
Monday, November 08, 2004 - 12:40

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After reading this article, I felt a deep, deep sense of....

Absolutely nothing.

Big fucking deal, Bush won! Cmon people! Its not as if the US just re-elected Kim Jong Ill.

I have to say, though, it is amusing watching you bleeding-heart liberals shitting bricks.
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From moon beam
Monday, November 15, 2004, 09:15

I can't say that surprises me but hey its good to look ahead so that history dosn't always have to repeat itself, and we don't just suddenly wake up to find another Hitler/Thatcher etc.. on our hands.
Make it a long one Banal ;)
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From shikaka
Monday, November 15, 2004, 14:31

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Heil Georgeun w. Bushenmeister!(reply to this comment
From banal_commentator
Wednesday, November 10, 2004, 19:25

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You're gonna get a good hard spanking for that one kaka.(reply to this comment
from Haunted
Monday, November 08, 2004 - 06:33


I can't say I enjoyed reading this, basically I got angry all over again! LOL! But hey, it put into words the frustration many of us feel.

Anyways, I would like to know where you got it from, I'd like to forward it to a few people but want to cite the source. Thanks Moon Beam!
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From moon beam
Monday, November 08, 2004, 09:58

(Agree/Disagree?) (reply to this comment
from banal_commentator
Monday, November 08, 2004 - 06:13

Who is the author of this article? moon beam?
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from ChrisG
Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 17:09

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Check out this editorial cartoon:
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from clark
Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 15:22

On NPR today, Gerison Keeler said he was heading up a natioal campaign to take away the right to vote from born again Christians. I laughed out loud, I live in Alabama. I've never seen so many churches get invloved in politics. But some of us here voted for Kerry, a big waste of a vote, but anyway.
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from GoldenMic
Saturday, November 06, 2004 - 10:11

Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5Average visitor agreement is 3 out of 5(Agree/Disagree?)
Thank you for helping us naive and stupid Americans understand that we owed it to you to elect Senator Kerry. We are so unsophisticated and gullable. We just don't understand that the world community knows what is best for us, and that we owe it to them to make them happy. God forbid that we think we have elected an honorable and decent man, and thank goodness we are going to get what we deserve. How horrible its going to be, with an improving economy and some strength of character that allows us to fight terrorism and resist the self-serving, mewling, guilt-ridden thinking of the wise and successful Europeans and others; what oh what will become of us? If only we could see that Chamberlain was right to suck up to Hitler, and that compromise and "diplomacy" has resulted in so much world peace, and of course, to self-righteous condemnation of the most powerful nation on earth. Thanks.
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From GoldenMic
Saturday, November 06, 2004, 12:05

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Here's what one American (I guess that makes him a cowboy-idiot) said about the stupidity of the elections:

November 6, 2004 -- Former President Bill Clinton, in his first comments on President Bush's re-election, yesterday urged Democrats not to "whine" about the outcome, but to find a "clear national message."

Clinton also said that Democrat John Kerry was hurt by the surfacing of a tape from Osama bin Laden in the final days of the race. Reminded of terrorism by the bin Laden tape, voters decided they didn't want to "change horses" during a time of heightened concern over national security, Clinton said in a speech to the Urban Land Institute at the New York Hilton. Clinton said Hispanic voters tilted to Bush because of terrorism fears, as did suburban "soccer moms," who Clinton said turned into "the security moms of 2004."

He also said that while Democrats registered more new voters than Republicans, the Bush campaign did a better job of getting voters to the polls who were already registered but had not previously voted.

Clinton said it would be "a mistake for our party to sit around and . . . whine about this and that or the other thing." In his hourlong speech Clinton, who had open-heart surgery in September, gave Bush and the Republicans full credit for the election victory. "The Republicans had a clear message, a good messenger, great organization and great strategy," he said. (reply to this comment

from dave
Friday, November 05, 2004 - 22:03

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Senator Kerry losing the US presidential election was a punch to the gut for me. Not that I am a 'certified' Democrat (whatever that means). I have to say the writing was kinda 'on the wall'; I was disappointed that during the race, it seemed Mr. Kerry couldn't pull the gloves off and really put up a solid fight.

Before the election, my primary concern and reason for voting for Kerry was international, I hoped we could somehow return to the world stage and lead instead of bully. Now my greatest concern and fears have turned domestic.. that the 49+% of us US citizens who are 'liberal' will have the extreme religious Right crammed down our throats. I respect the majority vote and I'm trying to stay focused on the bright side: the stock market is up since Mr. Bush won the re-election; he favors big business... so since I work for a 'big business' perhaps I will remain employed and my job will not get out-sourced. Wall Street is excited, so anyone with any kinds of savings or investments has already made a bit of a profit. This is normal after an incumbent wins a re-election, from what I'm told. Still.

But I fear that now that our women will eventually be prevented from getting the abortions they want, need, and are entitled to, if that is what they chose. I fear that those that are gay and wish to marry will be denied the right. (In all fairness, since I live in the South I have to add that though the majority around here don't approve of gay marriages, they could hardly care less what people do.. though, that's not good enough). I fear the separation of church and state will be compromised. I fear our Supreme Court appointees will not be neutral and objective.

So, the majority wants less gun control, less environmental regulations; to teach our kids 'moral values' and the benefits of abstinence, fine. The majority want our foreign policies to achieve what are in our interests, not unlike many First World countries, fine. But please don't make us all toe the religious line. Don't expect us to give up our right to chose, marry who we wish and believe the way we want: in nothing.

With the assault on Fallujah already begun, I hope it's over soon so we can bring our brothers and sisters home soon. Finally we get to finish what we started. But I fear another Vietnam-like nightmare for us in Iraq, and yes for the Brits too. This will be no cakewalk. Even if we are successful in stomping out the rebellion in Fallujah, we risk a civil war by the people of the country who hate us and will hate us even more for what we are about to do and have already started in Fallujah. (Unless the rebels lay down their arms now, I don't see any quick resolution).

The bright side: Mr. Bush will feel somewhat satisfied at his accomplishments of the past four years, that he will relent a bit. That he will engage the Democrats and mend the wounds, and reach out to Europe and the rest of the world, not just Pakistan and the former Soviet Union with a century of human right abuses.. and that he will try to work together with others who don't share his point of view. Be tolerant and compassionate.

That downside: our reckless foreign policies lead down the path of WWIII.

No professional or academic opinion, just my own.
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From somebody
Friday, November 12, 2004, 16:24


I feel both candidates for the presidential elaction were not the best choices to chose from. I think what it came down to was, which one was in each person's best interest. The NRA didn't like Kerry, as he voted for every gun ban out there imaginable. Kerry also was for partial birth abortion. Which I'm not for abortion, but partail birth abortion, was not abortion it is infanticide & murder.

Also families who didn't agree with gay marriage voted for Bush, as he clearly was for protecting marriage as only between a man & a woman. The majority of Americans are for banning gay marriage. So in that effect Bush won because he knew who would vote for him.

Kerry on the other hand did not have a good senate record. His wife was rude in her comments to Mrs.Bush, saying that Mrs. Bush never had a job & that being a stay at home mom was not a job etc.. Plus Kerry kept flip flopping on many issues. So Bush has a lot of things that people don't like about him & is not an eloquent speaker & don't like that we are at war, but voted for Bush as Kerry did not do a good job in representing himself. (reply to this comment

From Banshee
Saturday, November 06, 2004, 08:10

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I'm afraid that this is exactly what Bush will NOT do. He will not relent. He has responded to his re-election in the way everyone who voted for Kerry was afraid he would: thumbing his nose and gloating, "See? I was right all along! America backs me!" He's being polite about it, but it's exactly what he means. He continues to reiterate in speeches, "now that I have the backing of America..." blah blah. He can't seem to understand that his win of 51% is not a "landslide" and that 48% of the country can't stand him! In a radio address today he said (again) that he was going to "work with both parties" and to "reach across the aisle," and then (again) launches into his political agenda as the solution for this "reconciliation" and "unity" of the nation. It's unbelieveable to me that he actually thinks this is going to be the solution, considering that the WHOLE REASON nearly HALF of America wants him out of office is BECAUSE of his political agenda! Regardless of what Bush supporters are trying to convince us of, Bush is not the man to unite this country. He is the worst possible person since he spent his entire election campaign refusing to acknowledge any mistakes in his politics or presidential term. He refused to admit that he made any mistakes! How can someone that refuses to say he possibly could have been wrong help make things right??!! Even though he won the majority vote, polls are still showing that the majority still are not in favour of the war in Iraq. And yet he has plans to "further democracy in the rest of the Middle East." Yes, we all know what that means. (reply to this comment
from smashingrrl
Thursday, November 04, 2004 - 23:38

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Well put.

I honestly hope it gets as bad as it can here. I want these imbeciles to see what they've done to this country they supposely love. I watched the election with some friends in a DC bar. Everytime another state went red, the entire bar would shout "Toronto". Good job all you Bush voters, you've elected Osama's recruitment poster dream. What Bush and the majority of this nation will never understand is that you can't hold a gun to a man's head who wishes to martyr himself. So let's all drink to the raping of our environment, low wages, unemployment, more wars while slashing vet's benifits, more money for oil buddies while our borders and ports lay open. But hey, at least two dudes won't kiss in front of your precious children.
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From Republocrat
Monday, November 08, 2004, 08:11

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No War For Cocoa!!!! Get France out of the Ivory Coast! (reply to this comment

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