from Gothsmack - Thursday, April 28, 2005 accessed 1562 times Ever since I have left the Family I knew I had suffered from a severe "educational deficiency". As we all know, education in general was kept to a minimum in the early days of the family, and only in recent times has become mandatory to provide children with a basic high school education. While a child I was provided with education. It was minimal but nevertheless something. Still, my greatest source of input came from "worldly books". I'll never forget the endless corrections exhorting me to "put away carnal knowledge". Bergs personal opinion (although it changed several times) was, "if its not the bible, then I don't want to hear about it. Letters like "the word the word the word" reiterated his skewed mentality. Recently I had decided to join the military. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that my CLE (Christian Light Education) highschool diploma was practically worthless since it wasn't accredited. I already knew that the numerous CVC certificates I aquired were about as useful as toilet paper, but I never imagined that I would be rejected from the Army for the inability to provide a documented, certified record of my education. When it gets to the point that the Army rejects your educational records, you realise that it couldn't get lower than that. Lets not talk about joining a high level company, lets not even talk about a mid-sized corporation, lets talk ARMY. The "company" with the highest demand for manpower, and I couldn't get in. I mean, gee...I can't even be cannon fodder with my current education. Undeterred I took my ASVAB and scored an 82, the Army still wouldn't accept me due to "regulations", but the Navy didn't seem to care less and are giving me a waiver. I guess being able to speak 3 languages provides minor compensation for my lack of formal education. I can only hope that this experience will make my parents provide my younger siblings with an proper education, and prepare them for whatever they may choose to do with their lives. |